Saturday, 30 November 2019

15 Best Have A Safe Flight Wishes

Have A Safe Flight I share your excitement for your upcoming flight, but I do wish that you will have a safe flight ahead anyhow, my dear. Let me know…

The post 15 Best Have A Safe Flight Wishes appeared first on Events Greetings.

Will My Ex Come Back? 14 Positive Signs They Regret Leaving You

You and your ex broke up, but you’re hungry for them to return. We’ve all been there. But how can you know the answer to, will my ex come back or not?

Haven’t we all wondered, will my ex come back? I know I have. Though I broke up with an ex, it took me years to move on. I was constantly in a debate with myself—wondering whether or not I made the right decision. Of course, we would go back and forth, breaking up one day and getting back together the next.

In the moments where I was alone, I constantly worried about whether or not my ex would come back to me. In hindsight, I was in a destructive relationship of game playing, but that’s not necessarily the case with you.

You may have broken up with your partner or taken a break and realized that your relationship is something worth fighting for. [Read: The subtle signs your ex is missing you]

Will my ex come back?

If that’s the case, naturally, you want your ex to come back to you. Perhaps you think too much time has passed or that they’ve moved on. But, listen, if you want to give the relationship another try, it’s never too late.

If you’re wondering, will my ex come back, you don’t want to live with the big “what if” question and regret not giving the relationship another shot.

Now, if your partner is abusive, then you should move on and definitely not try to get back with your ex. But if the breakup was based on something else: not enough alone time, needing to find yourself, etc., then why not give it another try?

Who knows what will happen? And if you end up breaking up again, at least there’s no regret. You can get back together with your ex… if you want.

#1 You feel it. I know you probably think I’m a hippie, but listen, your intuition isn’t lying. If you feel they want to get back together with you, you’re probably right. Your gut can tell you what’s going on; all you need to do is listen. We’re usually able to feel people who are close to you, and this includes your ex. [Read:When your ex wants you back – Is it what you want and need?]

#2 They stay in contact with you. When we’re over a relationship, we cut all ties. This is the only way we can move on and heal from the breakup. But if your ex is still keeping contact with you, they’re trying to see if they have another chance. There’s no other explanation unless they want to torture you.

#3 Your ex wants to spend time with you. Come on, if this happens, you know what’s going on. Of course, unless they just want to have sex. If that’s the case, they don’t want you back; they want sex – big difference. But if they want to hang out, watch movies, go for walks, or grab dinner, they’re not looking for just a bang. They want you back. [Read: Why slow and steady is the key when getting back with an ex]

#4 They’re nostalgic. When you bump into them, they talk about the good times they shared with you, almost as if they miss those moments. And that’s because they do; they miss you. The memories they have of you are positive, and now they’re figuring out whether breaking up with you was a good idea in the first place.

#5 They ask about you. You don’t ask about people unless you care about them. If they’re asking your friends about you, they want to know what’s happening in your life. Of course, they’ll try not to be too obvious, but asking about you already blew their cover. 

#6 They ask if you’re seeing anyone. Well, you know they wouldn’t be asking you this if they didn’t care. But they’re asking you because they want to know what’s going on. If you’re single, they’ll make a move. If you’re in a relationship, they’ll probably poke and see how long the relationship has been going on; wagering their odds of getting you back. [Read: 15 reasons why your ex still texts you and stays in touch]

#7 The breakup wasn’t concrete. You decided to go on a “break,” but there was nothing concrete about your breakup. In fact, you didn’t even break up, there was just a long pause. If there was no closure, there’s always a chance for things to start up again.

#8 They tell you that they’ve changed. There may have been some issues you couldn’t work out because you both weren’t able to handle them. But, time apart has given you the opportunity to grow as people. Your ex has noticed this positive change, and now you two are more mature to enter the relationship again.

#9 You both didn’t want to break up. Maybe school was too much, or work was taking over your life. And though you didn’t want to break up, you didn’t see any other option. If you both didn’t want it, but did so out of an external force, then the love you share is still there. That’s the love you can’t forget. [Read: How to get back with an ex and still protect your heart]

#10 They see you’ve changed. When you broke up, it’s possible you weren’t in the best of places. But with some much-needed space apart, they see how much you’ve grown and changed. They see the breakup helped you grow as a person, and now they’re ready to give it another shot.

#11 It feels natural to be together. Whenever you see each other, it just feels right. You can’t explain why, but next to your ex, everything feels secure and comforting. Your ex also feels the same way and doesn’t hesitate to tell you. If you feel “right” being together, your ex will come back.

#12 You’re both single. Well, this is a pretty important factor. Most people won’t try to get back with their ex if they’re in a relationship. But if you are both single, there’s a high chance they’ll try to weasel their way back to you. This is the moment where everything is laid out nice and neat. They don’t need to fight your partner or sneak around and send you DMs.

#13 You were together for a long time. Long term relationships always have a high chance of patching things up and reuniting. You were together for a long time, so it’s natural to want to get back together with someone who knows you like the back of their hand. [Read: The subtle signs your ex is trying to win you back]

#14 They’re getting close with your family again. Ah yes, this is a pretty subtle sign your ex will come back to you. If they’re trying to get close to your family again, it’s not because they love hanging out with your parents. They’re trying to reconnect with the people who are the closest to you in an effort to get you back.

[Read: 16 signs your ex wants you back and can’t stop thinking of you]

Do you have an answer to, will my ex come back? You now have all the signs you could possibly want. After reading the signs, what do you think? 

The post Will My Ex Come Back? 14 Positive Signs They Regret Leaving You is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

Asking Cute Girls: "Can Men and Women Be Just Friends?" (Video)

Today we hit the streets of Bucharest and find out from some cute Romanian girls whether men and women can be just friends.

Check it out!

Narcissistic Rage and How to Handle the Narcissist in Your Life

Witnessing someone you care about flying into a rage is terrifying. Dealing with narcissistic rage means a decision. Do you want this in your life? 

How do you deal with someone who becomes raging angry for no specific reason, other than the fact that you’ve dented their ego a little? Welcome to the world of narcissism, and narcissistic rage in particular.

Everyone gets angry from time to time. When we’re angry, we often say things we don’t mean. We might wave our arms around, and we may even do something ill-advised and stupid. While hurting someone in a fit of anger is never acceptable, being angry is a normal human emotion.

Most of us understand anger and deal with it as an emotion in a normal way, most of the time. Sometimes anger bubbles up, but we know how to get over it. It usually bubbles up and subsides pretty quickly. While not ideal, it is quite normal. It is different than the narcissistic rage. [Read: Watch out for these 15 types of toxic relationships]

Why would anyone want to be around a narcissist?

Ah, the million dollar question!

I talk about narcissism a lot. I’ve experienced it in a relationship myself and seen many friends deal with it too. But I also find the subject fascinating. One question which comes back to me time and time again is—are narcissists actually just bad people? And, why would you want to be around one in the first place?

The majority of people who ask these questions have never met a real-life narcissist, because when you’ve fallen under the spell of one, you can’t see anything but their good side. Even their faults are twisted in your mind *thanks to them* to be made into your own illusions.

[Read: How to spot a narcissist immediately and save yourself a world of pain]

Narcissists aren’t born bad people. They don’t even develop into bad people. They are actually suffering from a personality disorder, which causes them to have a distinct lack of empathy. As a result, they need a huge amount of attention and praise to function.

Once you shake yourself out of their spell, get away from the fake self they’ve created to make you think they’re the epitome of charming, you wonder how you could ever have seen them a different way. It’s hard to explain, put it that way.

What is narcissistic rage?

A narcissist thrives on attention and praise, and the reason they do is because it boosts their self-confidence. Deep down, and in some cases very deep down, narcissists are extremely lacking in confidence. They need you and everyone around them to tell them how wonderful they are in order to feel better. The contradiction? They actually believe they’re the best of the best most of the time.

[Read: How to set boundaries with a narcissist and weaken their hold over you]

Confused? You will be!

Like I mentioned, everyone becomes angry from time to time, and we say things we don’t mean. Most of us understand what we did wrong and apologize afterwards, usually groveling to earn forgiveness. We don’t mind doing this, because we accept that we were wrong. However, a narcissist never believes themselves to be wrong, so they’re never going to grovel.

A fit of anger from a narcissist, referred to as narcissistic rage, can be short-lived but extremely intense and can occur in one of two ways:

– Screaming, shouting, yelling and name calling, maybe even throwing things

– Silence and extreme passive-aggressive behavior

Whichever tactic the narcissist goes for, it has the same aim: to cause the person who they deem to have slighted them to apologize and grovel, and then tell them that they were wrong and they’re actually wonderful after all. [Read: Silent treatment abuse and how to take the control back from them]

See, there is groveling, but it’s the wrong person doing it!

Narcissists are masters of the ‘attack is the best form of defense” mind-set.

Why narcissistic rage happens in the first place?

There are three main reasons why a narcissistic might be thrown into a fit of rage, either a loud fit or a very silent one:

– Someone has dented their ego and hurt their self-esteem

– Someone has tried to challenge the way they feel or their confidence

– Someone has questioned them in some way

Remember, narcissists live in a self-created world of grandeur, but they don’t have any evidence to back any of it up. So, when someone challenges their fake personality, they don’t have words to reply in a sensical way. Instead, they lash out and attack to detract attention. [Read: Why do narcissists ignore texts and do the selfish things they do?]

When you experience a bout of narcissistic rage, the single best way to deal with it is to walk away. Do not give them a reaction, and do not apologize if you have done nothing wrong. Do not ask them what’s wrong, and do not tell them to calm down, do nothing. Just walk away.

Yes, it might make their anger worse, but it will be short-lived. By removing yourself, you gain your own power. The reason I say “gain” is because when you’re in any type of union with a narcissist you don’t have any power, you’ve lost it. The only way to get it back is to play them at their own game, because in the end, it is all a game. [Read: 14 ways to beat a narcissist and win over their manipulation]

There is no real love in a relationship with a narcissist. You might love them, but you love a fake person. The person they’ve built themselves into isn’t actually real. In return, they’re actually incapable of regular love because they aren’t able to feel empathy like a person who doesn’t have NPD.

So, when you break it down, as painful as it is to hear, it’s not a real relationship, is it? [Read: How to get out of a toxic relationship with your dignity intact]

I don’t mean to be blunt …

I feel the need to explain my blunt words in that last section. I do not wish to hurt you or cause you to feel defensive about your relationship. The fact you’re reading an article about narcissistic rage tells me that you’re dealing with it in reality. Do you really want to be on the receiving end of manipulation and passive-aggressive tactics every time you dare to say something which your partner might not like?

Aren’t relationships about truthfulness and being free to speak and have your opinions and views respected? Aren’t they about mutual love and respect?

None of that can be real in a relationship with a narcissist. The solid reason why is the narcissist’s lack of empathy. You cannot feel love if you cannot feel empathy. If you’re not able to put yourself in the shoes of someone else and understand how they might be feeling when you say or do something, how can you love them? [Read: A narcissist and an empath – And why they’re a match made in dating hell]

Nobody deserves a relationship like this. While you might not think you can change them, but you might think you can save them *trust me, I thought that*. The harsh truth? You can’t. The only person who can “save” a narcissist is themselves. They’re unlikely to do anything about it or seek help because to receive help, they first need to admit they have a problem.

Only rarely will you hear a narcissist admit they have done something wrong or there is something wrong with them. For this reason, most narcissists never access the personality disorder treatment which is open to them.

It’s sad, isn’t it?

[Read: The unexpected dangers of uncertainty in a relationship]

Narcissistic rage can be terrifyingly loud, or it can be as silent as the grave. The single best way to deal with a situation like this is to get up, walk out, and do not react under any circumstances.

The post Narcissistic Rage and How to Handle the Narcissist in Your Life is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

What to Do In Field When Not Talking to Girls

what to do when not talking to girls
When you go out to pick up women, you won’t always be talking to girls. These tips will help you avoid looking lame when you’re alone between sets.

When you head out to pick up women, you will realize that you usually spend a lot of time alone, not talking to women. It saddens me to say it, but it's true; talking to girls is more fun than being alone or talking to your buddy (at least when you're out trying to get laid).

There are times when you will not be interacting with women. Does that mean you are doing a bad job? Not necessarily. Some nights you will always be in a set because you will feel energized, on fire, and talkative. Other nights, not so much. Every night is different.

Today let’s look at an important but under-discussed subject: what to do when you are out but not in a set or talking to a girl.

Learning what to do when not talking to women is actually pretty important because it's easy to look lame hanging out in a club all by yourself.

This article is suited for night gamers of all skill levels.

If you like to go out solo, this article is especially for you. And if you go out with a wingman, you can still apply these concepts, even though you can always chill and chat with him without looking bad. Just make sure you and your wingman follow these rules:

  • Face the crowd to see potential approach invitations

  • Don’t appear completely sealed off. Don’t face each other 100%; make sure you also face the crowd and position yourself so you are open to meeting people

  • It must look like your bro is the coolest guy you are talking to ever (and vice versa) and that you are having a good time

With that said, let's get to it.

Friday, 29 November 2019

How to Pinpoint the Reasons When a Woman Loses Interest in a Man

You’re really into her, but something has faded. Was it something you said? Was it something you did? Let’s find out when a woman loses interest in a man.

Listen, it’s important I clear things up – this article isn’t a man-bashing article. That’s not what I’m trying to do here. And if you wonder when a woman loses interest in a man – YOU – there’s a high chance it has nothing to do with you.

Sure, she may not like some characteristics you have, for example, but that’s not a reflection of you. Everyone has different preferences when it comes to the person they see themselves being with. Is it fair? No. Is their ideal person necessarily someone they should be with? No.

But, at the same time, you can’t force someone to like you; it’s something they must do on their own. I mean, you can manipulate someone into liking you, but that never lasts.

Manipulation is a big dating problems. You like someone, and you want them to like you back, so you alter your personality or fabricate information to get them more interested in you. But the thing is, you can only hide your true colors for so long. Eventually, the real you will be exposed, and it may not be someone they see themselves with. [Read: Are you losing yourself to impress the woman you like?]

When a woman loses interest in a man

If you notice a couple of these signs in the person you’re dating, it’s clear they’re losing interest. But instead of trying to keep them around, it’s best you end the relationship. Be with someone who’s really into you and the person you are.

It’s time to learn the truth about when a woman loses interest in a man.

#1 You’re not the one. For both men and women, we envision the future and whether the person we’re dating would fit into it. Is this someone you can see yourself being with for the long-term or not? If a woman is struggling to picture you as her long-term partner, then she may back off and her interest in you will fade. [Read: How to handle rejection without making a fool out of yourself]

#2 There’s no click. You know what I’m talking about the click. The click is hard to describe, but have you ever been on a date where you just get each other? Everything you say, everything she says, it fits perfectly, and you feel comfortable. If you don’t have the click, then there’s a high chance she doesn’t see you as her partner. [Read: How to tell if there’s serious chemistry between two people]

#3 You have different values. Dating is all about seeing whether or not this person is someone you could share your future with. Do they want the same things as you? Are their values similar to yours? If she doesn’t see you sharing the same values, for example, having children, then she’s going to look elsewhere for someone who wants and believes in the same things. [Read: How to ask someone if they like you without embarrassing yourself]

#4 It’s moving too fast. Last week you went on your first date, and this week, you want her to meet your parents. Slow down there, partner! Sometimes relationships can start very quickly, but that means they can also fade out just as fast. So, she’s pulling the reins and slowing things down for you.

#5 She doesn’t know what you want. Have you been completely honest with what you’re looking for in a relationship? If she’s not certain about where you stand, then she may step back. Of course, this could be easily solved if she asked you or you told her what you want. If you think this is the problem, think about what you want and have a conversation with her. 

#6 She’s not into your lifestyle. This doesn’t mean you should go and change, that’s not the point! If you’re someone who likes to watch football on Sunday with the guys, you shouldn’t give that up because she doesn’t like it. If she’s not appreciative of your lifestyle, she’s going to lose interest. And honestly, that’s for the best. You want a partner who’s supportive of your hobbies and interests.

 #7 She’s met someone else. Ah, yes, this is pretty common with both men and women. You may have had a great date, and spent hours texting and talking on the phone, but then, radio silence. Listen, it’s not you. If she goes radio silent, there’s a high chance she’s met someone else or is talking to her ex. I know, it’s shitty. [Read: 14 subtle signs your girlfriend is not over her ex]

#8 She’s not sure about you. If she isn’t sure about you, then it’s a pretty good sign you aren’t meant to be. When you meet someone you’re interested in, you know what you want. But if she’s unsure, then she’s going to lose interest in you pretty quickly. Because uncertainty is an answer… she’s just not that into you.

#9 You don’t sexually connect. You’ve had sex, but it wasn’t anything to write home about. If the sexual connection isn’t there, she’s probably having second thoughts. This doesn’t mean you’re not performing well. Everyone has different sexual preferences; you can’t please everyone, and that’s okay.

#10 She spots red flags. Maybe you remind her of her ex. That doesn’t mean you’re a bad person, but her relationship didn’t end well. Now she sees those personality traits and red flags. Past relationship trauma can greatly affect someone’s future relationship choices. It’s something you can’t control. [Read: 22 early warning signs of a bad boyfriend girls keep an eye on]

#11 You were a rebound. She broke up with her ex a while ago, and you were the first guy she dated after. She wasn’t looking for anything serious, and for her, you were a rebound. There was nothing more she wanted from the relationship, except sex with someone she’s attracted to.

This happens to both men and women, and unless they’re upfront about their intentions, it isn’t nice. [Read: The 14 telling signs you’re her rebound guy]

#12 The spark has fizzled. I don’t know how long you have been together, but the daily routine can easily kill the spark. Habitual routines are known as a romance killer. But this doesn’t mean the relationship is over. Throw in a spontaneous date here and there to bring back the spice.

[Read: Here’s how to make a relationship last]

Listen, it’s not you, it’s her. Though it may be cliche, it’s the truth. It’s her feelings that are your answer to when a woman loses interest in a man. If her feelings fade, let them and move on.

The post How to Pinpoint the Reasons When a Woman Loses Interest in a Man is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

How to Take a Relationship Slow But Not So Slow that It Ends

All relationships grow and progress at a different pace, and learning how to take a relationship slow could be exactly what you need.

For some reason, we all feel this need to rush things. We need our Amazon orders to come in an hour. We need traffic to be nonexistent. And we need our first date to turn into a relationship overnight. We could all learn how to take a relationship slow.

Because when something is done quickly, it may not be done right. When you rush into a relationship, you may bypass important milestones that help you grow together maturely.

Whether you feel your relationship is moving too quickly or you want to know how to take a relationship slow from the start, it will pay off. [Read: How to fall in love slowly like you’re in a fairy tale]

How to take a relationship slow from day one

Whether you’re going on a first date or have been seeing someone casually, taking things slow doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, it is quite the opposite.

If you know you want to take things slow from the start, be up front about your intentions. Talk about what you are looking for early on so that you are both on the same page.

If the person you’re seeing wants to be living together in six months and you don’t even want to be Facebook official for a year, it probably won’t work out. Talk about how you see the relationship progressing and what you feel comfortable with. [Read: 12 relationship expectations that count in a healthy love life]

Do you want to move slowly in terms of commitment and exclusivity? Do you want to move slowly physically? Or one or the other or both?

Talking about what you want and the pace you feel good at is what will start things out right. Then, when you do feel you can take another step forward by meeting their friends, staying at their place, or even doing more than kissing, you can talk about that.

Moving slowly is all about how you both feel most comfortable. It is about you checking in and being on the same page so that no one feels rushed or pressured. And keeping communication at the forefront of the relationship maintains that moving forward. [Read: Communication techniques that will finally get them to open up to you]

How slow do you want to take the relationship?

Whether it is a new relationship or an existing one, figure out how you want to slow down a relationship. Do you need to turn back the clock and make things casual again?

Do you want to remain monogamous? Or do you want to spend less time together or take more time for yourself? Do you feel trapped and need some more independence?

Is it time to show your partner how you feel? Do you want the relationship to progress ever?

Are you expecting too much? You can ask your partner to slow things down until you catch up, but if you aren’t sure you ever want something more serious, you can’t expect them just to wait and see.

You need to be able to answer these questions so your partner can understand where you’re coming from. [Read: The clear signs you’re not ready for a serious relationship]

How to take a relationship slow

It is one thing to start a new relationship slow and let it progress at a steady pace, but slowing down a relationship that has already progressed more than you would have liked can be hard.

Your partner is likely used to how things are, and changing things is not always a smooth or easy adjustment. But it is not impossible. Slowing down an already formed relationship takes more patience, respect, and understanding, but if both of you want the other to feel comfortable it can be done and done well.

First of all, figure out how you feel and why you feel it. Think about why you want to slow things down because your partner will want to know. You can’t sugarcoat it or make something up. Honesty really is the best policy. [Read: How to pull back in a relationship when it’s moving too fast]

Getting your thoughts formed before talking to your partner is best so that your conversation remains calm, and you don’t get too worked up explaining why you need to take the relationship slow.

Once you do this, sit your partner down and let them know. Make sure they know how you feel about them and that wanting to slow things down is about making you comfortable and respecting what you need.

Let them know what it is you need to change. Will you see each other less? Will your physical relationship change? Are you just feeling overwhelmed and need some more “me time”? Let them know this will only make your feelings for them stronger because they are respecting your wishes. [Read: How to give space in a relationship and not drift apart]

How to take a relationship slow but not too slow

Now that you know how to initially take a relationship slow, you may want to make sure you don’t slow things down too much.

Communication is key when it comes to slowing things down and being sure you are both comfortable. But, taking a relationship too slow can do more harm than good.

For instance, if you live with your partner but want to slow things down, moving out could cause a lot of tension. That isn’t really slowing things down but reversing them. You can’t go back in time, you can just move more slowly from here on out. So, do not try to unwind what your relationship is now. If you have met your partner’s family and friends, you can’t take that back.

But you can step back from participating in so many family functions if that is something you find overwhelming. If your partner gave you a key to their apartment and you accepted you could give it back, but even with communication and honesty they could take it personally.

Instead, maybe let them know you’ll hold on to it for emergencies but will still call before you come over until you feel comfortable using it.

Taking a relationship slow is great, but you have to actually progress once in a while. If not, you’re just standing still and that can cause a rut of unhappiness between you and your partner. Be sure to check in every now and then to make sure you and your partner feel the same about where you are. [Read: How to get over trust issues in your romance]

Can you take a relationship slow when your partner doesn’t want to?

Everyone moves at their own pace. If you and your partner don’t match, talking about it can help you meet in the middle. But, for those that can’t budge, no amount of slowing things down will fix it.

It isn’t always fair of us to ask our partners for something like rearranging the relationship, and when you decide that is what you need you have to accept the risk that they won’t be able to meet that hope.

If someone you’re with cannot accept what you need from them and isn’t willing to slow things down for you, then stopping things altogether may be what is needed. Them not being able to respect what you need may be the sign to make up your mind once and for all.

[Read: 25 relationship rules for successful love]

Sometimes learning how to take a relationship slow is the perfect answer to your hesitancy, anxiety, or fear. But, sometimes the relationship just cannot be balanced out.

The post How to Take a Relationship Slow But Not So Slow that It Ends is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

For You to Get Her, She Has to Think "I Want This"

make her want you
The goal of seduction is to make a girl think “I want this” with you. With a bit of knowledge and skill, you can choose what ‘this’ is and lead her toward it.

Women and men want to meet at least ONE person in their lives they're attracted to and find chemistry with, if not more. Of course, that extends beyond just one suitor and one lead.

Women are bombarded left, right, and center with requests from men in person, at bars, at their workplace, and increasingly online. Competition is fierce, and it’s common for women to have partner counts now in the double digits.

Despite having a dizzying array of choices, for sex to happen, it’s critical for a woman to get beyond just entertaining the idea of getting with a man and actually make the decision (consciously or subconsciously) to do so.

At the decision point, she's thinking: “I want THIS with this man.”

But “THIS” could mean any number of things, including:

  • A date
  • A one-night stand
  • A friend with benefits
  • A relationship
  • Some social value or a connection that could be meaningful

However, until she consciously chooses what "this" is, a guy can only try to lead her toward what he desires with her. We can’t force any girl to do anything against her will, but we CAN influence her to make choices that align with our goals, as long as she feels that those choices align with her goals. For example, if a guy wants a girl to be a friend with benefits, he does his best to frame himself as the kind of guy she'd want as a friend with benefits. He must show her that being with him in that capacity is something she consciously wants.

The key word here is “consciously.” If a girl wants you unconsciously, but she isn’t sure consciously, then have a look at our recent article series on Female State Control to see how this conflict can sabotage moving forward with a woman. If her unconscious and conscious minds are in sync with her desire, there’s nothing stopping both of you from getting together.

So, to separate yourself as the guy who gets her among the hundreds of guys chasing her without any luck, you must learn to make her feel that sense of “I want this” with you.

Thursday, 28 November 2019

How to Change a Girl's Negative Perceptions of You

fix bad first impression
If a girl screens you out before getting to know you, don’t take it personally. It’s not that difficult to change a girl’s perception of you and turn things around.

Have you ever felt like a woman has judged you from one look and came to a conclusion that puts you out of the running forever? Well, it is no illusion. Women do screen men out like this, and if you go in blindly, your chances of turning things around are not very high.

There is a reliable way to turn your image around with a girl, however. What I'll share in this post can help you confidently get back on track.

First, let’s go through why girls get negative images of you so you don't take it personally or hold it against women. When I first started picking up girls, they screened me out, thinking that I was unmanly, weak-willed, naïve, boring, and lame. Of course, I felt shocked that I was labeled this way and thought these girls were wrong.

It's important that we understand the reason women often screen so harshly: they despise men who promise results LATER.

Anyone can promise they'll be worthwhile to a girl at some later point, after some rapport is built or whatever. If a woman gives in to this reasoning, your true character and intentions will remain hidden until the time you reveal them. She risks being played and getting emotionally hurt. No girl is so weak that she will let anybody hurt her just because he says he won’t, and needs some help to get started. Women screen to see your agenda NOW. They want to know if you can DELIVER on command or not.

If you are unwilling to show your agenda or character in the now, it’s because you are ashamed of it. If you are not able to deliver on command, you have no business making them.

So, from a woman’s point of view, this is the most basic screening behavior. She assures herself that men GIVE her a benefit now and that they REVEAL how they feel about themselves and their actions. It lets her deal only with men she knows have something to offer.

Now, you can rage against the mating-game here and say it's unfair, but look at how trivial of a test this is. It does not determine much about you; it is actually very open (unless you failed to pass it). Her image of you can also be changed if you know how. So it is like raging at a parking meter. There are bigger issues to worry about — issues that are actually in your control.

A bit of understanding can go a long way. As with many things, the first step is to accept reality, then develop a game plan to adapt and conquer.

Here's my experience and advice for managing your image with girls in the long term.

Hanukkah Wishes : Happy Hanukkah Messages & Quotes

Hanukkah Wishes : Hanukkah is right at the corner! Candles rekindled; Faith renewed; Tradition preserved. Hanukkah is a traditional Jewish... More

The post Hanukkah Wishes : Happy Hanukkah Messages & Quotes appeared first on WishesMsg.

Wednesday, 27 November 2019

How to Flirt on Snapchat: The Basic Rules Everyone Must Know

Tired of Facebook? Bored of Instagram? Learn how to flirt on Snapchat successfully. If you’re not a fan of Snapchat or never used it, give it a go.

If you thought Snapchat was purely a place to morph yourself into a dog, complete with panting tongue, or somewhere to magically conjure up stars sparkling around your head, you’re wrong. Snapchat is actually far more useful than you might first think. While it does have its fair share of cute *sometimes annoying* filters, that’s not all it’s good for. So, let’s learn how to flirt on Snapchat!

Let’s face it, Facebook isn’t what it used to be. Instagram is packed with too many influencers or your friend’s lunch. If you want a platform for flirting with a difference, somewhere you can be unique and show off your quirky side, Snapchat is the ideal place to go. [Read: How to master your Snapchat flirting game]

Isn’t Snapchat just for 13-year-olds?

No! Snapchat is fun for all ages. Okay, taking a snap with a pair of dog ears or a fluffy rabbit nose might seem childlike. Come on, it’s fun!

Some of the filters available on Snapchat are also extremely powerful when it comes to ironing out imperfections. I recently found one which made me look like I didn’t need manual contouring. It became my favorite go-to until it disappeared *I’m still not over it*.

The point is, Snapchat might not be as popular as some of the other social media giants out there, but it gives you the opportunity to show your personality in a way which many other platforms don’t.

The problem? Not everyone is on Snapchat… But, if your crush is, it’s a great option to try! [Read: How to get someone to like you immediately]

How to flirt on Snapchat – The dos and don’ts

Snapchat is the same as any other type of platform and flirting is the same as in real life. There are dos and don’ts you need to abide by if you don’t want to accidentally jump on the wrong side of social etiquette and freak the life out of your crush.

First things first, ascertain that your crush does indeed have a Snapchat account and make contact with them. Once you’re linked up, you’re good to go. It’s never a good idea to randomly try and connect with someone you don’t know. It looks weird, so make sure that you’ve at least had some kind of in-person social interaction beforehand!

Once you’re in there, pay attention to the dos and don’ts below.

DO take a great selfie to send, but avoid over the top filters. Okay, those filters are fun and they show off your personality. At this point, unless you want to come across as childish and, in some cases, a little deranged, it’s best to find a filter which simply gives you good lighting.

Stick to a natural pose which shows you for the gorgeous being you are. Save the fun filters for later, when you’ve actually started some kind of rapport. [Read: How to look cute in every selfie you take]

DON’T send the same photos to your stories later on. If you’ve sent someone a selfie and you’re hoping for a response, they’re not going to feel special if you suddenly start posting the same photo to your stories a few hours later. Keep it between the two of you!

DO be direct. Send that photo to them directly, and, as mentioned above, keep it private. It’s no good posting endless photos and hoping they’ll notice. Sometimes you should get straight to the point and quit with the time wasting and messing around! [Read: Sweet and sexy snapchat selfie ideas to heat up your relationship]

DON’T send unwanted naked pics. Nobody wants a dick pic or a boob shot over breakfast, so unless specifically requested and you’re okay with doing it, keep the photos of your face only or the scenery you’re passing by which you want to share!

Doing this is also a quick way to put someone right off you, especially if you’ve only been speaking for a short while and haven’t really got to that point in your flirtation.

DO slide into their DMs. Photos will get you so far, but then you need to actually put words into action! It’s no good having a future relationship based purely on sending photos back and forth, so a few photos before a DM slide is a good idea. Don’t do it too soon, however. Gauge the reaction first of all.

DON’T be afraid to video call or voice call as things progress. Some people are terrified at the idea of actually calling someone, but how can you expect things to progress in the future if you can’t speak face to face? Be brave! When your DMs start to flow quickly and easily, progress onto a voice call or even a video call. The more you do it, the more comfortable you’ll be. You know what the next step is? A meet up!

DO show your personality once you’ve made a connection. Once you start chatting and you’re bantering back and forth, it’s perfectly fine to throw in those funny filters and send randomly funny photos to your crush. When it comes to knowing how to flirt on Snapchat, remember to make sure you don’t cross the line of what is funny or socially acceptable, of course, but if you see something while you’re out and about and you think they’ll find it funny, snap it and send it!

DON’T overdo it. Once you start a connection, you might be tempted to bombard them with messages and snaps. Hold back just a little. Remember, while learning how to flirt on Snapchat, less is more! There’s no reason to play games. If you send the right number of messages per day, it’s likely that they’ll look forward to them. As a result, you’ll get surprise messages back. [Read: Fun and flirty questions to ask someone to get to know them better]

Is flirting easier these days thanks to social media?

Without a doubt, social media has made flirting a million times easier than doing it in person. It’s far easier to simply go for it when you can hide behind a mobile device or a laptop. Let’s be honest, it has taken some of the shine away from flirting.

While approaching someone and talking to them might be terrifying, when it works out, it’s such a rush! When you’re sending messages, it’s also very easy to misunderstand or read something in the wrong way. It could mean that a flirtation is over before it even begins. In that case, it’s easy to make a mistake.

Provided you gauge it right, you don’t bombard your crush with messages and photos, and you allow your personality to shine through, social media flirting can be the ideal way to get over that initial awkwardness and the terrifying prospect of actually approaching someone in person. After, get to know each other and fast track to the point where you feel comfortable actually meeting and heading out on a real life date. [Read: Texting before the first date – The first steps you need to remember]

Snapchat has moved on from its humble beginnings. Now it offers many other features which help it to rival some other social media platforms. Sure, it’s never going to be Facebook or Instagram in terms of users, but it’s an app  ideal for fun communication. If you can find that perfect filter, it’s also a great way to give your selfies a little something extra!

[Read: How to start a conversation on Snapchat and subtly flirt your way in]

Learning how to flirt on Snapchat isn’t actually that difficult. It’s really a case of holding back and not going too far, too soon.

The post How to Flirt on Snapchat: The Basic Rules Everyone Must Know is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

Use These 12 Habits for Texting in the Early Stages of Dating

Texting in the early stages of dating isn’t easy, especially when you don’t want to screw anything up. Here are 12 texting habits you should have.

Are you caught up in the early romance of dating? It can feel uncertain, wondering if they really like you or not. Luckily, you have all the information you need to help you develop healthy habits for texting in the early stages of dating.

The early stage is pretty sensitive because you aren’t a couple yet. Naturally, I know you want this person to like you back and want to be with you, so there are a couple of things you should do to make sure you play it cool and have them come to you.

It’s easy to get caught up in feelings and excitement. Follow these tips, and you’ll be able to text the person you’re dating with ease. [Read: How to start a conversation over text and get them texting back]

Texting in the early stages of dating: 12 texting habits to have

When I was growing up, texting wasn’t even a thing. In fact, you had to pay per text message! I remember texting for my first time, and thinking, “this is never going to become a thing.” I was so wrong. Within a year or two, I found myself texting like crazy and driving my dad’s phone bill through the roof.

It wasn’t until much later I was texting with guys I liked. And let me tell you, there wasn’t any rule book to teach you how to text someone you liked. I would write essay-length messages, ask question after question. Yeah, I know what you’re thinking. I was so annoying. But that’s not the point! [Read: The early stages of dating and how to navigate the dos and don’ts]

Who said texting someone you like was easy?

#1 Take a deep breath. Yes, you like this person, and you’re all excited, but chill. Take a couple of deep breaths, and take it easy. If you work yourself up, it’ll get you overthinking everything you say. The person you’re dating should never be up on a pedestal. They’re human, and if they don’t like you, that’s okay. There’s someone out there who will. [Read: How to be better at dating and enjoy every step along the way]

#2 Don’t text obsessively. I know talking to them all day long is fun and exciting, but you also have a life outside of your phone, right? Being overly available isn’t a good look. Why? Because it’s waving the “I’m codependent” flag. Do you have anything else going on besides texting them all day long? I know you do, and they need to see that.

#3 Texting shouldn’t replace face-to-face contact. You’re in the early stages of dating; this is the time where you should spend more time with them in person than over text. You need to see the person they really are, not the one they’re showing via text or social media.

Texting can be used to talk about everyday things, but it should mainly be used to arrange in-person dates. [Read: What to say on a first date to keep it light, easy and flirtatious]

#4 Don’t question your messages. When we like someone, we want them to think we’re funny, smart, and all the other good qualities people have. And when you’re texting someone, you want them to see these qualities.

But that doesn’t mean you should be second-guessing every message you’re sending them, making sure it doesn’t offend them, or turns them off. Don’t question what you write, just make sure it’s honest.

#5 You both need to initiate conversation. If you’re the only one who’s doing all the texting, that’s not a great sign. I think we’re all guilty of being that person, and that never ends up well. In a healthy texting relationship, you’re both comfortable enough to initiate and carry on a conversation. If you see you’re the one putting in all the effort, stop. [Read: 15 unwritten rules of texting you both need to remember]

#6 Reply when you have time. That’s right. You don’t need to stay glued to your phone. If you’re at work or at school, keep those activities a priority. When you have time, text the person you’re dating. You don’t need to play games, but you shouldn’t jeopardize yourself to send them a text message.

#7 Use actual grammar. I know this sounds lame, but you need to use proper grammar and spelling. A typo here and there isn’t a big deal, but people like to read sentences they don’t need to decode. You probably didn’t know this, but people are turned off by poor grammar and spelling. So, shape up.

#8 Know when to end the conversation. You don’t need to text all day and night to show the person you’re interested in them. Know when it’s okay to end the conversation. If you feel it’s dying, then end the conversation early. You can start a new conversation in a couple of hours, that’s fine. But don’t try to keep a conversation alive when it doesn’t have to be. [Read: 15 fun games to connect with your crush over text]

#9 Be mindful of your tone. If you’re someone who has a dry or sarcastic humor, it may not always come across right on text. But that doesn’t mean you can’t show off your personality. Use a couple of emojis here and there to get the point across clearly, and read your message to yourself to make sure what you want to say is actually getting across.

#10 Save the important conversations for in person. You don’t need to have a deep conversation about your childhood over a text message. There are some conversations that are better left for in-person dates.

People have a lot of time to think about what they want to say, and that’s not always a good thing. Sometimes you need to see a person’s facial expressions and their reactions for specific conversations. [Read: The 14 stages of a new relationship to define your budding romance]

#11 Move past the text message. Texting, in the beginning, is fine and dandy, but eventually, you should talk on the phone. I know! Gasp! No one talks on the phone now, but hearing someone’s voice is much different than texting each other. Plus, it shows both of you a level of comfort in the relationship. [Read: Is it time to define your relationship?]

#12 Don’t ever just text ‘hi.’ What are we, ten? Come on! If this is someone you like, you can do a little bit better than ‘hi.’ Seriously. Never send a message with ‘hi.’ Instead, add a question to the end of it. It’s too generic and lazy; it gives off the impression that they’re not good enough for anything more.

[Read: 15 text conversation starters for the shy that work like a charm]

Texting in the early stages of dating isn’t easy at all! You’re nervous and want to impress your date. But don’t worry, if you follow these habits, you’ll be on the right path.

The post Use These 12 Habits for Texting in the Early Stages of Dating is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

Tuesday, 26 November 2019

How to Be Kinky: 13 Steamy Tips to Explore Outside of Normal Sex

Didn’t know much about how to be kinky until you saw Fifty Shades of Grey? While the movie is cheesy, it’s changed the way we look at our kinky side.

If you thought you were the only one who has kinky thoughts, well, think again. In reality, one in five individuals incorporate know how to be kinky in their regular bedroom play. And that number is growing.

More and more people are exploring their sexuality and engaging in kinky sexual activities such as spanking and role-playing. And frankly, I’m surprised.

Just a few years ago, being kinky was seen as taboo. But, thanks to mainstream media, kinks are now a normal part of sex, with more people openly speaking and engaging in it. [Read: 10 kinky sex positions to make every night hot and steamy]

How to be kinky

We don’t really have much of a definition for the word kinky. It basically means everything that’s outside of “normal” sex. If you know what “normal sex” is, please, let me know. If you’ve been having “normal sex,” you may want to spice things up and go outside the conventional box. And that’s great. You only live once. Why not explore and experiment?

If you want to tap into your kinky side, well, it won’t be that hard. Here are the 13 ways for how to be kinky. Because, really, everyone’s a little kinky.

#1 Know what kinks are. You may have watched Fifty Shades of Grey, but kinks are more than just spanking. Get to know the categories of kink and what they entail. BDSM, role-playing, fetishes, voyeurism, and group sex are all a part of being kinky. Which ones stand out to you? [Read: 10 tips to help you open up about your kinky side] 

#2 Be curious. If you want to be kinky, be curious. How else will you be motivated to explore your sexuality if you’re not curious about it? Start reading about kinky activities, get onto kinky forums, and research more about kinks and the kinky community. [Read: Top 50 kinky things you should try with your partner at least once]

#3 Accept your sexual needs. Just because you like being spanked, doesn’t mean you’re mentally unstable or perverted. Being kinky isn’t a mental illness. Everyone has their own sexual preferences. Accept your sexual needs, and don’t feel guilty for having them. [Read: Is your negative thinking wreaking havoc on your sex life?]

#4 Talk about it with your partner. Before tying your partner up to the bedpost, make sure you talk to them about it. Are they comfortable with kinky activities? What are their limitations? How do they feel? You should never surprise your partner unless you’ve spoken to them ahead of time. 

#5 Consent is everything. If you’re with your partner, they must consent to explore kinks with you. Not everyone is comfortable experimenting in sex, and that’s something you must respect. Of course, if you want to explore your kinky side, you will need to compromise.

#6 Come up with safe words. You should never do anything kinky without establishing a safe word. A safe word will automatically stop the session when you or your partner are feeling pain or discomfort. Once the safe word is said, everything stops and together you discuss it. If you don’t think you need a safe word, then you’re not ready to be kinky. [Read: How to use safe words when you’re playing rough]

#7 Think about your limitations. Before you do anything kinky, think hard about your limitations. What are things you do not want to do during a kinky session? Once you come up with some limitations, discuss them with your partner and vice versa. Everyone has limitations. It’s normal.

#8 Experiment solo or with your partner. You don’t need a partner to be kinky, but if you have a partner, be kinky with them. Whether you’re solo or in a relationship, it shouldn’t stop you from exploring your sexual side. If you’re with a partner, talk to them beforehand, create guidelines and boundaries. Then, experiment kinks together. [Read: A guide to take your sex life from vanilla to OMFG!]

#9 Start simple. You don’t need to tie yourself up or have hot oil poured on you for your first time. There’s no need to rush into the heavy stuff right away. Take your time and start simple without any extra equipment. Get used to new feelings and sensations. Eventually, once you’re ready, work your way up.

#10 Use or don’t use toys. Of course, many kinky people use sex toys and other equipment, but that doesn’t mean you should. At least, not right away. But to explore your kinky side, you can use sex toys, but you also don’t have to. As for now, since you’re a beginner, start simple. [Read: 15 dirty ways to have the sexiest rough sex ever!]

#11 Find a kink community. If you want to explore your kinks on a deeper level, join a kink community. Whether online or a physical group, you’ll get tips and advice from people who are highly experienced. That’s how you’ll develop as a person as well.

#12 Take your time. This isn’t a race. You’re not in a competition of who’s the kinkiest. Focus on discovering and uncovering your sexual fantasies. It may take time to try new things, and that’s perfectly okay. Take your time, and if you feel uncomfortable, don’t do it. [Read: The craziest kinky stories from Reddit that’ll make you go “oh”]

#13 Focus on aftercare. Many people ignore the importance of aftercare, but in my opinion, it’s one of the most important parts of exploring your kinky side. After your session, sit down with your partner and talk openly about how it went, what you liked, what you didn’t like, etc. The only way to improve is to talk about it.

Plus, it gives you time to bond with your partner, depending on how deep you went into your kinky side.

[Read: The simple freaky, kinky things you can try together in bed]

We all have a kinky side to us. You can learn how to be kinky by following these steps. It may take some time, but it’s well worth the wait.

The post How to Be Kinky: 13 Steamy Tips to Explore Outside of Normal Sex is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

Narcissistic Supply: How to Stop Giving the Attention They Crave

A narcissist thrives on attention, lapping it up and twisting their behavior. It’s time to turn the tables and cut off that needy narcissistic supply.

Narcissism seems to be a buzz term these days. The problem is, dealing with a narcissist in real life is nothing to joke about. A narcissist can turn your world upside down, leaving you wondering what side is up. Put simply, you’ll be dizzy. If you understand your own mind at the end of it, you’ll be lucky, which is why you should learn how to cut off the narcissistic supply ASAP.

I can say all of this with confidence because I was in a relationship with a narcissist. Thankfully I got out of it before I lost myself in it. Many others are not so lucky.

Understanding why a narcissist is so dangerous, we must understand what a narcissist is.

[Read: How to spot a narcissist instantly and save yourself a world of pain]

What is a narcissist?

Now, a real narcissist is someone diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder *NPD*. This is not a choice and not something a human actually wants to be, but a narcissist doesn’t know any different way to live. So, their bad behavior continues throughout their life.

They must be the center of attention at all times and have praise thrown at them on a regular basis. They need you to do exactly what they want, whenever they click their fingers. Any rebellion against any of their needs will result in manipulation tactics and can leave a person emotionally scarred for a long time. One of those techniques is gas-lighting, something you’ve surely heard a lot about.

[Read: Been gaslighted? The signs a narcissist is playing mind games with you]

When you first delve into the world of narcissism, learning about it, and understanding it, you’ll probably end up confused. Is this person actually an unlikable and nasty type of person? It’s understandable to think that way, but it’s also important to remember that a narcissist has a personality disorder which dictates their actions to a certain degree.

Is it any excuse for hurting others? Not at all. That is why if you are in contact with one and you’re suffering, you need to get out of it NOW. [Read: 23 signs of narcissism people overlook until it’s too late]

The narcissistic supply is a term you’ll learn about in the twisted world of narcissists. This concept is key. It helps you understand not only how a narcissist works, but you are given the power to actually cut yourself free. You simply turn off the narcissistic supply you’re giving and walk the hell away.

[Read: The games narcissists play to suck you back in]

What on earth is narcissistic supply?

I’m aware it all sounds a little scientific, so let me break it down.

We know that narcissists love praise and attention. They don’t just love it, they need it. Without it, they don’t thrive, they rebel and act in rather unpleasant ways. So, you could say that the praise, adulation and attention is the supply. By giving a narcissist your undivided attention, you’re supplying them with what they need.

That’s the simple version, but as you can probably guess, it doesn’t end there.

There are different elements to narcissistic supply. As you can see, nothing is ever simple in this NPD world!

The source of the narcissistic supply is the person who gives the attention to the narcissist, so in this situation it is probably you. The actual narcissistic supply *bear with me* is the praise and attention you give. This sends the narcissist off on their usual tricks of grandeur, giving them the feel-good factor they desire.

[Read: Emotional manipulation – 14 ways people mess with your mind]

If a celebrity is a narcissist *and you’d be surprised how many actually are* then the celebrity status itself is the narcissistic supply. This attention *the fame* gives the narcissist the attention they need, the praise, the adulation and everything else that comes along with being a household name. Of course, celebrities also get ridiculed and insulted. As you can imagine, the narcissist does not like that one little bit.

Narcissistic supply doesn’t have to be fame. It normally comes down to power in many ways. When someone is constantly telling another person how amazing they are, the praised person is in a position of power. They’re adored and put on a pedestal and to them it feels great, but it also feels right. Why? Because in the mind of a narcissist, they deserve this praise, and they deserve nothing less because they are wonderful!

Are they wonderful? Nobody is really, but try telling that to a narcissist!

How to cut off the narcissistic supply and break free

It’s important to realize that your relationship which needs attention doesn’t have to be romantic. It could be a friendship, a working relationship, a roommate, anything. Despite that, the same kind of advice applies.

If you are in a relationship with a narcissist, you have my sympathy. It’s not a nice place to be, and you’re constantly confused as to how the person you’re dating really is. You’re never really sure which way is up or down, your life isn’t particularly rosy. [Read: Why do narcissists ignore texts and do the shitty things they do?]

So, when you finally come to the conclusion that you need to get away for your own sanity and happiness, I commend you and pat you on the back. You’re brave. You’re doing the right thing.

Pep talk aside, how can you cut off the narcissistic supply?

This is the first step towards breaking free, but it will have the rather annoying side effect of pushing the narcissist into using manipulation techniques. Why? Because they sense that you’re about to leave, and they don’t like that. As a result, they’ll try to get you to question your own opinion and sanity, to keep you around and bring the narcissistic supply back their way.

Crafty? Very.

Understanding this will give you power. Next, stop with the adulation, stop with the attention and do something for yourself.

If the narcissistic supply you’re giving is that you’re always around for your partner and you’re always telling them how amazing they are, stop doing it. Don’t be there all the time, don’t do the things you normally do. Instead, go out and do something for yourself.

Yes, your partner will flounder, and they will turn on the charm to make you feel bad. Remember why you’re doing this. You’re cutting off the supply and you’re taking the first brave step towards ridding your life of narcissistic abuse. Because that’s what it is deep down. [Read: 16 subtle signs a narcissist is abusing you]

What you deserve in a relationship isn’t this

When you’re in a relationship with a narcissist you’re probably being abused on some level. Constant jibes, dragging you down, forcing you to see things the way they want you to see them and not your own, isolation from your friends and family. It’s emotional abuse. [Read: How to use the grey rock method to get a narcissist to walk away from you]

No matter how you dress it up. It’s certainly not love. How do I know that? Because narcissists aren’t capable of empathy, so how can they be capable of love in the same way as everyone else? They can’t.

This is the key to helping you see that you should leave. You deserve to be loved in the right way, and you deserve better.

[Read: A relationship with a narcissist and what it means to love one]

Cutting off the narcissistic supply can feel like cutting out your own heart at first. No matter how much you want to leave someone and feel better, you still love them deep down.

The post Narcissistic Supply: How to Stop Giving the Attention They Crave is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

Monday, 25 November 2019

17 Places to Go on a First Date That Make Dating Easy

where to go on a first date
Your best chance to make things happen is on the first date. So, where you go on a first date needs to be simple and provide opportunities for intimacy and sex.

If you’re wondering where to go on a first date, you’ll be happy to discover that you don’t have to go all nuts about it.

At Girls Chase, we are in the business of getting laid, and fast. But this strategy doesn’t diminish the prospects of getting a girlfriend if that’s what you want. The date ideas in this article suit whatever your goals are with a girl.

So, what do the dating pros do? Dinner and Netflix? Horseback riding in Hungary? Spearfishing in Playa Del Carmen?

First, let’s set the stage for a first date. Why are you going on a date in the first place? What’s your objective? Are you looking to get laid, or just get to know a girl and maybe make her your girlfriend?

Either way, you should always be aiming for sex as fast as possible. It is scientifically proven to be in both your interests to cement your relationship with a bang before she can talk herself out of it. I can count on one hand how many women were upset that I aimed for sex too quickly. But I lament over the scads of women I lost because I went too slowly.

If she rejects your sexual escalation, at least she respects you for trying. You’re not another friend zone guy; you’re a sexual threat (a good kind of threat). She knows that if she spends time with you, sex will happen. Unless you want to be her buddy or texting pal, it’s important she understands this.

Of course, not all women are going to sleep with you on the first date. But plenty will.

When I say you should escalate to sex on the first date, I don’t mean you should be needy, beg, or whine. It could be as simple as asking her to “come inside” for whatever reason, to look at pictures, or have a drink. Or asking to see her apartment “quickly.”

I once banged a girl I’d met 15 minutes earlier by asking to see her paintings. She was an artist, so of course she wanted to show off her work. There’s always a reason to come inside her or your place (other than needing a toilet). Women understand that to be alone with a man in a flat means sex is more than likely. So let that be your first date mission.

After that, you can take things wherever you want, from making her a one-night stand or a friend with benefits to making her your girlfriend or wife.

Bottom line: all those outcomes start with sex, and these date ideas maximize your odds for getting the girl to be whatever you're looking for.

Black Friday Wishes, Messages & Black Friday Quotes

Black Friday Wishes and Messages : Black Friday is the immediate Friday that follows the Thanksgiving Day. Although it is... More

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13 Signs Your Ex Is Confused about Your Breakup: What About You?

Breakups aren’t easy. Usually, we end up more confused after the relationship. What do the signs your ex is confused mean for you and your relationship?

If your ex is telling you they want you back, don’t rush into it. You need to take a step back and see the signs your ex is confused. That way, you’ll know what to do next.

After my long term relationship *four years!*, it took me a while to get over my ex. Throughout the relationship, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to be with him, and my emotions and self-esteem got the best of me. I didn’t think I could find someone who would love me the same way and make me feel happy, even though I knew my ex wasn’t the one for me. So, I stuck it out and stayed in the relationship.

But, eventually, it came to an end. Going through a breakup is really hard, and during the process, it makes you think about your ex in a different light. On the nights where you’re sad and lonely, you think about the good times you had—and it sucks you back in. [Read: The 10 signs you should get back together with your ex]

How to interpret the signs your ex is confused

My ex and I were off-and-on for a couple of months after the breakup. Even though we both knew the breakup must happen, you struggle with separating for good. This was someone you called your best friend; someone you shared laughs and memories with. I was definitely confused and highly emotional when wanting to go back to my ex.

And these emotions just made the breakup even harder for both of us. Don’t get played by emotions if it isn’t the right thing for you.

#1 What does your gut instinct say? When it comes to your gut instinct, your body knows when something isn’t right. If your ex gives you all the right words, but you feel something is off, then listen to your gut. If what they’re saying or doing isn’t making you feel good, then it’s not for you. [Read: 10 stages of a break up that everyone has to go through]

#2 They’re hot and cold. When you talk to them, they’ll be happy and flirty one day, and the next, moody and antisocial. They’re clearly confused with how they’re feeling about the breakup. They’re not sure what to do and struggling emotionally to make a decision.

#3 They mention how much they’ve invested in you. When you talk with them, they bring up how much they invested in the relationship. This could be seen as a positive, but also negative. If they feel they’re invested a lot, getting back together could be because they don’t want to waste what they put into the relationship. [Read: The questions to ask after your breakup for healing and closure]

#4 They’re angry. Anger is usually a common emotion after a breakup. If your ex feels indifference, then that’s a sign they’re over the relationship. But anger shows that they’re not over the breakup; they’re not over you. Although, it doesn’t mean you should get back together. 

#5 They don’t try to reconcile. It doesn’t matter who’s at fault for the breakup, the point is, they don’t push to reconcile. They won’t even bring up the reason why you broke up. If they’re not willing to work on reconciling the relationship, then they’re not ready to be in one. 

#6 They tell you they want you back. But when it comes to committing, they don’t jump right in. This is because they’re unsure about the relationship. They may tell you they want you back, but if they’re not ready to commit, they’re just confused. [Read: 15 subtle signs your ex really wants you back but they’re confused]

#7 They make up reasons to talk to you. Your ex always has an excuse to talk to you. Even though they don’t directly bring up getting back together, they focus on talking about memories or things you like.

#8 They’re dating other people. Even though they’re casually dating others, how can they get back together with you at the same time? If they really wanted to be with you, they wouldn’t be dating other people too. [Read: Sleeping with an ex you still love – What you really must hear]

#9 You’re getting mixed messages. They’ll drop subtle hints about wanting to get back together with you, but then the next day they mention wanting to move on. And every day, it’s something different. The messages you get aren’t clear, if anything, you’re more confused now than you’ve ever been. Well, if you’re confused, they’re confused.

#10 They attempt to make you jealous. Your ex does their best to make you jealous, and sometimes it works. When you confront them on what they do, instead of taking action, they play games. See, they’re not really interested in getting back together with you; they just don’t want your attention to move from them to someone else.

#11 They keep communication open. When someone is ready to move on, they cut ties with their ex, at least, until they’ve moved on. But your ex still lingers around, liking your posts and chatting with you via text. They want to keep the line of communication open, just in case.

#12 They try to publicly humiliate you. When your ex tries to put you down in public, they’re hurting. This isn’t an excuse for their actions. All this shows you is their immaturity and they’re confused with their emotions.

They don’t know how to handle their emotions, so they put their anger onto you. If this happens, it’s a clear red flag. [Read: Breakup talk – 25 tips to end a relationship without making it messy]

#13 They tell you they’re confused. If you’ve confronted them about their actions, good for you! If you’re confused, talk to them about it and see how they feel. If they tell you they’re confused, you now know where they stand. And if they’re confused about their feelings for you, then they don’t want to be with you. They just don’t know how to move on.

[Read: How to help your ex move on and get over you for good]

Now that you know the signs your ex is confused, what do you think? Is your ex really confused or do they genuinely want to get back together with you?

The post 13 Signs Your Ex Is Confused about Your Breakup: What About You? is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

Everyone Dates Whoever He Needs to Date

you date who you need to date
Every problem, bit of drama, suffering, torment, or heartache in a relationship is necessary... because people date the people they need to date.

I have a pretty good track record predicting how relationships will turn out.

I can tell, fairly reliably (though I'm sometimes wrong... but not a lot) how a partnership will go after a short time around a couple.

It used to aggravate me, some years ago, how when I'd identify an obviously troubled partnership, no one would listen to me and end the thing before it grew worse.

Time and again, dire warnings to friends of how their relationships would turn out came true.

And still, no one listened.

Yet, these days, people disregarding my advice doesn't aggravate me anymore.

If I see someone headed into an obviously troubled relationship, I will warn him off it.

However, if he chooses to pursue it, it no longer bothers me. I'm not a busybody... what someone is doing with his own life isn't my business, unless he wants my input. I usually won't stay as close with a guy going into a troubled relationship against my advice, because of how troubled relationships tend to affect people (i.e., they turn most folks into needy, emotional messes who bog down everyone around them... and it's not my calling in life to be a shoulder to cry on, nor is it a role anyone would want me in anyway. Really, you are better off not having Chase in that role).

Over time, my understanding of why people date the people they do (as well as do the other things they do) has changed.

I stopped viewing people's choices in mates -- even choices that hurt them, and lead them to suffer -- as 'right' or 'wrong' for them.

Instead, now I look at a partnership and say, "What about this partnership makes it what this person engaging in it needs?"

Because that is the real kicker: people only have the relationships they need to have.

The more you learn to look at relationships as people with exactly the people they needed to be with right then, the more even the very troubled relationships you see start to make a lot more sense.

Emotional Dependency & Signs You’re Overly Dependent on Someone

If you think you’re struggling with emotional dependency, research it. From there, figure out if you are emotionally dependent and how to change it.

If you are dealing with emotional dependency, then you know it is not just one thing. Emotional dependence can come from childhood, a toxic relationship, as well as so much more.

Emotional dependence can show itself through low self-esteem, codependency, as well as denial, resentment, fear… The list goes on. 

What is emotional dependency?

Emotional dependency is not something easily dealt with. Because it causes your happiness to change based on someone else or the success of a relationship or situation, it can be hard to break from that pattern.

Emotional dependency can be compared to addiction. Rather than being addicted to a substance, you can be addicted to a feeling or person. The same way an addict’s feelings are based on the high, an emotionally dependent person’s feelings are based on their link to someone or something.

You could even say addicts are emotionally dependent on their drug of choice. [Read: How to build confidence and powerfully change your life]

What are examples of emotional dependency?

Emotional dependency can be seen in all sorts of forms. And contrary to popular belief, emotional dependency is not just seen in romantic relationships but also friendships and families as well.

Familial emotional dependency is the most common. It begins in childhood.

For example, if an adult with the finances to move out of their parents’ house doesn’t, they may be emotionally dependent on their family structure. This would make them feel safe and secure. Without it, they could potentially feel anxiety or even depression.

This sort of emotional dependence on your childhood space could halt someone’s life from moving on. This person may avoid dating or traveling to stay where they feel the safest. [Read: How to step out of your comfort zone and be more outgoing]

Romantic emotional dependency is when you define your own self-worth and happiness through the success of a relationship you are emotionally dependent on, not just your partner but on the partnership.

This instills a feeling of dread and unmatched fear of a breakup or the idea of being alone. Loneliness is seen as a failure to someone emotionally dependent on a relationship. This emotional dependence comes from a lack of self-confidence.

When someone has a low level of self-worth, they assume they are unworthy without a partner. They depend on their partner for not just their happiness and success, but possibly financially.

This sort of emotional dependence can get out of hand very quickly. When someone is dependent on their partner for everything in their world, they can become controlling, jealous, and even manipulative or dangerous in certain circumstances. [Read: How to be independent even when you’re in a relationship]

Social emotional dependence is based upon outside approval. This can be through friend groups, work environments, or even on social media. Emotional dependence in a social environment puts pressure on you and everyone around you.

This is someone that doesn’t just care what others think but defines their happiness and self-worth on that. They need outside approval to feel fulfilled. They also feel more pain from a minor rejection than most.

If they were to be left out of plans, or thought they were being made fun of, it would destroy them. All of what they think of themselves is based on their surroundings. [Read: Your guide for how to not give a fuck]

Are you emotionally dependent?

Emotional dependency is when someone’s low self-worth is so severe that they seek safety and security in other people or external sources. If you are emotionally dependent, you do not trust yourself or your own capabilities.

It seems as thought someone emotionally dependent would be aware of it. It is definitely not always the case. Because emotional dependence is usually an effect of childhood trauma or toxic relationships, we can often be warped into this mindset while being in denial about it.

This is why it is so important to know the signs of emotional dependency. Then, you can figure out if you are struggling with it and seek the help you need for a healthier life.

#1 Attention-seeking. If you notice that you look for attention from others regularly, you may be dealing with emotional dependency. We all need human interaction. However, most of us enjoy some time away from others.

You may feel it is necessary to always be talking to someone or have attention on you. It isn’t that you have to be the center of attention, but you will do whatever you need to feel that you matter to others. [Read: The 16 signs you’re an insufferable attention seeker]

#2 Feelings of unworthiness. They second guess themselves regularly. For instance, you may get a job that you are more than capable of succeeding at. In your mind, you don’t think you can handle it.

You may feel not good enough for a certain social group, job, or relationship. Not only do you bully yourself, but you convince yourself you are incapable of taking care of yourself.

#3 Unable to be alone. People with healthy mental and emotional capacities enjoy alone time. Someone struggling with emotional dependency will become wildly uncomfortable when alone.

This can mean excessive anxiety when you are by yourself at a party or extreme depression when you are single. [Read: Fear of being alone – How to let go and find your peace]

#4 Self-sabotage. Because those dealing with emotional dependency have such low self-confidence, they sabotage their own successes unintentionally. You may find yourself in a wonderful relationship. Instead of leaning into it, you don’t believe you are worthy of such happiness. So, you act out.

You require this relationship to work to feel positive but act overly jealous or agreeable to ensure it works out rather than being open and communicating your fears.

#5 False confidence. Someone who struggles with emotional dependency may appear confident or even conceited from a distance. But, this is a smokescreen meant to fool others.

Someone dealing with emotional dependency may not complain about their looks or talk down to themselves outwardly. What they will do is gloat when someone hits on them, boast about their successful relationship, or brag about how many friends they have. This is to convince themselves and others that they are worthy. [Read: How to stop giving a damn about what people think]

#6 Submissive behaviors. Someone who is confident in themselves will share their feelings and emotions. They will speak up when they disagree with something and stand up for themselves.

If you are emotionally dependent on a relationship, you will fall into a submissive behavior, especially when with someone dominant. You will accept foul behavior and agree to things you don’t actually want to do to keep the peace.

#7 In need of approval. If you struggle with emotional dependency, you second guess yourself. Even if you know you did something right or are succeeding, you need to hear praise and approval from external sources. [Read: 16 reasons why you’re always being taken for granted]

#8 Lack of self-respect. Letting your emotions depend solely on others means that you respect others’ opinions more than your own. When that happens, you don’t treat yourself with love and respect. You may let others walk all over you. And you may indulge in things like drugs and alcohol, or put excess effort into people that don’t reciprocate.

#9 Jealousy. Jealous behaviors can come from trust issues. They are often more deeply rooted in emotional dependence. When you are emotionally dependent on approval from others or successful relationships, the fear of losing that can get so intense you become wildly and irrationally jealous.

Not only would you worry about a partner leaving you or cheating, but you would look at Instagram couples and popular people and be green with envy. You would be incapable of pride in your own successes, but admire and idolize others. [Read: How to stop being jealous of someone else’s success]

You may even lash out at those who have the attention and love you desire. If you feel the need to leave negative or hateful comments online, make up rumors, or anything else, it may be brought on by emotional dependency.

#10 Accepting abuse. Tolerating abusive behavior, whether emotional or physical, is a major sign of emotional dependency. This abuse can come from a parent, partner, or even a coworker or boss. Accepting that behavior as normal shows emotional dependency.

It illustrates that you desire success and approval from this relationship more than your own health or wellness. [Read: How to turn off your negative inner voice]

#11 Anxiety. Anxiety has a lot of causes. If you relate to a lot of these and struggle with social anxiety or any sort of anxiety about your future, it could also be rooted in emotional dependence.

Anytime you rely on others for your own self-worth or happiness, it is out of your control which leads to a lot of anxiety.

[Read: 20 signs you’re a people pleaser and don’t even know it!]

Emotional dependency is a nasty personality disorder that doesn’t let you see how amazing you are on your own. If you suffer, reach out to a licensed therapist to work through the causes behind your emotional dependency.

The post Emotional Dependency & Signs You’re Overly Dependent on Someone is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

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