Friday, 31 July 2020

13 Signs Someone Is Pushing You Away When You’re Trying to Be Close

You think you’re in a happy relationship. But now you’ve noticed signs someone is pushing you away. Is this person pushing you away on purpose?

Your relationship has been going well. You see your partner often. You are affectionate and loving towards each other, what’s wrong with that? Nothing! But you’ve noticed a change in your partner. Could it be the signs someone is pushing you away?

Something feels a little off. You’re not quite sure what it is. Maybe they’re just stressed with work or exams. Or maybe it’s something else.

Now, you don’t want to jump to conclusions right away without looking at the signs. If you notice more than a couple of these signs in your relationship, your partner could be pushing you away. It’s not what anyone wants to hear, but it’s important you find out what’s going on.

[Read: Here’s how to recognize if your partner is emotionally distant and what to do about it]

13 signs someone is pushing you away

If you think your partner is pushing you away, then it’s time you spoke up. I know you don’t want to address it, who honestly does? There’s always the fear of them breaking up with you, but how can you stay with them if they’re treating you like this?

It’s a tough spot to be in, but you need to take care of yourself. So, before talking to them, look at these signs someone is pushing you away to help you get a better idea of what may be going on.

#1 There’s no more affection. Now, I’m not talking about sex. I’m assuming that whatever was happening in the bedroom has completely stopped. But now, your partner isn’t even touching you. There’s no hugging, no kissing, no nothing. Once the affection has stopped, then you know something is going on. [Read: A lack of affection in a relationship – Is it time to walk away?]

#2 They don’t listen to you. When you talk to them, they don’t really seem like they’re listening. Before, when you would tell them about your day, they would take an interest. But now, it seems like a huge inconvenience to them to even hear what you have to say.

#3 They avoid you. You call them, but it takes them hours to call you back. And when you do get a hold of them, there’s not much of a conversation. You ask to hang out, but there’s always a reason as to why they can’t. If they’re avoiding you, it’s for a good reason and one that you need to investigate. [Read: How to handle the sting of resentment in a relationship and overcome it]

#4 You’ve suddenly become forced to read minds. Your partner used to tell you how they were feeling and things going on in their life, but now, you’ve been forced to become a mind reader.

You spend your time trying to guess what they’re thinking and why they’re feeling that way. This isn’t a good sign. No relationship should make you feel like you need to read their mind. 

#5 You feel something’s changed. You can’t put your finger on it, but you know something is up. When you’re around them, you don’t feel the love and affection you once shared, and that’s a big problem. No matter what you do or how you try to make them feel good, nothing seems to work. It’s not you; it’s them. [Read: 10 steps to reignite the lost spark in a relationship]

#6 They no longer communicate with you. You are still talking, barely, and when you do talk, it’s very shallow. They’re no longer telling you about the personal things going on in their life; instead, they keep the conversation very basic and simple. It makes you wonder why.

#7 They spend more time alone. Well, at least that’s what they tell you. Whenever you check in with them, they’re always doing something on their own. Now, this wouldn’t be strange if they were always like this, but they weren’t. They changed recently, and something is going on.

#8 You bicker a lot. You’re not sure what the argument was even about, and it keeps happening again and again. Whatever you say, they rip it apart and find a way to get angry at you. They’re clearly frustrated about something and taking it out on you. [Read: How to recognize the signs a relationship is over and pull the plug]

#9 They’re into their phones. You would almost never look at your phones when hanging out together. But now, you can’t get your partner to get off their phone; it’s like they’re glued to it. And if this has become something that’s suddenly happened, you need to ask what’s going on.

#10 They ask for a break. Well, if someone asks to go on a break, they’re basically waiting to break up with you. I remember asking my old boyfriend for a break because I didn’t know how to break up with him. So, if they ask for a break and you’ve seen other signs on this list, the relationship is coming to an end. [Read: The beginning of the end: What is a break in a relationship exactly?]

#11 They keep their distance. They used to come over and hang out with you during the week, but now, they’re suddenly too busy to spend time with you. They don’t send you good morning text messages either, everything has been pulled back drastically… there’s a good reason for that.

#12 They seem like they’re off in another world. When you’re around them, they’re not in the moment with you. Instead, their mind is off in a completely different world. They’re zoning out and looking like they have their mind on something or someone else. What’s going on? [Read: The 20 revealing signs you might be growing apart in your relationship]

#13 They blame you for everything. You didn’t know you could make so many mistakes without actually doing anything, but this is what happens when someone’s too weak to break up with you, so they try to push you away instead. They blame you for everything and anything. They’re trying to find an out.

[Read: 25 topics all couples need to talk about in a happy relationship]

After seeing these signs someone is pushing you away, what do you think about your relationship? Is your partner trying to push you away? If so, it’s time you confronted them about it.

The post 13 Signs Someone Is Pushing You Away When You’re Trying to Be Close is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

Tourist Game – The Date: Set Good Frames and Escalate the Vibe

tour guide game
Now that you’ve met up with your girl after the tour, it’s time to set ‘fast sex’ frames and escalate the vibe. As a guide, you’ve got some handy options for doing that.

Hey guys, welcome back!

Last week we looked at everything you should avoid doing when picking up girls on your tours as a tour guide so you don’t get fired. We went over how to text a girl from your tour to meet her later for a date. Finally, we mentioned the average duration and the typical number of venues for your first date before sex, provided you live close to the venues.


Your Ideal Mindset

Regardless of what unfolds, it is safe to assume that if a tourist from your tour agrees to come and meet you alone for a date to catch the sunset or after the sun has set, she wants to sleep with you. As you gain more experience, you will begin assuming her desire even when you meet her in the early afternoon.

If you have to guess a girl’s intentions — because girls will seldom make them clear in a forthright manner, though they may give you hints — it’s best to bet in your favor:

  1. Girls will feel compelled to sleep with you if you go through the motions of a traditional date while leading things forward. They won’t feel the need to make decisions if it seems like you’re in control and not doubting yourself.

  2. If she is still hesitant about sleeping with you, and you assume she’s out of your league, or make an excuse not to bring her home and escalate to sex, it will become a self-fulfilling prophecy. The girl won’t try to “convince” you that she wants to sleep with you if you don’t assume that that’s what she wants and operate with that goal in mind. You’ll end up frustrated because you will never find out what could have happened if you’d made the move.

Thursday, 30 July 2020

Adopting a Pet? The True Signs You’re Ready to Get a Pet Together

Adopting an animal is a big step for a relationship. Have you seen these nine crucial signs you’re ready to get a pet together?

Getting a pet together is not something you should take lightly. You and your partner will equally be responsible for caring for another living thing. And based on the type of pet you want, that can be up to 20 or more years of co-pet-parenting. Do you see the signs you’re ready to get a pet together?

Are you ready for that commitment? Getting a pet together should not be a replacement for something else. It should not be a distraction from your problems or a reason to stay together.

Deciding to get a pet together is a big step in your relationship that requires some serious thought.

Have you seen the signs you’re ready to get a pet together or are you reaching?

[Read: These 10 signs your rocky relationship deserves to keep going]

What getting a pet together means

If you think you’re ready to get a pet together, that is great. But, have you really thought it through, or have you thought, “oh yay, a puppy.” Getting a pet is a big responsibility whether you’re in a relationship or not, so when you are making that minimum 10-year commitment with your partner, it means a lot.

Getting a pet together means you seriously see a future together. It means you trust each other. You won’t always be home at the same time, so you have to trust the other to teach your pet rules, feed them, and care for them.

[Read: What is commitment in a relationship? How to know if you have it in your relationship]

Getting a pet together isn’t like picking out a new set of sheets. It isn’t something you need to agree on and share. It is something you need to continuously care for.

Pets cost money, require preplanning for vacations, need boundaries, and need you to be on the same team.

Many people say getting a pet together means you aren’t afraid of commitment, but a pet can be a big and even empty gesture. A pet can say commitment or future, but it can also be a placeholder or a symbol.

When you and your partner fight, do they bring home flowers and expect all to be forgiven? Or do you still work things out? A pet can be a BandAid or distraction for other issues which will only make things more complicated, not to mention, how unfair that would be to an innocent animal.

If you get a pet together, things are real, so you need to be ready for that.

[Read: 16 common relationship tips that ruin your love life]

Signs you’re ready to get a pet together

I hope I didn’t scare you with what it means to get a pet together. But being scared can be good. It means you are worried and care, and that is a good sign.

What are some other signs you’re ready to get a pet together?

#1 You already live together. Making sure you work together as a couple under the same roof without a pet is essential before getting one. If you’ve never lived together and want to get a pet, you have two stressful situations coming at you at once.

Try to live together for at least six months before committing to a pet. If you are settled and happy together in one house, it is a sign you are ready to get a pet together. [Read: The practical things to do before moving together and make it successful!]

#2 You’ve talked about the future honestly. Talking about the future is key when it comes to getting a pet together. You probably aren’t getting a goldfish or sea monkeys, and with a cat or dog, you have a long commitment together. If you haven’t really spoken about your future, this won’t work.

Don’t talk about your dream of living in Tuscany when you retire, but your realistic goals. Are you planning on moving to a new city? Do you want to buy a house together? Do you plan on getting married? Being on the same page now will help things run a lot more smoothly later.

#3 You’ve discussed pet rules. Everyone is different when it comes to animals. Some love to cuddle with their fur babies while others keep them off the furniture. Will you allow your pet in bed with you? Will they be allowed in certain rooms in the house?

These things need to be discussed and agreed upon now so that you don’t have major fights when you have a new and anxious pet in the house. [Read: Fur baby and why millennials are choosing pets over babies]

#4 You can deal with each other at your worst. A new pet is not just a ball of cuteness. A new pet brings a rough night’s sleep, messes, vet bills, and more. Kittens and puppies can keep you up all night before they get into a routine. Will you be able to handle that stress together?

A new pet may chew on your shoes or pee on the carpet. Can you handle those disruptions?

#5 You’re both responsible. An equal level of responsibility is required when adopting a pet together. Do you have a game plan for things like vet appointments, grooming, cleaning litter boxes, or taking the dog for a walk?

Will you share these responsibilities? Does one of you work at home, so you have more time to do this stuff? Talking this out first will prevent resentment later on.

#6 You can afford it. Pets are expensive. Cat, dog, or guinea pig, they take up a lot of room in your budget. Do you have the funds to afford not only food and toys, but vet bills? Will you split the cost equally?

Will you be cutting it close? If the monetary stress of a pet will push you over the edge, the cuteness may not be worth it.

#7 You’ve figured out the logistics. Pets require love and attention. Do you have the time to give a pet what they need? Do you both work or travel a lot? When you travel, do you have someone reliable to pet sit?

In case of an emergency, do you have a neighbor or friend that can go to your place to let out the dog or feed the cat? Consider these details before making a commitment to the pet and each other.

#8 You’ve agreed on the type of pet. Although some couples will give a puppy as a gift, I recommend agreeing on the pet beforehand. Do you want a specific breed? Do you want to adopt? Are you open to a special needs pet? Do you want a dog to be protective or would you prefer a lapdog?

These things are important to consider before bringing a pet into your home. [Read: 9 tips for couples who want to get a pet together]

#9 You know if you want kids. Some people say getting a pet together is practice for a child. In some ways, that is true. You are learning to share responsibility for another life, but a pet can usually be home alone for hours.

Getting a pet together is not the same as having a child, but it should be discussed. Are you on the same page about kids? If you adopt a dog that doesn’t do well with kids, how will you handle that down the line?

Make sure to have these important discussions before introducing your pet into an unstable environment.

[Read: 12 key moments in your relationship will predict your future together]

So, do you see the signs you’re ready to get a pet together? Or should you hold off? Use this list to find your answer and know for sure in no time!

The post Adopting a Pet? The True Signs You’re Ready to Get a Pet Together is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

Curious Minds Want Answers: How Many Sexual Partners Is Too Many?

What is your number? Many people worry about how many sexual partners is too many. But the truth is, there is no magic number.

An area of life which many people worry about being judged upon is the number of sexual partners you’ve had in your lifetime. Personally, I don’t think this number matters one iota. As long as you’re safe and enjoying yourself, what does it matter? However, judgmental times means that how many sexual partners is too many is a question many people ponder.

We live in judgmental times.

Let’s be honest, we’re either too large or too small, too curvy or too skinny, too lazy or too driven, too quiet or too loud, too sexual or not sexual enough. We can’t win!

What do you think? Do you think there’s a cut-off point which suddenly takes someone from normal to too many? And if so, what is that number, and how do you define it?

[Read: Why being sex positive matters and why you should get on board]

If you’re wondering ‘how many sexual partners is too many’, the good news is that although you can do surveys of populations and find out an average, the real number doesn’t exist. People don’t tell the truth about their magic number. Many men think they should inflate their number to look more sexually active; while many women think they must reduce their number out of fear of being judged as too promiscuous.

Why judge? Does it really matter?

The number of people you’ve slept with in your lifetime does not define who you are or the type of person you are.

[Read: These 13 benefits of being sexual activity make sex oh-so-worth-it!]

How many sexual partners is too many for you?

The thing is, if you meet someone new and they disclose this number to you, you’ll probably make your own judgement in your mind about them as a result. You’ll come up with a number in your own mind that you think is somehow acceptable. Anything over or under that and you judge them for being too cold or too flighty.

We really can’t win in this day and age.

The bottom line? As long as you’re happy with yourself, as long as you’re not somehow sleeping around to make yourself feel better *and probably failing*, and as long as you’re practicing safe sex, nothing else matters. That number means nothing. Hey, if you don’t want to tell anyone about it, you don’t have to. Some people don’t even bother counting and that’s fine too!

[Read: How often do people have sex to maintain a healthy relationship]

How many sexual partners is too many and how many is too few isn’t a debate that really has much importance, but it’s one we linger on because it’s a little controversial. We all like a little controversy from time to time!

Numbers of sexual partners varies from person to person and also depends upon the time in your life too. Maybe you’ve gone through a dry patch for years and then suddenly it’s like waiting for a bus. You wait a while and then five or six come along at once! However, let’s talk averages to give you some idea of what people are saying about their numbers. Remember, people lie!

The general average for men and women in the USA is around the 7.2 mark. However, many surveys have found that more men lie about their sexual history than women; despite the fact that both genders have a very high incidence of telling lies about how many people they’ve slept with.

If you’ve slept with less than 7.2 people *I’m not sure where you’d get the .2 part from but there you go*, that’s fine, no issues at all. If you’ve slept with more than 7.2 people, that’s also fine, still no issues at all.

Why fret about something so unimportant?

[Read: The ins and outs of modern sexual exclusivity]

Would you refuse to date someone based on their magic number?

It’s an interesting question to ask. If you really liked someone, but you learned the number of people they’ve slept with is considered too high or too low for you, would you date them or would you refuse?

To make that decision, you should have a clear idea in your mind of how many sexual partners is too many. But, what do you base it on? Do you assume that if someone has slept with more than a handful of people they’re somehow addicted to sex? If someone has slept with only one or perhaps no people, do you assume that they’re completely allergic to intimacy?

Neither of those statements are true. See, this whole numbers and averages thing is pointless.

People make mistakes in life. They go through patches when they’re perhaps looking for someone special and they end up kissing several frogs in the process. That’s an easy way to increase your number without even trying. On the flip-side, someone might have had one serious relationship early on in their life. Since, they’ve not wanted to get close to anyone or not felt ready. That’s an easy way to reduce your number.

As you can see, it really depends upon the situations you’ve encountered in life as to what your number is.

[Read: How being sexualized can make or break you]

What is your number?

How do you feel about your number? Do you give zero thought to it? Do you wish it was lower? Or do you wish it was higher? Then, ask yourself why you feel that way. Why do you give any amount of time or attention to a number that literally means nothing?

As long as you’re safe when you’re with a sexual partner, there are no issues. As long as you feel okay about your sexual past, there are no issue. And as long as when you start a new relationship you’re open and honest about any STI problems, there are no issues.

[Read: What you need to know about how to avoid getting an STD]

Can you see how literally pointless this entire situation is? In that case, asking ‘how many sexual partners is too many’ is a waste of time.

Being made to feel bad about your sexual past is something which society has forced upon you. Seriously outdated ideas make you feel bad if you’ve had a few partners in the past. Then it makes you feel equally as bad if you’re less experienced. How many people you’ve slept with doesn’t change your ability to connect with a person, to love them, feel empathy towards them, to treat them well and to have an exciting and fulfilling sexual life with that person, within a relationship.

Seriously, just stop counting

My take on this? Don’t even count. Seriously, don’t. What’s the point? You’ll only make yourself feel bad either way, because it’s what society expects of you.

You don’t have to do anything unless you’re happy with it. Afterwards, as long as you’re okay with it, nothing else matters. Treat people well, be okay with yourself, be honest about anything you need to be honest about, and that’s all you need to do.

Forget societal rules about how many sexual partners is too many. At the end of the day, that ‘too many’ number doesn’t exist, just as ‘too few’ doesn’t either.

[Read: Getting rid of sexual insecurity for a better sex life!]

Asking yourself ‘how many sexual partners is too many’ is like asking how much sun is too much, or how windy is too windy. There is no solid answer!

The post Curious Minds Want Answers: How Many Sexual Partners Is Too Many? is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

Things That Consistently Boost Your Odds with Girls: Movement

movement to attract women
How can one gain more control over how his interactions with women play out? How do you increase your odds of attracting women? Add meaning to your movement.

In my previous article, I described contextual mirroring. In this article, I will give another example of seduction, explaining how it exists as more than just a vague set of concepts and relationships between ideas.

It’s important to know that seduction has an end goal. There is nothing worse than spending time to get good at something only to realize your goal is too vague to improve, and you can’t change your results.

With seduction, it is almost inevitable that most will come to that conclusion. So today, I will reveal two concrete changes that will hopefully shake your world at its foundations. You’ll come away understanding seduction is not only real but excessively powerful, even though you may be unaware of this fact and have never truly understood what you are capable of.

Wednesday, 29 July 2020

How to Respond to an Overreaction Without Losing Your Cool

When someone overreacts, you don’t want to make it worse, so how do you respond to an overreaction and keep your cool? Sometimes we need to grow up.

Learning how to respond to an overreaction is something we all can be better at. We have all dealt with people overreacting to some news, a mistake, or something else.

Whether your partner was pissed you spilled wine on the carpet, your parent is upset you’re moving in with your partner before being married, or your boss yelled at you for a simple and fixable mistake, your response to that overreaction sets the tone.

The way you respond to an overreaction shows your ability to remain calm in tense situations. It sets a tone for all future hurdles that arise. It also leads to the conclusion or agitation of the current situation.

[Read: How to resolve conflict and cut out the drama!]

Your first response to an overreaction

When someone overreacts to something we did or said, our first response is usually to get defensive. We overreact back. What does this lead to? A fight, a deeper problem, and more overreactions on top of overreactions.

Overreacting is a normal and natural part of being a human with personal relationships. With that, it is still unhealthy and unproductive.

Just because someone overreacts to you, it doesn’t mean you have to overreact back. This all comes back to treating others how you want to be treated.

[Read: Hacks for ways to calm down and put the crazy away]

If you want people to be respectful, understanding, and calm with you, treat them that way in return.

Let’s think of an example where someone overreacts to you, and you have the opportunity to keep your cool and prevent the situation from getting too intense.

You are in your early twenties and living at home, but you and your significant other decide to move in together. You tell your parents your news. Instead of supporting you, they are very upset. They think it is wrong and irresponsible to move in with someone before being married. They tell you they feel hurt and betrayed by you making this choice to leave them.

Your initial response might be anger and sadness. You want your parents to be happy that you’re happy and moving forward. You are upset that they would make this about them and their beliefs when it is your life but you also love them and don’t want to hurt them. Of course, that wasn’t your intention.

If you responded with your initial feelings, what would happen? Would the situation be resolved or would it cause more problems?

[Read: How to stop being angry and stop hurting yourself and those you love]

How to respond to an overreaction

Instead of reacting to an overreaction, take a few steps to handle the situation in a calm and productive manner.

Your first instinct may be to overreact right back or accuse the person you’re dealing with of overreacting. Instead of taking these immediate steps, learn how to respond to an overreaction while keeping your cool.

#1 Never tell them they are overreacting. The worst thing to do when someone is overreacting is to tell them they are doing that. To them, their response is entirely reasonable. Telling someone they are overreacting is dismissing their feelings no matter how wrong you think they are.

When you do that, you are gaslighting them. You are diminishing their feelings and only making them feel worse which in turn aggravates the entire situation. [Read: How to treat people better and live a much happier life in return]

#2 Realize their feelings are valid. Just because you think someone is overreacting doesn’t mean they are. In your mind, you label them as crazy or insane; when in fact, they have a right to their feelings, just as you do.

Sure, they may not have thought things through, but their response is not wrong just because you don’t like it. Just as your initial reaction is not wrong, neither is theirs. Their reaction may not be productive, but it is theirs and it is valid.

Before you respond, consider that they are not just trying to push your buttons, but are actually feeling hurt or upset. Take into account their feelings, no matter how bizarre they seem to you.

#3 Put yourself in their shoes. Yes, this is a cliche, but it is because it works. Switch the situation. How would you react in this situation? Can you understand why they are so upset? You may have different ideals or beliefs but knowing theirs, does their reaction make sense?

If you can try to see where this person is coming from, you can be more rational and calm when interacting with them. [Read: How to control your emotions and be the pinnacle of restraint]

#4 Take a step back. If you can’t remain calm when interacting with someone you believe is overreacting, take a step back. Tell them you feel you’re both too upset and the feelings are too fresh to hash things out right now.

If you both take some time to cool off and think about things from the other side, you can sort something out and come to an agreement.

#5 Talk it out calmly. Once the initial anger, frustration, or pain has worn off, you should be able to have an honest conversation. Avoid accusing the other person of anything. Ask them why they felt so strongly. Explain why you did what you did.

If you both share your desired outcome, you should be able to come to an understanding and compromise. [Read: Here’s how to grow up, be mature, and live like an adult]

#6 Stay true to yourself. When someone overreacts and you don’t like confrontation, you may be prone to giving in. Even if you feel right and sure about your decision, you may fold to avoid an argument or misunderstanding. It may seem like the easiest choice in the moment, but this can lead to a pattern of letting others’ reactions control you.

If you feel strongly about something, stand your ground. When someone overreacts and you just want to calm them down, you let go of your beliefs and can get used to doing that to avoid any confrontation. Instead, stand up for yourself. Calm confrontations are healthy for relationships. They help build your strength and character. Stay true to yourself when dealing with someone overreacting.

It will help you gain patience when dealing with similar situations in the future.

When you let someone’s overreaction affect you in the moment, it only leads to more anger and reacting. Taking your time to calmly respond is the best way to deal with overreactions from anyone.

The more time you take to cool off, the better the situation will work out for everyone.

It is easy to let your gut react in sensitive situations, but if you can control your feelings and let your mind do the work you can enhance your relationships and keep things from getting out of hand.

[Read: How to have a difficult conversation without losing your nerve]

Learning how to respond to an overreaction and keep your cool can help you in all aspects of life. use these tips to understand why someone is overreacting when they do, and learn to deal with them in a calm and sensitive way.

The post How to Respond to an Overreaction Without Losing Your Cool is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

Tuesday, 28 July 2020

40 Romantic Good Morning Text To Your Crush To Express Hidden Love

Good Morning Text To Your Crush Good morning beautiful. I hope you slept well last night. I hope you know that you are amazing and you deserve all the happiness…

The post 40 Romantic Good Morning Text To Your Crush To Express Hidden Love appeared first on Events Greetings.

How to Avoid Getting Attached Before You're Ready

how to avoid getting attached
Most guys who learn pickup end up with a girlfriend, often very quickly. But what if you don’t want to settle just yet? These tips will help you avoid getting attached.

Finding that one girl you’d want to be your special unicorn and be with forever and ever is not easy.

I’ve dated hundreds of women in my life, and I still haven’t found “the perfect girl.” There’s no such thing as perfection. Even the most beautiful diamond is just a rock. And the closer you look at it, the more flaws you’ll find.

However, it’s my hope that every one of you finds your dream girl, and you travel to Southern France (or wherever) together and makes a dozen babies.

Until then, I believe that every man should date a large variety of women. Otherwise, how will you know when you’ve found one you can tolerate, and even enjoy, for what may be the rest of your mortal life?

Monday, 27 July 2020

Unicorn Hunting: How to Find the Mythical Third Partner in No Time

You and your partner want to find a third person for a fun night, but unicorn hunting does take some work if you want a night of real fun.

You and your partner have decided to test the waters and explore the world of non-monogamy with a threesome. If you’re completely new to it all, it can definitely be a little scary and intense to consider unicorn hunting.

This is a new world you’re stepping into, and when something is new, there are a lot of mixed feelings involved. Even though this may be your first experience in non-monogamy, if you research ahead of time and focus on open communication with your partner, it should go pretty well.

[Read: Is monogamy for you? How to know your needs and what works best for you]

The must-know tips for unicorn hunting

You want to find a unicorn *or third* for your relationship. Maybe it’s just for one fun night, or you want to date your third. Either way, you need to find your third first. This is the hardest part because the more people involved in a relationship, the more opinions and needs people have.

Your third is another person, don’t see them as someone you can use and toss around. Instead, this is another person you need to please and satisfy as well. So, when you’re unicorn hunting, there are some important things you need to do to make sure things go smoothly. [Read: How to have a perfect threesome with all the right rules]

Make it a memorable time for everyone.

#1 The work starts before the search. Before you and your partner get all excited about finding your unicorn, there are some things you definitely need to iron out with your partner. Most of the work comes before you even start to look for your third person. So, before you do anything, focus on your relationship first.

#2 What do you want? I know that having a threesome is probably exciting for you, but you need to put aside your fantasy and really think about whether this is something you want. If you’re certain this is what you want for yourself and the relationship, then see if your partner feels the same. [Relationship boredom: How to cure boredom in your relationship forever]

#3 Does your partner actually want to do it? Is this something you’re pushing on your partner? Or is this something you both genuinely want? You should make sure your partner wants this as much as you do. If not, throughout the unicorn hunting process and threesome, it can create some serious issues.

#4 What will you two do if jealousy arises? This is something you need to talk about with your partner. Odds are jealousy will arise in the threesome, and you need to have a plan about what you’re going to do when it happens. When it does happen, will you stop what you’re doing and discuss your feelings? [Read: Could you actually be happy in a polyamorous relationship?]

#5 If you can’t do any of the above, don’t continue with it. If you don’t know what you want, if your partner isn’t sure if this is right for them, or if you two aren’t comfortable talking about feelings together, then stop right now. You’re not ready for unicorn hunting; you’re not even stable in your own relationship. [Read: 20 things you MUST KNOW if you ever consider a threesome]

#6 Is this just for one night or a polyamorous relationship? What do you and your partner want? Is this just for one night of fun? Or are you looking for a polyamorous relationship? Either way, you and your partner need to figure out the type of relationship you want with your unicorn. That way, you choose the right unicorn who wants the same things. [Read: Throuple relationship rules for a happy threesome romance]

#7 For the unicorn hunt, make it obvious. If you’re using a dating app, don’t try to be subtle. Make sure it’s clear you’re a couple. Whether you can set your gender to “couple” or use your relationship status as a way to show potential unicorns what you’re looking for. If you’re sharing pictures, make sure it shows both of you.

#8 State what you want on your bio. Aside from making your profile visually clear you’re a couple, you also need to make sure your bio is straightforward and honest. Don’t try to be subtle with what you’re looking for. Mention the type of relationship you’re looking for and what you and your partner sexually prefer. [Read: Tinder threesome: A couple’s guide to swiping right for a threesome]

#9 Always be up front with potential unicorns. You don’t need to be very specific and detailed about what you’re looking for on your profile. But once you start to talk to a potential unicorn, it’s absolutely crucial you mention everything in detail and expect the third to either agree or disagree with your needs.

#10 Does your third match your needs? This is very important. Before you agree on a unicorn, you need to make sure your needs align with their needs. If not, this will become a problem when it comes to the night of fun. Everyone needs to have the same goals in mind, or else things could get awkward.

#11 Meet the third beforehand *if you can*. If you’re able, it’s best to meet the potential unicorn before you do anything. It’s always good to feel out the vibe and see how the chemistry is between everyone. You want it to be a good experience, so take some time to choose the right person. [Read: The threesome invite – How to ask someone to join you in bed]

#12 Remember, it’s about pleasuring all three of you. This happens often. People find a third person, and someone is left out. But, you must understand if you’re finding a third, then the goal is to please and satisfy everyone involved. You don’t want someone to feel left out or worthless. If your third doesn’t meet your needs or vice versa, this may not be the unicorn for you.

[Read: Unicorn dating: How to find a naughty unicorn and set the right rules]

If you follow these tips, you and your partner will be able to go unicorn hunting and find the perfect fit for your night of fun.

The post Unicorn Hunting: How to Find the Mythical Third Partner in No Time is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

30 Amazing Thank You For Your Hospitality Messages

Thank You For Your Hospitality You deserve so much more than just a thank you. I cannot thank you enough for your kind love and support. This world needs more kind-hearted people…

The post 30 Amazing Thank You For Your Hospitality Messages appeared first on Events Greetings.

20 Super Sweet Things to Say to Your Girlfriend in a Text & Aww Her

You want to send her a text to show her you love her. But what do you say? Here are some sweet things to say to your girlfriend in a text.

Some of my favorite memories of my long distance relationship with my partner were the sweet good morning texts and spontaneous compliments. Being in a relationship is a challenge, and having your partner show their love to you is always appreciated. And if you want to show your love and appreciation to your partner, you don’t always need to do it by a grand gesture. Sometimes, it’s as simple as knowing the right kind of sweet things to say to your girlfriend in a text.

To be honest, the small and intimate gestures are the ones we all remember and cherish. If you’re interested in making your girlfriend feel special and loved when you’re not around, then why don’t you send her some sweet text messages?

20 sweet things to say to your girlfriend in a text

If you don’t know what to say, let some of these text messages inspire you. You can use these texts below or let them guide you to making your own special message. What’s important is you choose a text that feels real to you. Never send someone a message that isn’t genuine. So, here are 20 sweet things to say to your girlfriend in a text.

[Read: 20 of the cutest text messages to make your girl smile]

Everyone loves getting a genuine compliment.

#1 I’m the luckiest man on earth. And you are! You have an amazing partner by your side.

#2 Good morning, beautiful! You don’t always need to write something poetic. Sometimes a simple good morning text is more than enough. [Read: All the reasons why a good morning text is important and makes someone day better]

#3 I can’t wait to see you. And it’s the truth! 

#4 I wish I could wake up next to you right now. Though you’re not next to her, that doesn’t mean you don’t think about waking up beside her.

#5 I’m always excited to come home to you. Just knowing you’ll see her face when you walk through the front door makes you happy.

#6 You are my queen. You never expected to meet someone like her, but you’re so happy you did.

#7 I can’t stop thinking about you. She’s always on your mind. If that’s the case, then she should know.

#8 Thank you for being there for me. We all go through tough times, but she’s always next to you. 

#9 I love you, have an amazing day. Make her smile and know that at the end of the day, she has you.

#10 Your smile makes me melt. The moment you see her smile, it’s a done deal.

#11 I’m so excited to grow old with you. Just thinking about the future with her makes you the happiest man. [Read: 13 simple and down-to-earth ways to express your love]

#12 I’m so happy I’m in love with my best friend. You don’t want just a partner. You want a best friend. 

#13 Are you busy? I need to hear your voice. Sometimes, a text isn’t enough. You want to hear her voice, so call her.

#14 I’m so happy I have a partner I can actually talk to. So many people are with people they can’t talk to. But with your partner, she’s also your friend. [Read: 8 little habits that bring couples closer together]

#15 I can’t even make it through the day without thinking about you. She’s the only thing on your mind. It’s definitely distracting.

#16 You make me the mushiest man on earth. You used to be a tough guy, but you’ve become a soft teddy bear since you’re with your partner.

#17 I couldn’t fall asleep last night. I couldn’t stop thinking about you. She drives you crazy, and there’s no shame in telling her.

#18 You make me a better man. She’s not just your partner. She’s someone who pushes you to be a better friend, family member, and man. [Read: 16 ways to show your appreciation for someone you love]

#19 My life has forever changed since I met you. And it’s been for the better!

#20 I love you. It’s short, it’s sweet, and it’s to the point.

[Read: How to make your girlfriend feel special with even the smallest gestures]

Listen, you have all the sweet things you can say to your girlfriend in a text in the palm of your hands. All you need to do is use it.

The post 20 Super Sweet Things to Say to Your Girlfriend in a Text & Aww Her is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

Name a Woman's Behavior If You Want Her to Change It

woman's behavior
Name a woman's behavior to alter it. Most people aren't conscious of what they're doing or why… when you make her conscious, you change her trajectory.

People do all sorts of things without being conscious they're doing them.

They engage in behaviors -- often behaviors they don't themselves feel good about -- driven by emotions they're barely aware of.

You, however, at the very least by reading this site, are a student of human behavior. You're more conscious of the things you do and why... and you are more conscious of what those around you do, and why.

And when you point out to someone what he is doing, and make him conscious of it, often that is going to affect whether and how much he continues to do that thing.

If what he's doing is something negative, that shows a trait like jealousy or insecurity, you pointing it out is going to tend to motivate him to assert control over that behavior.

You can use this 'behavior naming' with women to help nudge them into fixing or quitting bad behavior they engage in around you.

Frustration Attraction: Why Their Denial Makes You Love Them Harder

Life and love are confusing things, causing us to see things differently to reality. Frustration attraction is one of them—proceed with caution!

Matters of the heart are rarely easy to deal with. One part of you sees it as wonderful and you can’t stop smiling. While the other part of you is terrified something will come along and ruin it, or everything is going wrong and you can’t help but wish it would end. A simple case of frustration attraction.

Love is wonderful, right?!

There is one very real danger that we all have to deal with—a case of the rose tinted spectacles. What does this mean? Basically, you’re developing frustration attraction.

What is frustration attraction?

When you’re rejected by someone you like, or when a relationship ends, you go through several stages. First, you’re angry, then you’re heartbroken. After, you’re not sure what you feel. However, at some point you look back over your time and see things in a possibly distorted manner.

[Read: How to stop thinking about your ex what could have been before it ruins your future]

The reality is that your crush wasn’t really ever interested or you didn’t really like them in the first place.

Or if it’s a matter of your ex, your relationship was full of arguments and problems, but when it’s over, you start to focus on the good times you had. You push out the bad times. They’re very real and the solid reason why your relationship is over, but you don’t focus on that. You only see the times you laughed, the times you smiled, and all the good memories.

It’s dangerous, quite frankly.

What causes frustration attraction?

We become frustrated in life for many different reasons, usually when we don’t get what we want or something turns out to be a little more difficult than we had anticipated. In relationships, frustration attraction can occur for two reasons. You’ve been dumped or rejected.

[Read: How to handle rejection without making a food of yourself]

Both pretty terrible situations, I’m sure you’ll agree, but they’re key reasons why frustration attraction occurs.

When it does, being spurned or dumped by someone makes you want them even more, simply because they’re out of reach. If you’re rejected by someone, the same kind of thing happens, you chase them because you’re sure that being with them would be wonderful.

Again, you wear rose tinted spectacles. Remove them ASAP!

You avoid the bad times and the why a relationship ended; instead, you focus solely on the good times. It distorts reality. In addition, refusing to see that someone just doesn’t want to be with you, means you’re kidding yourself. Don’t waste time chasing someone or dreaming about someone who isn’t meant to be a part of your life.

Surely it’s better to focus on finding someone who can’t wait to spend time with you? They’re out there, and you deserve them!

[Read: 5 steps to see yourself in a better life and find your self-worth]

What to do if you develop frustration attraction

The problem with frustration attraction is that it can feel undeniable. It’s a pull that you can’t help but follow, an itch that demands to be scratched. However, by following it or scratching it, you lead yourself down a pretty dark path. You’re wasting your time and damaging your own view of things.

If you really do feel like you’re struggling with frustration attraction, obviously, first, identify it. Force yourself to see things as they really are. Remember the bad times, balance them up with the good, and recall the reason why it ended. If it’s someone you pursued but found out they didn’t feel the same way, focus on some of the negative points to help balance out what you see. There’s bound to be some, nobody is perfect!

The problem is, when rejected by someone, whether you were actually in a relationship with them and it ended, or you tried to make your friendship more and failed, it’s easy to convince yourself that everything would be wonderful if you were with them.

You imagine scenarios in your mind and the more you do it, the more miserable you become. You’re living in your imagination. It’s time to step out of it and live life as it really is.

[Read: How to find yourself when you feel like you’ve lost your way]

Imagining these scenarios is the number one way to force frustration attraction into your life. It will cause you to chase the imaginary situation you have dreamed up, but in truth, you’re chasing nothing more than a scene from a soap opera. If your relationship ended and didn’t want it to end, you might wish that you could bump into them. You’d imagine bumping into them when you’re dressed up and looking amazing, and hope that they realize how much they desire you and immediately text or call you to start things up again.

The truth is that it’s not likely to happen. Don’t go hanging out at their usual haunts and try and bump into them. They’re not going to have an epiphany. And this whole act of pursuing them while appearing uninterested just makes you look a little desperate.

[Read: How to let go of your fear of being alone and find peace with your life]

False hope leads to misery

Look, I’m not trying to dull your shine or make you feel negative, but it’s important to see things how they really are. Being dumped or rejected isn’t fun.

We’ve all been there. Every single person on the planet at some point or another has been dumped or rejected. It is a part and parcel of being a human being. While it’s hard to shrug it off and go about your day, it’s really what you need to try your best to do. Of course, it’s a little easier if you weren’t yet in a relationship with the person, and far harder if you’ve suddenly found yourself single after a period of time being part of a couple.

[Read: Learn how to be happy if you’re single again and explore your single freedoms!]

Frustration attraction is completely within your control, but it means you must know exactly what you’re doing to stop it becoming a problem. At its core, this reaction is nothing more than clinging on to false hope.

Not only are you wasting your time, but you also cause yourself more hurt over the long term. You’re not coming to terms with the end of the relationship or allowing yourself to understand where you truly are. [Read: 13 painful and soul crushing signs your crush really doesn’t like you back]

It’s going to hurt. In fact it’s worse than ripping a Band-Aid off, but it’s necessary. Clinging on to false hope simply makes your heartbreak last for longer. Nobody should wallow in misery for longer than they really need to! It’s part of the recovery process when a relationship ends. It should be followed to heal and move on.

Sure, rejection hurts. It damages your ego and ruins the hope you had, but surely it’s better to know the truth than to go around living in a fantasy? Don’t wast your time clinging to someone who doesn’t want to be with you in that way. Instead, spend your time with someone who thinks you’re as amazing as you really are! [Read: How to stop thinking about someone you still like]

So, how can you tell when frustration attraction is coming your way? The biggest sign… you just can’t let it go. To identify this, be honest with yourself. Sit down and have a word in your own ear and tell yourself some strong, and probably quite harsh, truths. It will be unpleasant, that’s true, but it won’t sting for long. You’ll feel far better for it.

[Read: How to stop self-destructive behavior and change your life for good]

Frustration attraction forces you to see things in a positive light. The reality tells you something different. You live in the past and focus your attention on something not meant to be.

The post Frustration Attraction: Why Their Denial Makes You Love Them Harder is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

Sunday, 26 July 2020

20 Best Future Husband Quotes To Express Untold Love

Future Husband Quotes Dear future husband, I hope you know how to cook because I create a disaster every time I enter the kitchen. Just kidding! I’m happy to cook…

The post 20 Best Future Husband Quotes To Express Untold Love appeared first on Events Greetings.

Dating Strategies for Different Levels of Lockdown

covid-19 pandemic dating solutions
COVID-19 restrictions vary in different parts of the world. In this article, I go over some possible dating solutions depending on your level of lockdown.

Hey guys. And welcome back.

Today I want to return to my posts on COVID-19 and how to deal with this challenging situation. Let’s not fool ourselves; this pandemic is one of the biggest cockblocks I have ever encountered. It has impaired me more than I would have believed. Things are NOT easy. It is hard for everyone.

It may negatively affect your social and sexual confidence. I get that. Usually, I would tell guys to man up, but I can only say that I sympathize. It has affected me and other seducers as well. Things are not great.

I may be repeating myself, but it’s important to note that we are all experiencing the lows of COVID-19, pros and beginners alike. So do not feel bad for experiencing negative emotions. Pros and beginners may experience things differently. Pros may feel the shock of not having superpowers anymore, which is very frustrating, and beginners may feel far less robust emotionally regarding sex and women.

Most of us, regardless of skill levels, will experience lows for different reasons. The way people cope with crises, given their natural predispositions, may play a significant role in how they react and how severely they are affected.

Today I want to get practical. My two last articles on seduction during the pandemic have been mostly in a negative tone. I’ve taken a negative slant about online dating and dating apps. I do not generally consider them good options for meeting women, and find them even less useful during the pandemic.

(I still have not heard from anyone racking up plenty of pulls from Tinder during the pandemic; wasn’t it supposed to be the perfect solution?)

So, what should one do instead? I feel bad for leaving readers without a replacement.

I will share some brief suggestions. It will be an overview. In future posts, I may share specific guides on dealing with these suggestions. I am not writing in-depth posts yet, because I still have not found the holy grail. I hope that the crisis will end before I get to that, so I don’t have to write these guides. But if the crisis continues, you will AT LEAST have some in-depth suggestions.

Saturday, 25 July 2020

6 Must-Know Crucial Tips for Dating While Living with Your Parents

Living at home with your parents? I’ll bet you are in need of these six crucial tips for dating while living with your parents.

More and more young people are moving back home for all sorts of reasons. As financially, and maybe even emotionally, beneficial living with your parents can be, it can be a real bummer for your dating life. Here are six tips for dating while living with your parents.

Do you want someone you just met meeting your parents right away? What about sex? Will you have to sneak around? Does your bedroom share a wall with your parents?

Not to mention, how do your parents feel about you bringing someone over? Will your date judge you for not having your own place? Trying to date while living with your parents has its very own collection of hurdles. So, when that is your situation, how do you manage?

[Read: How to remain hopeful while dating and not let heartaches stop you]

What it’s like dating while living with your parents

I am 27 years old. I live with my parents and have a boyfriend. Dating while living with your parents introduces a whole new set of awkward moments, nerves, and risks.

It all depends on how close you are with your folks, but even if you don’t share every aspect of your life, things can get uncomfortable. You have your desires and your parents’ comfort to consider. It is their house, so there are rules.

Are they okay with you having a significant other stay overnight? Will they have to meet this person or have them over for dinner? How do you balance privacy and openness? Well, it takes some getting used to. You need to find what works for you and your parents.

[Read: Still living with your parents: Is it the new normal?]

I am very close with my parents. So, if I went on a date my parents would know where I was going and who with, and I would keep in touch. I don’t have an issue keeping them in the loop about where I am or when I’ll be home.

Sure, I’m an adult. If I lived on my own, my mom wouldn’t be asking if I was coming home, but I am living at home so the rules are different. When your parents see you everyday, they have a right to know if you’re safe.

I know it is uncomfortable, but talking to your parents about this will help.

I started with the house dating rules I had in high school. And, I was allowed to have my boyfriend over with the door closed but no overnights. Then during college breaks, I was allowed to have my boyfriend overnight, but they had to meet him first and get comfortable with him.

As an adult, out of school, and on a budget, that is when dating while living with my parents got iffier. Netflix and chill is an acceptable and free date. But how awkward is it to have your date walk past your parents in the living room to sneak up to your bedroom? And then there is the whole telling the person you’re dating about your situation.

So, what do I do? Well, most of my dating has been online. That means I always meet the person in public. I will go on three to five dates in a public place before going back to my place or theirs.

[Read: What it’s like to date someone who still lives with their parents]

By then, we know each other’s living situation whether that be roommates, parents, or pets. Once I feel comfortable inviting them over, I let my parents know that they are coming over to watch a movie.

We will hang out at each other’s place a handful of times before any overnights. And we have both met each other’s roommates. Yes, meeting someone’s parents so soon can be nerve-racking, but when you live together it is just part of that reality.

Sure, introducing your new partner to your parents after two weeks of dating when they live across the country can be weird. However, if they live down the hall, it makes sense.

It would be hard to date someone and share any intimacy if you can’t be alone in private together. So, if someone wants to get to know you better and you live at home, they sort of have to deal with that.

Once my boyfriend met my parents and shared a casual dinner with them, he stayed over for the first time. We keep the door open if we are just hanging out, and if the door is shut everyone in the house knows to give us our privacy and knock if they really need something.

[Read: Boundaries in dating – How far is too far?]

Is it the best and most ideal situation? No. But it works for me, my boyfriend, and my family. Honestly, he lives with two roommates. We have a similar situation there.

Tips for dating while living with your parents

Now, you know how dating while living with your parents works for me, but of course, every situation will differ. Some parents will be more strict. Some people will feel weird about meeting your parents so soon, and you may be private about your dating life.

So, how do you handle dating while living with your parents? Here are some tips you can use to make dating while living with your parents a little less uncomfortable.

#1 Ease into it. When you live at home while dating, it can be best to slow things down. If you lived alone, you may bring a date back to your place on date one or two, but if your parents will be hanging on the sofa, you’ll probably want to get to know this person a bit better.

Go on some dates in public. If you want more alone time, take a walk in a park or go for a drive. Once you can trust this person, you can invite them over. [Read: The best virtual first dates ideas to really get to know someone]

#2 Have them meet briefly. Before throwing your parents or your new boo into the lion’s den, have them meet first. Instead of inviting them for dinner, have them meet your parents briefly when they drop you off at the end of a date.

This will be a buffer for them to get the introductions out of the way before sharing a meal or spending more time together.

#3 Clue them in. Let your partner know you live at home. If they want to come over, they will be meeting your family. Let them know it doesn’t have to be a big deal, but that is the reality. Seeing their reaction will tell you a lot. Also, let them know how your parents are.

Will they pry and ask a lot of questions or politely say hello and let you have your privacy? If this is your first time bringing someone home, ask your parents about it. Let them know how you want things to go and what they require from you to be comfortable. [Read: These modern dating terms will help you master the evolving dating scene]

#4 Let your partner and parents know what you want. If you are casually dating someone that will be at your family home, let your parents know that you are keeping things casual. Let them know you aren’t looking for anything serious and would appreciate it if they would give you privacy and distance.

Same with your partner. If you are in a relationship, tell your parent(s) you’d like them to get to know your family and put in the effort to join them for meals or watching the game. Be upfront with your intentions. It is best to get it all out in the open so that there isn’t a misunderstanding.

#5 Set boundaries. Depending on your parents, yours, and your partner’s comfort levels you’ll want to set boundaries. It can be awkward to talk about. Trust me, the talk is way more comfortable than your mom walking in on you and your boo in a compromising position.

Talk about what is okay and what isn’t. Can your partner come over unannounced and let themselves in? Can they help themselves to the pantry? Do your parents need notice if they are staying over? Set some ground rules so everyone knows how it works. [Read: How to set healthy boundaries in your life]

#6 Own it. Many people are ashamed that they live at home, whether it is for financial reasons or just because you are close with your family. But if you aren’t proud to be living with your family, it will come off that way to the people you date. Don’t apologize for living at home. It isn’t embarrassing. In fact, it shows strength and common sense.

As a woman in her twenties, I’d say 80% of the guys I’ve dated in the last six years lived at home with their parents. When someone was ashamed of it, it was more of a turn off than someone who said, well I’m close with my parents so I don’t mind.

Even if I could afford to live on my own, I’d stay with my parents until I was moving in with a significant other. Of course, everyone has different relationships with their families and sees this differently, but finding someone who is on the same page as you is key.

[Read: How to stop pushing people away and learn why you’re doing it]

It can be awkward to date while living at home. Hopefully, these tips for dating while living with your parents help you make it work.

The post 6 Must-Know Crucial Tips for Dating While Living with Your Parents is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

25 Exclusive 8 Year Wedding Anniversary Wishes And Quotes With Images

8 Year Anniversary You bring out the most cheerful parts of me that I didn’t know even existed in me. The 8 years that I spent with you were the…

The post 25 Exclusive 8 Year Wedding Anniversary Wishes And Quotes With Images appeared first on Events Greetings.

20 Cute Happy Birthday Big Sister Quotes To Celebrate Special Day

Happy Birthday Big Sister You have always been my best friend, my number one supporter, and my sister. I am grateful to have you. Happy birthday, big sister. I love…

The post 20 Cute Happy Birthday Big Sister Quotes To Celebrate Special Day appeared first on Events Greetings.

How to Not Be a Narcissist: 13 Self-Reflecting Steps to Change You

The light bulb has gone off in your head. You want to change your life for the better and learn how to not be a narcissist. Here’s how you do it.

When it comes to narcissism and selfishness, most people think if you have those qualities, you’re incapable of changing. That’s who you are, and that’s who you’ll always be. But it’s not true. It is possible to learn how to not be a narcissist!

Of course, narcissists are usually unaware of their own behavior as their issues are deeply rooted. They use narcissism as a way to avoid their problems. But even narcissists are able to change with the right therapy.

Perhaps you’re a self-aware narcissist, and in that case, you’re more aware of your behavior and how it impacts others.

[Read: How to be a better person and grow into a kind human]

How to not be a narcissist

So, you want to change. First, make sure you’re doing it for the right reasons. Do you want to change for yourself? Then that’s great! But if you want to change to win back an ex or achieve a different goal, it may not work out so well for you in the long run.

There’s no need to rush this process. Give yourself time to go through it. Changing a behavior you’ve grown accustomed to daily for years and years won’t be easy. It will take time, and you’ll hit bumps along the way. But it is possible to learn how to not be a narcissist. Do it for yourself.

#1 If you’re really a narcissist, chances are you don’t think you are. If you’re wondering whether or not you’re a narcissist, odds are you probably aren’t. Narcissists don’t typically self-reflect and see themselves as selfish people. But maybe people have told you multiple times you’re a narcissist and that got you thinking *although, it probably didn’t*. [Read: Here is how to tell if someone is a narcissist or not] 

#2 Do you really want to change for you? Before you make any change, you need to make sure you’re doing it for yourself. Don’t change because you want to impress someone or get your ex-partner back. You must want to change for yourself. It can be the only reason. If not, your change won’t be permanent. 

#3 Get yourself a notebook. You’re going to need one. Get yourself a small notebook where you can jot down your thoughts and feelings throughout the day. It’s crucial you do so. You’ll be able to track yourself and why you react the way you do in specific situations. [Read: These positive personality traits can change your life for the better]

#4 Don’t do it alone. If you’re going to work on your narcissism/selfishness, you shouldn’t do it alone. If you’re able, it’s best to go through this change with the support of a therapist.

They’ll be able to give you specific techniques that are tailored for you. Plus, you’ll be able to get an outsider perspective on your life, which is always helpful. 

#5 Identify what you want to change. What is it about yourself you want to change? Before you can change, identify what you want to change. Take out your notebook *I told you it would be handy* and write down the behaviors you’d like to change and what situations cause you to respond with that behavior. [Read: How to change your life – 12 easy hacks for a dramatic makeover]

#6 Identify your triggers. Keep your notebook out! If you really want to change, then you should be very aware of your behavior. Throughout your days, write down things that trigger you. Is it a specific person? Or if someone gets praised and you don’t?

#7 Focus on 50/50 conversations. Narcissistic people tend to run the conversation and have it focused on themselves. In a normal conversation, 50% of it should involve you talking, and the other 50% should have the other person talking. So, be aware and try to make the conversation as even as possible. [Read: Conversational narcissist? Do you love talking and hate listening?]

#8 Use the “three perspectives” rule. This is a great rule to help you change your behavior. In any situation you’re in, 1) look at the situation from your perspective, 2) look at the situation from the perspective of the other main person, 3) look at the situation from an outside observer. 

#9 Delay unwanted behaviors. The way you typically respond to situations is now what you want to avoid. You need to rewire your brain, which isn’t going to be easy. Before responding to anything, count to 20 in your head and take a couple of deep breaths. Before responding, think about the last time you responded in your old way and the reaction you received; now, you should change that.

#10 Test out a new response. So, you want to change the way you respond to a situation. Once you have identified your triggers, work on changing your response to something new. Each time you use a new response, see it as huge progress. Behavior is hard to change.

#11 Constantly review your success and try to improve. Doing these tips a couple of times a week isn’t going to work. You need to be constantly working on yourself and then reflecting on the progress you’ve made. But just because you see progress doesn’t mean you can relax and let things go. 

#12 Practice gratitude. There’s a lot in this world to be grateful for. And we tend to overlook the things around us that we should be grateful for. To help deflate your ego, practice gratitude. By practicing gratitude, you shift thinking away from yourself to other people and things in your life. [Read: Secret to happiness? The uncomplicated guide to a happy life] 

#13 Even if you’re not narcissistic, this can curb your selfishness. Odds are if you’re reading this, then you’re not a narcissist. When you’re a narcissist, you usually don’t recognize this behavior. But that doesn’t mean you’re not selfish. By using these tips, they’ll help you curb your selfishness.

[Read: How to stop being selfish: 20 ways to stop hurting yourself and others]

Learning how to not be a narcissist won’t be easy, but if you truly want to change yourself for the better, you can do it.

The post How to Not Be a Narcissist: 13 Self-Reflecting Steps to Change You is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

Confused About Pickup and Seduction? This Article Will Change That

conflicting advice in pickup and seduction
If you study seduction, you’ll run into conflicting advice. Truth is, it ALL works, but not with ALL women, and not for ALL guys. The solution? Focus on these 3 keys.

These are the most classic questions of all time in the seduction game:

“What do women want?”

“What kind of guy attracts women?”

Or you hear these statements:

“Women like the strong silent type.” (cough wallflower cough)

“All you have to do is figure out her relationship with her father and act it out.” (cough not field tested cough)

You can’t do that in field in the first minutes of your conversation with her to hook, much less delve into all that to work in a strategy with effective techniques specific to her in 10–20 minutes with ANY level of stealth.

There are 50 of these; one could compile an entertaining list.

It isn’t entertaining when you don’t have an effective, workable strategy you can use on ANY woman, and you are getting conflicting information.

That combined with 20 bickering schools of pickup and seduction, and it’s far from entertaining and more like torture for new guys to intermediates.

Well, if you're confused from all that, you found the right article. I’ll lay out specific “what you should be doing” guidelines to use in field while training your skills.

I have many followers and students on the forums who write these articles and shout my name from the rooftops because of what you are about to read.

I hate it when someone teases, then doesn’t get to the point immediately. In this case, it is IMPORTANT that you understand the Y of this problem. I mean the Y as in XY.

Friday, 24 July 2020

20+ Wishes for Moving To A New Place

Wishes for Moving To a New Place : Your life is a beautiful journey. But what adds meaning to this... More

The post 20+ Wishes for Moving To A New Place appeared first on WishesMsg.

5 Different Types of Flirting & How to Pick One that Works for You

You’re pretty sure you’re horrible at flirting but that’s not the case. There are different types of flirting, and it’s time to find out which one you are.

Though there are some people who can flirt effortlessly, many of us struggle with the idea of flirting with someone else, let alone figure out the different types of flirting and what works for us.

We have trouble seeing if someone is actually interested in us, and that can cause some awkwardness when it comes to knowing what to do. Not everyone shows the same signs when interested in someone. I know, I know, as if dating wasn’t hard enough already. But there is a silver lining to this. It’s not you; it’s your flirting style. See? Doesn’t that make you feel better already?

[Read: How to flirt with your crush – 15 subtle cues to make them fall hard]

But seriously, I’m not joking. We generally talk about flirting as one thing, but in reality, there are different types of flirting styles and each of us go about flirting a different way.

That’s right; we’re all different. On the one hand, this makes it even more complicated, but on the other hand, now you know that there are five different styles of flirting.

The 5 types of flirting and how each of them work

Once you understand what the five styles are, it’ll be much easier to understand the people you interact with. Knowing how to read these signs will help you out and also help you understand yourself better. Why do you flirt the way that you do? What style do you fit in? It’s time to find out!

Yes, there are more ways than one.

[Read: 15 very obvious signs of flirting between a guy and a girl]

Everyone is different

Here’s the thing, when it comes to attraction and interest, everyone has their own style and needs. Not everyone flirts in the same way, and this is why people struggle with figuring out if someone is interested in them or not. So, if you struggle with flirting, it’s not necessarily your fault.

We all know when someone isn’t interested

While we may not know when people are flirting with us, the one thing we do know is when someone isn’t interested. Usually, the problem comes with us being willing to accept the truth that this person isn’t into us and share the same feelings we have for them. [Read: 13 painful and soul crushing signs your crush doesn’t like you back]

What does science have to say?

I’m not talking about this from thin air. When it comes to types of flirting styles, science has even backed up this claim. In 2015, a study from the University of Kansas discovered there are five different styles of flirting, showing there’s no right way to flirt or show romantic interest. So what are the five styles of flirting?

Type #1 Traditional flirting

This is considered to be old-school flirting. You know, where men make the first move and women take a passive role in the encounter. This can be a struggle for women as they need to wait for the man to make a move, which doesn’t always happen quickly. Traditional flirts are usually introverted and value emotional and physical intimacy. [Read: Easy dating advice for introverts and 19 tips and tricks to flirt]

What are the signs of a traditional flirt?

How can you tell you’re talking to a traditional flirt? Well, look at your watch. If it takes them forever to make a move or ask you out on a date, then odds they’re traditional. Plus, if they’re more introverted and prefer deep conversations as opposed to small-talk, you have yourself a traditional flirt.

Type #2 Playful flirting

For people who are playful flirts, they use their flirting as a tool. They love spending their time innocently flirting with people, without the desire of a serious relationship. Why? Well, for playful flirts, their self-esteem is usually connected to their flirting. They’ll get an ego boost from flirting and will play games with you without any care. [Read: Shameless signs of breadcrumbing people use for an ego boost]

What are the signs of a playful flirt?

If there’s one thing playful flirts like to do, it’s to tease people. They love to use their charm and games to create sexual tension. They’re also not easy to get a date with; they like everything light and casual. If you start talking about serious subjects and you see their eyes glaze over, there’s your first clue. [Read: How to be more playful and flirty when you meet someone]

Type #3 Physical flirting

Well, you can guess what a physical flirt is all about. They love to touch. They’ll rub up against you, lean into you, and draw your attention into sexual areas of their body like their mouth. Physical flirts can build connections with ease and are quick to pick up on signs of interest from others. When you’re around a physical flirt, you may even feel slightly uncomfortable.

What are the signs of a physical flirt?

Are they constantly touching you? When they talk, they may grab your arm or give you hugs and kisses on the cheek. They’ll use touch and act rather suggestively. When around them, they come off as very confident and self-assured. [Read: When a guy touches you – The different body parts and what they mean]

Type #4 Sincere flirting

This is actually the most common types of flirting and to be honest; it’s not a bad thing. Sincere flirting is all about being direct and honest with how you feel about someone. The goal is to build an emotional connection by getting to know the person you’re interested in. Maybe you’ll ask them what book they’re reading or what music they like. This type of flirting can feel like friendship as well.

What are the signs of a sincere flirt?

For a sincere flirt, you’ll notice that they’ll ask you a lot of questions about yourself and genuinely try to get to know you. They’ll want to engage in a thoughtful conversation with you in a quiet place like a cafe. For a sincere flirt, it’s all about the connection. [Read: How to emotionally connect with someone and feel really close in no time]

#5 Polite flirting

This is possibly the hardest type of flirting to pinpoint because this person is flirting in a polite manner. With a polite flirt, it’s easy to misread their flirting as they’re very subtle and follow the rules. They never overstep themselves and focus on being polite and building a well-mannered relationship.

What are the signs of a polite flirt?

You’ll need to pay attention as they’ll show interest, but they’ll make sure they’re polite about it. They won’t flirt using touch; instead, they’ll always give you enough personal space and will subtly compliment you. It’s a tough one to spot out! [Read: The subtlest flirting moves to bring them close without much effort]

You can be a mix

No one said you only fit into one of these categories. We’re human, which means we’re complex. Sigh. So, you can find yourself in a couple of these categories and using multiple types of flirting at the same time, which is perfectly normal. Not everyone fits into a single box, and that’s okay. I can say I used to be a mix of a traditional and playful flirt, but that’s also changed.

[Read: What is flirting? The science behind this common act]

Now that you know the five types of flirting, which style(s) do you see yourself in? More importantly, does your style match the person you’re interested in?

The post 5 Different Types of Flirting & How to Pick One that Works for You is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

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