Thursday 31 December 2020

15 Have A Safe Trip Wishes For Safe Journey

Have A Safe Trip I hope you have a safe trip, my love. I will be waiting with flowers when you come back!   Your dreams are waiting for you.…

The post 15 Have A Safe Trip Wishes For Safe Journey appeared first on Events Greetings.

Nice to Meet You Quotes For Pleasant Meeting

Nice to Meet You Quotes It is so lovely to meet a person like you and to have gotten to share these wonderful moments with you. Thank you for being…

The post Nice to Meet You Quotes For Pleasant Meeting appeared first on Events Greetings.

Sorry Quotes And Messages For Friend

Sorry Quotes For Friend I don’t know what else to say, except I’m incredibly sorry for the things that I said. Please take it as a stupid moment and forgive…

The post Sorry Quotes And Messages For Friend appeared first on Events Greetings.

Wednesday 30 December 2020

Tactics Tuesdays: How to Use Barriers to Make Girls Chase You

how to use barriersBarriers are a way to set up small 'walls' a woman must climb with you. In climbing these small walls, you can make a girl start to chase you.

The other day in my article on the click moment I mentioned the use of barriers.

Barriers are a tactic I've touched on only a bit before (in my article from long ago on being a challenge to women).

Today I want to go a lot more in-depth about this powerful technique.

If you're not using barriers, you're missing out on an outstanding tool to get the women you talk to chasing you.

So let's get you using them.

Tuesday 29 December 2020

What is True Love? 22 Signs of Love to Know if Your Love is Real

Is love real? What is true love? How can you tell if what you’re feeling is love? Look for these signs of true love, and understand what it truly is.

So what is true love really? Can you recognize the signs of true love the minute you see it? Understanding love is like understanding the air we breathe. We know it’s all around us, and yet we can’t see it. So is true love even real? You’ll know exactly how to recognize the real kind of love right here.

Is it love at first sight real?

This is something most people misunderstand, and we need to dispel this myth right away.

[Read: 14 unrealistic expectations that can ruin your love life]

True love isn’t felt in a heartbeat or in a second glance. True love takes time to take shape. And contrary to popular belief, love at first sight isn’t really love at all. In fact, love at first sight is nothing but an infatuation. It’s a strong surge of romantic and sexual emotions that overwhelm you.

Before you wonder what true love is all about and what the signs of true love really are, you need to understand that it’s very important to take things slow in a relationship if you want to ensure its success.

When you first start dating someone or fall for someone at first sight, what you experience isn’t love. As much as you feel like you’re head over heels in love, you really aren’t. You’re just experiencing the first stage of love, a small part in the stages of love known as the infatuation stage. [Read: The 9 stages of love all couples have to go through]

The definition of true love – What is true love then?

If true love isn’t about falling head over heels in love with someone, what is it then?

True love, ironically, can’t be defined. It’s the kind of love many of us chase after, but few truly find or realize it until it’s too late. So what is true love really?

True love is best defined as the kind of love and affection you have for someone that isn’t bound by the laws of human behavior.

Human behavior is simple to understand. When someone hurts you, you get angry with them. When someone gets lucky or gets a better job, you get jealous of them. And when someone shatters your ego or humiliates you, you seek revenge from them. This is human behavior, because these traits are ingrained within us.

But when you experience true love towards someone, your primal instincts and behavior change only towards this person. True love transcends typical human behavior. It makes you a better human being towards a special someone. [Read: What does true love feel like? 20 feelings that best describe real love]

When does one experience true love?

True love always takes time to bloom. What you experience in the first few months or even the first year or so of a relationship is infatuation and sexual attraction. Some even call it the “honeymoon period” of the relationship. It’s when you can’t keep your hands off each other, can’t stop thinking of each other, and can’t imagine living without each other!

As the bursts of infatuation start to fade with the first few arguments and the first few misunderstandings, that’s when love starts to enter the picture. And this is where most couples start to drift away emotionally, or even end up breaking up because of incompatibilities.

If you’re in a relationship where both of you truly understand each other and feel compatible with each other, and most importantly, love each other, chances are, you’re experiencing true love already. [Read: Honeymoon phase – How long before your the sizzle of infatuation fades away?]

signs of love

Experiencing true love in your life

Is true love a once in a lifetime experience? Not really. You can experience them many times over, and with many people at the same time. You can experience true love with your spouse or your lover, your children and any other person you’re attached to in your life.

But true love too, can fade with time. For most of us, our first love is the first time we would have experienced the purest form of true love. We aren’t afraid to let this special someone deep into our heart and we aren’t afraid to experience heartbreak because we still don’t know what heartbreak feels like. We’re fearless in love and we love passionately with all our hearts.

But when the first romance dies, the true love we had for our first partner too eventually fades, even if it takes years and several new relationships to overcome. [Read: How your first love affects all your future relationships]

And as we enter into more relationships, most of us split into two groups. One that believes in true romantic love and the other group that convinces itself that true love isn’t real. The kind of relationships you’ve had in your lifetime defines a big part in your understanding of, and expectations from, true love.

And if you’re wondering whether true love and romantic love are the same, it really isn’t, even though we almost always associate true love with romantic love. True love is love in its purest form, while romantic love needs sexual attraction to stay alive.

True love can’t be forced

True love has to be experienced naturally and wholeheartedly. You can’t fake true love no matter how hard you try. If a couple fails to pass the test of compatibility in their infatuation stage, it’s pretty hard for both of them to ever experience true love. [Read: 50 relationship questions to test your real compatibility instantly]

On the other hand, if both partners can understand each other and relate to each other, they’ll start to love each other’s company and start to become inseparable. And eventually, this bond will turn into a pure and selfless love that we call true love. [Read: How to stay in love forever and keep love alive in your romance]

The 22 biggest signs of true love in a perfect romance

True love may be hard to define, but the signs to read true love can be clearly seen in every perfect, loving relationship. If you’re in a relationship and want to know if you’re experiencing the purest form of love, use these simple signs of true love to find out for yourself.

#1 Give and take in love. You give to the relationship wholeheartedly, without any desire or expectations of getting something back in return from your partner to justify your actions. You don’t give your partner something, in the hope that you get something back in return. But just the thought of doing something nice for this person fills your heart with happiness. [Read: 15 signs of a taker in a relationship – Are you a giver or a taker?]

#2 They fill you with pure happiness. Just watching this special person smile or laugh out loud fills you with intense happiness, even if you’re suffering or having a hard day.

This may sound pretty hard to imagine for someone who’s not experienced true, blissful love. But when you truly love someone deeply, the empathy you feel towards them make you experience the same feelings of joy or pain they’re experiencing.

how to know if it is love

#3 Pain and anger. You get terribly hurt when your lover upsets you, but their actions never anger you. You may get annoyed or frustrated now and then momentarily, but you just can’t stay mad at them for long because staying mad or giving them the silent treatment hurts you more. [Read: The effective way to give someone the silent treatment in a relationship]

#4 Support them through thick and thin. Your partner will have dreams and hobbies. If you’re truly in love with them, you’ll support their desires, so long as they’re not harmful to you or anyone else. Even if you don’t fully understand their dreams, you still cheer them on and support them to achieve their goals.

#5 You care for them. It’s unconditional love. You care for them no matter what happens. Through injury, illness, or even just hard emotional times, you’re by their side.

This isn’t something that’s easy to do, even when you unconditionally love someone. Your partner may end up going through really hard times that’ll be difficult for you to stick through. But if your love for each other holds strong through it all, that’s true love.

#6 It’s putting away your pride to make things right. You’re going to have disagreements now and then. Any couple that doesn’t have disagreements at some point are either both lying or they’re not truly in love. Generally, the whole point of an argument is to win. But when you love someone, you don’t argue with them to win, but to understand their point of view.

And if you truly do love them, and you realize you’re wrong, you’ll bite the bullet, swallow your pride and apologize to them and learn from the disagreement. [Read: 23 do’s and don’ts to remember when arguing in a relationship]

#7 You make secret sacrifices for them. You make sacrifices for their happiness or well-being, even if they may never realize it. A relationship based on true love is a partnership of two people who are givers.

You may be a taker with most people, but when you love someone truly, you’ll find yourself turning into a giver who takes pleasure in pleasing your partner in little ways.

#8 The right effort. You go to great lengths and make an effort to improve the relationship, and play a conscious part in trying to please your partner and make them feel loved and special. [Read: How to be more romantic – 15 gestures that’ll make anyone melt]

#9 You show your love through your gestures. You can’t expect love to last if you’re never putting in any effort. That fire won’t stay lit unless you stoke it and add something to help it burn. That something is your affection.

When you’re in true love, you make sure your partner knows how much you love them, through words and through gestures. [Read: The 25 sweetest, romantic gestures for everyday life]

#10 You can’t ever hurt them. When you’re truly in love with someone, you can’t even imagine hurting them, emotionally or physically. Payback and revenge is a strong human instinct, but true love makes you completely selfless towards them.

#11 You make an effort even on your worst days. You’re going to have bad days. Some of those bad days won’t have anything to do with your significant other. It’ll be easy to lash out at them in anger simply because they’re there.

True love is about making sure you’re trying to be loving even when you feel far from it. This is really hard when you’d rather mope and seethe in silence. But when you love someone, you may turn to them to comfort you, but you’ll never want to turn your life’s frustrations towards them.

#12 You keep your promises. When you make a promise to them, you stick to your word even if this person will never find out if you broke that promise. When you experience true love, your moral conscience becomes very strong when it comes to this one special person. And your word turns to oak. You stick to your principles, and do everything you possibly can to keep any promises you made to the one you love. [Read: 15 real #relationshipgoals most couples have no idea about]

#13 You lift them up when they’re down. You love your significant other. You want to make sure they’re happy and therefore, when they’re feeling down, you want to help cheer them up. This means you’ll try and try hard to make them feel better when they’re down.

#14 You become selfless. True love is not selfish. When your significant other is having a hard time, you put your own needs aside to help them. Of course, your partner should do the same for you too.

It’s not easy to be selfless, especially when you have a hard day yourself. but just the thought of making your partner feel better, makes you feel better.

#15 We. In a perfect relationship, it’s good to have your own space to grow as individuals. But at the same time, if you truly love your partner, you’d see them as a very big part of your life. When you think of your future, you can’t help but see them close by your side. [Read: How to give space in a relationship and come closer]

#16 You share their burden. And you do that even if you don’t really have to. You can’t bear to see this special someone suffering. If they’re dealing with some issue, you’re always willing to offer them a helping hand even when you have your own difficulties to look into.

#17 You love them for their flaws. Everyone has flaws. Your partner will definitely have flaws. True love isn’t about being blind to those things. Instead, it’s about loving those aspects of who they are, anyways.

If your significant other is always forgetful, you might get frustrated sometimes but overall, you’ll learn to love that about them. It’ll be a cute quirk instead of a hindrance. That’s what true love is.

#18 You remember the little things. There will be a lot of stuff you’ll learn about your significant other. True love is about remembering the small, but very important, details. It’s about knowing they hate pepper on their food and making sure the waiter takes down the order right.

It’s about knowing their dog’s birthday because that animal is one of the best things in their life. Making an effort to know the small things and show that you’ve been paying attention is what true love is about.  [Read: 13 very powerful, yet small gestures that show how much you love someone]

#19 It’s wanting the best for them even if it means less for you. Some people won’t be happy with you. It’s just the truth, as hard as that is to accept. If it’s true love you feel for them, you’ll want the best for them even if that means you’ll be unhappy.

I’m not saying you should give in to someone else’s will and turn into their slave just because you love them. This means that you’re willing to give up on a few things if that’ll make your partner’s life happier or better in some way.

#20 Pride and jealousy. You beam with pride when they achieve something, even if it’s the same thing you failed at. You may feel jealous of a friend who outdid you, but when you love someone, jealousy never enters the picture. [Read: How to stop being jealous of someone else’s success]

#21 Suffering. You’d be willing to suffer, just to see them happy. Of course, while this is indeed a sign of true, unconditional love, you still have to make sure your partner doesn’t ever take these gestures for granted. And if it’s true, mutual love, you’d know deep in your bones that your partner would do the same for you too.

#22 Their perspective. Everything you do, you keep your lover in mind and think from their perspective, be it about planning a surprise party or hanging out with your own friends after work. You don’t ever want to hurt your lover, so you always think from their point of view before making any decision that involves them in any way.

[Read: 25 must-follow relationship rules to ensure you have the best romance]

is love real

Are you experiencing true love?

If you’re in a relationship and aren’t experiencing these true love signs, don’t fret. Perhaps, your relationship hasn’t reached the state of emotional maturity that surpasses physical attraction or the stage of infatuation.

Take your time and test the waters. You can’t fall in love with someone by forcing yourself into the relationship. If it’s not working out, try to understand each other better. And if nothing you do can bring happiness back into love, perhaps both of you would be better off dating other people. [Read: 25 things to talk about to create a truly happy relationship]

But at the same time, if both of you are already happy in the relationship, don’t try to change anything about it. Sometimes, selfless and unconditional love takes a long time to materialize. Remember, you can’t push yourself into the next stage in love unless both of you are ready for it.

As long as your lover and you are happy and understand each other, you’re already experiencing the perfect kind of love!

[Read: Being in love – 15 amazing things only being in true love can give you]

What is true love? I hope these signs of true love and its real meaning has helped you understand what true selfless love really means. And even if you’re not there yet, don’t worry about it. It’s only a matter of time before a happy romance goes the true love way!

The post What is True Love? 22 Signs of Love to Know if Your Love is Real is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

Women Don't Care About Your Insecurities

your insecuritiesWomen don't know your insecurities or care about them. So be free. Let the past go, and go get the girl.

In the dating community, there's always this debate about inner vs. outer game, technique vs. belief.

The truth is, they're symbiotic. Where would the bee be without flowers? It would just buzz around and die.

Monday 28 December 2020

How to Make a Guy Fall in Love with You: 25 Ways to Charm Him

We all want guys we like to fall head over heels for us, but sometimes it’s more of a challenge. Here’s how to make a guy fall in love with you.

Let me tell you, if you want to know how to make a guy fall in love with you, well, isn’t as hard as you think it is. You’re probably trying to think of ways to trick him or seducing him into falling for you, but there’s no need. I figured it out after many years of failure.

Actually, when I was younger, I was handling guys the wrong way. I would stalk them *I still do, just changed it to virtual stalking*. I would constantly message them – I was perfecting the skills of looking creepy.

Making a guy fall in love with you – What you need to know

Look, chances are, you’ve fallen hard for the guy already. So that puts you in a bit of a disadvantage here. No matter how subtle you try to play things, or how less-than-interested you try to appear while talking to him, there’s a good possibility you may fumble and let it slip that you like him already, either through words or in the way you behave around him. Or worse, your friends may let it slip too!

But don’t worry about that just yet, all you need to do now is play it cool! The more eager you come across, the less interested a guy will be to pursue you. [Read: Why do men like a chase and how to use it in your favor]

The different ways you can make a guy fall in love with you

Making a guy fall in love with you isn’t just about walking up to him and professing your feelings for him. He’s got to be the one who feels all warm inside. And you can’t do that through a conversation alone. He’s got to admire you for who you are, and fall for you even when you aren’t around him. So keep these things in mind!

#1 Get his attention even before you talk to him. If you can get this right, you’d be able to start this with an advantage. Have you spoken to him already? If you haven’t, make sure he notices you and gets interested in you even before your first hello. Use these tips on how to get a guy to notice you and fall for you, and he’ll surely think favorably of you and may even try to approach you himself!

#2 Make him notice you when you’re not around him. Okay, so if you guys have been talking already, that’s okay. You may not be able to catch his eye as a stranger, but the fact that you guys are already on speaking terms makes things easy too.

You need to try to get this guy to notice you even when you’re not talking to him. You can try to get more active on social media, so he sees a lot of great pics of yours every other day! You can have fun with friends, and have a real life that doesn’t involve him *shows him you’re a fun person*. For more powerful ways to catch a guy’s eye, use these suggestions on how to catch a guy’s eye in any circumstance!

#3 Leave a lasting impression on him. Every time you talk to him or spend time around him, be interesting and fun. Let him remember you and smile long after you’ve walked away from him. You don’t need to be a clown, you just need to let your inner awesome you shine through confidently! [Read: How to stop chasing a guy and make him chase you instead]

#4 Make him realize just how awesome you are. What makes someone desirable in your eyes? To some expect, being unattainable does the trick, doesn’t it? Remember that. Don’t be easy, don’t toe along his line, and don’t fawn over him. Even when you talk to him, don’t appear overly interested or linger for way longer than necessary. Let him see you for the person you are, not as someone who’s smitten by him.

It’s not what you say, it’s what he thinks of you that matters

This is important. You can flirt up a storm, you can date him, heck, you can even throw yourself at him. But all said and done, learning how to make a guy fall in love with you is a subtle art.

He’s got to appreciate you for who you are, and fall for the person that you are. Don’t fake a brand new personality, or behave like someone else just to win him over.

Put yourself in his shoes, and ask yourself what would impress you if someone wants to make you fall in love with them. [Read: How to make a guy fall for you with the smallest amount of effort]

21 subtle tips for how to make a guy fall in love with you

I learned from my mistakes, and there’s a reason why my first minor relationship was when I was 19-years-old. So, I’m here to help you surpass my amateur ways and get him ooh-ing and ahh-ing over you.

Like I said, you just need to put yourself in their shoes.

#1 Don’t get discouraged. Now there’s a chance that you’ve told him how you felt already, and he’s rejected you. I know, it hurts. Trust me, I told my best friend I loved him and I was not given an ideal response – it killed me. But listen, this doesn’t mean they don’t feel anything for you.

That also means you shouldn’t tie yourself to him. He could genuinely not be interested in you or there could be other reasons why he won’t come forward with his emotions. Whatever it is, do not lose hope on love, because whether it’s with him or not, you will find it. [Read: Want to be irresistible to men? 14 tips to hook any guy]

There’s nothing worse than chasing behind a guy who’s not into you, or running after a guy who only wants to play you. You need to remember to respect yourself. True, you like a guy, but there are plenty of fish in the sea. As you read the rest of the tips to make a guy fall in love with you, remember this, no guy is worth your sanity.

#2 Be yourself. I’m going to tell you things you should do, but listen, don’t do any of these things without being genuine. If you’re not yourself and you’re trying to get him to fall in love with you, it’s not going to work.

I mean, sure, you actually might get him to fall for you, but he won’t be falling for the real you. If you don’t like wearing makeup, then don’t wear makeup.

If you have a high-paying job, don’t dumb it down so you can look less powerful. Whatever you are, just be you. This is the most important thing to know when learning how to make a guy fall in love with you. [Read: How to attract men in a way they can’t resist]

#3 Take care of your appearance. You don’t have to slap on a full face of makeup, but just look clean and presentable. Don’t take this as some sexist comment, it’s not. You want the guy you’re interested in to look clean and put-together as well, right? If you take pride in how you look, this shows that you’re confident – a huge turn on for men.

#4 Have mutual friends. The chances of falling in love when you have mutual friends are much higher. You trust your friends, and the friends that your friends have are usually very similar. Also, people trust their friends. So, if your friends tell him that you’re a great girl, there’s a higher chance for him to initiate something with you.

#5 It’s all in the smile. I know that girls are into mysterious guys. However, for men, it’s completely the opposite. It’s even scientifically proven that smiling increases your attractiveness to the opposite sex.

That being said, don’t do those phony smiles – that’s not fooling anyone. Plus, you look creepy if the smile doesn’t reach the eyes. This one is a pretty easy tip for how to make a guy fall in love with you. [Read: 20 signs of attraction in the first conversation]

#6 Show kindness. Men are looking for partners who are kind and nurturing. At the end of the day, we’re biologically wired to look for a suitable mate, so they’re subconsciously looking for mother material.

Sorry to break the news. So, if you want him to see that you’re caring, show it. Now, don’t become a nun, but you can do something that shows your softer side.

#7 Mirror him. Yeah, who would have thought that this would work. Now, this doesn’t mean to mime him. For example, you can start by walking at the same pace as him. This subconsciously shows that you two are in sync. However, as time passes, you’ll see him matching his pace to yours – a great sign that he’s into you. [Read: Does he like you? 18 signs to decode his body language instantly]

#8 Show interest in animals and children. If you want to know how to make a guy fall in love with you, this is a good place to start. But personally, I would show more interest in animals before hitting on the kids topic. I mean, if you love dogs, he’ll get the idea that you’re a nurturing person.

Unless you want kids relatively early, I would ease up on it. Women who own animals are usually seen as better partners, seeing that they have experience taking care of something else other than themselves. [Read: How to get a guy’s attention in any circumstance]

#9 Get physical. This doesn’t mean hooking up with him on the first date. This just means that you want to limit the amount of light between your bodies when you’re sitting on a park bench. You can tell the difference when friends sit beside each other and when lovers sit beside each other. So, sit close to him because it’ll show that you’re interested and also increase the connection between the two of you.

#10 Get it while it’s hot. Who would have thought that getting a warm drink with the guy you like would increase the attraction between you two? Well, it does. It’s called priming. So, if you get a drink with him, get something warm – it shows that you have a warmer personality. [Read: 14 ways to show a guy you like him, and still be a tease]

#11 Be adventurous. Shockingly, there’s a pretty high correlation between sexual arousal and anxiety. So, my suggestion is to take him out of his comfort zone. Go to the amusement park or bungee jumping. Something that’ll spark his adrenaline.

#12 Make it red. You know that red is a sexy color, we all know it is. That being said, men perceive women who wear red as being sexier than those wearing another color. I know black works for any occasion, but maybe it’s time to try on something more striking. Mmmm… red… now that’s how to make a guy fall in love with you.

#13 Fill the void. Okay, that sounded depressing. What I mean by that is most people, when looking for partners, are looking for someone who makes up the qualities that they don’t have. Makes sense, right? It’s all about creating a balance. So, if he’s shy and you’re outgoing, great! [Read: Do opposites attract or push people away?]

#14 Keep some mystery. Listen, I know you want to tell him how crappy your last relationship was, but how about we save that for the third or fourth date. You can keep some things to yourself. Men find a little mystery to be alluring. You want him to be curious and interested in getting to know more of you.

#15 Let him take the lead. You don’t have to let him take control all the time, but you should let him make some effort. If you’re chasing him, he won’t be appreciating it. So, let him chase you. That’s definitely how to make a guy fall in love with you. [Read: Why do men like a chase? And how to use this in your favor]

#16 Patience. You need to have patience. Not just with him, but with life in general. If he’s not responding how you’d like, be patient. That being said, if it’s like a year without the response you want, perhaps back off. Men need a lot of time before making big decisions, so don’t try to push him.

#17 Don’t be jealous. If you want him, you need to calm down with the jealousy. If a girl’s talking to him and you’re glaring at him from across the room, well, it’s not a good look for you. No guy wants a girl who’s a stage 5 clinger. I mean, would you want a guy like that? Exactly.

#18 Be confident. No one wants to be with someone who plays the victim or damsel in distress. You’ve probably heard the word ‘needy’. Let’s keep that word far away from being associated with you. Be confident, and he’ll see it. Love yourself because you don’t need him… you really don’t. [Read: Tired of chasing? How to make a guy want you instead]

#19 Trustworthy. When men are looking for someone to fall in love with, they want someone they can trust. Same goes for you. So, you need to show him that you’re trustworthy. Of course, he needs to do the same. If he doesn’t trust you, he’ll always be hesitant about what to do with you.

#20 Independence. A guy wants a woman who looks like she doesn’t need him. There’s a reason why there’s that saying that nice guys finish last. They’re too nice and look like they need you. Why do the cocky guys always get the attention? Because they act like they don’t care. Same for you… you’re an independent woman with her own life.

#21 Being captivating. He has to be drawn in by you. Listen, he needs to be able to feel safe and open himself to you. Once he opens up to you, he’s well on his way to falling for you. So, you need to hook him, and you’ll do it after following these tips.

[Read: 15 subtle ways to make any man want you more than ever]

If you want to know how to make a guy fall in love with you, just follow these tips. However, remember, if you want these tips to work, you’re going to have to be yourself. If he’s not interested in the real you, move onto the next guy.

The post How to Make a Guy Fall in Love with You: 25 Ways to Charm Him is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

Pickup Tactics and the 'Click Moment'

pickup click momentWith every girl-getting tactic you use, if it works, there's a Click Moment. What is that? It's the moment the tactic causes her mindset to shift. It clicks.

There's a moment with every tactic or strategy you use where if it's going to click, it clicks.

If you have any experience in the field you've seen this: you're doing something with a girl (be it cold reads or playful banter or deep dives or sex talk) and she reacts okay to it for a while.

Not committed to it. Not deeply invested in it. Perhaps marginally interested in it.

Then, at some point, it suddenly clicks.

She is into it. Her mindset has shifted. You can feel that she trusts you to continue leading this approach she now enjoys.

The click moment is the answer to a question plagues guys from beginner to intermediate (and sometimes beyond):

When do you move off using a given pickup tactic and move things to the next step?

For instance, let's say you're teasing a girl. You're teasing her, and teasing her... when do you stop all that teasing and move to a more substantial connection?

Let's say you're in a fun, banter-y text exchange with a girl. When do you kill the banter and tell her to meet up?

Let's say you've started connecting with her and it's going well. When to you halt the connection and move to the next step?

Let's say you're making out with her. When do you stop the make-out and move to full-on escalation?

Most beginners struggle mightily with making these calls. They will spend far too long in one of these stages, trying to 'be sure', and end up inflating the tactic and the pickup crumbles.

The girl breaks out of the spell and the whole thing ends.

Guys who are intermediates tend to do better at moving things along well in earlier stages of the courtship. But then they fall into the same inflation/spell breaking scenario with their later-stage tactics, where they again spend too long on them (to be 'safe').

How do you know when a tactic has worked, and it's time to move on to the next stage?

The easiest way is to look for the Click Moment, and the escalation window that follows it.

How to Be a Good Boyfriend: 33 Traits to Make You The Best Ever!

What are the qualities of a great boyfriend? If you want to know how to be a good boyfriend, here are all the traits that can transform you right now!

There are a few qualities and traits guys need to understand when it comes to knowing how to be a good boyfriend. While men and women don’t really think along the same lines in a relationship, it’s rather simple to understand what it takes to make your girlfriend feel like the luckiest girl alive.

In fact, the ideal traits and qualities of a great boyfriend are almost so easy to remember and follow, that it’s almost surprising why so many guys fail miserably at something that should be seen as effortless when you love someone!

[Read: 15 good qualities of a person that makes them a good human being]

How to be a good boyfriend every girl would dream of dating

Well, I’m not trying to build you up to be a pompous prick. But honest, it’s the little details that make all the difference. Just keep these qualities of the ideal boyfriend in mind, and follow them. You’ll be surprised just now happy and lucky your girlfriend would feel to date a catch like you!

Learn to see the world through the eyes of your girlfriend, you’ll be able to understand what it really takes to be a good boyfriend.

You need to remember that guys and girls have their own flaws. But almost always, these flaws aren’t really flaws. Sometimes, it’s just ignorance. A guy may just not know what a girl likes, even if he tries to understand her or please her. BUT there is the potential of a great boyfriend in every guy, if only you choose to reflect within and see things through the eyes of your girlfriend.

The two most important traits of an amazing boyfriend – 1. Communication and 2. Empathy

If you have to look for the two big qualities that makes a great boyfriend, it would be your willingness to communicate, and how well you empathize with your girlfriend.

Relationships are built on communication and empathy. If you’re dating a girl and even if everything seems like a walk in the clouds, time can reveal cracks and flaws, differences and resentments, between the both of you.

Learn to talk to each other, communicate with each other about wants, desires and individual dreams. [Read: How to fix a relationship that’s falling apart and build it again]

Also, learn to empathize with her and see the world through her eyes. Sometimes, something that seems ridiculous or trivial to you, may hold a lot of importance to her. And that’s where empathy can help you see her side of the picture.

Of course, before we even go to the rest of the traits of a good boyfriend, sometimes, no matter how hard you try to make a relationship work with someone, both of you may be too different from each other or just totally incompatible when it comes to things that matter. And in circumstances like these, it’s always better to just let go and find someone you find more compatible. [Read: 18 critical signs of an unhealthy relationship that signals the end of love]

So now that we’ve warmed up to the important things it takes for a successful relationship, let’s figure out how to be a good boyfriend, and from from just-meh to oh-so-a-meh-zing!

perfect boyfriend

31 qualities and traits that make a great boyfriend

Remember, these qualities aren’t herculean nor are these expectations from a perfect boyfriend too ambitious. If you actually are a decent guy within your heart to begin with, then these 31 traits *and empathy and communication* would be deep-rooted within your mind anyways, even if you’re too lazy to follow through now and then.

If you can see several of these traits in your behavior already, that’s great, good for you! But if you’re missing several qualities pointed out here, your girlfriend’s probably not as happy as she could be. And chances are, she’s not very happy in the relationship either!

So if you want to know how to be a good boyfriend, always make sure you remember these qualities and live by them. [Read: 20 easy ways to make your girlfriend incredibly happy]

#1 Share your thoughts. A great boyfriend loves talking to his girlfriend. He has interesting things to talk about even when there’s nothing new. And most importantly, he wants to understand his girlfriend and he wants her to understand him, warts and all.

#2 Treat her like a lady. Boyfriends aren’t born great. They become good boyfriends by knowing how to behave with women and the girl they love.

One of the first steps in getting the admiration of a girl you like is to treat her like a lady. Learn to be chivalrous and understand what it takes to make her feel special. It’s easy to play nice until you get the girl, and treat her like you don’t care once the chase is over. But guys who do that will never be able to hold on to a great girl who’s desired by all guys. [Read: What is chivalry? The real knights code and modern day codes]

#3 Be exciting and fun. Do you think you have an active life? Do you enjoy meeting and interacting with people? Or do you enjoy life best cooped in front of a gaming console with no distractions *real work!* all day?

A great boyfriend is almost always a great guy too. He has an active social life, and gets along with people easily. He’s likable and has a warm aura about him that draws people to him. You don’t need to be out and about every single day, but as long as you don’t want to isolate yourself and your girlfriend from the rest of the world, that’s a great start! [Read: How to be more fun and interesting and make everyone want to know you]

#4 Be romantic. Romance isn’t about a handful of roses and a social media post bragging about it!

Almost all guys woo a girl until she decides to date them. And then, many of these guys take it easy as soon as they “hook” the girl. Don’t be the guy who takes a backseat and expects the girl to do all the work as soon as you’ve won her heart. If you can’t continue to be the great guy, that’s probably because you’re being too self-centered and selfish. [Read: How to know if you’re the selfish partner in the relationship]

#5 You see her. Really. A great boyfriend is one who sees his girlfriend, and knows her well. Do you notice your girlfriend’s new haircut or a new dress when she wears one?

If a guy loves a girl and finds her fascinating, he’d be observant and would easily recognize something new in the girl he dates. And if you don’t notice them, you can still be assured there are other men who would notice her and woo her instead.

qualities of a great boyfriend

#6 Be interested in her life. Do you ask your girlfriend about her life every day? A good boyfriend is always interested to hear about his girlfriend’s life and the things she does every day.  If you actually care about someone, you’d want to hear about their day, and every little thing that happened in it, wouldn’t you?

#6 Don’t force her. Do you ever pressurize her into doing something YOU want, even though you know she’s not happy to do it? Don’t manipulate a girl or gaslight her into doing things your way. It isn’t a sign of love, but a sign of control. [Read: 15 subtle signs of a controlling boyfriend you should avoid]

#7 Do you make her a better person? When two people love each other, they can’t help but try to bring out the best sides in each other. Do you motivate your girlfriend to achieve her full potential instead of telling her that she’s incompetent or can’t do something?

If you want to know how to be a good boyfriend, this is as good as it gets. You know your girlfriend better than anybody else, flaws and all. Most guys assume a relationship is all about being happy and in love, and having a great time in bed. But that’s not where love ends.

Help your girlfriend become a better person by helping her overcome her flaws. When both of you try to make each other better individuals, you can achieve more happiness and satisfaction out of life. Learn to positively criticize your girlfriend and help her with her flaws at the same time. By helping her become a better person, she’ll love you and respect you a lot more. [Read: How to change someone’s life and help them find true happiness]

#8 Her friends and family. A good boyfriend would always try to impress his girlfriend’s friends and family, even if he can’t get along with a few of them.

Do you make the effort to get along with them even if you don’t care for them? If you’re a good boyfriend, making the small effort to get along with your girlfriend’s loved ones is a small gesture she’ll truly appreciate.

#9 Do you make time for her? If you want to be a great boyfriend, no matter how busy or occupied you are, make time for her now and then. If you truly love her, you could sacrifice a bit of sleep or stay up longer to talk to her, even if it’s for a few minutes or hours.

Do it, not because your girlfriend nags you to do spend time with her, but because you care enough to want to be with her. [Read: How much time should couples spend together? The answers you need to know]

#10 Do you respect her? You can’t expect your girlfriend to do everything you want or behave the way you expect her to, just because she’s your girlfriend. Remember that she’s just your girlfriend, you don’t own her and shouldn’t expect her to behave like a trained monkey just because she’s likes you or you’re getting some action in bed with her.

If you want to know how to be a good boyfriend, learn to treat your girlfriend with respect and pay attention to her needs. Don’t take her words lightly or ignore her advice just because she’s a ‘girl’. If you truly do love your girlfriend, you would respect her too.

And if you can’t respect her, it’s obvious it’s not love that’s holding the relationship together.

#11 Do you have goals in life? A great boyfriend is one who has goals in life and works towards achieving them. Do you bitch and moan to your girl about how unfair life is? Or do you grab life by the horns and try to make something great out of it?

A good boyfriend inspires his girlfriend to be better, through his actions. And doesn’t rely on his girlfriend to mommy him and take care of him instead. [Read: How to be a man the way he really should be]

#12 Don’t be stubborn. A guy may be stubborn when it comes to his ambition and his determination, but he should never be stubborn when it comes to making decisions or making life plans with his girlfriend. Compromises and sacrifices are a part of making a relationship work in the long run.

#13 Remember her special days. Do you ever forget your birthday? Of course, you don’t. You never forget your birthday because it’s a really special day that comes just once a year, right?

Don’t you think your anniversary is special too, or perhaps your girlfriend’s birthday? It’s really arrogant when a guy forgets an occasion that his girlfriend holds dear, and then says it’s no big deal. If your own special day can be important, why can’t you understand that women give equal attention to their special days too.

Try to make a conscious effort to understand your girlfriend and remember the special days if she’s indeed important to you. [Read: 8 relationship dates men should never ever forget]

#13 Do you compromise for her? A good boyfriend should be willing to compromise and indulge his girlfriend now and then, if only to make her happy. And is this especially valid if the activity means a lot to your girl.

amazing boyfriend

#14 Do you value her independence? A good boyfriend may want to spend all his time with his girl. But at the same time, he’d still give his girl the space to pursue her own dreams. As much as you love her and miss her when she isn’t around, the perfect boyfriend ensures his girl focuses on her own life and her aspirations.

#15 Make her feel secure and loved. Do you make your girl feel secure in the relationship? Romantic gestures and words work wonders in helping her feel loved. [Read: The sweetest romantic gestures for everyday life you can use]

But do you also maker her feel secure and respected when you’re spending time around other women? Or when an attractive woman walks down the street when your girlfriend is walking beside you? [Read: 15 things a guy shouldn’t do on Instagram when he has a girlfriend]

#16 Do you make the effort to look good around her? Your girlfriend may make the effort to look great in your arms. Do you do the same for her? Do you groom yourself and appear respectable when you meet her? Do you work out and try to stay fit and healthy because you respect her, and respect the effort she takes to appear presentable around you?

#17 How are you in bed? A perfect boyfriend initiates and maintains an active sex life. He’s innovative and tries to keep sex fun because he realizes that sex is just as important as love in a happy romance. [Read: 30 naughty sex questions for couples to keep the sexy spark alive]

#18 Do you have any addictions? Many guys let their life spin out of control when their addictions take control of their life. If you’re addicted to anything at all, you’d know this very well.

No matter how hard your woman tries to communicate with you, or get you to listen, when you’re under the haze of a craving, nothing gets to you. Are you willing to let go of your addictions and make the relationship work?

An addiction replaces everything that’s a priority in your life, and pushes them to second place. And no matter how you see it, it will ruin everything else in your life, one day at a time and give you nothing in return.

#19 Are you a man of principles? A man of principles doesn’t backtrack on his words. He makes promises and keeps them. He’s in control of his life, and has firm principles in life. If you want to know how to be a good boyfriend, start by learning to keep your word to her. Remember, a good man’s word is as strong as oak. [Read: 23 foolproof relationship tips to transform your love life]

#20 Do you help her trust you? Insecurities and doubts always have a way of cropping up in a relationship when there are secrets or lies. A great boyfriend doesn’t give you his girlfriend an opportunity to doubt him. He communicates with her frankly and avoids lying or keeping secrets that may affect the relationship.

#21 Are you a lonely guy? A lonely guy may seem like an ideal boyfriend because you have so much time to spend with your girlfriend.

But if you’re being avoided by the rest of the world, there’s probably a good reason behind why no one gets along with you. Are you antisocial? Or needy? Or are you manipulative or aggressive? If you’re lonely, and not by intention, work on building a good social network. It’ll help you realize where you’re going wrong around people. And spending too much time only with your girlfriend may make her feel like a caged bird in no time.

#22 Do you listen to her? A good boyfriend doesn’t think he’s a know-it-all. He’s always willing to hear his girlfriend out and listen to her point of view completely before taking a decision, especially if the decision involves the both of you.

#23 Do you try to control her? Do you ever try to subtly control and manipulate your girlfriend unintentionally? Do you hate it when she spends time with friends? Do you get jealous when she achieves success?

You may envy your girlfriend or her lifestyle, but if you want to be a good boyfriend, instead of trying to pin down her wings, learn to fly with her instead. [Read: How to not be jealous and learn to grow instead]

#24 Do you stay in touch with her? A perfect boyfriend stays in touch all the time, and keeps his girlfriend updated on his daily life. Don’t be secretive or avoid her calls when you’re out with friends. It doesn’t take much effort, or more than a minute, to update your girlfriend over a quick text even when you’re busy.

If you want to know how to be a good boyfriend and help your girlfriend feel secure, be an open book and don’t ignore her or shut her out of your life. [Read: 20 reasons why a good morning text is so important to make someone’s day]

best boyfriend

#25 Be caring and affectionate. For men, what matters is physical intimacy and sex. For women, sex is equally important, but they do appreciate a lot of affection too. Just like sex matters to men, cuddles and affection matter just as much for women. Show your affection by spending time holding hands or sitting down wrapped in each other’s arms now and then while having a conversation.

A warm hug and a few affectionate kisses mean more in love than wild sexual escapades. And it’ll help your relationship last longer too. [Read: 16 non-sexual touches that’ll make your girlfriend feel loved and connected]

#26 Don’t take your girlfriend for granted. One of the most important aspects of knowing how to be a good boyfriend is to avoid taking your girlfriend for granted. If she gives you a foot massage or cooks a delicious meal for you over the weekend, just don’t take your girlfriend for granted and expect the same every weekend.

In a perfect relationship, both partners have to understand the efforts of their lover and realize that every simple gesture is a sign of love and affection that should never be taken for granted.

Never ever take your girlfriend for granted or take a special gesture for granted. Instead, always learn to be thankful and appreciative of every single affectionate gesture. [Read: 15 signs of a taker in a relationship – Are you a taker or a giver?]

#27 Support your girlfriend when she’s in need. All of us need a helping hand when we’re in need. You don’t need to be clingy and become her Man Friday who’s there to answer her every beck and call. But when your girlfriend genuinely asks you for advice or help, be there to help her out.

Your weekend games or your male bonding time may be important to you, but on a rare occasion that your girlfriend asks you for some help, make sure you’re by her side. It’s always reassuring for a girl to know that she can depend on her man when she’s feeling helpless and all alone. [Read: 15 courteous ways to be a gentleman and keep your girlfriend happy]

#28 Learn to apologize. Now this isn’t just isolated to boyfriends, but since we’re going over how to be a good boyfriend, we’ll stick to the man’s side of things. It may be egoistically painful to apologize, but sometimes, it’s a generous and yet humble move when a man can apologize to his girlfriend even if he believes he’s not in the wrong.

In the heat of an argument, it’s easy to have tempers flying on a high, but always remember that a simple apology can end the fight and help both of you communicate better. At times, apologize to your girlfriend even if you don’t believe it’s your fault, for the sake of the relationship.

P.S. You can always hint to your girlfriend that you’re still right when both of you are having a laugh after a few hours. It’ll help both of you sort your differences without getting blinded by anger or ego. [Read: How to fight fair in a relationship and grow closer]

#29 Listen to her needs. Communicate and understand her needs and wants. Try to understand your girlfriend’s feelings, and even if she ever does sulk or behave grumpily, try to understand what’s going on in her mind instead of retaliating back in anger.

Sometimes, women may find it easier to sit by themselves or throw an angry fit instead of getting straight to the point. It’s one of the differences in the way the masculine and feminine energies react to pain or anger.

Instead of getting angry over her behavior, realize that men and women are different in such moments and try to understand her mind without losing your cool. It’ll make her feel better, and you a lot more understanding over time.

#30 Don’t try to dominate her. Most guys have a tendency to dominate their girlfriends. It may start out subtly in little ways like watching your favorite show over hers or telling your girlfriend to avoid speaking to a few particular friends. But eventually, the urge to dominate a partner grows to an uncontrollable level, especially after being together for a while.

This is one of the worst ways of trying to hold a relationship together. Instead of trying to dominate, learn to communicate. You can’t cage a lover or try to manipulate them into becoming what you want them to be. Love is about the attraction between two individuals. If you try to change someone, it’s not love that’s holding both of you together, it’s your insecurity and cowardliness. [Read: The key differences between a controlling boyfriend and a controlling one]

#31 Let her know she’s important to you. If you do really love her, and see a future with her as an equal partner, are you making the effort to let her know that she’s important by the way you behave around her? Do you respect her ideas and thoughts? Do you listen to her? Can she truly understand by your behavior that she is an important person in your life?

So now that you know how to be a good boyfriend, how many of these  signs and qualities do you see in yourself? This may seem like a long list, but if you are indeed a great guy, you’d probably be doing many of these things already! And if you’re not, maybe it’s time you start!

The post How to Be a Good Boyfriend: 33 Traits to Make You The Best Ever! is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

How to Respond to a Compliment & Accept It Without Feeling Awkward

Do you feel awkward when you hear a compliment? Ever wish you knew the perfect thing to say? Here’s how to respond to a compliment in the best way!

Let’s face it, very few of us can actually accept a compliment, and even fewer know how to respond to a compliment calmly without running the risk of turning into a motormouth.

Many of us live in fear of being complimented because we just don’t know how to react, and generally, when we are complimented, our knee-jerk reaction is to ignore it, deny it or deflect it.

How did you react the last time someone gave you a compliment? Did you blush and turn your eyes to the floor? Or perhaps you went to great lengths to contradict the compliment, claiming “it was nothing”, giving 101 reasons why it just isn’t the case, and explaining why the person dishing out the compliment is actually far better than you at everything and anything?

[Read: 20 life hacks you can use to become way more confident in life]

Why it’s important for you to learn to accept compliments

It’s about time that we all learn how to accept the compliments we receive with confidence. So, here is a definitive guide to doing just that!

Compliments are meant to make you feel good and build your self-esteem. But, if you aren’t accepting them or deflect them, you do yourself a disservice and potentially offend the person who tries to make you feel good.

Your response to a compliment is not only important to not offend the compliment giver, but also to build your self-esteem. If someone compliments you, accept it, stick it in your pocket, and feel good someone noticed how fantastic you are. [Read: How to feel good about yourself and kick ass in every aspect of your life]

How to respond to a compliment

It is natural for people to want to divert good attention and downplay their successes, achievements, or looks. Kind of a modesty thing, if someone says, “I like your jeans,” your first instinct may be to say, “Oh, these old things? They are decades out of style.”

What you should say is simple. Just thank you! Allow good things to be said to you and about you by accepting them and taking them to heart instead of pushing them back.

respond to a compliment

Why you feel awkward accepting a compliment

I get it, sometimes, accepting a compliment can feel really awkward. And that usually stems from the belief that you don’t deserve it. But if someone’s complimenting something about you, big chances are, they noticed it and deemed it worthy of a compliment.

If there’s anything awkward about the compliment, it’s the belief that you don’t think you’re worthy of the compliment. The next time someone compliments you, and you feel slightly embarrassed, don’t obsess over why they complimented you. Just accept it.

And when you’re home later, stare into the mirror for a minute and ask yourself, really, what is it that makes you believe you’re not worthy of being complimented in the first place? [Read: 18 ways to build high self-esteem and start willing in life]

So is it really that bad or high-handed of you to accept something about yourself that others appreciate? We don’t think so!

The 5 big reasons we can’t accept a compliment

The first step towards learning to accept a compliment and respond appropriately is realizing why we feel the need to reject them in the first place! Maybe one or more of these 5 reasons will strike a chord with you?

#1 We wish to appear humble. As human beings, we constantly worry how our words and actions might be perceived by others. One of our main fears is being deemed as arrogant. After all, it is often one of the top criticisms we may have about others, so perish the thought that someone else might believe YOU to be arrogant!

As a result, we often believe that by rejecting a compliment, putting ourselves down, and downplaying our achievements, we might seem more humble and modest. [Read: 20 signs you’re a secret people pleaser and just don’t realize it]

#2 We bully ourselves. Some of us are self-deprecating, self-destructive and self-bullying. It comes from our unrealistic ideals of perfection, and the pressure and expectations we put on ourselves to meet those ideals.

Every single one of us falls short of perfection because it is unattainable. Yet, we still choose to constantly put ourselves down and bully ourselves into believing that we are not good enough.

As a consequence, many of us then reject compliments because we genuinely believe that they are undeserved. [Read: How to make small talk and answer back to people without feeling awkward]

#3 We can’t stand the pressure. Many of us dread receiving compliments because we feel that they heighten the expectations of ourselves.

For example, if someone were to compliment you on your outfit on one particular day, would you then feel pressured to look equally as amazing every other day for fear of forever being judged against that one particularly good version of yourself on that one particularly good day?

We attempt to remedy this situation by rejecting the compliment in the first place and downplaying our achievements for fear of being a disappointment to others in the future.

#4 We are distrusting. When receiving a compliment, it is often difficult to perceive whether the other person is being sincere. Perhaps they have a motive or are trying to provoke a particular reaction?

Cast your minds to cult teen movie from the early 2000s “Mean Girls”and the infamous Queen Bee, Regina George. In one particular scene, she stops a fellow classmate in the hallway and pays her a compliment: “Oh my god, I love your skirt! Where did you get it?”

The moment the girl turns her back, she mutters: “That is the ugliest f***ing skirt I’ve ever seen.” Many of us, living in fear of a moment like this, attempt to save face by denying the compliment and attempting to align our response with what we believe is the complimenter’s true opinion. [Read: 14 ways to instantly recognize fake people and stay away]

#5 We love to criticize. As a society, we have a knack for spotting flaws. Most of us have sat around with our friends complaining about the veins on our legs, the pores on our nose and the excess fat around our hip bones.

After all, you are surely the most qualified person to make judgment on yourself, right? You could even go as far to say that we enjoy complaining about ourselves as much as we like complaining about others!

Consequently, we often find it easier to accept criticism over compliments, simply because they are more often in agreement with our own beliefs.

Furthermore, we subconsciously believe that by accepting a compliment, you are admitting that you were wrong about yourself, which many of us have trouble admitting. [Read: How to master positive self-talk and banish negativity]

how to respond to a compliment

Are all compliments complimentary?

That is not to say all compliments are meant to be complimentary. There are times when someone gives you what sounds like a compliment, but it really isn’t. Backhanded compliments are the way people build you up only to knock you down.

They are the type you need to deflect quickly and move forward. If someone uses a compliment to manipulate you or come on creepily, still take it, but send a clear message that you know what the intention is and you aren’t interested. [Read: How to react to a backhanded compliment without losing your poise]

The 5 main reasons why you should learn to accept a compliment

Before we get to learning how to respond to compliments the right way, it’s time to flip your internal script and dispel your fears when it comes to receiving compliments! Here are 5 reasons why.

#1 You appear more humble by accepting the compliment. Rejecting a compliment can actually make you appear hostile and obnoxious, NOT humble and modest.

Ordinarily, you might respond to a compliment such as “Your hair looks lovely today” with a reply like “Oh, it’s horrible and greasy… I haven’t washed it for days”.

You might think you are just putting yourself down in order to look modest, but in effect, you are also unintentionally saying: “You’re wrong and I’m right and this is why,” which is pretty arrogant, don’t you think? You are much better off accepting the compliment in a respectful and gracious manner.

#2 You save the complimenter from shame and embarrassment. By giving you a compliment, a person has gone out of their way to make you feel good about yourself by verbalizing something positive that they have noticed about you.

It also often takes courage to pay a compliment. By deciding not to accept the compliment, you are dooming their efforts to failure, you run the risk of causing them embarrassment, and you are disrespecting their ability to form judgments.

Protect the feelings of the complimenter and see accepting a compliment as a compliment in return! [Read: 12 ways you’re ruing your own life and sabotaging your happiness]

#3 You can call the complimenter’s bluff. Even if you believe the compliment to be insincere, you are still better off accepting it. If the complimenter is being disingenuous, their aim is most likely to make you feel small and vulnerable, and to knock your confidence.

By giving them the opposite response, you are calling their bluff and denying them of the satisfaction of seeing you squirm. So, muster up as much courage as possible and deliver your acceptance with maximum confidence and poise. [Read: 12 daily simple self-love habits that’ll make you a confident rockstar!]

#4 You should celebrate your achievements. We never fail to give ourselves a hard time over our failings, so why should we fail to congratulate ourselves for our achievements?

You can begin to do so by accepting the compliments and rewards given to you by others! View a compliment as an opportunity to boost your self esteem and avoid the pitfalls of negative thinking. After all, having confidence and sense of pride in yourself can lead you to further success!

#5 You will be more liked by others. Our happiness partly relies on the state of our relationships and the success of our social interactions. And, the simple truth is that people are more likely to be drawn to you and to like you if you have a positive and confident frame of mind.

Therefore, rejecting compliments and responding to them in a negative way will have the complete opposite effect. So, accepting compliments with a friendly and positive outlook leads to positive outcomes. [Read: 35 tips to charm absolutely anyone and make people love you]

accepting compliments

How to respond to a compliment without feeling awkward

The next time someone compliments you and you find yourself shuffling your toes awkwardly inside your shoes, take a breath, smile and use these any of these points below.

#1 Say thank you. Yep, it really is that easy. If someone compliments you, there is no need to be shy about it. Just accept it and say, “Thank you.” Don’t feel the need to follow it up by giving them a charity “back at ya” compliment. Simply say thank you.

This is the number one step when it comes to accepting a compliment. A simple “thank you” is often all it takes! Expressing thanks will never cause others to make presumptions about the size of your ego, and you can only ever come across as gracious and courteous!

Add a smile, eye contact and confident body language to show your complimenter that your gratitude is genuine and true. [Read: How to be more interesting and make everyone want to hang out with you]

#2 Show some extra appreciation. Follow up your expression of gratitude with some extra appreciation for the person who gave you the compliment. For example, “Thank you… You’re so kind for saying so” or “Thank you… It makes me feel great that you noticed. I have been trying so hard on that!” The complimenter will truly feel like they hit the right spot! [Read: 25 awesome compliments that guys will never forget!]

#3 Give credit where credit is due. When accepting a compliment, always be sure to acknowledge when it was a group effort and give credit where it’s due. Share the compliment with any others who were involved in the successful endeavor. What’s more, if the complimenter had a hand in your achievements, be sure to let them know!

#4 Turn the compliment into a conversation. If you fear you might be left in awkward silence after accepting the compliment with thanks, why not turn the compliment into a conversation?

If someone gives you a compliment about your outfit, then give them information about where you purchased it and when you got it. But, try not to put yourself down by degrading the compliment or downplaying it by making your outfit less than fantastic. You can tell them where you got it, but you don’t have to say you bought it half off. Leave that to the imagination.

If the person commented on your new shoes, they might like to know where you got them from? Perhaps, there were other shoes in the shop that caught your eye? [Read: How to make small talk with anyone without ever feeling awkward again!]

#5 Don’t deflect it. If someone gives you a compliment, don’t deflect it by picking apart what they complimented you on by showing them your faults. What do we mean by that? If someone says, “I love the color of your lipstick,” don’t say something like, “Yeah, I bought it to cover up this awful cold sore.”

It only lessens the good intention the complimenter sends you. Maybe they noticed your cold sore and wanted to downplay it. Maybe they didn’t, but who cares? Take it. It isn’t your responsibility to point out the faults in yourself. It is your job to boost yourself up.

#6 Return the favor… later. Returning the compliment immediately after receiving one may come across as disingenuous and false. You don’t want to be seen as paying a compliment for the sake of paying a compliment! However, do make a mental note to repay the kindness by delivering a sincere compliment the next time you notice something you genuinely like about that person.

#7 Use it to flirt back. If someone compliments you, and you are interested in them, take that compliment and expand on it to make it a conversation. Sometimes, a compliment is a way for a person to make a connection and to start up a conversation.

If you are on board, find a way to tie the compliment into opening up a dialogue. For instance, if someone you like says, “Hey, do you work out? You look fit.” You can start a whole conversation over the compliment about what things you like to do. Turn the compliment into a way to get to know someone. [Read: 20 revealing questions to get to know someone better]

#8 If it isn’t the compliment you are looking for. Did you ever have someone tell you, you look like someone. When they say who, they mean it to be a compliment, but you think “ouch, that person is not so pretty.”

Try to take it with dignity, realizing they meant it as a compliment. Just because you don’t think the person they think you look like is attractive, they must, or they wouldn’t be calling you ugly with a smile… at least not most people.

Compliments are funny things. Sometimes meant to make you feel good, sometimes meant to put you in your place, and sometimes their intention is not how they are heard. If someone pays you a compliment, the best way to respond is to think about why they complimented you. If sincere, use it to your advantage or shut them down completely.

The best way to respond is to take it with grace when it is meant to be kind or to give it right back if it was not. But, never try to deflect it or put yourself down to belittle the nice incoming message.

#9 If it is backhanded, give it right back. There are occasions when a compliment can be backhanded. Backhanded compliments are things like “You know you are really pretty, you could probably be a plus-sized model.”

They are compliments that on the surface are nice, but there is an undertone of hostility you are meant to feel. If someone gives you a backhanded compliment, then give it right back. Don’t let them get away with giving a compliment meant to degrade. Let them know with a snarky comeback that you know their compliment wasn’t real. [Read: How to deal with a backhanded compliment and say the right things]

#10 Give a charity compliment if that’s what they want. If you feel someone fishes for a compliment, then it is okay to take the compliment and give a charity one back.

For instance, if someone says, “I like your hair,” and they run their own hands through their hair intentionally, or have done something different to theirs, they’re probably looking for a return compliment. So, just give it to them. If that is what they need to feel better, give them what they need. It makes you both feel good. [Read: 15 unfake ways to be adored by people around you]

#11 If you aren’t interested. Now, if someone gives you a compliment, and it is because you know they are interested and you know that you are not, respond with thank you. But, try to shut it down quickly.

Compliments are nice, but if a someone flirting with you comes on too strong, or says something inappropriate or creepy, because they want to get in your pants, say thanks, smile, and walk away. Listen to that little instinct telling you the compliment was over the top and way out of context. Find a new place to be.

[Read: How to build self-esteem with 10 simple life challenges]

accept compliments over text

How to respond to a compliment over text

Now, most of us assume responding to a compliment over text is way different from accepting a compliment in person. But if you think about it, it’s almost the same. You can use any of the lines we’ve gone through above. But want something specific for texting?

You just have hundreds of emojis to express yourself in a way your words can’t, which is awesome! Don’t know what to say?

Use a “see no evil” monkey face with hand over eyes emoji.

Use a big smiling face.

Say “awww… you’re so sweet!”

Or use just about any other emoji that would be appropriate to your relationship and the compliment. *maybe not an eggplant emoji though*

[Read: 13 signs of unspoken attraction that’ll reveal if someone is into you]

How to respond when someone says thank you!

And finally, the polar opposite of accepting and responding to compliments. And this is just a tidbit you should know. What do you say to someone when they say thank you to you?

Awkward? Not really! If it’s over text, just use an emoji back. If it’s in person, just smile back. And immediately, continue the conversation from before the compliment. Waiting for the other person to say something makes everything awkward. So instead of waiting too long *3 seconds can feel like a lifetime*, allow them to thank you for the compliment, smile warmly and continue talking.

And that’s how you learn to give compliments, accept compliments, and respond to compliments in a way that’ll leave everyone feeling warm and happy!

Next time you receive a nice compliment and wonder how to respond to the compliment, think twice before shying away or dismissing it. There will ALWAYS be more advantages for accepting it! You‘ll be surprised at how easily it can be done with confidence and class, and afterwards you‘ll feel 10 feet tall!

The post How to Respond to a Compliment & Accept It Without Feeling Awkward is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

Saturday 26 December 2020

When a Man Falls In Love: How Men Fall in Love & the 7 Stages

Want to know what goes through his mind when a man falls in love? Here are the 7 stages how men fall in love, and everything else you need to know!

When women fall in love, it’s filled with bursts of happiness and miss-you texts. When a man falls in love, well, it’s just different. So how do men fall in love and what really goes on in a man’s mind?

For men, falling in love is a happy experience, but love doesn’t really kick in for a while. While women may experience an intense surge of affections as soon as they realize they like a guy, the mind of men doesn’t usually really work that way.

[Read: Infatuation vs love – 14 ways you can tell the difference]

How do men fall in love

Do men and women fall in love or fall for each other in a completely different way? Well, love is love, and we all love each other in similar ways. BUT where it gets different is how men approach falling in love.

To a man, dating is a conquest. He may be dating with the intention of finding the one who’s a great match for him. But no matter how hard he tries, his evolutionary instinct kicks in as soon as he’s on a date. And irrespective of whether he actually sees the girl as a potential life partner or not, he tries to woo her and impress her.

Of course, there’s the side quest opportunity of sleeping with her and sowing his wild oats. But when he dates a girl, he’s not trying hard to see if she’s the one. He’s only trying desperately to make sure he’s able to get the girl to fall for him. [Read: How guys flirt – 15 subtle things guys do to impress a girl]

So how quickly do men fall in love?

To a girl, it may seem almost instantaneous! He pursues you, he woos you, he tries to seduce you, and he even professes his love for you. Sometimes, he does all of these within the first few dates! WTF?!

To a girl’s eye, all of these clearly signal the signs of a man falling in love, and falling in love hard. But no matter how smitten he may seem *and men actually believe they’re falling in love too*, it’s still him and his wooing game that’s trying to impress you in full gusto. [Read: 16 signs he wants you bad and is irresistibly attracted to you]

Do men fall in love when they miss you?

Most girls assume the more she sticks around in person around a guy, the harder he’ll fall for her. But honestly, it only makes a guy take her easy because she’s easily available.

What works instead, is going out on dates often, but making sure you give him a lot of space. Don’t just vanish from his life though! [Read: 15 classy and powerful ways to make a guy go crazy over you]

Stay away in person, but stay on his mind! Make sure you’re still on his mind, either by staying active on social media or Instagram, flirty short texts to say hello, or by just having a great life where you’re out and about all the time.

If you’re busy having fun and meeting people, that’ll only make him want to pursue you harder because he sees you as a big catch and “some other guy could date you”, which will make him fall even harder for you. [Read: Tired of chasing? Here’s how to make a guy want you instead]

Why do guys run away when they fall in love

Ah, the big question! Now you’ll completely understand the psychology behind how men fall in love and why men run away, when you get to the 7 stages of love for men below. But when a man dates you, he isn’t falling in love with you, he’s only trying really hard to make YOU fall in love with him.

Once he’s sure you’re falling for him, literally, that’s the first time he actually asks himself if he even likes you, and wonders if he sees you as a potential dating partner. And this is when most girls get confused by a guy’s behavior. [Read: Why men pull away – The real reasons why he’s so distant and what you can do]

You see him pursuing you in a frenzy, and just as you start to give in and start falling for him “because he’s in love with you”, you see guys running away when you assume they’re already in love with you. That’s not because he’s scared to commit, but he’s considering the idea of being in a relationship with you for the first time. If he runs, now you’d know what that means. [Read: 17 sordid signs you’re just a hookup and nothing more to a guy]

The guy in love – What does a man think when they fall in love?

The first thought – PANIK! That’s right, when a man first starts genuinely falling for a girl, he’s a bit apprehensive and confused. Is she worth “settling down”? Is she really the one? All of the same questions you’d ask yourself over the first couple of dates. Only, the guy waits way, way longer than the first few dates to even ask himself the same questions.

But if he’s convinced you’re worth it, you can expect him to give in completely and fall in love with you, truly, madly, deeply, all in the same ways that you’d fall for him. But as you’d see below, this doesn’t really happen until the final stage of falling in love for him. [Read: The truest signs a man is in love – 17 gestures that are way louder than words]

How men fall in love – The seven stages of love for men

Now that you have a clear idea about how men date and fall in love, understanding why they run sometimes, and behave so smitten at other times, may start to make sense to you.

But if you want to completely understand a guy’s mind as he falls in love, check out the 7 stages of love for men, and find out how men fall in love and the different stages they experience. [Read: 21 ways to charm a guy into seriously falling in love with you]

Stage 1 – Appreciation

This is all about physical appearances and instant attraction. Now this should clear the doubts out for women though. Men are rather shallow when it comes to getting attracted at first sight.

While women may sometimes fall in love in the first conversation, men are attracted to a woman initially only for her physical aspects, and almost nothing else.

Physical appearance is paramount for men, but it may not necessarily be the entire package. Each guy has his own preferences in what he likes about a woman, be it her face, her legs, her smile or even the way she runs her hands through her hair. Now, just to be clear, physical appearance doesn’t have to mean the body of a Victoria’s secret angel or the face of the sexiest celebrity. If you make his heart skip a jump in the first conversation, chances are, he’ll think something about you is stunningly attractive! [Read: 25 things guys find sexy and attractive about a girl]

A guy may not even know what it is about a girl that he likes, but if he finds something attractive in her, he may experience the appreciation stage.

Stage 2 – Infatuation

Men appreciate a lot of women on a daily basis. They try to steal second glances or get a girl’s attention all the time. But it’s not always a success, either because he’s not trying hard enough or because the woman’s just not interested in him. The infatuation stage of how men fall in love is also the wooing stage of love for men in the dating game.

A man may appreciate a lot of women, but he doesn’t really get infatuated by all of them. If he appreciates a woman, and is interested in wooing her or pursuing her, he enters the infatuation phase.

A man may pursue a woman in various ways, but if she doesn’t accept his advances he usually forgets the girl as just another attractive girl he wanted to go out with. It’s easier for a man to like a girl one day and forget he ever liked her the next because he has so many stages to deal with before he even makes up his mind on falling in love. [Read: Why do men like a chase and how to use it in your favor]

Stage 3 – Attraction

If an attractive girl reciprocates to a guy’s advances, he enters into the attraction stage of love. Until this stage, a guy can walk away from a girl without any pain or heartbreak even if the girl rejects him. He’s not really trying too hard, and he’s not really fallen in love to care about a rejection when he’s just trying to get lucky.

But if a girl does show the slightest sign of reciprocation or interest in the guy, or even if he assumes she’s into him, the guy digs deep into this stage, the attraction stage. In this stage, he decides to pursue the girl and make her like him. [Read: How to talk to a guy and make him like you]

Stage 4 – Impression

Understanding how men fall in love is complicated stuff, but quite frankly, he’s nowhere close to falling in love right now even in this stage. All he wants to do is make the girl like him. He shows off his mating potential to her. He peacocks, he plans dates and splurges on gifts to please the girl. He’s definitely not in love, but he does want something good to come out of this stage of impressions. [Read: What is peacocking and why men instinctively do this around women they like]

Stage 5 – Conviction

If a guy’s successfully breezing through these different stages of love for men, he’d start to wonder if there’s something more in the air. But instead of falling in love with the girl, all he’s worried about is how to convince the girl to fall in love with him.

He would really like the girl in this stage and would definitely want to continue going out with her, but the uncertainty would still confuse him and he would not be at ease until he’s certain the girl likes him.

This stage is especially prominent when a guy falls for a friend, or someone knows knows well. He can’t really try to impress her by buying gifts or taking her out on dates, but yet, he wouldn’t be able to stop pondering over how to convince the girl to go out with him. In this stage, all a guy cares about is how to get the girl to like him. [Read: 16 hush-hush signs your guy friend wants to have sex with you]

Stage 6 – Reaffirmation

If he’s able to convince the girl and make her fall in love with him, he’s a happy man. He likes where the dating game is heading.

But until now, in his pursuit of getting the girl to like him, he’s not asked himself if he really likes the girl and whether he actually wants to go out with her. Until this stage of love, getting the girl to like him was a goal he’s been focused on. Once the girl is in love with him, only then does a man seriously start to consider if he wants to have a relationship with the girl who now loves him.

It’s a selfish move, but it’s something evolution has taught all male species. “Don’t waste time thinking. Spend your time searching for more places to bust a nut.”

Now that the girl is in love with him or falling for him one day at a time, he takes a couple of days to sit back and weigh the pros and the cons of being in a relationship with that girl. Does he really love the girl too? Will he be happy with her? Is she the woman he wants and needs? [Read: Why do guys pull away before they commit? A guide to read his mind]

Stage 7 – He’s ready to love

If a man’s convinced that he truly likes the girl and wants to be with her, he enters this final stage of love where he’s ready to fall in love with the girl. On the other hand, if he’s not really convinced that the girl is the right mate for him, he may start avoiding her or losing interest in pleasing her because of his confusion.

Ever dated a really great guy who started behaving like a jerk a couple of weeks into love? Well, you know what happened now, don’t you? [Read: Why do guys distance themselves after intimacy? And what you need to do]

How to turn the dating game in your favor and make him chase you

Now that you know how men fall in love with a woman, this whole game may seem like an annoying truth. And it’s more annoying to know that men have to actually make women fall in love with them before they even think about going out with you, but that’s the way men fall in love and they really have no choice about it.

But if you really want to beat the guy in his own game, don’t make it obvious that you really like him at the very first instant. Keep it simple and play hard to get for a while. [Read: How to play hard to get with a guy and make it work for you]

Not giving in too easily, at least at the beginning, will make him work harder to win your love. And when he does finally win you over, he’ll never ever want to leave you because you’re such a tough catch to get or let go!

[Read: Don’t misunderstand playing hard to get – The LovePanky dating girl code all girls need to know]

Well, you may now know how men fall in love with women and the seven stages of love for a man. But remember this, when a man falls in love, it’s almost always because you made him work for your affection.

The post When a Man Falls In Love: How Men Fall in Love & the 7 Stages is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

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