Monday, 31 May 2021

On Unilateral Responses to Unilateral Actions

unilateral responsesWhen people make unilateral actions against you, you must respond unilaterally in turn. Yet there’s a big difference between desperate unilateral responses and strategic ones.

I saw an article a month back about a father-of-three who set his wife on fire, killing her. It was, obviously, horrible. He did it right in front of their kids, too.

You look through the article and there are a bunch of pictures of the husband and wife, looking like two totally normal people, perfectly happy together. The husband looks like a bit of a nice guy, and the wife is always doing this weird shrug with her shoulders and kind of leaning away from the guy, but she's smiling, and it's a genuine smile. They look like a very typical, average, regular couple.

Then you read about the chain of events that led up to this guy going psycho on the wife.

His Australian wife kicked him out, presumably after they'd had a ton of fights. She then filed a restraining order against him, and started the divorce process. He, as an American citizen, believed he'd get deported from Australia, and presumably be cut out of his children's lives. His business was in Australia too (I don't know why he couldn't just get a business visa, but maybe he couldn't, or he was too upset to think of that).

The neighbors said they never heard the couple fighting, and the guy was always friendly, loved to talk, but was also "obviously distressed" when he was in the process of being kicked out.

If you read the article about this, it's clear the guy just went deeper and deeper into a depression spiral after his wife kicked him out. She began making accusations against him, too. Finally he snapped and went back and set her alight.

This article will be about a very important topic: that when people take unilateral action against you, as the wife was against the husband here, you also must respond in turn with unilateral action of your own.

However, you need to understand this, and approach it strategically, with appropriate moves and strategic timing -- well in advance of the point where you snap, and resort to desperate, destructive/self-destructive unilateral action, of the sort people turn to when they feel they have no way out.

Other Men Are (Largely) Irrelevant for Skilled Daters

other menMen who are not super experienced with women tend to focus a lot on other men. Yet the romantically experienced man, in contrast, focuses on women, with little time for other men.

Recently I was observing myself, as I like to do, and noting my own behavior.

I was watching a particularly beautiful woman in a conversation with a man. The two were flirting and the woman was alternating between showing interest in him and playfully rolling her eyes at him.

I could tell you exactly what the woman looked like, what hairstyle she had, what color clothes she had on and what type, her facial features, facial expressions, and so on.

I have only the faintest idea what the man looked like. I didn't bother to note whether he was short or tall, muscular or skinny or fat, or had any facial hair. I did notice he had short hair spiked in the front (possibly with gel). I have no idea if he was good-looking or not, but I'm not really able to tell that with men generally. I don't know what he was wearing.

I realized this after I glimpsed briefly at the man, but returned to focusing squarely on the woman. As I observed myself, I noted this difference, and asked myself what I was looking for in the woman. I realized I was looking to see if she made signals in my direction, or indicated in any way that she wanted me, or any other man than the one she was with in general, to enter the conversation and whisk her away.

While I was observing her, I thought about how when people watch sex videos, both men and women focus on the woman: her facial expressions, reactions, etc.

And I thought, "There's an analogue here, perhaps."

But then I thought of how many novice seducers are constantly talking to me about men here on Girls Chase. They compare themselves to other men ("I'm not that tall", "I'm not good-looking", "I can't build muscle", etc.). They talk about what kinds of men women go for. They talk about being intimidated by other men.

And I realized I don't think any experienced guy I know thinks about other men the way seduction rookies do.

The only people overly worried about male competitors is men who aren't very good at competing for women.

3 Kinds of Introverted Seducers

introverted guysIntroverted guys don't need to become extroverted to achieve consistent success with beautiful women.

Hey guys, and welcome back!

Tactics Tuesdays: Boyfriend Destroyers

boyfriend destroyersYou meet a girl… but she mentions having a boyfriend. How do you sidestep her boyfriend mention and keep yourself seeming an eligible option for her too?

Sometimes you'll approach a girl, hit it off, things go great, and then she brings up her boyfriend.

Now, if you don't like dealing at all with attached women, you can just hit the exit at that point. If you're more of the "it doesn't really matter to me if she says she has a boyfriend" camp, however, you're going to need a response.

79% of unmarried women are in relationships at any given time. Therefore, unless you're meeting women in venues that select for unattached women (nightlife, dating apps, etc.), you're fairly likely to run into lots of these girls who are already attached.

Assuming you run any day game, transit game, or another style of approaching where you're bound to run into boyfriend-mentions, if you want to seduce these girls, you'll have to address their boyfriends.

Game Is in Your DNA (But It Might Be Suppressed)

game is with usThe ability to meet, flirt, and seduce (i.e., ‘game’) is embedded in the genes of every man. Unlocking that ability, then honing it with practice, rigor, and skill, is another thing…

In a comment on another article of mine, reader Ciro says

Historically speaking game as you call it, was never a factor in the past for getting women. Women needed men to provide for them, that's why game was never something you had to learn. Your grandfather and my grandfather didn't game women because a) they didn't have to and b) they wouldn't even know how to. Who would have taught them? Only recently women have become indipendent financially, now they can choose their men. They don't have to settle for the unattractive guy with a good job anymore when they are 21 only (yet some still do at a certain age). If game was a natural thing then why do most men have no game whatsoever? Why isn't game imprinited in our DNA if that is how you attract women? It should be natural.

This is a position I've seen around the Internet, on men's sites, and all over the place, really.

At first blush, it might seem to feel correct. There was no Girls Chase in 1960, after all! Nobody needed to read How to Make Girls Chase before the Summer of Love! They just went and hooked up!

However, it relies on some fundamental misunderstandings of why seduction became so prominent in the 2000s and 2010s (before sliding back into obscurity again in the 2020s).

The fact is, game has always been with us -- and it is, indeed, embedded within our DNA.

Feminine Guys: 40 Signs of a Man in Touch With His Softer Side

Whether you’re a guy or a girl, you may want to know the signs of a feminine guy. If you want to avoid being one or dating a feminine man, read this!

Feminine Man - Signs of a Feminine Guy

A man who shows his sensitive side is great. Some girls love the feminine guy, because he’s so in touch with his sensitive side. And then, there are other girls who just can’t stand the signs of feminine man who displays even a hint of “womanliness” in his behavior.

You may be a guy who wants to know the traits of a feminine man, or girl who wants to avoid dating one. It doesn’t matter what your reasons are, but we’ll help you recognize a feminine man instantly, so you can decide what you’re going to do next.

What makes a feminine man who he is?

A feminine man display characters that are traditionally considered to be more “womanly” *sounds sexist, I know,  but there’s science to prove that men and women don’t think and behave the same way*. It could be his upbringing, his softer nature, or just his interest in selfcare and grooming, there are some traits that make a man more masculine or more feminine.

If you want to know more about the specific traits of masculinity or femininity, check out this feature on masculinity vs femininity and which is the stronger side to know all about it!

Are feminine guys bad?

Of course not! In fact, most women are comfortable with, and even desirous of, dating a man who has feminine traits and is proud if it, especially traits like empathy and sensitivity.

A man can be anything he wants to be and still be attractive to other people. The beauty is certainly in the eye of the beholder. For some, a particularly feminine man is found extremely alluring. Of course, a feminine man isn’t attractive to another group of people, perhaps those who prefer the typical traits of a masculine male.

We all find different things attractive, and that’s a good thing. Otherwise, we’d all fancy the same people and the world would be an even bigger war zone than it is now!

[Read: How to be more masculine by listening to your inner voice]

Why do feminine women dislike dating feminine men?

Perhaps, because opposites attract? Maybe evolution or our formative years have triggered our brain to prefer certain traits over others, especially keeping procreation in mind?

I am totally okay with guys who are sensitive and understanding. We all want them to listen and to care when we are sick, or upset, or really just want to vent. But, come in a little closer here, if we want to be honest, there comes the point where a guy goes way over the gender line, and it makes you want to go, ewwww! Because of that, feminine guys are just a huge turn off to many women.

It isn’t that having some feminine qualities aren’t totally attractive to women. It definitely is! Many women want an empathetic and understanding boyfriend or partner in their life. But it’s just that when these feminine traits are combined with many, many more, that’s when a man crosses deep into feminine territory, which can be a total turn off to women. [Read: How to be a good boyfriend – 33 traits that make you the best ever]

The biggest signs that scream you’re one of the feminine guys

If you are wondering if people see you as one of the feminine guys, these are signs that might not always scream it, but subtly whisper to those around you that you aren’t just okay with your feminine side, but instead you are trying to steal a woman’s thunder. Being sensitive is way okay, being too feminine is definitely not.

[Read: Dating feminine men – Is it a boom or a bust?]

1. You use a lot of skincare products and possibly cosmetics

While there’s no problem in looking after yourself, if a man uses a lot of skin and hair care products, and even dabbles in a little makeup now and again, it’s likely that he’s quite feminine on the inside. That’s no problem for a lot of people, apart from the fact he might use his girlfriend’s makeup!

2. You like to sit back and allow the other person to take control

If you’re a woman who likes a masculine man, i.e. someone who takes control and leads the way, you may find this sign a little off putting. A traditionally feminine man has no issue with someone else taking control and steering direction. It’s not that he’s particularly submissive, he simply doesn’t feel the need to dominate either. [Read: How to awaken the divine masculine within yourself]

3. You have no problem showing your emotions outwardly

Most men have a problem with crying in front of people they don’t know well. If a man has no issue with showing his feelings via tears, that’s one of the signs of a feminine man. Again, it’s a good thing to let everything out from time to time, so maybe women will find this attractive?

Of course, when something tragic happens in your life, or if you lose someone, we are okay with seeing you cry. But, if you cry because someone flaked on you, or just really at will, that signals that you’re one of the feminine guys all the way.

4. You can easily talk about your emotions

Traditionally, a man doesn’t like to open up and talk about his emotions. He will instead deflect the conversation somewhere else, usually with humor as a shield. A man who has no problems talking about his feelings is likely to be quite feminine in his character. [Read: How to be a man the way he really should be]

5. You’re a fan of social media and love to get online attention

While not a particular deal breaker, if you’re posting selfies and quotes, it’s likely that you’re showing your feminine side to your followers! Most men don’t really care about likes and shares. A feminine guy is likely to do so.

6. Your style is flamboyant or out there

A traditional female trait is the ability and desire to explore fashion and show off their personality via clothing and accessories. If a man does this, it’s quite likely that he’s feminine. If you want to show off your personality via colorful clothing, different designs, and pieces which are far less traditionally masculine, chances are, you’re a feminine guy.

7. You have far more female friends than male friends

One of the biggest signs of a feminine man is that he has a lot more female friends than male friends. If you’re feminine, chances are, that’s because you connect better with females and bonds more easily. [Read: What do guys think of their female friends? 15 very real secrets revealed]

8. You take a while to get ready when going out

You can easily find a masculine man who takes a while to get ready. This is far more likely to be the case if a man is more feminine. If you take longer to get ready than your girlfriend, that’s something to look out for.

9. You don’t connect with anything considered masculine

If a guy is feminine, he’s likely to find things traditionally masculine either a waste of time or possibly even offensive. Football, contact sports, video games, no? Fair enough.

10. You’re very coordinated in terms of clothing and accessories

Most masculine men won’t really care if their shoes match their shirt. However, a feminine man will show far more concern in their outfits.

If your shoes match your shirt, belt, watch, ascot, and you even know what an ascot is, then it is time to examine your feminine side.

[Read: 10 things to know about living with a metrosexual man]

11. You take things personally

If you are easy to offend, take things personally, or sensitive in general, these are all clear signs of a feminine man. Toughen up and take it like a man or you will just come across as a sissy.

12. You’re far more likely to be a cocktail drinker than a beer guzzler

When you’re out on the town, if you prefer the typically feminine drinks, take notice of that sign! Of course, one cocktail doesn’t make a guy feminine. But if this is your go-to drink of choice, that’s a clear sign.

Fru-fru drinks have feminine written all over it. If you want a fancy cocktail, have the bartender put it in a whiskey glass. It will taste the same, and no one needs to know. [Read: Girly drinks galore – 24 drinks only girls must order]

13. You love your man bag

Do you carry a bag around everywhere you go? I’m not talking about a backpack full of sports clothes. If you’re a fan of regularly carrying a satchel-style bag, usually containing, wallet, beauty items, etc, then that’s a pointer towards femininity. And no, it isn’t a fanny pack, or a satchel or a man bag, it is a purse. Period. [Read: How to be chivalrous – the code of modern chivalry]

14. You cry at chick flicks

While normal to sniffle a little when a film is sad or harrowing, if you can’t help but sob at rom-coms and other emotionally-charged films, it’s likely that you’re particularly feminine.

15. You always want the relationship talk

A masculine man is far more likely to go with the flow and see where things end up. However, one of the signs of a feminine man is a willingness and eagerness to have a chat about where a relationship is going and where he stands.

Girls want you to be sensitive, but not clingy. Don’t jump the gun, it isn’t masculine and again, makes you one of the feminine guys. [Read: The unexpected benefits of dating sensitive men versus a masculine man]

16. You love shopping

Everyone needs to go shopping from time to time. But if a guy finds an afternoon out at the local mall to be a great use of his time, and a stress-buster, that’s a sign he’s in touch with his feminine side. Bad news for your masculine side.

17. You decorate

The home of a feminine guy is likely to be tidy, clean, and extremely attractive. This guy isn’t someone who can live with dirty clothes on the floor or dishes in the sink!

And when it comes to arranging your place, a few essentials neatly arranged is okay. If you are feng shui-ing, then you might want to take a good look around, it screams feminine guy. [Read: 15 reasons why nice guys finish last all the time]

18. You hold petty grudges

Okay, it’s one thing to hold a vendetta or a long term grudge against someone and work your way to the top to be the alpha dog. But if it’s something small like your friend eating all your fries when you take a trip to the restroom, punch it out and get over it. If you are someone who is holding grudges over the smallest of things, that is definitely not masculine. [Read: 15 reasons you should avoid immature men]

19. You sit in the passenger seat all the time

Girls like a guy who likes to take control! Obviously, if you have been drinking and she is the designated driver, it makes sense *although she probably doesn’t appreciate that unless decided upon up front*. But if you hop in the passenger’s seat and let her take the reins ALL the time… not masculine, dude. [Read: Here’s how you can be masculine without being a jerk]

20. You care about your hair more than girls do

If a guy cares more about his hair than girls do, and it prevents him from being adventurous or outdoorsy, that is way too feminine for most women’s taste. Forget your fade and just let it go!

21. You use kissy emojis all the time

Unless you’re texting your loved ones, you shouldn’t be using emojis to blow kisses, make sad faces or wave your hands. [Read: Defining true masculinity – What does it mean to be a man?]

22. You wear pink and aren’t tough

As sexist as this sounds, pink is for girls. And unless you literally leak masculinity from your pores, you can’t pull it off.

Only tough guys can wear pink. If you don’t have the rugged appearance of a man who looks like he can axe a wood stump in half with one blow, leave the pink shirts for the muscle heads.

23. You eat neatly

Guys should eat like a hunter and gatherer, not like they are having tea with the queen. If your plate is neater than anyone else, you wipe your mouth a million times with the corner of your serviette, and you put way too much emphasis on how to roll your spaghetti, you need to learn to roll with it.

24. You get your butt hurt when someone teases you

Guys are not supposed to take things personally. If you call him a name, he is supposed to shoot right back. If you get your feelings bruised at everything that is said, that is more girl than guy behavior.

25. You are too affectionate with your mother

While there’s nothing wrong with this, it still makes you a feminine guy and a momma’s boy. If you cling to your mother, hold her hand tenderly, or even refer to her as “mother” as if she is the mother of all mothers, that isn’t very manly. [Read: Mommy issues in men – What it is and what to look for in a man]

26. You gossip more than girls

Sure, all guys like locker room talk. But if you are gossiping about who is sleeping with whom at work or about what someone said to someone else, then you need to stop. If not, you’re definitely one of the feminine guys.

27. You wax your eyebrows

Ummm, really? Do I even need to explain this one?

28. You notice when someone has an awesome purse

If you notice that a girl has a really cool purse and admire it silently, then you are probably one of the feminine guys.

29. You will only buy name brands

It doesn’t show everyone that you have money. It says that you’re a regular follower of fashion trends and fashionable social media accounts, which is so not masculine. [Read: Manscaping and what girls want to see on their guy’s body]

30. You are a wine “connoisseur”

It is okay if you are really serious about wine and over 50, but if you are a “winer” then it isn’t very manly, just pretentious and makes you one of the feminine guys.

31. You have a man bun

Don’t care if your favorite celebrity does it, buns are for women only. And of course, feminine men.

32. You love romance novels

Can’t keep up with the latest Danielle Steel book? Think about it. [Read: Effeminate men and 50 things thy do because they don’t give a shit]

33. You have a subscription to a magazine, and it’s not a man’s mag

If you read People, Us, or anything in between, then you are way too worried about the all the “interesting” things going on in the world of gossip. And if you’re talking to guys about the things you read, are they even listening to you?

34. You have a toy dog

At home? Why a toy dog? And do you carry it around in your “purse”?

35. You own hand creams, and not to jack off

If your fingers are softer than a baby’s bum, then you should really think about the signals you are sending, because you are one of the feminine guys. [Read: Where are the studs – Is feminizing men killing out society?]

36. Your workout outfit is prettier than your girlfriend’s

When a guy “works out” he is supposed to wear his ripped Led Zeppelin t-shirt, not his fancy performance wear. Look like a guy when you are working on those biceps, please.

37. You have super neat cursive writing

And you use it frequently on thank you cards and “just to check in” cards! Very interesting, and definitely a feminine guy trait.

38. You plant flowers to add a pop of color

If you are all about making your home curbside appeal awesome, that may be too much for coolness. And to top that, do you wear gardening gloves to plant flowers? Men are supposed to get their hands dirty… what are you thinking? [Read: What is masculinity? The behind what women want in a man]

39. You’ve never owned an action figure or a plastic gun in your life

Two things that are essential for guys growing up. Even if it was your parent’s fault, don’t let anyone know.

40. You fold your laundry with corners and edges

It isn’t that we don’t want our guys to be neat, or to do their own laundry, it is just that you end up putting the women in your life to shame with your organizing skills!

[Read: Do you have a mangina, pussy? These 30 signs scream YES!]

Yes, this is sexism!

Sexism sucks, doesn’t it? I get it, both genders do things that are more like the opposite gender than their own. But, if you do more feminine things than masculine, you run the risk of turning women off because you are one of the feminine guys.

If you are okay with being a feminine guy, then don’t worry about it. I think, if you were, however, you wouldn’t be reading this feature.

It is always important to be yourself, but sometimes we just have to hide a little of the crazy from the outside world to get along in it. So if you think you’re one of the feminine guys, then think about changing some of the things we talked about here.

[Read: What makes a man a man? 13 traditional defying manly characteristics]

Should you be bothered by the signs of a feminine man?

The signs of a feminine guy are clear. Now, if you notice one or even ten, that doesn’t mean you’re particularly feminine! We all do certain things from time to time. Perhaps even go through phases of liking a particular fashion. But if you notice several of the signs of a feminine guy over a prolonged period of time, it points to a guy in touch with his feminine side.

The good part about being feminine is that you will be able to communicate far easier, open up about your feelings, and won’t be afraid to show your vulnerable side. [Read: Toxic masculinity – 20 toxic traits that are actually healthy]

Is this toxic masculinity?

There’s a notion and concept that this idea of what “being a masculine man” means, can cause more harm than good to society at large. There’s a constant pressure on men to not behave weak, to never show their sensitive side, and to behave more like a “man” and to stop “being a girl” if they display hurt behavior or cry.

While on one side, it’s the truth and we shouldn’t judge men for merging boundaries between the masculine and the feminine, we can’t help but face the truth that most of us are drawn towards our opposite gender. And while the boundaries between men and women are merging, there are still some masculine traits that draw women. [Read: Here’s how you can be masculine without being a jerk]

As a hot blooded man, you want to date a young, perky, happy thing who clings to you like you’re her protector and savior. And you want to spend the rest of your life procreating with different gorgeous nymphs and breeding offsprings like Genghis Khan did. You may not do it, but you can’t help thinking it.

So if that’s okay with you, isn’t it fair for women to be drawn to the masculine energy of a strong, manly man too?

[Read: Ubersexual man – What it is, the traits and the rise of the new kind of man]

If you’re a feminine guy, remember that it’s not bad, it’s just what you prefer, and that’s okay. If you notice a few of these signs of a feminine man in yourself, that’s completely fine too. You’re simply in touch with your feelings better than most men. But if you’d rather bask in masculine energy, it doesn’t hurt to keep track of the feminine energy inside you.

The post Feminine Guys: 40 Signs of a Man in Touch With His Softer Side is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

Sunday, 30 May 2021

Sexy Bedroom: 24 Sex Room Ideas to Create the Best Place for Sex

Want to ignite your sex life and bring the sizzle back? Use these hot and classy sex room ideas and go from boring bedroom to sexy bedroom in no time!

sexy bedroom sex room ideas

If you’re thinking the problem is you, maybe you’re wrong. Maybe the problem is in your lackluster bedroom. Sometimes, all you need is to transform your bedroom from a place to sleep, to a sexy bedroom which becomes a place to have sex *AND fall asleep luxuriously too!* Want to know the best sex room ideas to transform your love life? 

When it comes to enjoying sex in the bedroom, it’s less about the decor and more about the little elements that make a room more sensual and yet, pleasurably comfortable.

If you’ve been together for a while, bedroom sex can end up becoming quite boring and predictable after a while. You know the exact way the pillow feels. The familiar grunts and moans. And there’s absolutely nothing new to kink things up. And just like everything else in life, if you really want to keep the excitement and the anticipation alive, you need to create new experiences in the bedroom all the time.

[Read: How to spice up your sex life with the 30 best super sexy ideas]

Why do we need to keep the passion alive?

Before we talk about the best ways to turn your boring bedroom into a sexy bedroom, there’s one other thing you need to remember. And that’s keeping the passion and excitement alive in a relationship.

The first few weeks or months of a new relationship are always unique and exciting. And the only reason why it’s so loin-tingling and exciting is because of the unpredictability in the relationship. Both of you are still learning about other, and every single thing both of you do together is an experience that’s unique.

As the relationship grows and you’ve spent enough time in each other’s arms, the tingle starts to fade. But you have to try and recreate that uniqueness as often as you can even as the years pass by. To ensure that you create unique sexual memories, do something that’ll bring both of you closer sexually, and keep your sex life alive. [Read: 20 ways to spice up your relationship and go from bland to ka-pow!]

You could go out for a romantic, quiet dinner or you could go clubbing and let the power of PDA warm both of your loins up. Whatever works for you is just perfect, because love and sensuality is as unique as the couple that you are. 

When you go out on a date, you create a new and exciting memory. And that always leads to better things when you get home, especially if both of you are sexually aroused around each other. So as much as we focus on the best sex room ideas to spruce up your bedroom and turn into in a naughty, sexy bedroom, you also need to make sure you keep the romance alive!

[Read: The top 50 kinky sex ideas that are worth trying at least once in your lifetime!]

Now that we’ve focused on the importance of keeping the passion alive, let’s look at the best sex room ideas to create a sexy bedroom that’s oozes sensuality every time you’re in bed!

The best sex room ideas to create a sexy bedroom

You’ve obviously heard those lame comments about the bedroom being “where the magic happens,” but sadly, this cliche is true.

The magic does happen in the bedroom. Of course, it can happen on top of your laundry machine as well, but the bedroom is basically your sex base. So, if your sexy time is anything but magical, a good place to start is by creating a sexy bedroom. Consider this minor renovation using these sex room ideas an investment to your sex life.

[Read: Happy sex life – What a good sex life should look like in real life]

1. Avoid white

White is clean and pristine looking, however, if you’re ever planning on having sex, don’t have white sheets. You don’t want to have dull sex. You want to have raw, messy sex. White won’t give you that. White will have you anxious the whole time, making sure you won’t stain the sheets.

Darker sheets, especially red ones look cliche but sensual. On the other hand, red or orange curtains can give your room that sensual glow too. But then again, be careful with too much red in the bedroom. Overdo it, and your bedroom may start to look like an overdone brothel.

2. Lighting is everything

If you want a sexy bedroom, lighting is everything, it’s what makes or breaks a bedroom.

If you have fluorescent lights, vow to never turn those horrid things on, and buy a standing lamp instead. Your lighting should be soft and dim. If it’s too dark, there’s not enough visual stimulation. However, too much light is traumatizing. 

When it comes to a sexy and romantic bedroom, remember that softer, mellow lighting is always better to help you set the mood. When you use softer, yellowish lighting that resembles a burning fireplace, you feel warmer and calmer, your skin glows better, and everything just looks sexier!

And the best part of this sex room idea is that the soft light blends out all that cellulite and body fat on your body when you’re making love. And that will only make you feel more confident about your own body, and focus on the better things in hand! [Read: Lights on or off? The real score on perfect bedroom lighting]

3. Get into texture

Try to incorporate various textures into your bedroom because it’ll heighten the senses. Instead of your basic cotton sheets, try satin. It’ll be a little unusual at first, but there’s something very sensual about it that you’ll grow to love. Don’t be afraid to play around and see what textures help you out in the bedroom.

4. Silk robes and sexy lingerie

As much as these sexy bedroom tips are about creating a sensual atmosphere, the perfect love decor is incomplete without both of you playing the part. Great sex is about the sensation, but you can always heighten the sensation with appealing attire. Always dress up for bed, even if the clothes come off in a few minutes. Your bodies are like perfect presents, and just like anything exciting, it always looks best if it’s gift wrapped perfectly.

Wear lacy lingerie or loose silk robes that reveal, but not completely. Tempt your partner and arouse them, but don’t reveal all until you’re already in the act. [Read: How to look incredibly sexy in bed when your man comes over]

5. Put up sensual artwork

Now, you don’t need a bunch of nude photos in order to make a room feel sexy. Photos of your family are nice, however, maybe keep them out of the bedroom if you want to ever have passionate sex again. Family photos and sex room ideas just don’t mix very well!

Your partner doesn’t want to be staring at your mom while they’re about to orgasm. If art isn’t your thing, even hanging a picture of a landscape is better than nothing.

6. Lose the office look

Having a giant desk in your bedroom with a bunch of wires and papers laid out everywhere isn’t going to give you a sexy bedroom vibe. In fact, it gives more of an office vibe, and that fantasy only works if you’re actually having sex in an office. It kills the sexual vibe that you’re trying to create in your bedroom. So, keep your personal life separate from work. [Read: How to be good at sex – 17 moves that make you the hottest lay!]

7. Soft sheets

Soft sheets are magic when you’re grazing your bum against it, especially as you move your pelvises in unison. Invest in a minimum of 600 thread count Egyptian cotton sheets, and make sure they’re clean *and fragrant too, if you’re trying to be posh*. When you have sex, every sensation is highlighted, and most people ignore sheets. Don’t be that person, because good sheets seriously make a difference!

8. The right mattress

Your partner should wake up in your bed feeling like a million dollars, not like they’ve been hit by a bus. Spend a couple extra dollars and do yourself a favor by getting a supportive and comfortable bed. I mean, you’ll be the one sleeping in it the most, so it’s really in your best interest. 

There are two things to remember here. A firm mattress gives you good support while sleeping. And a soft mattress topper can your body sink in as you lie on top on your partner, giving you both a snug feeling, and deeper penetration. So decide on what you want, and get something that feels comfortable, and sexy! [Read: 15 risky places to have sex and get your adrenalin racing]

9. A comfortable floor

It’s crazy just how many horny bunnies end up having uncomfortable sex or suffering from painful carpet burns and knees scrapes because they decided to have sex on the floor to keep things a little more kinky and exciting!

If you’re planning to make out anywhere beyond the bed, invest in a thick and soft rug. Remember, the pleasure of sex is in the synchrony of two bodies, but the base you’re lying on plays a big part in keeping the excitement alive. Having sex on a bad base is like having sex on the beach. Everyone “thinks” it’s sexy, until you try it and realize it’s not fun at all. And then, you’ve got sand inside your vagina for the whole of next week! [Read: How to have sex on the beach in the wildest and safest ways possible]

Lay a thick, soft rug, in some part of the room, so you have more space to get creative and try out other fancy positions on the floor. 

10. Thin, sheer sheets

What does anyone do with sheer sheets lying around a bedroom? Well, you can use it to heighten the pleasure of sexual intercourse, of course!

You can use soft, sheer sheets to silhouette your partner and pleasure them up from over the sheets or blindfold them with silk scarves or by using a soft pillow. Use the senses to excite your partner, activating one sense at a time. It’ll arouse your partner a lot more than exciting all five senses at once. [Read: Blindfold sex – 14 sensual ways to use blindfolds in bed

11. Sex furniture

If you can afford this add-on, sex furniture just makes a sex room way more fun and naughty! A chaise lounge would work perfectly too, if you have the space for it. Or you could go with a wedge on the bed, that works too!

12. Get some candles going

Whether you’re a man or a woman, everyone likes candles. It adds a romantic touch to your sexy bedroom, it’s like tying a bow on a gift.

One thing though, don’t get scented candles unless you know what you’re doing. Some people don’t react too well to them, and some of those candles smell like flowered vomit. So, when in doubt, go unscented. [Read: How to have sensuous sex and make it a really wild and passionate night]

13. Mirrors

Mirrors are hot, they’re really hot. Have you ever looked at yourself having sex in a mirror? Do it. There’s something about it that just amps up the sexual energy.

Now, you don’t have to tile your whole ceiling in mirrors. But having a standing mirror in the corner adds that kink to the sexy bedroom. [Read: Sexy public flashing confessions from our readers]

14. Keep a tidy room

People like clean people. Yes, that’s a shocking discovery! Keep your room tidy. It doesn’t have to be spotless, you’re only human. But, any dirty clothes that are on the floor, just put them in the laundry room. Vacuum often. You know, basic hygiene. A sexy bedroom is a clean one. [Read: 14 sexy secrets to be incredibly good in bed every time]

15. Keep your toys close by

Using sex toys in bed can be a lot of fun for both of you, especially when you’re not used to watching your partner play or work with a toy by themselves. It’s an exciting way to watch a partner getting turned on.

Every time you’re in the act of lovemaking, you never really get to see your partner enjoying themselves from afar. And that’s where a sex toy can give you a voyeuristic angle where you get to sit back and watch your partner pleasuring themselves. [Read: 13 must-have couples sex toys for naughty first-timers]

16. Aphrodisiacs

Your sex room is definitely incomplete without these little edible love enhancers. It doesn’t matter if it’s chocolate syrup, edible body paint, or flavored lubes, as long as you bring something to bed to enhance the pleasure.

The bedroom is one of the most common yet boring places to have sex. But if you can turn that monotonous bedroom sex into something exciting and fun using these sex room ideas, something that lasts longer and feels more pleasurable, why not use it and bring the spark back? [Read: 15 natural aphrodisiacs sitting in your kitchen you need to try]

17. Make sure you eliminate distractions

If you have a TV in your bedroom, get rid of it, or use it just to play some porn while you’re having sex. A sexy bedroom is a place for two things: having sex and sleeping. And make sure you have a place to put your cell phone so you won’t be distracted if you get a text message or phone call.

18. Porn

You may wonder why we’d recommend an adult movie collection here. But good porn or access to porn sites does have its own benefits. Even if that means placing a large screen on a wall beside the bed. When you’re trying to play with each other or prolong the fun, you do need a distraction at times to keep the fun going on for a couple of hours.

If you don’t want to stop the party anytime soon, or if you want to take your time getting aroused, one of the best ways to relax and enjoy each other’s company and have sensuous sex for several hours is by using horny movies to arouse both of you, and create a distraction at the same time. And all that moaning in the background will turn you on too! [Read: How to moan and look and sound way sexier in bed]

19. Mood music

Sometimes, silence can be a big distraction in bed. You can talk about your fantasies or moan about to muffle the silence, but nothing beats music in bed to bring the rhythm back into the pelvic thrusting! 

Music acts as an aid in determining the sexual energy that’s going to occur. The right kind of music can make you have rough sex, passionate sex, or even slow sex – And it all depends on the vibe you both feel with the music. Keep a few sexy playlists ready at all times, so you don’t have to go looking for a good one. If you had to pick one to loop on and on, pick one from this all-time best list of the absolutely sexy lovemaking playlist.

20. Fragrances and oils

A sexy bedroom is never complete without fragrances and oils. Now, slathering oil on each other may not be something you can do every night, what with all the oily sheets the next morning. But this can be an occasional luxury that can be indulged in.

Foreplay is rather important for prolonged sex, and women love a man who can indulge in long foreplay. But if one of you isn’t a big fan of building the momentum up, scented body oils are a great way to prolong the act of sex. Instead of skipping foreplay, run the oil over your partner as they bask in the warm glow of flickering candles. It’s passionate, sexy and feels so slippery and wet when you’re on top of each other. 

For most other nights, lighting a sensual incense or just using a plain old diffuser with essential oils would work just as well! [Read: How to give a good sensual massage and work your magic]

21. Throw some pillows on the bed

Pillows scream comfort in a sexy bedroom. If you only have two pillows, your bed looks sad. Add a couple fluffy pillows because it gives more softness and comfort to your space. Also, those pillows will come in handy if you want to place it under someone’s butt for a lift, or even when you cuddle afterwards. [Read: 20 hot sex ideas to blow your lover’s mind in bed]

22. Don’t have a garden in your bedroom 

You probably heard that plants make your place homier, however, not in your bedroom. You can have a plant or two, but don’t go over the top. Also, if you know you won’t be able to take care of them, then opt out of this. No one wants to have sex beside something that’s dying.

23. Take a more adult approach

If you were an all-star football player in high school, that’s great. However, we don’t need to see every single medal you ever won hanging on your wall. You want to take the next step into your life and go with a more adult look. Your accomplishments are something to be proud of, but don’t make your room look like the Hall of Fame. [Read: The easiest ways to make your bedroom more romantic]

24. Put your personality in it

If you use all of these sex room ideas we’ve shared so far, you’re guaranteed to have a bedroom that oozes sex appeal. But, you want to make sure that your personality still shows in your bedroom. Pick things that you like and that you think are sexy, because then, it will truly make it a unique place to express and experience your version of sexual passion.

[Read: How to spice up the bedroom – 22 tips to set your bed on fire!]

Let’s not waste any more time. With these sex room ideas and small fixes, you can transform your boring bedroom into a sexy bedroom in a day’s time. So why not get started, and prepare your bed for glorious sex and wild times?!

The post Sexy Bedroom: 24 Sex Room Ideas to Create the Best Place for Sex is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

How to Flirt with a Guy Over Text: Everything You Ever Need to Know

Want to know how to flirt with a guy over text, subtly or not, and keep him hooked and smitten? These 30 tips will take your flirty texts to a new level!

how to flirt with a guy over text

Want to text flirt with a guy without appearing too easy to get? Understanding how to flirt with a guy over text is an art, that perfectly balances keeping him interested and happy, and arousing his interest in you, all at once.

And by the time you’re done with this feature, you’ll be surprised to realize just how powerful and yet effortless it can be to text flirt and keep a guy smitten!

Flirting with a guy while texting him can be a lot of fun when you know the right way to do it. There are a few right things to do, and there are a few things that are best avoided.

Depending on what you expect from this guy or the relationship you have in mind, you can get him to fall in love with you, or get sexually attracted to you in no time!

Before you go ahead and master the art of flirting with a guy over text, if you’re unsure how to start getting flirty over text, here’s a must-know guide on how to start flirting over text with someone that can help you wet your feet into the world of flirty texting.

Why flirt over text… can’t we just “text”?

If you’re someone who’s not comfortable flirting or talking naughty while texting, you’re obviously going to feel this way. And that’s understandable.

But flirting IS texting, nothing more. You need to understand that being flirty on a text is not some whole new language you need to learn. It’s nothing more than expressing what you feel towards someone. If you like someone, you’ll naturally start flirting with them without even realizing it.

When you like someone, your texts would reflect that. Flirting over text isn’t rocket science, you don’t need to make a fool of yourself or go over the top like it’s some comedy show where the girl throws herself at a guy. All you need to do to flirt with a guy over text, is make your intentions known to him subtly, while trying to understand if he’s attracted to you and feels the same way towards you. It’s literally that simple and straightforward.

If you want to understand how to flirt with a guy without changing anything about your behavior, here’s a guide on how to flirt with a guy subtly without flirting at all that’ll help you understand the best ways to flirt with a guy, without actually flirting with him. Read it before you use these tips, especially if you think you’re convinced you’re not a “natural flirt”.

And here’s something you should never forget. Learning how to flirt with a guy over text isn’t about just about learning how to flirt, it’s about learning how to hold back and not flirt too much too! Get that balance right, and you’re a winner!

How to flirt with a guy over text

To start off, one of the most important things you need to remember is to avoid appearing like you’re the only one doing all the flirting. Make the effort, but make it look effortless. He should never assume you’re the one chasing him.

When a guy knows the girl already likes him, he would usually take a back seat and take her for granted. Always make it appear like he’s the one trying to woo you or seduce you, and you’ll see just how much fun flirting with a guy over text really can be.

[Read: How to make a man chase you – 20 very subtle ways to make him fall hard]

Should you use flirty lines instead?

One way to work up your flirt game and build it up to flirting mastery is to use the steps below. But if you’re already flirting with him, and need a few cute and sexy lines and examples to keep him hooked, head straight here and make his day with these texts!

Want to keep him hooked? Try this: What to text a guy to get his attention – 25 texts that work like magic

If you want him to think you of all day, use this: 85 very flirty questions to ask a guy and leave him thinking of you 

The things you MUST know to text flirt with a guy and love every minute of it

The next time you pick your cell phone up to get flirty with a guy, keep these tips on how to flirt with a guy over text in mind, and you’ll see how easy it can be to make a guy go crazy about you.

1. Text him first, but always less often than him

Everyone says it’s okay to text a guy first, and there’s absolutely nothing wrong in that. BUT, here’s something you need to remember – You like the guy already! So chances are, your fingers are itching to text the guy every minute. You’re never going to be in the calculative state of mind to realize just how often you’ve been texting him first.

So what’s the next best thing? Wait for his texts. You can still text him first, but it shouldn’t happen more than a couple of times a week, not at least until you know he likes you back too. You want to look available and interested, not clingy and smitten! [Read: How to text a guy first – 14 ways you can say hello and get the texting started]

2. Use memes to keep the connection alive

So, if you’re texting a guy, in all probability, you’re also following each other on Instagram and other social media. Send him a meme now and then to keep the connection alive. If you think something’s funny, share the meme in a DM. This is a great way to sate your itch when he hasn’t texted you for a day, and you’re itching to text him. Memes are casual, and it’s a great way to get a guy to text you back.

3. Use stories

You could also use your Instagram stories to keep a conversation going. A guy may not want to comment on every one of your posts because he’d just look creepy unless he’s dating you. But if it’s a story, it’s a whole different game. No one else can see the interaction but you two, so it’s a safe place for him to keep the conversation going and comment without anyone else watching. [Read: How to get a guy’s attention in Instagram without using your body]

4. Let him get to know who you are

Be unique, but be who you are. You don’t have to change your texting style to please a guy. If there’s something you do often while texting, continue doing that. If your definition of “over and out” when you’re done with a text conversation is a face blowing a heart emoji, use it. Be who you are, and never change for anyone but yourself.

5. Always ask open-ended questions

If you want to flirt with a guy over text and keep the conversation going, ask open ended questions. If he asks you what you’re doing, don’t just answer him and leave it at that. Ask him WYD in return.

Girls who don’t ask open-ended questions when they answer a text can come off as boring to any guy. And you don’t want to be that dry texter no one likes! [Read: How not to be a dry texter – Signs you’re one and the best ways to fix it ASAP]

6. Give him opportunities to flirt with you

Share a cute selfie of you trying an outfit while out shopping. Ask him for his opinion. If the outfit looks good, chances are, he’s going to compliment you for it. It’s all about subtlety. Give him an opportunity to flirt over text, and any guy will take it!

And the next time he sees you in person, and you’re wearing the same outfit, he’ll feel flattered and special because he “recommended” that outfit to you. [Read: How to take a good selfie and look cute every time you snap a photo]

7. Be fun-dramatic in your texts now and then!

“You won’t believe what happened today!” or “I love that movie you recommended, it’s awesome!” are good conversation starters that don’t have to start with a “hey” or a hello. Sometimes, especially when you two have bonded over texts already, you can just text a guy out of the blue and make a statement that’ll make him smile and think of you.

8. Tell him you remembered him

When you tell a guy you remembered him, it’s a compliment and a huge boost in ego for him. He’ll instantly feel warmer towards you and spend quite a while thinking about you too.

“I just remembered that thing you did last week and wanted to say it was funny/silly/hilarious”, “I came across the candy you love while shopping earlier today!” or something along those lines, will make him try harder to please you and win your attention. [Read: How men really fall in love – The 7 stages of love for men]

9. Use emojis

Emojis are fun, emojis are flirty, and they keep things light and happy. Whoever said you shouldn’t use emojis because you’d look childish is probably just a bit too uptight. Everyone uses emojis while texting someone they’re close to, and if they didn’t, emojis wouldn’t be such a common thing!

Sometimes, all you need is a smiley face and a wink to say ‘hello’ to begin a conversation. Or a face blowing heart emoji to thank a guy for something he’s done for you. Use emojis in your texts often, and you’ll bring a smile on his face too. [Read: 17 cute, flirty and naughty emojis guys use when they like you]

10. Make him imagine you while texting you

Stepped out of the shower just as you texted him? Slip that little detail into the text. About to fall asleep after changing into your pajamas? Make sure you let him know, nonchalantly and carelessly, of course!

What you need to remember to make a guy like you over text is to make him think of you. And guys are visual creatures. If you tell him you just took a shower, he’ll involuntarily think of you having a shower!

If you’re wondering how to flirt with a guy over text, always remember this. Make him visualize you, and he’ll want you! [Read: What it means when a guy never texts you first but always replies]

11. Use his name while texting

Using his name while texting him makes the exchange of texts so much more personal and intimate. Every few texts, use his name, especially when you’re saying something complimentary or cute. He’ll start liking you a lot more. When someone calls you by your name, it feels more personal. It builds a connection beyond just words. Just don’t use it so often though that it starts to sound and look a bit creepy!

12. Share your pics

If you want to keep the text conversation flowing, and make him like you at the same time, use the power of selfies to share a few pictures with him every now and then. He could see you on social media, but when you send him your picture that no one else has seen, it’s personal and special, and he knows that.

You could also make a short video selfie where you’re addressing him by his name while shopping for groceries or just out running an errand. You can bet that he’d watch that clip at least a few times with a big grin on his face.

Most importantly, don’t share just the glamorous ones. Give him a peek into your personal and real life as well. [Read: 18 signs a man is emotionally attached to you and wants to get closer]

13. Don’t appear thirsty in your pics

Guys are not idiots! They’d know when you’re sticking your ass out just a little too much in a selfie, or placing your fingers on your boob or thigh while asking him what you think of your nails. So as discreet as you think you are, know that he probably has a clue you’re just trying to show some skin.

If you want a guy to like you, make him wish he could see more of you. But don’t be the one revealing it all for him to see, hoping you’re being very subtle. Use this guide on the 33 sexy ways to seduce a man and hook him hard if you want to seduce him, and do it in real style!

14. Ask him real and deep questions

Sometimes, it’s not all about flirty games and fun over text. If you want to bond with a guy and make him feel connected to you, you need to get him to open up to you. It could be about talking about his day, or his life. If you can make a guy reveal his vulnerability to you and be honest, it’s a very sure sign that he has a soft spot for you already.

So how do you get him to open up and get closer to you while texting him? By asking him deep questions. Try a few deep questions the next time you’re texting him, and with each new question you ask him, he’ll get closer to you, just a little more with each passing day. [Read: 150+ deep relationship questions to ask someone you like and 20 deep questions to ask a guy and read him like a book]

15. Arouse him discreetly

Don’t text naughty with a guy directly. Always make him ask the questions. Text him about what you’re doing when he asks, but text something personal or intimate like “I’m trying my new clothes on”, “just finished working out, and I’m sweating so much!” or “I just had a shower”, etc. Make him think dirty without really talking dirty. It’s the best way to arouse a guy and flirt with him without making it obvious that you’re initiating any flirty dirty texts.

16. Don’t be eager if he gets naughty

Okay, this may start to sound like a game right now, but bear with us. So you told him you sleep in the nude, and he’s trying to text naughty with you. Don’t jump right into the conversation and start talking naughty with him immediately. Yes, it’s what you want. But you need to play hard to get and tease him just a bit. Don’t make it too easy, or he’ll take you easy.

You can text him back with a laughing face emoji or a wink, and change the topic of conversation. Let him know you read his text, the message is received, and you think it’s funny. But make him want more.

When you acknowledge his naughty texts but don’t initiate anything naughty in return, he knows you’re okay with it. So he’ll keep pushing his luck in future too!

And soon enough, he’d just try harder to impress you, he’d get more bold and try to tease you sexually over time. And that’s what you want. Always remember the big picture, and go for the big wins, not the small ones. [Read: How to make a guy rock hard and horny just by sitting next to him]

17. Keep it short

Don’t explain yourself for every statement you make. Keep it mysterious. It’ll make him create his own stories in his head. If he didn’t understand something you said or wants you to reconfirm what you meant, especially when you’re being flirty, change the topic or ask him another question.

When you leave him confused at times, he’ll try harder to keep the text conversation going just to look better in your eyes. Make him work hard for your approval, and he’ll pursue you more. [Read: How to make a guy jealous and get his attention]

Additionally, it’s always best to keep text messages short to begin with. If you’re discussing some deep questions and texting each other throughout the day, it’s okay to write a paragraph of text. But save them for later, when you both have built a bond already, and there’s no judgment about long texts or double texting! [Read: 6 rules of double texting to play it cool]

18. Don’t text flirt in an obvious manner

Don’t make it appear like you’re flirting with him with text. He’ll think you’re too easy to get, and take it easy while you do all the hard work of flirting.

Always make him talk dirty by giving him opportunities to think dirty, but don’t initiate the flirting. It’ll make him fall harder for you. He’ll assume he’s getting lucky or being smooth while texting you when it’ll actually be you doing all the planning. [Read: How to flirt with a friend – 18 ways to tease without being weird]

19. Don’t text him too often

Many girls make this mistake of texting a guy good morning or good night everyday! Or they randomly text a guy with a “hey, what’s up…” and just wait for him to get the conversation going. Don’t be that girl.

Yes, you like him, and yes, you want him to like you. But texting too often could have the opposite effect. Instead of smiling when he sees your name pop up on his screen, he may sigh or roll his eyes. You NEVER want that. Always make him want more. And if that means texting him less often, or waiting for him to text you first more often, then so be it.

20. Compliment him

Now and then, be sweet to him while texting him. Guys love attention and compliments from girls. When you compliment him about how nice he is or how much of a sweetheart he is, he’ll try harder to do something nice for you. [Read: 25 compliments for guys they’ll never ever forget]

21. Don’t try too hard

Guys can see through that. Saying things like “there’s a new movie in town, wanna go?” will make him lose interest in the chase, especially when he knows you like him already. Don’t ask him out for dinner or the movies unless you’re sure he likes you already.

It’s a great way to make the point obvious that you like him, but in this case, you want him to flirt with you and make a move on you. So play it safe, and just keep the flirty texts going.

22. Steer the conversation to naughty texts

Never directly, of course, or that would just look obvious and desperate. If he texts you out of the blue and asks you what you’re doing, tell him you’re watching a show or a movie on Netflix, and name a show that hints sex. You can always tell him you just came across it, and you’re not sure if it’s good because you’ve just started watching it.

Chances are, he’ll ask you about the movie later, and talk about something naughty from the movie. And bingo, you’re not initiating a naughty conversation, he is! [Read: The 15 sexiest movies on Netflix for a good turn on]

23. Don’t ask him to meet you too often

You can always ask him to catch up. But when things are going this good, should you? Instead, you could just let him do the asking.

On the other hand, if he’s just not getting the hint, or making a movie within a week or so after you both start flirting over text, you can definitely drop a hint that you’d like to meet him. [Read: How to get a guy to ask you out and make him think it’s his idea]

24. Tease him over text

It’s always fun when two people bond over texts. So how do you do that? By teasing him for something he’s doing, his daily habits, or by giving him a corny pet name *that only you use* when you text him. Use this guide on how to tease a guy and make him realize just how much he likes you to work your magic!

25. Try to create a routine of it

When you’re flirting with a guy over text, it always helps to create a routine out of it. Yes, of course, you spend all day texting each other, probably a few times every few hours. And that’s great!

But honestly, texting throughout the day can start to become tiresome very soon. You need your own time, for studying, or work, or to spend time with your friends, or even just for yourself. And when you both text each other randomly, there’s always the anxiety of when to expect the next text from him. *why hasn’t he texted me yet?!*

Text each other often, but try to create a routine, maybe a text every few hours, or maybe every evening when both of you are free, or late at night! When you have a routine, both of you can get on with your lives without constantly being stressed about when someone’s going to text next. It keeps things easy and relaxing, and removes all that unnecessary stress!

26. You don’t have to text back immediately

Here’s another text flirting tip to remember. You don’t always have to text back within five minutes after receiving a guy’s text. If you can delay your response and send a text back in an hour, and he learns to do the same, both of you can keep the conversation going all day, every day!

Of course, if there’s something that needs an immediate answer, send a text back immediately. But if it’s just regular flirty chit-chat, it’s okay to keep things moving along slowly. [Read: 60 good morning texts for him to make him wake up with a smile]

27. Switch to a phone call if you’re getting naughty

Texts are easy, they’re not intimidating, and it’s far more relaxing to text a guy instead of talking naughty with him. But for the sake of your privacy, and just to avoid any potential screenshots, always try to switch the texts to a call when things start to get steamy.

It’s alright to text a guy and make him chase you, but try to avoid talking dirty with a guy over text. At least, not until you know he’s a trustworthy guy!

28. Get naughty and be direct about it

When you’re texting a guy and flirting with him, you’d know if you’ve reached the horny point of no return – when both of you talk naughtily and exchange flirty and racy texts with each other. IF you’ve reached this point already, it’s time to bring out the big guns of sexy flirting!

Perhaps it’s time you make it clear you want to hook up with him, or are sexually interested in him. Use these 20 step-by-step dirty questions to ask a guy and you can make him come over to your place within the next 30 minutes!

29. Don’t be clingy

If for any reason, he isn’t responding to your text on time, leave it at that. Don’t text something funny just to get him to respond back to you.

If a guy’s not responding, it’s because he’s busy or not interested in the conversation. Get his point and stop trying to be pushy. If he likes you and wants to impress you, he would text you back in a flash unless he’s busy. [Read: 20 reasons why a guy may never like you back]

30. Don’t drag the text conversation

Don’t let the conversation bore either of you. End it or think of something to say if the texts are losing direction or starting to get rather boring. Excuse yourself and tell him you’ll text him back later.

If you want to flirt with a guy over text, you need to keep it interesting. Once it starts to get even a wee bit boring, end the conversation and tell him that you’ll text him back later. It’ll ensure that his interest in you won’t wear off soon.

Check out these 80 cute texts for him that are guaranteed to make him smile when he sees your text!

Now that you know how to flirt with a guy over text, just give a few of these tips a try. It’ll make him fall harder and make flirting with a guy a lot easier for you!

The post How to Flirt with a Guy Over Text: Everything You Ever Need to Know is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

Saturday, 29 May 2021

How to be a Better Boyfriend: 28 Ways to Make Her Feel Lucky in Love

Dating is never easy and sometimes we all need a few tips. Put in the effort and learn how to be a better boyfriend. Your partner will appreciate it!

how to be a better boyfriend

If you want to keep a relationship going with someone you care deeply about, treating them right is essential. You can’t expect someone to stick around if you’re not willing to give them a reason. If you’re wondering how to be a better boyfriend to your partner, here’s all the help you need to make yourself an amazing catch, and make your girl feel like the lucky to date you!

When it comes to relationships, most boyfriends aren’t as good as their counterparts. That’s just the harsh truth. Maybe it’s because girls are more attuned to a person’s feelings and find it easier to be sensitive, but either way, all boyfriends could use some improvement.

[Read: 20 questions to ask her to show your sensitive side]

Most people break up because they don’t feel they’re being treated right

This is the main reason I broke up with guys and why most of my friends ditched their exes. It’s simply because their boyfriends weren’t doing what was necessary to prolong the relationship, and they were sick of it.

Most relationships end this way. Girl tries hard, guy doesn’t, girl asks for guy to try a little harder, he doesn’t, girl ends things. The sad reality about this is that it’s easy for a guy to be a better boyfriend to their lover. [Read: How to make a relationship work: 34 ways to a stronger bond]

It’s not difficult to treat someone in the right way. At the end of the day, to be a good boyfriend you just need to:

1. Be present

2. Listen to your partner

3. Show empathy and kindness

4. Be attentive

5. Take the initiative occasionally [Read: 13 down to earth ways to express your love without words]

6. Tell them how you feel

7. Be open with your emotions

8. Communicate!

9. Spend time together and make them a priority

It’s not that difficult, right? Okay, it sounds like a long list, but these are simply things that you should do without being asked. If you want to learn how to be a better boyfriend, you need to put in the effort! To make things a little easier, in the next section we’re going to break it down and really show you what you need to do. [Read: 13 strong signs your relationship is built to last]

Let’s get practical – This is how to be a better boyfriend

Some guys are absolutely amazing people. It’s the reason their girlfriends fell for them! The problem is, although they’re great people, they struggle with being a great boyfriend.

If you want to make sure your lover stays with you and ensure you have a happy relationship, work on being a better boyfriend. This list is all you need to know in order to make that a reality and prolong your relationship. [Read: No broken hearts this time: 13 signs your relationship will last]

1. Listen, like, really listen

I know you’ve heard this a hundred times before—even from her during a fight —but it’s really so important in your quest to make her happy and be a better boyfriend.

Girls process information by talking and venting. You are there to support her and all she asks is that you actually listen. Don’t just sit there nodding your head, show her that you’re taking on board what she’s saying. [Read: How to be a better listener in your relationship]

2. Show your appreciation

For some reason, guys just don’t show when they appreciate something unless it’s something super-profound. I know you appreciate it when your girl makes dinner, cleans your place, and buys tickets to your favorite concert. All you have to do is show her that you appreciate it.

Something as simple as giving her a passionate kiss followed by a, “Thank you. I really appreciate this,” is all it takes. [Read: The best ways to show your appreciation for someone you love]

3. Surprise her occasionally

Pick her up and make her get in the car without telling her where you’re going. Or plan a surprise trip. Bring her flowers home for no reason at all. Little surprises like this make her heart flourish. [Read: 24 flirty and romantic things you should do for your girl]

4. Do things that only she wants to do

Relationships require sacrifice sometimes. You both may not always want to do the same things. However, if she can sit through a couple of hours of you yelling at the TV during a sports game, you can spend an hour watching The Bachelor with her.

5. Let her have girl time

This means two things. First, let her have time to do her hair, put a face mask on, and do her nails without you bothering her. She needs this.

Secondly, give her time to go out with her girlfriends. If you get mad every time she goes out with her friends, she’s going to be unhappy and resent you for it. She needs girl time just like you need guy time. [Read: 10 things you shouldn’t do when you have a girlfriend]

6. Don’t get jealous

I guess I should say, don’t show her that you’re jealous. Everyone gets jealous at times, but if you are getting overly jealous, she’s going to be unhappy and think you don’t trust her. Keep it on the down-low.

7. Make her dinner every once in a while

Even if the only thing you can make is mac ‘n cheese, do it. Putting in some effort to try and make her happy with a home-cooked meal is the quickest way to make a girl happy. It doesn’t have to be fancy.

8. Do her chores when she’s had a rough day

If she’s texting you all day complaining about her gruelling boss and tough day at work, go pick up the slack and do some of her chores before she gets home. You have no idea how meaningful this is to the ladies. [Read: 15 traits that’ll make your perfect boyfriend material]

9. Be friends with her friends, or at least make an effort

Even if you’re not their biggest fans, being friends with her friends shows her you want to be a bigger part of her life. She’ll be ecstatic that you’re willing to go hang with her and the girls from time to time.

10. Aim to please her in the bedroom, every time

Those that say sex isn’t important in a relationship are kidding themselves. The truth is girls have a harder time fulfilling their needs in the bedroom and a little more effort from you does great things for your relationship. [Read: How to make a woman orgasm: 15 secrets to master the art]

11. Groom yourself

Keep yourself tidy and smelling great. Girls don’t really want to cuddle up to a boyfriend that smells bad and hasn’t shaved in months. Keep good hygiene if you want to learn how to be a better boyfriend to your girlfriend.

12. Clean up the bathroom every once in a while

Guys tend to be messier in the bathroom than girls, mostly because of their facial hair. The trimmings all over the sink are ANNOYING. If you show her you care about her comfort by keeping it tidy, she’ll notice and be grateful.

13. Take charge and make plans sometimes

You can’t always work together to make the plans for date night. Sometimes, you have to take charge and make the plans for her. A little spontaneity is fun!

Tell her where you’re going to dinner, what movie you’re seeing, and what is in store for the whole night. Girls hate making difficult decisions, and she’ll love not having to put forth the effort for making plans. [Read: 10 great qualities in a guy that girls find attractive]

14. Express your feelings to her

Yeah, yeah, I know. This one is going to be a little harder, but it’s actually a huge way for you to learn how to be a better boyfriend. Girls are great at communicating with emotions, and guys, well, not so much.

Try to tell her how you feel about things so she gets to know you better, and she’ll feel extra special that you opened up to her. Even start by explaining your feelings for her. It’ll get easier with time, I promise. [Read: Why does my girlfriend hate me? 10 questions to find out]

15. Work on being a better person all around

If you really want to be a better boyfriend, then work on being a better person first. If you’re working to better your life and better yourself, you’ll find being a good boyfriend comes naturally, along with the other positives in your life.

16. If you say you’re going to do something, do it

One of the most annoying traits a man often exhibits in a relationship is saying something and then not doing it. If you’re not going to do it, don’t say it! If you want to learn how to be a better boyfriend, do every single thing you say you’re going to do and she’ll adore you for it. [Read: 21 things you do that make your girl adore you more]

17. Don’t keep her guessing

Trust me, most girls are wondering where the relationship is going. Nobody is that secure that they don’t think about it. Take the doubts away from her mind and talk about it. I mentioned opening up and talking about your emotions earlier but you also need to be open about where you see things going.

18. Be consistent

Another super-annoying boyfriend trait is inconsistency. Have your views and stick to them! Don’t change your mind like the wind, it’s not attractive at all. A girl needs to know where she stands but she also wants to know that her guy isn’t going to keep changing his mind every five seconds. [Read: How to show commitment in a relationship & make them feel secure]

19. Be present when you’re together

When you’re spending time together, put the phone down and be present in the moment. There is nothing worse than feeling like your guy doesn’t really want to be there because he’s always on his phone, smiling at something his friend said. If you want to learn how to be a better boyfriend, dedicate your attention to your girl when you’re with her.

20. Show empathy and put yourself in her place

Guys and girls are different, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t try and understand her when she’s going through a hard time. Put yourself in her place and imagine how you would feel. It might not be exactly the same but it shows that you’re trying. Effort is attractive. [Read: 7 reasons why empathy is important in a relationship]

21. Make her a priority

You might not realize you’re doing it, but most guys place their girlfriend down the priority list from time to time. It’s upsetting, even if it’s not intentional. Always make sure that she is your priority, as much as she is able to be depending upon the situation.

22. Be her number one cheerleader

Whenever she needs encouragement, be the one to push her forwards. If she achieves something, shower her with love and compliments. Even in the times when she fails, encourage her and pick her back up again. You have to be her number one cheerleader. [Read: The best ways to cheer your girl up when she’s down]

23. Never let anyone badmouth her

To her face or behind her back, never allow anyone to speak badly of your girlfriend. This means picking up on sarcastic remarks and understanding what they mean too – you have to be her protector and always have her back.

24. Show her respect at all times

It’s easy to be slightly disrespectful without realizing it sometimes. We’re all human and mess up sometimes. However, girls take respect extremely seriously so always make sure that you’re showing the utmost respect to her.

25. Tell her she’s beautiful when she least expects it

When a girl is all dressed up and ready to go out, it’s easy to tell her she’s beautiful. But it means more when she’s in her sweats and not wearing any makeup! Compliments such as these mean more when you least expect them. [Read: How to tell a girl she’s beautiful without sounding cheesy or fake]

26. Remember that you’re a team

Don’t try and struggle through life on your own. Always remember that you’re a team. She wants to help you when you’re having a hard time, just like you want to help her. The key to learning how to be a better boyfriend is to let her in and allow her to be a part of your life – when it’s good and bad.

27. Take the time to learn her love language

We all have a love language. This is the way in which we give and receive love. It might be acts of service, words of affirmation, gifts, physical touch, or quality time. By taking the time to understand what hers is, you can make sure she feels as loved as possible. [Read: How to show affection in a relationship if it doesn’t come naturally]

28. When you’re upset, don’t just shut down

A common trait of many boyfriends is to shut down whenever they’re upset or angry about something. Talk about it! Explain what’s wrong. She’s bound to be going over and over in her mind and wondering whether she’s done something to cause it. Put her out of her misery and talk to her.

Having a strong relationship has so many positive effects on your life. If you really want to know how to be a better boyfriend and treat your lover right, these tips will help make that happen.

Want to know more about the traits that actually make you a much better guy and boyfriend, read these 33 traits of a good boyfriend and make sure you’re following every one of them!

The post How to be a Better Boyfriend: 28 Ways to Make Her Feel Lucky in Love is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

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