Tuesday 23 April 2019

Why It’s Not Too Late to Learn Seduction – and Reap the Benefits

learn and benefit from seduction as an older man
If you think it’s too late to benefit from learning seduction, think again. Whether for bedding higher-quality girls or improving your relationship, these skills are key.

Dating and seduction do not have to be the exclusive privilege of younger men. Older men can do extremely well, too, because we have many good things going for us! But why should we even begin learning seduction as an older man? Isn’t accumulating conquest after conquest a little bit immature and even pointless? Aren’t we past the age for that? Isn’t a meaningful long-term relationship with a woman you like the ultimate goal?

If you are an older gentleman facing these questions, well, let me tell you this: there are several benefits you would gain from learning seduction, especially if your goal is to find a good woman to settle down with. If you are a younger guy reading this, read on, because you’ll be an older man much sooner than you think!


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