Thursday 9 May 2019

13 Signs of Strong Physical Attraction that Reveal a Mad Attraction

Signs of strong physical attraction are extremely powerful. If you’re showing any of these signs, you’re giving off seriously hot signals!

We’ve all been there. You meet someone who you simply can’t stay away from. They seem to have a certain allure and it’s like a magnet to you. To quote Edward Cullen from Twilight *of all things*, they are your own “personal brand of heroin.” It’s that magnetic, that powerful, that overwhelming. They are the signs of strong physical attraction.

You want them badly. It’s not going to go away until you’ve had them. It’s both a wonderful, exhilarating feeling. It leaves you vulnerable and open to hurt and anguish too. If you can keep it on a physical level for now, and avoid daydreaming about wedding aisles and long futures, this could be a fun way to get to know someone new. If it works out, great. If it doesn’t, well, you’ll have had a great time finding out! [Read: Lusty signs of sexual attraction you need to understand]

13 signs of strong physical attraction you can’t miss

So, if it’s you giving off the signals, or you’re noticing them coming your way, what should you be looking out for exactly? Let’s check out 13 signs of strong physical attraction, which can only lead to one outcome: the shedding of clothes.

#1 An undeniable urge to touch them, in any way at all. If you simply want to reach out and touch them, perhaps move that stray hair from their face, or make an excuse to brush an invisible piece of fluff from their shirt, you’ve got it bad! A desire to reach out and touch is one of the main signs of strong physical attractions. You might have to sit on your hands to keep your urges to yourself! [Read: 10 sneaky ways to build sexual attraction with someone you like]

 #2 A racing heartbeat. Does your heart rate pick up a few notches whenever this person is around? Can you hear the thumping and feel it in your chest? Does it reverberate around your entire body? Playing a special drum orchestra only you can hear? Again, a surefire sign that you want to take things to another level with this person. The attraction is super strong!

#3 Noticing your palms are sweaty. Do you get sweaty palms whenever this person is around? This the body’s natural nervous response, but it’s also linked with attraction. There is a very fine line between the two feelings. If you’re noticing that your hands become something akin to a sweat slick whenever this person pops into your space, that is one of the firm signs of strong physical attraction. [Read: The hush-hush signs of a seriously big crush]

#4 You feel nervous generally. If you notice butterflies in your stomach, and a strange feeling of nervousness for no reason whatsoever, that’s your body telling you that it wants this other person, and not in a pure way! You have a true physical attraction to this other person. These nerves are your body’s fight or flight response kicking in.

#5 Dry lips. Do you notice that your mouth and lips go dry? Do you instinctively lick your lips? If you’re doing this while looking at the other person, lost in the moment and your thoughts of what might happen, you’re leaving them in no doubt about what you’re thinking! Again, one of the biggest signs of strong physical attraction, and one the other person can’t help but notice! [Read: 16 hush-hush signs your friend wants to have sex with you]

#6 You can’t get your words out. Do you stutter around this person, suddenly become shy and start blushing? You could be the most confident person in the world. But whenever this person is around, you turn into a bumbling mess. This can be a sign of true physical attraction, because you’re worried they can somehow read your mind and they know about the thoughts you’re having!

#7 A desire to look your best. Whenever this person is around, you want to look your very best, perhaps showing a little more skin than you would normally, and really letting them see you at your very best. This desire to look good isn’t simply for your confidence levels. It’s because you want this person to want you back.

Similarly, if you notice someone else always looking their shining best whenever you’re around, perhaps that’s a sign of them wanting something from you! [Read: How to revamp and restyle the hot and sexy you]

#8 You can’t tear your eyes away. Everyone knows that eye contact is a sign of desire, but if you simply can’t tear your eyes away from this person, whether you’re in conversation or you’re simply watching them walk, move, or carry out a task, you’re seriously attracted to them on a very physical level.

#9 A desire to tease them. We’ve all heard the old adage that you pull the pigtails on the playground of the one you like, and this goes back years and years, but it’s actually true. When you like someone, either emotionally or physically, you’ll probably revert to teasing them. This is a fun way to build a connection, but it’s a way to build up sexual tension at the same time. [Read: How to build sexual tension to the point where it’s out of control]

#10 Your voice changes when you talk to them. Does your voice suddenly turn into a whisper or take on a somewhat erotic tone? If so, your voice is giving you away, and that’s one of the biggest signs of strong physical attraction. Your voice might suddenly go husky, and a little breathy, and you’re telling the other person what you’re thinking without using words.

#11 You don’t notice anyone else. The room could be full of other people but your attention will be solely on the person you have a strong physical attraction towards. You only want to look at this person, see what they are doing, and you only want them to notice you back.

A person can be talking to you, but if you’re busy gazing at your beau, all your attention will be on them, and your imagination will probably be running wild at the same time!

#12 Mirroring. Movement mirroring is one of the biggest and most obvious signs of strong physical attraction. It’s something we do without even realizing it. In this case, you will mirror the movements and standing/sitting position of the person you’re attracted to.

If they’re standing with their body angled towards you, you’ll do the same. And if they sit with their legs crossed, you’ll do the same, etc. This is a common body language trick that speaks volumes. [Read: Clearly noticeable signs of body language attraction]

#13 You just can’t move away. Do you feel yourself rooted to the spot? You feel you can’t tear yourself away from this person. Almost as though you’re under a spell? That’s because you’re  physically attracted to this person. You want them badly! It’s chemistry. As we mentioned before, it’s like a drug reaction, a need, a really deep-seeded want.

[Read: How to tell if the sexual tension is mutual]

How many of these signs of strong physical attraction can you agree with? Is there a person who you can’t get out of your head? Let’s hope they feel the same way and you can move onto something more!

The post 13 Signs of Strong Physical Attraction that Reveal a Mad Attraction is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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