Monday 17 June 2019

14 Best-Ever Self-Help Books to Help You Grow as a Person

self-help books
The answers to life’s questions are found in the best self-help books. Want your brain to work better all-around? Want to be more interesting? Start with these.

It’s time for a list of my favorite and best self-help books for men. Because when’s the last time you read a book?

The average American reads 2.5 books per year, and 25% don’t read any. So if you’re like me and read 20 or more books a year, you’re basically a genius-level Renaissance man.

When people ask what I attribute my success to (with women and life), I tell them “BOOKS.”

Books taught me how to think, talk, and pay my way around the world. If I had a choice between a lifetime of books or easy sex – I’d choose books.

“I don’t know, Tony. I get tired when I read. I fall asleep. I prefer podcasts and audiobooks.”

I hear that a lot; men get “tired” when reading. It’s because their brains are flabby. Reading a proper book is like the fat, lazy dude going to the gym, pushing weights for five minutes then going home to “rest” because he’s “tired.”

There’s an intellectual joy from reading long-form books. I just don’t get the same feeling from audiobooks, podcasts, or YouTube. There’s nothing wrong with those mediums; they’re great, too. But something magical happens to your brain when you read books (click here for science).

You can also read at your own speed to ensure comprehension and retention.

For guys who love to read but only read non-fiction, studies have shown fiction helps with intellect, empathy, and imagination. So reading fiction will help with your game, too, as fiction lets you see (imagine) from another’s perspective.

This list of books is subjective, by the way. They’re not really the best self-help books ever. After all, there’s no such thing, really, as it depends on what you're looking to help yourself with.


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