Do you suck? Probably. Is there a way to not suck? Absolutely! Here are 5 steps to put you on the road to becoming a better man and sucking way less.
2. Sleepwalkers3. Improving Yourself Is Hard Work
5. The Motivation to Become a Better Man
6. Fear Has a Lover – Her Name Is Failure
8. 5 Steps to Become a Better Man
How to become a better man. It’s a question very few of us ask, and why would we?
What is a “man,” anyway? What is “better?” Better than what? Because if we don’t define this, then why would we improve upon it?
What Does “Better” Mean?
Can a tree become a better tree? Yes – if it grows, it develops flowers, nuts, and fruit, which feed life. Can gold become better gold? If it’s polished, it can be more beautiful, if it’s shaped, more useful (though the latter is subjective, since gold is only useful for people).
So to become a better man, you must grow and improve: physically, spiritually, socially, intellectually, so you may be more beautiful and useful.
Why? Because the stronger, smarter, and more powerful we are – the happier we are. We’re happiest when we’re growing, improving, and useful. If you’re depressed, sad, or angry, then you’re definitely not “better,” since this is a degradation in state (maybe unless you’re in a goth grind-core band).
Bonus: the better you are, the hotter the women you’ll attract.
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