Friday 5 July 2019

Level Up Your Game, Pt 1: Awareness and Being Present

awareness and being present in seduction
Being present and aware during a seduction helps you pick up on a girl’s state and guide things toward intimacy, all while avoiding wildcards and cockblocks.

Hey guys, it’s Daniel and Varoon starting a co-written series about improving your game!

We were chatting about game one day and brainstormed the idea to meet up in Canada, go out and wing each other, then write about it. At the time of writing, Daniel’s just gotten out of a several-month fling, and Varoon is single again after seven years. And since night game has never been a focus for Varoon, he's now committed to learning it – from scratch! We figured this would be a great way to understand and write about pitfalls guys face learning the game (applicable to all situations with girls – not just with night game).

From a weekend we spent together recently in Canada – not only to write these articles but also to train in game – we’re going to cover 20 tips guys can use to improve their game in this four-part series.

We got a proper lay report out of this link-up, too, and the lessons learned were many!

To kick off Part 1, we’ll talk about the importance of awareness and being present.


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