Monday 19 August 2019

How to Become a Good Kisser: 15 Moves to Lose Your Imperfect Pucker

Kissing is definitely an art form. Since it’s usually the first step in building intimacy, learning how to become a good kisser is a must-know skill!

Mastering how to become a good kisser is crucial. Kissing is usually the first thing we do with someone we like and will determine if there’s going to be a second or third step after that.

While many spend their time focusing on how to improve their sex positions, they’re wasting their time. Because if they don’t nail kissing, then they’re not going to get much further than that.

Most of the guys I’ve kissed were pretty good kissers, thankfully. But there have been a couple that haunts me. They didn’t know they were bad kissers. And I didn’t want to be the one to tell them. [Read: How to be a good kisser even if you’re a newbie]

How to become a good kisser

Picture me in high school with my first boyfriend, James. After weeks of dating, he invited me over to his house. I knew exactly what this meant. We were going to have a makeout session. I was so nervous, but I knew it was the right time. It was the step I wanted to take.

The minute he kissed me, a flood of drool landed on my mouth. The kiss was so wet, I could have taken a bath in it. I recoiled into myself and made an excuse to leave. I couldn’t do it.

So, you see, knowing how to become a good kisser can make or break a beautiful date. Pucker those lips up.

#1 Always get consent. If you’re planning on making a move, it’s important you ask for consent. I know you may be thinking that it doesn’t sound sexy, but you make consent sound as sexy as you want. If there’s sexual tension and chemistry, whispering, “can I kiss you?” is very hot. Once you have consent, then go in for the kiss. [Read: Why you should get on board with being sex positive]

#2 Moisturize those lips. Have you ever kissed someone with cracked lips? I have and let me tell you it’s not fun. You want the kiss to be smooth and sensual. Cracked lips won’t create that vibe. It’s time for you to invest in lip balm. Lather it on in the morning and before bed to make sure you have luscious and soft lips.

#3 Keep your mouth fresh. Before kissing, always make sure your mouth is feeling fresh. Pop in a couple of mints or chew some gum to get rid of the taste of dinner from your mouth. If you’re able to brush your teeth and rinse with mouthwash, do that. There’s nothing more inspiring than kissing someone with a minty mouth. [Read: 22 easy tips to make your first kiss one of the best ones they’ve had]

#4 Stay away from garlic. And other smelly foods. This one is hard for me because I love garlic and onions. Yes, I’m literally the worst person when it comes to kissing. I torture anyone whose lips touch mine. But what can I say? I love eating garlic! But for a good kissing experience, stay away from garlic a day or two before the big kiss. Not many people appreciate the smell of garlic as I do.

#5 Don’t rush into it. Grabbing your partner quickly and shoving your tongue into their mouth isn’t hot. If anything, it feels more like an attack. Though you want to kiss them, there’s nothing wrong with taking things nice and slow. Build up to the kiss. Run your hand through their hair, look at them in the eyes, and then go for it.

#6 Start without tongue. Though you think a French kiss is sexy and hot, it’s not what you should start out with. Shoving a tongue in their mouth just as you lay your lips on their lips isn’t fun. Start with a closed mouth, and let the tongue naturally go into their mouth. There’s no need to be aggressive when you’re learning how to become a good kisser. [Read: The dos and don’ts of a good french kiss]

#7 Use the erogenous zones. Kissing is more than just the lips. Your body is made up of many erogenous zones that are stimulated by touch. During a makeout session, suck their earlobes, kiss their neck, caress their inner thighs, massage their scalp. Those areas are where the nerve endings are and will arouse your partner even more.

#8 Feel the way they like to be kissed. There’s no textbook way to kiss someone. Some people like a lot of tongue; others don’t. What you need to do is try to get a feel of how they enjoy being kissed. Your partner will also show you how they kiss, so pay attention. [Read: 15 kissing techniques for that heartbeat-skipping smooch]

#9 Be passionate. Don’t stand there like a stick. If you’re aroused, show your partner. Touch them, get into it. It’s okay to become a little wild when you are kissing just as long as it’s mutual. If you want to have a passionate kiss, you need to give it your all. [Read: How to kiss passionately and romantically]

#10 Be in the moment. The problem with many people when they kiss is that they’re planning the next five steps ahead. Listen, a makeout session doesn’t mean you’re going to have sex, and you should never assume that. Plus, by thinking about that, you’re distracting yourself from the moment, and you don’t want to do that. Be in the moment, and the kiss will be amazing.

#11 Take the lead. Many people are afraid to initiate a makeout session, but why? If you know they want to kiss you and vice versa, then why not kiss them? Of course, if you try to kiss them and they dodge you, apologize and move on. But pay attention to the signals. It could be they’re shy.

#12 Focus on your partner. If you want to have a good kissing experience, you need to pay attention to your partner. They’re not a sex doll; they’re someone with feelings and emotions. If you decide to nibble their earlobe or lick their neck, pay attention to how they react. Everyone is different; if they enjoy what you’re doing, you’ll notice right away. [Read: How to initiate a kiss that’ll make them remember you forever]

#13 Close your eyes. I’ve seen people kiss with their eyes open, and honestly, it’s a scary sight. Why aren’t you closing your eyes when you kiss? There’s no good answer to that question. When you close your eyes, you’re blocking out one of your senses, making the others heighten. So, close your eyes because you’ll feel more when you do.

#14 Be honest with the kiss. If you’re not enjoying kissing them, don’t be afraid to say something. Okay, you don’t need to say, “I don’t like kissing you,” but you can stop and suggest trying it again. You’ve never kissed them before, so this is as new to you as it is to them. [Read: 19 types of gross kisses that’ll make anyone go “eww…”]

#15 A bad kisser can improve. If you come across someone who’s a bad kisser, it doesn’t mean you need to dump them. I dated a guy who was a terrible kisser when I met him. But, with enough time and practice, he became an amazing kisser. Kissing is something we learn, so don’t give up on a bad kisser, unless you don’t see any improvement.

[Read: Kissing chemistry 101: How to kiss someone for the first time]

Whether it’s your first time kissing someone or you want to improve your kissing technique, try out these tips for how to become a good kisser. There’s no doubt they’re going to work.

The post How to Become a Good Kisser: 15 Moves to Lose Your Imperfect Pucker is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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