Sunday 18 August 2019

What Traits Do the Best Pickup Artists Have in Common?

best pickup artists traits
Want to get good with women but think you’re not the right ‘type’ for it? Here are the most common traits I see in the best pickup artists I know. This may surprise you.

I want to clear up some misconceptions about learning game — primarily what sorts of guys succeed with pickup versus those who don’t.

In my humble opinion, a master at pickup is simply someone willing to face rejection more than the average man. He can approach more women in a week than most do in a year.

My opinion may not represent the rest of Girls Chase, as some of the guys may have different viewpoints. And if there are differences of opinion, I think they may stem from the fact that we all have different styles, which have been developed based on our strengths.

Not every pickup artist has the same strengths; therefore, we all have different styles that suit us best.

So of course there are exceptions, because there are many nuanced factors involved in learning game, and the path isn’t the same (nor can it be) for every guy.

Also, you don't have to have these traits to do 'well' with pickup, nor must you go through what I did to do 'well' with pickup. But guys who tend to do REALLY, REALLY well — as in coach level good — usually have a few common traits. I'll list them below, and if you don't have these traits but want to acquire or develop them as motivation, or if you'd like to gain the benefits they provide, I'll provide solutions to help you out.


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