Friday 20 September 2019

Female State Management and Social Frame: The Big Picture

female state control

Hey, guys. Welcome back!

Here’s my final article on Female State Control (FSC), and to some extent, social frame. I will try to tie it all together and give you the big picture.

In doing so, I will refer to posts from our beloved Chase. He has written amazing posts that I enjoyed reading on floors and ceilings as well as acceptability, all closely related to FSC and social frame.

I will also mention an older post from Chase on state crashes, troughs, and cresting that is extremely relevant to this discussion.

One word of caution: my mention of these posts will be my interpretations of these posts. After numerous email exchanges with Chase on the subject, it seems like I understood his points quite well.

This article is packed with details and will be a dense post to some. It’s recommended for more advanced readers. Make sure you are rested and caffeinated before reading. Reading twice to understand it all is advised.


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