Thursday 24 October 2019

Relentless Pragmatism Pt. 5: The Transition Phases of Seduction

seduction transition phases
Getting a woman to spread her legs for you depends on your ability to smoothly navigate her through the 4 transition phases of seduction. Let’s hammer out the first 2.

Before we get started with today’s installment of relentless pragmatism, let’s do a quick recap of where this results-oriented philosophy has taken us so far.

We cross-examined the nuances of becoming more attractive, discussing different ways to improve your fundamentals. Next, we explored the 3 schools of seduction, overarching lady-killer factions every experienced seducer operates under. Every aspiring student of the game should use this as a study guide in his journey to dating success. We also studied the pragmatic implications of the various dating tools and girl-getting methods unique to each game class.

By this point in the series, you should be well aware of the diverse, exciting experiences awaiting you once you subscribe to and learn how to seduce women from:

Today we’re going to apply this elite mindset to continue exploring two parameters of mastery: efficiency and effectiveness. We defined and began a discussion on these essential standards of progress in the last installment of relentless pragmatism. This article will take a step further and discuss how you can become more effective and efficient in your transition phases.

Transition phases form the foundation of your game plan to seduce a woman. Think of them as a crucial aspect of your quest to develop and refine a process to get you laid from cold approach.

Say you meet an extremely sexy girl, the type of girl who inspires more passion and desire the more you pay attention to her. You must remember that expertly navigating through each transition phase gives you the best odds of having a steamy sexual encounter with this girl. Regardless of whether you’d like to take her on as a new casual lover, turn her into an infatuated girlfriend, or just enjoy a one-night-stand with a real beauty, you’re only four transition phases away from transforming this carnal imagination into a triumphant reality.


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