Tuesday 1 October 2019

The 11 Powerful Signs of an Alcoholic that Reveal a Real Problem

Having a drink or two isn’t bad, but are they having a problem putting the bottle down? When does alcohol start to reveal the signs of an alcoholic?

Remember, you put yourself first when it comes to being in a relationship. No, you don’t need to dump a partner who drinks too much but look at their drinking habits. Do you see the early signs of an alcoholic?

If you notice the signs, it’s important to talk to them about it and encourage them to seek counseling. Because we all know no one drinks a bottle a night for fun. [Read: The guide to decide if you should leave someone you love]

The clearest signs that they’re an alcoholic

When you’re dating, you look for someone who matches you. Someone who enjoys your sense of humor and vice versa. A partner who’s loyal and makes you feel like you’re on cloud nine. There may be people you meet that appear to be perfect, but let’s get real, everyone has their secrets.

Alcoholism is a very real and progressive disease that not only affects the person who’s excessively drinking but also affects everyone around them. Now, I’m not saying the person you’re dating is an alcoholic, nor am I saying if they are, you should leave them. But, knowing the signs of an alcoholic will help you determine the next steps you need to take. Learn these red flags of an alcoholic.

#1 They drink when stressed. Everyone gets stressed out, but what matters is how you relieve that stress. When stressed, some people play video games, some go for a run, and others eat. However, your partner picks up a bottle of alcohol instead.

If they’re using alcohol to cope with situations in their life, it’s clear that they’re using it as a crutch. Choosing alcohol for emotional relief is an early sign of alcoholism. [Read: Why you should run if you see these red flags in a relationship]

#2 Their social life is all about the booze. They love to go out and party, however, will only do so if there’s alcohol available for them. If not, they complain about how they can’t enjoy partying when sober. If they can’t last more than two minutes without a drink in their hand, well, it’s clear that something is severely wrong. [Read: Lifestyle changes to make for a better life]

#3 They have a family history. Now, you probably won’t find this out right away, but if they tell you they have a family of alcoholism and you notice that they drink heavily, it’s likely that this is one of the clear early signs of an alcoholic. But, with that being said, a family history doesn’t mean that they are alcoholics as well. So, you need to see other signs in order to conclude this one.

#4 They become a different person when drinking. Naturally, alcohol brings out different parts of our personality. People can become sleepy or extremely happy. However, with alcoholics, they usually become aggressive, emotional, verbally abusive, and mean.

But usually, if you’re an alcoholic, you’re not a happy one. If they go from positive to negative after a couple of drinks, it’s time to see this as an early stage of alcoholism.

#5 They drink more than expected. They may have only wanted one drink or brings home a bottle of wine even though she wanted a break. The point is, they have no control over their consumption of alcohol. It’s almost like they’re not in control of themselves, rather, the alcohol controls when and where they’re going to drink.

#6 They can handle their liquor. There are people who are unable to hold their alcohol while there are people who are able to handle their alcohol. When I mean “handle.” I mean six or seven drinks are nothing for them. In fact, you can’t even tell that they’ve been drinking.

Now, though this may seem impressive, this also shows that they’ve developed a high tolerance for alcohol. And what does this mean? They drank their way to this tolerance. 

#7 They drink anything. Most people have a favorite drink. But for an alcoholic, they’re not picky. They drink anything that lands in front of them, regardless of the brand. Sometimes, they may not have the money to afford their drink of choice but that doesn’t stop them. Whatever the cheapest drink is, they’ll buy it. It’s not about quality, it’s about numbing their emotions. [Read: How to get out of a toxic relationship with your dignity intact]

#8 They need a drink. If not, they’re immediately cranky and irritable. But when they have a drink in their hand, they’re at their best and usually the life of the party. However, leave them for a period of time without a drink and you’ll notice their mood completely change. If anything, they’re the worst person when they’re sober.

#9 Alcohol has put them in trouble. They drank too much last night so they called in sick this morning or when they drove home drunk and were caught by police a couple weeks ago.

See, their drinking isn’t just about them having a drink every now and then. Their drinking habits have gotten them in severe trouble in their personal life whether it’s with work or the law.

#10 Alcohol is a priority. People find the money for things that they really need. For them, they need alcohol. They may need money for their car insurance or rent, but the first thing they’re going to invest in will be in a bottle of alcohol. See, they have a priority and regardless of what’s happening in their life, they’ll make sure that they always have money for a bottle. [Read: 12 signs it’s time to jump ship and leave your partner]

#11 They drink alone. It’s harder to point out an alcoholic when they’re drinking with other people, but if they drink alone frequently then you need to acknowledge this as an early stage of alcoholism. Who drinks alone, honestly? No one does that for fun. Instead, they have some dark demons they’re battling.

[Read: How to help your partner beat their unhealthy habit]

If someone is an alcoholic it doesn’t make them a bad person, but you know that this unhealthy behavior isn’t something you need to get pulled into. Now that you know the signs of an alcoholic, is your partner or someone you love getting addicted to it?

The post The 11 Powerful Signs of an Alcoholic that Reveal a Real Problem is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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