Wednesday 2 October 2019

The 3 Best Ways to Start Conversations with Girls

how to start a conversation with a girl
You can’t get anywhere with that fine chica unless you meet her, so it helps to know how to start a conversation with a girl that intrigues her and sets things in motion.

Every guy wants to know how to start conversations with girls. It's not too hard; you just open your mouth, force air through your lungs, and form vowels.

But still, this is where the vast majority of men fail: at the opener. They let their imagination run wild with all sorts of egoic chatter, creating false timelines, zipping into the future, through the past, and everywhere except right NOW.

Guys ask me how to start conversations with girls at the mall, on the phone, on the bus, in groups, and alone. The list of potential opening situations is virtually endless, limited only by the imagination (opening during a zombie apocalypse, a bank robbery, in a nude sauna, etc.).

At times like these, I want to grab guys by the feet and haul them back to Earth.

We call these cerebral wanderings “mental masturbation.”

So in this guide, I’m going to simplify the process as much as possible. I’m not a fan of micro-managing the meta details of seduction; I’m more of a minimalist. I believe in the power of language and persuasion, yes. But when it comes to starting conversations with women you'd like to get naked in your bed, it’s infinitely more about how you say what you say, rather than what you say. That's the real secret you need to discover here – it's the "how" that should be your focus. Let's get into why that is.


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