Monday 21 October 2019

The Basics of Turning Dates into Sex

how to turn date into sex
You wanted to bring her home and have sex with her, but you ended up having another platonic date with no action. Why? It’s because these elements were lacking.

Ever worry so much about your approach anxiety or what to say that when you actually land a date, you have no clue how to turn it into sex?

It’s super common. Usually, you’re waiting for a sign that she’s attracted, a special laugh, compliment, or a submissive, coy gesture. And when it never materializes, you think “Oh, maybe she’s not that into me. I better not be creepy. I better take this slow.”

Of course, this means you go on three dates and never have sex. Lose-lose.

Want to know if she’s down? Assume that ALL WOMEN ARE INTO YOU. They just don’t know it yet.

The reason you fail to close dates? You fear mistakes. What if you say something “weird” or try to touch her, and she freaks out? But you know what? It’s either you take those risks or stay in the friend zone.

When you meet girls from day game, you’ll probably have to go on at least one date. Same-day lays don’t happen very often for most guys. And for most men, you won’t get laid even on the first or second date. By the third or fourth date, you’re solidly slotted as a “friend.”

If you want to get laid fast from a date, you need an effective plan and the right mindset.

In this article, I’ll teach you a basic guideline on how to take a date home and bang her silly.


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