Thursday 17 October 2019

To Attract Women, Acting like an Older Man Can Only Help You

act older and attract women
Women want men, not boys. Does that mean a young guy should adopt the styles and traits of older men in order to attract girls his own age?

I’ve been discussing pickup and outings with some younger friends and clients as a 30-something talking to guys in their early 20s or just out of college. One comment that always stands out is, “Are you sure that your older-man style is going to work for me getting younger girls?”

When guys are young (early 20s or younger) and just getting into game, it can be tough finding themselves in cities or environments where the population is predominantly older, or extremely variable. For day game cold approach in New York City, you’re just as likely to meet a 28-year-old as a 22-year-old unless you calibrate your venues and approach areas.

So, to quickly address the issue of actually meeting younger women, you can, for example, stick to areas near a college.

But more to the point of this article, virtually all men want women who are either younger or roughly the same age as they are. I meet very few young men who want to give it a shot with an older woman. With girls, however, it’s not really a question of age preference. It's more a question of what she considers "manly."

But many young guys aren’t sure if adopting the behaviors or styles of older men will help them. Hence the question: will this also work for the kinds of girls I want?

The answer is a firm “yes.” Here's why that is, and what you can do.


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