Thursday 3 October 2019

What to Text a Girl You Just Met to Ensure She Texts You Back

Congratulations! She gave you her number, but now you need to know what to text a girl you just met. Lucky for you, I have all the answers.

Before we get into what to text a girl you just met, relax for a second and congratulate yourself. You met a girl and she gave you her number. You are already doing amazing.

So, try not to freak out. There is no perfect thing to say or miracle sentence that will get her to date you or even text back. Just breathe and take a second.

This is just a text. It is not something you need to fester over for hours. [Read: How to text a girl you like and make her want you]

Texting a girl you just met

When it comes to texting a girl you just met, it is not all that complicated. Relax! It is actually pretty hard to screw up.

As long as you stay true to who you are and how you were when you met, things should go swimmingly. But, just in case you need some extra guidance, there are things to avoid.

One thing you should not text a girl you just met is anything sexual. I don’t care how confident or horny you are feeling, that is never appropriate. This girl gave you her number which is a private thing, so respect that.

Next, don’t immediately ask her out. That may be your end game but have a little bit of a conversation first. You don’t have to talk for days before making your move but a brief conversation will be smoother.

[Read: How to ask someone out over text and get a yes]

Also, do not wait for days to text her. In the 80s or 90s, it was “cool” to wait three days before calling, but we’re like two decades into the new century and everything is instant. If her Uber Eats driver can get her McDonalds in under 15 minutes, you can text her within a reasonable amount of time.

It doesn’t have to be as soon as she leaves wherever you met, but maybe once you get home for the night or after work. Text her within 24 hours of meeting so that you are fresh in her mind. If you wait too long you won’t look cool, she will think you aren’t that interested.

These are just some basic essentials to stick to when figuring out what to text a girl you just met, but let’s get into some more specific options.

What to text a girl you just met

The main goal of texting a girl you just met is to get a text back. That is the number one priority. From there, worry about asking her out and setting up a date, but for now, focus on the first text you send a girl you just met.

What should your first text say?

#1 The classic. Keep it short and sweet. This text does not define your future. You do not have to come up with something unbelievably amazing. Simply say, “Hi it’s *YOUR NAME HERE* from *LOCATION YOU MET HERE*. I had a great time talking to you today.”

It may seem boring, but it gets the point across and shows your interest. [Read: How to not be a boring texter and keep anyone interested]

#2 The flirt. Jumping right into the first text with something a bit more flirtatious will definitely catch her attention. If you were doing some heavy-duty flirting when you first met, this may be the ideal way to go.

You don’t have to be over the top with this. Simply say something like, “Hey it’s *YOUR NAME HERE*. You know, the guy you couldn’t stop staring at today.”

This introduces your personality and gets the conversation off to a good start.

#3 The clever. If you are full of sarcasm and humor, introducing your texting relationship with a joke is ideal. It will give her a good idea of what’s to come, and humor is always a wonderful way to keep a conversation flowing.

Something like this is cute and clever, “This is an automated message from *YOUR NAME HERE*. Reply YES if you wish to receive future messages. Reply STOP to end all future communication with *YOUR NAME HERE*.”

If someone sent this to me after meeting I would definitely reply yes. And I know this isn’t what you want to think about, but this gives them a chance to let you know if they’re not interested without ghosting. [Read: 15 texting rules to impress a girl when you first start texting her]

#4 The compliment. Go with a solid compliment, but try not to make it solely superficial. You can tell any girl she is pretty or you couldn’t help but notice her, but complimenting something deeper you noticed when you met her will show that you were really paying attention.

Try something like, “Hi, it’s *YOUR NAME HERE*. I couldn’t wait to get home to text you. I was really impressed by your positivity today.”

This can be anything from her success in business to her dedication or intelligence. She will appreciate a compliment like that more than any physical one. But, avoid saying she is not like other girls. That is not a compliment, but a dig at other girls. [Read: 12 important texting rules to ensure you don’t creep the girl out]

#5 The continuation. Pick up where you left off. She probably gave you her number because you were having a pretty good conversation when you met, so use what works. Continue on with what you were talking about or doing when you met.

A text like, “Hey it’s *YOUR NAME HERE*. Did you end up catching that game? Crazy, right?” or “I looked up what you mentioned earlier, I can’t believe it. How did you find out about that?” should do the trick.

This really helps ensure you will get a reply because it is open-ended. [Read: The best ways to start a conversation on text and keep it going]

What to text a girl you just met after she responds

If she responded to your first text, you are in the clear. Relax. She answered which means she is likely at least a little interested. You don’t need to try to impress her, just be yourself.

You can either carry out the conversation a while and get to know her better or ease into an ask out right away.

If you want her to know you are interested in dating her, make that clear. Say something like, “I would love to continue this conversation over drinks.” This will show that you don’t want a virtual penpal, but you intend to see her again. [Read: How to ask a girl out over text and get that “yes”]

Not everyone is keen on meeting up again so soon so if that’s you, don’t worry. You don’t need to ask her out right now. Carry out your conversation a little, and when the time seems right, ask her out.

Maybe she said she just made dinner or came home from dinner.  Ask her what she had and then recommend a great restaurant you know that you would love to take her to. A smooth transition like that makes it less of a shock.

Texting a girl you just met does not have to be this anxiety-filled experience. Remind yourself that she gave you her number because she wanted to hear from you.

[Read: 18 casual things to text a girl and leave her addicted to you]

As long as you stay confident and true to yourself, you will know exactly what to text a girl you just met to ensure she responds.

The post What to Text a Girl You Just Met to Ensure She Texts You Back is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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