Sunday 15 December 2019

13 Things That Happen When You Date Experienced Women

experienced women
Dating an experienced woman can be a treacherous yet incredibly worthwhile journey. You’ll experience heartbreak and pure ecstasy. Prepare yourself.

I have had the pleasurable misfortune of not only sleeping with many experienced women but also dating one as a serious girlfriend.

And by experienced, I mean promiscuous. She's sexually experienced and has dated lots of guys.

Of course, there can be another definition for experienced.

She might be older and have had a handful of long-term relationships (LTRs). Though, a girl could be young and still have had a lot of boyfriends, even if they weren’t long-lasting relationships.

And even if a girl is older, it doesn’t mean she knows much about dating, but maybe she knows a lot about life. Or she could know a lot about dating but was relatively unslutty and had one or two LTRs.

For this article, then, let’s have three possible definitions of “experienced”:

  1. Older than you
  2. Many lays
  3. Four or more LTRs

Four LTRs is somewhat an arbitrary number, but I’d say four that last longer than a year makes one well-acquainted with relationships (though not necessarily skilled).

And, of course, these definitions are not mutually exclusive. A girl can have some, none, or all these traits.

I’ll address experience via these definitions differently throughout this article in terms of how they can impact your adventure.


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