Saturday 21 December 2019

Why You Must Break the Touch Barrier Early with Girls

break the touch barrier with girls
The longer you wait to touch a girl, the weirder it gets when you finally do. Touch her early and often to reap all the benefits of this powerful seduction tool.

On meets with girls, you have to break the touch barrier eventually if you’re planning to sleep with her. The longer you wait, the more odd it’s going to feel for her, and the more pressure there will be for both of you.

Imagine going on dates with two different girls. You spend the first 90 minutes on the date with the first girl not touching, then make your first move. But with the second girl, you touch her in the first five minutes and continue to have touch throughout the date. Which date will feel more natural to the girl? On which date will the transition to intimacy be smoother?

Long story short, if you don’t touch early, you’re dooming yourself to face a bigger uphill battle of comfort to touch later on. It makes all the difference if you establish touch early on. This gets her thinking touch between the two of you is normal and expected. It's comfortable and never comes as a surprise.

Generally, people make their first impressions of others within the first five to ten seconds of meeting. Additionally, the first 5–10 minutes of a date sets the tone. So, the best way to break the touch barrier is to do it early and quickly in your meets to set the tone.

I recommend, at the very least, touching her warmly when ending your approach set, and it’s also important to touch in the first moments of your first date, which starts the escalation. From the moment you greet her at the venue, the touch should begin as a form of physical intimacy.

Here's how to do it.


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