An intimate feeling during a seduction is crucial to moving forward. Without it, you may never get far with women, no matter how many approaches you make.
Sometimes guys go out to meet girls and girls can tell the guy isn't fully into them.
This may be due to the guy not wanting to throw all his chips in on a girl, to avoid the sting if she rejects him.
Or it might be a consequence of him going around in social butterfly mode, and not being able to commit to an interaction with any one girl.
Regardless, the girl can tell the guy has only one foot in the seduction... and the other foot out of it.
And since he hasn't committed to their interaction, neither too does she.
Thus starts a vicious circle for "one-foot-in" seducers, as they bounce from girl to girl, never committed to their interactions, finding the women they meet do not commit to things either, so that they themselves continue to not commit to their conversations, whether to protect themselves or to keep themselves moving, and on the cycle goes.
Many guys who burn out of nightlife cold approach or day game cold approach are guys who do this... guys who never (or rarely ever) commit to an interaction with a woman.
Women follow your lead (if they like you and accept you as a leader).
If you do not commit to a courtship, women will not commit to it.
Sure, you will occasionally get girls to chase you despite your non-committal nature.
However, the vast majority of the time, with the vast majority of the girls, if you want to get anywhere, you have to go both feet in.
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