No one ever said relationships were easy. You can learn how to have a healthy relationship as long as you’re willing to put in the effort.
Sadly, it is easy for a relationship to become dysfunctional and unhealthy. There are so many things that can happen that lead to mistrust, resentment, and manipulation. Proactively learning how to have a healthy relationship can only be good for you and your relationship.
You may think you are rational. However, once strong emotions get involved, tensions can get out of hand. They cause a lot of rifts in an otherwise healthy relationship.
You may think someone must cheat for these things to happen, but even small annoyances can lead to bigger problems if not handled correctly. [Read: The biggest problems in a relationship and how to fix it]
What is a healthy relationship?
Is there really a sure definition of what a healthy relationship is? In general terms, a healthy relationship is one where both partners are happy.
But that can mean so many different things for so many different people. For some, it could mean an open relationship while for others it means being monogamous.
Some couples go on weekly dates to feel loved and appreciated while others find doing things around the house together or running errands is enough.
A healthy relationship is based on respect, trust, communication, and support. Those things can all be morphed to conform to your relationship though. There is no perfect relationship. There is not a relationship that exists without its fair share of issues.
But, learning how to have a healthy relationship can help those issues be resolved smoothly, calmly, and without regret. [Read: 25 most important relationship rules for successful love]
How to have a healthy relationship
Although each relationship is unique with its own quirks and issues, there are some things that fill every healthy relationship.
You can make things work for you and your partner, but without these things, it is nearly impossible to have a healthy relationship.
#1 Communication. There is a reason you have heard everyone say that communication is key. And that is because it is true, if you want to know how to have a happy relationship. If you can’t open up and talk to your partner about the hard stuff, you’re not really being yourself around them.
In a healthy relationship, you should not feel like you’re walking on eggshells around them. You should be able to respectfully disagree on what paint color to choose, where to go on your honeymoon, and whose family to visit during the holidays.
A relationship without proper communication falls apart so easily because one or both of you is keeping things to yourself which creates tension and resentment. If you struggle to communicate, take your time.
Tell your partner you need them to be patient with you. If you need to spell out your concerns, do it simple at first as you would to a child. Once you get used to sharing your feelings and concerns, whether positive or not, you will be more comfortable getting deeper. [Read: Why you need communication in a relationship]
#2 Understanding. Yes, communication is key. Yet, you can communicate until you’re blue in the face, but without listening and comprehending what you say, even the best communication can fail.
You and your partner can’t just share your feelings and hope that is enough. You both must listen to the other. See where they are coming from and ask questions if you don’t understand.
Think about it like school. A teacher can stand up in front of a class and teach. If you don’t understand, it won’t help you pass the test. Raising your hand and asking questions is how you really comprehend what you’re hearing and can then apply it to future situations. [Read: The 20 best questions to ask in a relationship to understand each other]
#3 Respect. Mutual respect is a priority for all relationships, especially romantic ones where traditional gender roles tend to be forced. If your partner doesn’t view you as an equal in things like the workforce or family then the same goes for your relationship.
Respect each other’s opinions and differences in order to function without unhealthy arguments and behavior. Respect is vital for you to treat each other fairly.
#4 Support. Support is so different for each of us. It needs to be there or else the relationship isn’t grounded. Yes, you should still have friends and family to support you, but if you can’t go home at the end of the night and lean on the person you’re sharing your life with, there is a problem.
When you need support, it may be your partner sitting quietly with you or listening to you vent. But when they want support, it may mean going with them to let off steam by dirt biking or playing sports.
Not only should you and your partner support each other, but know how your partner receives support. Then you can have a truly healthy relationship. [Read: How to spot the signs of resentment in a relationship]
#5 Independence. This is something many unhealthy relationships don’t have. It is where things go horribly wrong. In a relationship, no matter how close you are, you cannot depend on one person for everything. Not only is that a lot of pressure to put on each other but the relationship as a whole.
It is wildly unrealistic. One person solely providing you with all the love and support you need all the time doesn’t make sense. For a healthy relationship, have your own things. Sure, you can share interests and even friend groups, but you should have something you do apart. [Read: How to be independent even if you’re in a happy relationship]
Whether you have a friends’ night out without your partner or play a sport or have a hobby, relying on yourself or friends is important. Maybe your partner gives you the attention and romance you need, but when having work struggles, you prefer to go to your friends. That is perfectly alright. Your partner shouldn’t be your everything.
#6 Self-worth. A lot of us let a potentially healthy relationship become dysfunctional because we don’t realize how much we’re worth. We let our partners treat us less than decent because we think it is what we deserve. Or we even become martyrs without our partners realizing we’re unhappy because we offer to do so much.
Knowing what you deserve in a relationship reminds you of how you should be treated and how you should treat your partner. If you are both aware that you deserve happiness it will be easier for both of you to remain that way. [Read: How your self respect affects the way your partner sees you]
#7 Don’t assume. I know this sounds bad, but you can have too much faith in your partner. We want our partners to know us so well that we don’t need to tell them what we want or need. But, guess what. They are not mind readers.
Your mom has known you her whole life but still forgets that you hate Brussel sprouts. You can’t expect your partner to know how you’re feeling without saying anything. If you are upset, tell your partner why. Tell them what they can do to make it better instead of making them guess.
Don’t assume your partner knows what they did wrong or why you’re in a bad mood. Even if you have more insight into them, you can’t blame them for not knowing. Sometimes *most of the time* you have to speak up. [Read: How to have a long term relationship that lasts a lifetime]
#8 Compromise. This is a word so many people hate. This was the cornerstone of a healthy relationship for ages. But, now that we can get everything we want at a click of a button, we expect to find the perfect partner too. But, no one is perfect.
There will always be disagreements, but meeting halfway and giving in when it isn’t that important can not only remind you and your partner of what you’re willing to do for the other, but also keep the peace.
Maybe you hate rom-coms but your partner is dying to see the new Rebel Wilson movie, you can sit through two hours to make them happy. Two hours in a theater eating buttery popcorn isn’t worth a fight. Just like you want them to let you buy that mustard yellow chair for the living room. Compromise is all about what you are willing to do to make the other happy.
[Read: How to compromise in relationships without losing]
It can be hard to unlearn the destructive patterns we have been ingrained with for years, but you can learn how to have a healthy relationship with these tips, tricks, and reminders.
The post How to Have a Healthy Relationship and Be Truly Happier Than Ever is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.
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