Tuesday 7 January 2020

How to Tell if Your Girlfriend Is Texting Another Guy in No Time

You’re watching Netflix with your girlfriend, but she’s glued to her phone. Here’s how to tell if your girlfriend is texting another guy.

Now, does being glued to your phone mean you’re cheating on someone? No. learning how to tell if your girlfriend is texting another guy isn’t just shown in phone habits. We’re all addicted to our phones, and it can be hard to detach ourselves from them and be in the moment.

I admit, even I spend time texting my friends or checking my social media when I’m spending time with my partner. Everyone is guilty of that from time to time. But usually, you don’t want to be on your phone all the time when you’re with the person you love. Even Kim Kardashian takes a break from her phone to spend time with her family and friends.

Do you get what I’m trying to say? Kim basically brought social media to life, and even she knows her limits. [Read: The guide a guy needs when his girlfriend is texting another guy]

How to tell if your girlfriend is texting another guy

But like I said before, texting doesn’t mean cheating. But there are certain signs that show your girlfriend isn’t just texting a friend. Of course, after going through the list, don’t make a final opinion of what’s going. These signs will help you put the pieces of the puzzle together. What you really need to do is confront your partner and talk about it.

If you spend all this time looking for the signs of your partner cheating on you, they won’t mean anything unless you do something about it. It’s not easy to find this out about someone you love.

#1 You feel the energy shift when she gets a text. When you’re next to her, and her phone receives a message, you feel the energy shift. She suddenly becomes nervous, and maybe she won’t even check her phone. She’ll take a peek, and awkwardly shift away from you, making sure you don’t see who she’s texting or talking to. [Read: 10 reasons why your girlfriend flirts with other guys]

#2 She hides her phone from you. When you hang out, she makes sure her phone is turned down or hidden away in her pocket. If she gets a text, she’ll secretly see who texted her, keeping her phone far away from you. If this is a sudden behavior change, then it’s definitely weird.

#3 She’s anxious with her phone. I’m anxious when I don’t have my phone only when I’m expecting a text message or aren’t with my partner. I like to have a line of connection with my partner, and not having my phone with me in certain situations can bring up anxiety. But if she’s with you and isn’t waiting for an important call, then why would she be anxious not having her phone? [Read: 17 relationship red flags most people completely ignore]

#4 She holds onto her phone. Oh, she’s not letting her phone out of her sight for one minute. That’s a pretty good sign; either she has an addiction issue with her phone or something is up. If she’s usually holding onto her phone, then this isn’t a big deal. But, if this is unusual behavior for her, it’s something to be suspicious about. 

#5 She has a new password on her phone. Maybe you knew the password to her phone, or she didn’t have a password for it. But now, she’s suddenly changed it. She doesn’t have a new phone; nothing has changed. So, it is a pretty weird move to make without reason.

#6 She laughs differently. You know how your girlfriend laughs. Everyone has their own distinctive style of a laugh. But when your girlfriend answers texts, her laugh changes. There’s something flirtatious about it, a laugh you remember from the beginning of your relationship. [Read: How to instantly spot the signs of a bad girlfriend and move on]

#7 She leaves the room to text. Well, this is just weird. If it’s not a big deal, then why would you purposely get up and go into another room to text? Who can you possibly be texting that needs this much attention and focus? The worst part is when you go into the room, she suddenly stops texting and gives her attention to you.

#8 She has sudden trust issues. When it comes to relationships, trust is crucial. And, in your relationship, you trusted each other. But now, your girlfriend has developed major trust issues with you, and you have no idea why. If she’s pointing the finger at you and acting defensive, well, those trust issues are coming from somewhere.

#9 She doesn’t behave the same way towards you. She’s just changed. You can’t put your finger on it, but everything about her is different. The way she looks, the way she talks to you, even the way she touches you. It’s all changed. If this is the case, and you see other signs from this list, she’s either not interested in you or is talking to someone else. [Read: 18 ingenious ways to catch a cheating partner in the act]

#10 She’s dressing up more, changing her appearance. She was never someone who went to the gym and dressed on the sexier side. But, she’s changed over a short period of time. Now, she’s dressing sexier, working out more, and focused on looking good. This isn’t someone you recognize, so what’s going on? 

#11 She’s physically distant from you. It’s normal for couples to show each other affection with kissing, touching, and cuddling. These aren’t actions that are unusual, but recently, she’s pulled away from you. She’s no longer the same affectionate person she used to be. You haven’t fought recently, so what’s up? [Read: 20 revealing signs that show you may be growing apart]

#12 She avoids eye contact. Well, if your girlfriend can’t look at you in the eyes, something is definitely going on. The eyes are the windows of the soul, as the saying goes, and it’s true. If she refuses to look you in the eyes, it’s either she’s not into you anymore, or she’s hiding something from you.

[Read: The obvious warning signs of a cheating girlfriend]

If you pay attention to the signs, you’ll be able to learn how to tell if your girlfriend is texting another guy, and read all the signs in no time.

The post How to Tell if Your Girlfriend Is Texting Another Guy in No Time is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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