Monday 6 January 2020

What Is a Karmic Connection & How to Recognize Them In Your Life

We hear about a karmic connection a lot, but what exactly is it? How do you know if you have one with a person in your life? What is it like? 

We’ve all heard the term ‘soulmates,’ and it seems like we’re all trying to find our own. What if you happen to stumble upon a karmic connection instead? Is this a good thing or is it sent to test you?

The problem with a karmic connection, or more specifically a karmic relationship, is that it’s not really meant to last the test of time. This might not be the news you want to hear.

Unfortunately, that’s the deal with this type of ‘sent to test you or help you grow’ kind of deal. This is something which will be epic, a huge lesson, and not always one which you want to end.

Karmic connection? What’s that all about?

If you believe in the world of the mystic, a karmic connection is something sent your way to help you learn lessons. For instance, you might have a karmic relationship with someone and fall in love very fast.

It will be intense and end just as quickly. It will end because you have learned the lesson you’re supposed to learn. What is the lesson? That totally depends on you and your personality, your situation, and where you are in your life.

[Read: The 15 truest characteristics of an old soul]

Soul agreement

There is also something called a ‘soul agreement.’

Whether you believe in this part or not really depends on how deeply you are into mysticism. It’s interesting to learn about regardless.

Basically, you make an agreement or a contract with another person when you’re in the spirit realm, i.e. before you make it to earth. You agree to help each other with x, y, and z, and once you’re living it up on earth, that person will come to you to fulfill their contractual duties. It might be that you have a soul agreement with another person, therefore being the other side of their karmic connection.

The whole point of a karmic relationship or connection is to be challenged and learn. It’s about personal growth, not about finding The One. This often upsets some, and if the karmic connection turns out to be a toxic one *as it often does*, it might even be a relief!

[Read: How to be mature and start facing life like an adult]

Are karmic connections painful?

They can be.

When you should learn something, you often learn it the hard way. Think back to when you were young and you fell in love for the first time. You probably made a lot of mistakes in that first relationship because you didn’t know any better, and you didn’t have the experience. As a result, it hurt when it ended. Everything felt so intense.

A karmic connection feels like that, because you’ll learn something as a result. It’s not always a negative thing you must learn, and it will always end up being for the greater good of your own self. For instance, you might end up developing a karmic connection with someone who treats you badly.

Hopefully that doesn’t happen to you, but if it does, maybe you should learn how to value yourself more and stand up for yourself. Once you find that strength and learn your lesson, the connection will be broken, and the pain will end. [Read: 16 signs to recognize toxic relationships and get out fast]

How can you tell if you’re in a karmic relationship?

There are are a few signs that point to a karmic or regular connection. A few include:

– You often feel quite heavy when you’re around them. Everything is deep and heavy and not lighthearted or fun.

– You’ll quickly notice a lot of issues. These are the things you should learn from. It could be that they’re controlling or manipulative. Often we go into relationships when we’ve already seen a few warning signs. That can be because we’re blinded by love, or the connection is karmic and we know deep down that we must learn a lesson.

– You feel confused when you think about that person. You care about them, but there will be mixed emotions too, because of the lesson you’re learning. If you’re always up and down in this relationship, it could be that it’s a karmic connection. You’re in the process of learning something. [Read: 10 strongest characteristics of a karmic relationship]

Of course, it might not be a romantic relationship. It could be a friendship instead. The same advice stands here. You’ll feel conflicted and that sense something deeper is going on. You’ll notice issues, but it’s because you’re supposed to be around that person in order to grow.

Despite all of this, don’t go around assuming that every person you meet has been sent to you because of a karmic connection you should learn a lesson from. Sometimes we just stumble upon people. They spend a short time in our lives and then they drift back out again just as quickly. This is life. On the other hand, if someone has that type of connection which is certainly karmic, you’ll probably get a sense of what is going on. [Read: 15 signs of a bad friend you should always be on the lookout for]

You’ll know deep down what you’re supposed to learn. It might take time. For instance, you might have feelings about someone and want to spend time with them, despite the fact that they’re always talking over you and you really hate that they do it. You ask them not to do it, and they continue to.

In this case, you could be experiencing karmic interference, because you’re supposed to learn to stand up for yourself and be more assertive. Once you learn how to do that, you’ll notice that your feelings for that person either dissipate, or they leave your life.

It’s a lesson you were supposed to learn. You learned it. The connection is finished. The soul contract has been completed successfully.

[Read: 16 signs to know if you’ve found your twin soul]

Make sure the lesson enriches your life

The problem with karmic connections is that they can quickly turn toxic if you refuse to learn the lesson you’re supposed to learn. Be open to change and understand that sometimes not all relationships and connections are lifelong.

By hanging onto something that’s not meant to last, you cause yourself more heartache and pain in the long term. By embracing a karmic connection for what it is, you enrich your life beyond measure. Sure, it might hurt when it ends, but what you learn about yourself and what you develop within your own personality will be more than worth anything you feel in the moment.

Identify the lesson. It might take time, but it will dawn on you at some point. If something nags away at you, you’re supposed to notice it. So, if someone really does talk over you all the time, notice it and question why. Is that the lesson? Are you supposed to be more vocal or more assertive when others dim your shine?

[Read: How to be a better person and grow into a kinder human being]

A karmic connection is something difficult to understand in the moment. When you look back on it a few years later, you’ll see clearly why it was sent your way.

The post What Is a Karmic Connection & How to Recognize Them In Your Life is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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