Sunday 2 February 2020

How to Make Rejections from Girls Work in Your Favor

rejection from girls
Is there a way to make rejections and bad reactions from girls work in your favor? Yes! In fact, it’s super easy with this “walk away and rebound” strategy.

Hey guys. Today I will discuss a subject that may seem a bit odd. Can you actually benefit from a rejection? Can you turn a rejection around into something useful?

And no, I will not attempt any silly reframes claiming that rejections harden you up as a man, or that they serve as great learning lessons (even though they do).

What I’ll discuss is how you can use a rejection and turn it into something beneficial right then and there, at that moment.

I see a couple benefits in having this mindset and skill:

  • Approaching becomes less scary since rejections can be turned into something useful

  • Rejections can actually increase your chances of getting girls

To me, that is a win-win.

But this is just in theory. How it works in practice depends on the circumstances and your ability to calibrate and react accordingly.

Ultimately, it is about how well you perform in the face of rejection. And this is what I will help you with today.

As I cover this technique, I’ll try to be detailed as possible on the nuances. It may be easy to grasp theoretically, but it’s a bit harder to pull off in real life. It requires you to observe small nuances and act on them.

It may be hard for the beginner, due to lack of experience. But the cure is gaining more field experience through trial and failures.

This post is best suited for night game.


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