Saturday 14 March 2020

How to Manage Your Friends as You Learn Seduction, Pt. 4: Dead Weight

manage friends while learning seduction
When you improve your game with women and life, some friends you keep, others you outgrow. It can be painful leaving friends in the dust, but it’s for the best.

Welcome to Part 4 of my series on how to manage your male friends as you improve your game and see more success with women!

In Part 1, we covered how the dumb and clueless man can adversely affect your seductions and your relationships. Often these guys are good friends with good intentions but make one or more dumb public mistakes around a girl you’re courting or dating that affects her view of you, and you’re left picking up the pieces and dealing with the fallout. These guys also see your girl skills as more advanced and easier than you make it out to be. They think their mistakes are minor and easy to recover from when they can severely jeopardize your frame with a woman.

In Part 2, we looked at how shady guys befriend you to use your talents with women for their own gain. These guys may befriend you with good intentions but then try to steal away the women you’re seducing. These guys usually aren’t good at approaching (but they're decent with closing), so I’ve noticed they try to steal sets that you’ve already approached, opened, and built good vibes with. A state transfer occurs, and they try to lead her to sex after you’ve done the hardest work.

In Part 3, we discussed how judgmental friends fundamentally and morally disagree with your decision to get better with women or pursue your goals with women, and shame you behind your back to the rest of your social circle when you go against their beliefs.

All are ultimately toxic friendships that hurt you more than help you stay in them.

Finally, there’s the fourth type of friend you’ll run into. This friend tends to exist more for newbies just breaking into the world of women. I’ve found experienced and intermediate men naturally stay away from these guys because they fully understand how damaging they can be to their game.

This final type is what I call “dead weight guys.” Unfortunately, they hang around as friends and also want to go out with you to pick up women but provide little to no value or effort to help, and thus hold you back.


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