Tuesday 17 March 2020

How to Show Commitment in a Relationship & Make Them Feel Secure

Lasting relationships require more than just the initial chemistry. If you want a partner for keeps, learn how to show commitment in a relationship.

Learning how to show commitment in a relationship in vital to any healthy relationship. But, what exactly is commitment? Think of it as a form of guarantee a person looks for from a significant other. It is the mutual assurance that their significant other will be a part of their life in the future.

Additionally, commitment implies consistent effort into making the relationship work despite any challenges and give unwavering affection through the years. Knowing that your partner is committed to you encourages them to invest their whole life in that relationship.

How to show commitment in a relationship

Commitment is a complex concept to understand at first. But as you progress in your relationship, you’ll find that there are simple ways to show commitment in your relationship.

#1 Consistent attention, devotion, and loyalty.  Attention, love, and loyalty serve as the lifeblood of a successful relationship. If you feel ready to spend the rest of your life with a person, learn how to sustain these three important aspects in the relationship.

Attention, devotion, and loyalty make the other person feel that they’re the only person you want by your side. By exhibiting these, you show your commitment. [Read: These healthy relationship expectations will define a good love life]

#2 Cherish your relationship’s milestones. Acts of remembrance may seem so superficial, but small gestures such as celebrating your first date, your first argument, or your first purchase as a couple shows that you place high importance on the progress of your relationship.

In fact, these silly little celebrations may prove to be much more meaningful than your “anniversaries.” It shows you place great importance to those simple moments of your life as a couple. [Read: How to express your appreciation to someone you love]

#3 Express your appreciation in new or creative ways.  Long-term relationships always face complacency and dull moments. Gestures that swept your partner off their feet during the early years lose their effect as you continue to spend more time together. If you’re wondering how to show commitment in a relationship and let your partner know that you’re determined to make things exciting and interesting, come up with fresh and creative ways to show your appreciation.

The key is to go out of your comfort zone. Surprise your partner in ways you have never tried before. This way you provide a concrete reminder of your commitment to make your partner feel special and loved. [Read: The 25 sweetest romantic gestures for everyday life]

#4 Allot constant quality time with your partner. One of the important foundations of a relationship is quality time spent together by both partners. It is normal to encounter new responsibilities that may take some of their time as your relationship matures, but what matters is allotting time to spend with your partner.

Make that time a permanent fixture of your schedule. It shows you prioritize your partner despite all the other activities that demand your time and attention.

#5 Always work towards compromise. Conflict in a relationship is inevitable, and the way you deal with disagreements may make or break the relationship. All healthy and long-lasting relationships depend on the willingness of both partners to compromise.

If your solution to every problem is to threaten to leave or play a game of sorry to get what you want, then you are not committed to make the relationship work. Compromise implies the ability to make concessions and that you consider your partner’s position above your selfish interests. [Read: Relationship arguments – 23 dos and don’ts to remember]

#6 Show your willingness to sacrifice. Learning how to show commitment in a relationship is about learning to place your partner’s interests above your own, which is probably the ultimate gesture of love and commitment. Few people can easily give up their pride, hard work, or the ability to pursue their interests for the sake of partner.

But, rest assured that if you do make sacrifices for the sake of your partner, they will recognize that you are committed to the relationship. [Read: 15 traits that sets selfless love apart from selfish love]

#7 Pay attention to details about your partner. Attention to detail translates directly to deep affection for your partner. From common aspects as the way they like their food cooked, the mix ratio of their favorite cocktail, the way they like to sleep, the kind of vacations they want, to serious ones such as signs of distress or emotional disturbance will help you interact and take care of them better.

#8 Lose your pride. Pride is excess baggage in a relationship. It is often the cause of conflict and detrimental to effective communication between two partners. Keep your pride in check to show you are committed in a relationship. Too much personal pride is a sign of selfishness. Selfishness is counterintuitive to commitment. [Read: Learn how to stop being selfish and hurting other unintentionally]

#9 Learn your partner’s love language and express yours in those ways. People have different ways of expressing their love and affection. How your partner perceives a gesture as an act of love may be different from your perception. And, the way you express your love may be interpreted differently by your partner.

It is essential to learn what your partner’s love language is. Communicate your love in a language that your partner understands. Doing this shows commitment to understanding your partner.

#10 Treat your partner as a part of your family.  This begins on the day you introduce your significant other to your parents and family members. From there, you can include your partner in family gatherings and celebrations to let them experience what your family life is like.

Making your partner an active part of your family life will make them feel welcome and as important to you as your family. This assures them of your confidence that they will receive your family’s approval. You open them to the possibility of actually becoming part of the family as well.

#11 Include your partner in your future plans. If your partner knows that they are present in the future you are planning, they will feel that you have decided to be a permanent part of their life. It could be as simple as deciding to move to a place where your partner works, or even making career choices that will allow you to spend more time together.

#12 Consider your partner when making important decisions. Giving your partner an active role in making important life decisions also reveals to your partner that you know how to show commitment in a relationship. By consulting with them or seeking their thoughts or opinions before making decisions, you show that you value their presence and say in your life. It shows that you completely trust their influence on the outcome of your decisions whatever result it may be. [Read: What is commitment in a relationship and how to know if you have it]

#13 Decide on important matters as a couple. One common example is the decision to move in together or to make purchases as a couple. It shows that you are prepared and interested in having a life together.

Start with simple decisions such as vacations or planning parties to give you the hang of it. In the long run, this teamwork practice will help you get used to a future life as a couple if you both decide to settle down. [Read: 25 must-follow relationship rules for happy love]

#14 Build a home together. Building a home doesn’t simply mean moving in together. It also requires adjusting your lifestyle and changing the way you spend your time. Make domestic life with your partner possible. Reaching this stage in your relationship only means that both partners are committed to spending their life together for good.

[Read: Committed relationship rules to make your love last a lifetime]

While chemistry serves at the beginning of a relationship, commitment makes it permanent. Learn how to show commitment in a relationship and make your partner feel secure. 

The post How to Show Commitment in a Relationship & Make Them Feel Secure is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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