Tuesday 3 March 2020

Is Watching Porn Cheating? How to Decide If It’s Right or Wrong

Your partner has been gone at work all day, and you’re feeling a little horny. Is watching porn cheating, yes or no? It’s time to find out.

I remember watching Jon Don and seeing the scene where the main character is masturbating while watching porn. Of course, his girlfriend walks into the room and catches him. It begs the question, is watching porn cheating?

My first reaction was complete shock. I was almost sad that he had to resort to porn when he has a girlfriend. I thought, what if I was that girl? What would I do?

Then, after a couple of minutes, I was thinking, is porn really that bad for relationships? Is it considered cheating if you watch porn? I think many people have this question and aren’t sure what to do. [Read: Understanding what micro-cheating is and the unintentional signs you’re doing it]

Is watching porn cheating?

On the one hand, I would be sad to find out my partner watches porn. On the other hand, sometimes I’m not feeling sexual when my partner is. What is he going to do then? So, let’s look at this question and figure out an answer.

Of course, your answer may be different from my answer, but it’s important to see the different perspectives surrounding this problem. Because when it comes to sex, everyone is different and has different needs. So, let’s get down to business. Is watching porn cheating? Dun, dun, duuuuun. [Read: 10 good reasons why women should watch porn]

#1 What is cheating? When it comes to cheating, everyone has a pretty clear definition of what it is. It hasn’t been redefined. But how we interact with people has changed. Cheating is defined as when a married person has sex or emotionally engages with someone outside of their marriage.

It sounds pretty straightforward. But what if the “other” person is a video recording of two people having sex? Now, this is when things get tricky. [Read: The 9 unspoken rules all couples need to follow]

#2 Cheating is different for everyone. Here’s the thing, when it comes to cheating, though we have a definition of it, it’s different for everyone. Some people feel that their partner flirting with someone else is cheating. For someone else, it could be when their partner becomes emotionally attached to someone else.

Cheating comes in different forms. Some people can accept their partner physically having sex with someone else, but an emotional attachment crosses the line. It depends on the person’s boundaries.

#3 Porn isn’t real. When someone cheats on their partner with another person, that’s real. It physically happened. But porn isn’t real. Both male and female porn actors are paid to perform sexual acts together on screen. It’s not real life. Porn is designed to create an over-the-top and unrealistic sexual experience for viewers… which has its own dangers. [Read: These alternatives to porn will help you get hot and wet without it]

#4 So, is watching porn cheating? Watching porn isn’t cheating. Of course, if your partner awkwardly discovers you watching porn, it’ll be uncomfortable and possibly make them feel insecure, but, it’s not cheating. Your partner will probably wonder why they can’t sexually satisfy you and may think that you’re going to cheat on them in the future. But watching porn isn’t cheating.

#5 Porn can become a problem. If you’re watching porn as a substitute for sex with your partner, then this is a huge warning of something greater happening in your future. Look at why you’re going to porn for sexual satisfaction instead of sexual intimacy with your partner. This doesn’t mean you’re cheating, but it’s an opening to you overstepping your boundaries in the future. [Read: 5 signs you’re addicted and 15 ways to get over porn ASAP]

#6 Is your relationship suffering from porn? Has your relationship suffered because you watch porn? As I said before, porn can become a huge problem if you keep it a secret. Once you have kept something a secret, this creates distrust in the relationship, as your partner wonders what else you’re hiding. [Read: The must-know rules and exceptions for keeping secrets in a relationship]

#7 Porn can act as a release. When in a relationship, we all have different sexual needs. And sometimes, our partners aren’t able to provide those needs to us. For example, maybe you have a specific fantasy that your partner doesn’t want to engage in. Watching porn can offer you the experience without cheating on your partner.

#8 Porn can offer variety. When you’re in a monogamous relationship, you have sex with one person, your partner. That’s not a bad thing. But there are times when you and your partner aren’t on the same page.

Maybe your partner is sick or not feeling sexual, which is completely fine. But you can still have solo-sex with yourself. Porn can provide you with variety during masturbation, and spice up your solo-sex. [Read: Why do men watch porn? The answer may not be what you think]

#9 Talk to your partner about it. Your partner may not see eye to eye with you on this, and that’s okay. But it’s important you sit down with them and explain why you watch porn. If you’re not open and honest with then, that’s when the problems occur.

Don’t keep your porn a secret; let your partner know what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. It may help them have a better understanding of your needs.

#10 Porn can improve your relationship. If your partner isn’t used to watching porn, why don’t you introduce it to them? Couples watch porn together as foreplay. Not to mention, it’s a great way to discover each other’s fantasy and turn-ons. Who knows, maybe you will incorporate what you see in porn into your own sex lives. [Read: Porn for couples and how it could save your relationship]

#11 The final answer. Porn isn’t cheating. What causes the problems is when you hide this from them. That’s when feelings of insecurity and distrust arise. So, talk to your partner about porn and share your feelings with them. Who knows what they’ll say. Maybe they’ll want to join in with you on the fantasy.

[Read: 8 little ways you’re accidentally cheating in your everyday life]

Is watching porn cheating, you ask? It’s a tricky situation. But, why not just have a conversation about it with your partner?

The post Is Watching Porn Cheating? How to Decide If It’s Right or Wrong is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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