Thursday 2 April 2020

14 Disturbing Signs Your Boyfriend Is Falling for Your Friend

You’re head over heels in love, but you’re noticing disturbing signs your boyfriend is falling for your friend. Could it be he has feelings for her?

Oh, well, this is awkward. There have been moments when I introduced my friend to a guy I was seeing, and suddenly, I noticed some chemistry between them. The good thing is, I wasn’t too attached to the guy, but have you seen signs your boyfriend is falling for your friend and been worried?

I was able to make the decision of whether or not I wanted to continue seeing him. Obviously, I didn’t continue the relationship. If he can flirt with my friend in front of my face, then there’s no way he was genuinely interested in me.

But, I couldn’t imagine how it would feel to see your boyfriend, someone you really like, fall for your friend. It’s not an easy thing to witness. To be honest, there’s not much you can actually do about it.

[Read: The gut-wrenching signs your boyfriend is into your friend]

14 signs your boyfriend is falling for your friend

What can you do? Fight them both? End your friendship? You can’t control the way people feel, but you can control your reaction. Firstly, you must figure out what’s going on before you take action.

Is your boyfriend falling for your friend? It’s time you went through the signs your boyfriend is falling for your friend and figured out what’s going on. Of course, you will have to talk to your boyfriend about this too.

#1 He flirts with her in front of you. Well, let me just say, first of all, this isn’t cool. Your boyfriend should never be flirting with another woman in front of you. If that happens, it shows he doesn’t respect you. Would you flirt with another guy in front of him? Exactly, there’s your answer. If he’s flirting with your friend in front of you, it’s clear he has feelings for her or is at least excited by her. [Read: How guys flirt: 15 subtle things guys do to impress a girl]

#2 You feel there’s something going on. When you hang out with them, you just know there’s something going on. You can feel it, but it’s hard to explain. If your gut instinct is telling you there’s something sexual going on between your boyfriend and friend, listen to your gut.

#3 He’s excited when you bring her up. Maybe you’re inviting her over for dinner or just updating him on information about her, but he’s oddly interested when you talk about her. One of the more obvious signs your boyfriend is falling for your friend is his curiosity about her and her life. He asks questions, but there’s just something about the way he asks that makes you feel something is going on. [Read: Emotional cheating and the toll it can take on your relationship]

#4 Your friend doesn’t talk to you as much. Aside from them flirting with each other, and other signs from this list, you’ve also noticed your friend take a step back from your relationship with her. Either it can be she’s feeling uncomfortable with his behavior and is trying to avoid him, or she’s feeling guilty because she’s also into your boyfriend.

#5 He routinely asks about her. My boyfriend will ask me about a friend of mine when he knows there’s some drama, etc. But, he won’t be asking about my friend all the time. If your boyfriend is constantly asking you about one friend in particular, that’s something you should be aware of.

#6 He’s all over her social media. It’s normal to follow our partner’s friends on social media; it’s almost offensive not to follow them. Don’t ask me about the rules of social media. But your boyfriend is always commenting and liking her photos. Come on, that’s a little odd, don’t you think? [Read: 15 things you should never do on Instagram when you have a girlfriend]

#7 They text each other a lot. Listen, you may text your boyfriend’s friends to arrange a hangout, etc. But you’re not spending hours a day texting them. If your boyfriend is texting your friend quite a lot, that’s a red flag. Why do they need to text each other all the time? What’s going on? Perhaps it’s time for a chat with your boyfriend and friend. 

#8 They hang out without you. Sometimes we date people who share the same friends like us. In that case, your friends will continue hanging out with you and your boyfriend. But, usually, if you do hang out with your friends, you do it together. If your friend is spending more alone time with your partner, that’s something you need to keep an eye on. [Read: Love triangles and its confusing complications] 

#9 She routinely asks about him. It’s normal for your friends to ask about your relationship, so don’t take this too close to heart. So, the issue isn’t about her asking about him, it’s more about what she asks. Is there something she’s asking that’s making you feel uncomfortable or overstepping her boundaries?

#10 They suddenly become very close. A little too close. It’s normal for your boyfriend to get to know your friends, especially if you spend a lot of time with them. But you’re noticing your friend and boyfriend are getting a little too chummy. They’re flirty, touch each other, and it’s clear they’re crossing the line. [Read: 15 very obvious signs of flirting between a guy and a girl]

#11 He makes jokes about her being his “second girlfriend.” Maybe the three of you spend a lot of time together, and maybe he makes a joke about your friend being his second or “other” girlfriend. He may just be joking, but there’s truth in every joke. If this has happened paired with the next item on this list, that’s not a good sign.

#12 He’s aroused after she leaves. This is a bit of a tricky one. Sometimes, it’s just timing, and other times, it’s a little weird. Maybe you finally managed some alone time right after hanging out with your friend. But then there are times when your friend leaves and your man is all over you but in an unusual way.

#13 He’s called you by her name. Well, this is awkward. Why would he ever call you by her name? If he called you by your friend’s name, more than once, that’s one of those very disturbing signs your boyfriend is falling for your friend. Of course, sometimes, we’re not thinking and blurt out things we don’t mean. So, if this happens once, it’s not necessarily something serious. But if he’s doing this more than once, that may be a sign. [Read: Could you be dating a serial cheater?]

#14 Other people have made comments about them. You may be thinking you’re going crazy, and that you’re the only one who’s noticing this. But if other people are making comments to you about your boyfriend and friend, then you’re not losing your mind. If other people notice, then what you’re seeing is very real.

[Read: I have a sneaky suspicion my boyfriend likes my best friend]

If you feel your boyfriend is falling for your friend, figure out your next step. Of course, you should talk to him about it, and see where to go from there.

The post 14 Disturbing Signs Your Boyfriend Is Falling for Your Friend is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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