Sunday, 31 May 2020

How to Make Your Partner Better: Is It Something That Can Be Done?

I cannot count how many times friends and readers have asked me how to make your partner better. If you’ve been wondering the same thing, keep reading.

Understanding how to make your partner better is a question guys and girls have asked me often. Is it actually a possibility? 

Recently, a girl asked me how to get her partner to care when she is feeling down. She said whenever she is feeling down, he doesn’t try to fix it or care about how she feels. I felt for her. I’ve been there, but I still struggled to give her advice without sounding harsh. Anyone in this situation will have a hard time. Not only are they the leader of “fixing” their relationship, but they are a part of it.

If your partner needs to be better for you to be happy in your relationship, they aren’t being a partner. Partners work together. When one is feeling down, the other lifts them up or at least comforts them. They support each other. They help each other.

Another thing about this is that you can’t make anyone do anything, especially something they don’t want to do. So the question in and of itself is moot.

I do believe people change and can get better, but only if they want to. If you are with someone due to the hope that they will get better, you are in for a big and bad surprise.

[Read: How to spot selfish people and keep them from hurting you]

How to make your partner better

If you haven’t communicated your feelings to your partner, that is the first thing. Man or woman, if they are doing something you don’t like or not doing something you would like *within reason* you need to tell them.

You cannot expect your partner to be a mindreader. They can’t try to cheer you up or be there for you if you don’t tell them you’re upset. If you need something from them, tell them. They are not a bad partner because they don’t anticipate your feelings. Try to let them know what you want and need. You can’t expect anything of them if you haven’t shared it with them. [Read: 10 steps to take to tell your partner you’re unhappy]

Next, give them time to change their behavior. Everything from washing the dishes to letting you know their plans, or supporting you in the way you need, isn’t going to come naturally or instantaneously.

If you told them it hurts when you’re upset and they aren’t there to listen or comfort you, let them know next time you’re hurting. I know it can be hard to admit that you need comfort or attention but it is necessary.

Let them figure it out. Odds are, if they change their behavior, they will see how much it affects you and your mood, and from there your relationship will flourish for both of you. But that is the outcome we hope for. It isn’t the outcome everyone gets. [Read: How to make someone feel guilty and understand the pain they caused you]

If you are still struggling after having conversations and letting them know what you need, suggest couples therapy. I know this can be hard for you and your partner to do. Admitting you need outside help is not easy, but it can be necessary and a huge help. It could be exactly what you need to work through the issues you’re having.

A trained third-party can help you come to an agreement. They can open your eyes and let you both open up in a safe space so you can get to a healthy place together.

If you are willing to try it, but your partner isn’t, then they are not willing to put your relationship ahead of their own comfort for one hour every week or so, and that says a lot.

[Read: How to fall out of love when you see no future]

Why you can’t make your partner better

How do I make my partner better? How can I get them to listen? Is there a way I can make them understand? How can I fix my relationship?

All of these questions put your entire relationship on YOUR shoulders, and yours alone. You can’t be the only one encouraging your relationship to grow. You cannot change your relationship on your own. Fixing them or making them better is not your job. A relationship or partnership is about both of you working together to make something beautiful. [Read: The hidden signs of a one sided relationship we all choose to ignore]

If you have shared your feelings and wants and needs with your partner, and it hasn’t gotten you anywhere, you will not be able to change them with all the effort in the world.

People will not change if they don’t want to. No matter how much you want your relationship to work out because it was amazing at one point, it doesn’t mean it will or that it is meant to.

Your partner, no matter how amazing in some ways, may not be what you want or need in others. Some people can compromise, but sometimes, these things are too much. If you crave attention and comfort from your partner but aren’t getting it, you are doing yourself a disservice.

No relationship will fill all of your needs. That is what we have friends and family for. But there are some things relationships need to work. And if your partner is lacking and not changing, it may be time to make a change yourself. [Read: For better or for worse? When you should stop loving them]

How to make your life better

I know it sucks. I know you don’t want to be single. And I know there are good things in your relationship. You want to make it work.

Realistically, if they aren’t willing to put in that same effort, it won’t work. You won’t get what you need and you won’t be happy. You do not need to suffer in a relationship that makes you unhappy or leaves you wanting more.

Are the good parts of your relationship worth going through the bad? Are they better more often than they aren’t? And are the laughs and good times enough to outweigh the parts that you want to be better? [Read: How to fix a one-sided relationship before it ends in failure]

Ending it will hurt at first. It will suck. You will miss the good parts. They may even promise to change if you come back. And maybe they will. But, if they let you get to the point of leaving before they promise to change, the odds are it won’t last long.

You will get over the breakup. And you will get over them. You will be single. And when you see them in a relationship doing all the things you wish they did, you’ll be reminded of it. And it will suck again. But that means they weren’t right for you. [Read: How to know for sure if it’s time to give up on the relationship]

The thing is, when you’re single, your happiness is under your control. You decide who to date and what you want. And you get to have what you deserve.

Being in a relationship that is only half full is worse than being single by a long shot. Being single isn’t bad. It can be lonely, but what is wrong with that? It is better to be lonely when you are actually alone than to feel lonely when you’re in a relationship.

[Read: How to enjoy being single and live the life you really want]

So, are you still asking yourself how to make your partner better? Or are you asking yourself if your partner is right for you?

The post How to Make Your Partner Better: Is It Something That Can Be Done? is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

Some Girls Test Men Early in the Game, Others Test Late

girls test men
Girls will test men before opening up to sex. But just because she throws you tests early on doesn’t mean the whole seduction will be tedious. The opposite is also true.

Hey guys, and welcome back.

Today I want to cover a VERY COMMON bias that I see a lot of men fall for. It is also one that I have been prone to fall for myself.

One assumes that just because a girl seems difficult in one aspect, she is difficult in EVERY aspect.

This is not always the case. I will explain why and share some personal experiences.

You can see how this bias can have a detrimental effect on your success with women. You will drop women who could have been good mates because you wrongly perceived them as unattainable or too much work, when in fact, they weren’t.

This bias holds you back. But being aware of it will:

  • Make you aware that pickup and seduction is not always as hard as it seems, adding motivation and less frustration.

  • Embolden you to go for amazing women you would otherwise screen out.

  • Help you avoid demoralization during the pickup. By facing challenges, you do not get discouraged by assuming everything with this girl is hard.

Let me explain this bias, then share examples.

How to Respond When a Guy Says He Likes You Without Breaking Him

Learning how to respond when a guy says he likes you in the right way is key… if you want to develop close relationships and avoid upsetting anyone!

Humans like to have their egos stroked. When someone tells you that they like you and admire you, it’s a huge ego boost, for sure. The thing is, if a guy tells you they like you, you must understand how hard that might have been for them. With that in mind, know best how to respond when a guy says he likes you.

Think back to the last time you told someone you were crushing on that you liked them. It probably took you a while to pluck up the courage. Perhaps you needed a drink or two beforehand to give you the courage. So, that’s why learning how to respond when a guy says he likes you is so important. If you get this wrong, you could crush his confidence forever!

Whether you like him back or not isn’t the issue here, it’s about being a decent human and not stamping on his ego.

Sure, he might be a confident kind of guy, someone who is quite the player. Does that mean you have the right to laugh in his face when he’s admitted something so personal? You might think he doesn’t mean it but being careful how you respond is vital.

[Read: Here’s two powerful steps for how to make someone fall out of love with you]

How to respond when a guy says he likes you

Of course, it feels great when someone tells you that they like you, doesn’t it? For a second it’s like you’re walking on air. Everyone loves to be appreciated. Anyone who doesn’t agree, well, they’re probably lying!

But it’s easy to react in the moment. You might feel embarrassed, stuck to the spot, and unsure what to say. That’s why learning how to respond when a guy says he likes you is so important!

#1 Do not put him down or laugh in his face. When you hear something that takes you by surprise, especially something deeply flattering, it’s easy for your reaction to just come out without any control. You might laugh because you’re embarrassed, but try and rein this in. Can you imagine how mortified he might be? Learning how to respond when a guy says he likes you does not involve laughing or raised eyebrows!

Take a second to breathe and gain some control. He won’t notice a second, and you should do this to stop those out of control reactions from breaking his spirit! [Read:How to just be friends with a guy when he wants more]

#2 Understand that it might have been hard for him to admit. Let’s assume this is a decent kind of guy, the type who doesn’t go around telling everyone that he likes them. It might have taken a huge effort him for to admit this to you, and he might be secretly terrified that you’re going to respond in the wrong way.

So, whatever your final decision on what to do about this little revelation, first understand that perhaps admitting this to you might have been a pretty personal thing for him. [Read: Non-awkward ways to let a guy down kindly]

#3 Don’t respond straightaway. Ask yourself how you feel about this and give yourself the time to really examine it. It might have taken you by surprise, and even if it didn’t, be sure about what you’re going to do. You do not have to give him an answer right in that moment, so take the time to think if you need.

You can say something like “aww, that’s really nice. I think you’re great too.” As condescending as that sounds in this situation, when you’re in the moment with a guy who’s telling you that, your body language will take the condescending edge off it and help him to understand what you really mean. [Read: How to become a better person – the 9 golden rules you should follow to evolve]

#4 Be open to the possibility. Understanding how to respond when guy says he likes you means taking the time to think it through and being open to the possibility that maybe he could be someone you like too. Maybe you already like him! The biggest mistake many people make is assuming that he’s just not your type.

How do you know? You don’t know him as a person yet! There is nothing stopping you from being friends first and seeing how things go, if you’re not actually that sure. That way, you find out how you really feel, and you won’t regret it later.

#5 Don’t make promises you can’t keep. Be honest with the guy. He deserves that much. I know, I mentioned before about not responding straightaway, but it depends on the situation. If you’re already with someone, it’s important that you tell him now and don’t keep his hopes up for nothing. If you’re really not ready to start dating for whatever reason, tell him that, but do it in a gentle way. Don’t dampen his spirit.

Knowing how to respond when a guy says he likes you basically means being honest and a decent person in return. He’s plucked up the courage to tell you, so be just as respectful back. [Read: What to do when a guy friend acts weird *or weirder than normal*]

#6 Should you play it cool? There is this idea that playing hard to get is the way forward, but I’m not a fan of that. Put yourself in his place! Would you like it if games were played with you? Of course not! Don’t assume that it’s easier for him because he’s a guy. It’s not. He’s a person with feelings just like you.

[Read: Why playing hard to get with a guy is pointless]

Some relationship “experts” might tell you that you should be cool and keep him on his toes. While I agree that you shouldn’t go all hot straightaway and be clingy, but avoid being an ice queen and making him wonder why he told you in the first place. These types of games can easily backfire, and while they work for some, the success rate isn’t that high.

At the end of the day, understanding how to respond when a guy says he likes you is basically about recognizing how hard it might have been for him to tell you this and then acting like a decent human being in return, no matter how you feel about him. Sure, he might be a player who tells everyone he likes them but that doesn’t change how you should respond – be decent at all times because let’s face it, karma is a real bitch! [Read: How to reject a guy and turn him down in the nicest way possible]

A quiet or shy guy who has plucked up the courage to approach you and tell you that he likes you is going to have his confidence knocked for a while if you go about this the wrong way. So always put yourself in his position and recognize how you would feel in return. Being laughed at, a wry smile, or being played isn’t fun. [Read: Does he like you? The ways to tell if a shy guy really likes you]

Equally, it’s not fun to suddenly have everyone know that you’ve admitted to liking someone either. Don’t go around telling all your friends and having a good laugh about it! Just be decent and think about how you might feel in return. You never know, this could be the love of your life.

[Read: How to stop a guy from flirting with you even though you’ve turned him down]

Many people don’t know how to respond when a guy says he likes you, but at the end of the day just be a good person. Admitting feelings isn’t easy. So turn him down nicely or explore this possibility and see how things go.

The post How to Respond When a Guy Says He Likes You Without Breaking Him is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

Unlucky 13: Signs Your Girlfriend Isn’t Attracted to You Anymore

You love your girlfriend, but you’re seeing the signs your girlfriend isn’t attracted to you anymore. It’s time you got to the truth of what’s going on.

There comes a time in some relationships where you’re just not sure where you stand with your partner. Yeah, things were going well months ago, but suddenly there was a shift in the relationship. You’re starting to see signs your girlfriend isn’t attracted to you anymore. It’s a normal feeling to have when there’s a sudden change in the relationship.

But, before you jump to conclusions, really take a look at your relationship and examine the signs. There’s no point stressing out right now. Stop and look at things with a rational perspective *easier said than done, I know*.

[Read: 15 types of bad girlfriends that’ll make your life hell]

13 signs your girlfriend isn’t attracted to you anymore

Now, seeing one of these signs in your relationship isn’t enough to get to a conclusion. But, if you see a couple of these signs, then you have a better idea of what’s going on. However, the only way to really know what’s happening is by talking to your girlfriend.

[Read: How to communicate in your relationship for a better love]

It’s not an easy conversation to have, and you may not want to hear the truth. You deserve to take control of your life. You don’t need to be with someone who isn’t investing themselves in your relationship.

Unfortunately sometimes, attraction doesn’t necessarily last forever.

#1 She doesn’t put you first. In a relationship, you make your partner a priority in your life. You take their needs into consideration before you do something. This is what being in a relationship is about, two people creating a life together. But she’s stopped putting you first in her life. [Read: 15 signs the girl you like is leading you on and taking you nowhere]

#2 She stops making time for you. She used to give you her free time, but now she’s stopped that. Of course, we all have hobbies and friends to see, which is understandable. But if she’s completely stopped making time for you, that’s a bad sign.

#3 She stops introducing you as her partner. When you would go out, she would introduce you as her partner, but recently, she only addresses you as her friend or just by your name *and an awkward pause*. Well, if it’s come to this point, then you really should talk to her. [Read: When you girlfriend says she needs space – What she means and expects from you]

#4 She stops contacting you. She used to call you during the day and text you often, but that’s all come to an end. The little things she used to do like sending you a ‘good morning’ text has completely stopped. Now, why did she stop suddenly? You must talk to her. [Read: Why you should tell your partner the truth even when it hurts]

#5 She argues with you about everything. You used to get along quite well. Sure, you had your disagreements, but that didn’t happen all the time. Now, all she seems to do is argue with you about everything. There’s something going on behind these arguments that you need to figure out.

#6 There’s no more sex. I want you to know that just because there’s no sex right now, doesn’t mean she’s not attracted to you. Every couple goes through their own dry spell; it’s normal. What you should focus on is if this comes with other points on this list.

#7 There are no more talks of future plans. Normally, when a couple is together, they talk about the future. Where you will go on vacation during the summer or what they want to do in five years. But any mention of the future and she automatically changes the topic. [Read: 15 common reasons why people start getting bored with their relationship]

#8 She doesn’t seem interested in your life. You used to talk about what was going on at work or school, but now she doesn’t show interest in your life. She doesn’t ask you about work or your family. All those conversations that brought you two together ended. [Read: Why something feels off in your relationship and what to do about it]

#9 She’s suddenly always busy. She may have been busy before, but she always made time to see you. However, she’s always busy now, with never any time to spare. Things happen in people’s lives, and it can get hectic. But if she was truly invested in the relationship, she would make time to see you.

#10 The affection has come to zero. There are times when couples go through a dry spell, and naturally, that means there’s not much sex happening. But that doesn’t mean she isn’t attracted to you anymore. But if she stops hugging, kissing, and cuddling with you, then this is when you’re in trouble. [Read: 20 simple ways to make your girlfriend incredibly happy]

#11 She avoids your touch. You love to show her affection, and when you used to show affection she would want more and more of it. But now, when you hug her or touch her, she avoids you by dodging out of the way as quickly as possible. If she’s not responding positively to your touch, something is wrong. 

#12 She flakes on plans. When someone really likes you, they try their hardest to see you as much as possible. And this was probably the case with your girlfriend in the beginning, but now something has changed. When you ask her to hang out, she agrees and then flakes out on plans. This doesn’t happen once or twice; it happens all the time. [Read: The signs of disrespect in a relationship that indicates a lack of love]

#13 You feel it. There are just some things you feel inside of you. If you see a bunch of these signs, and deep down you feel that she’s no longer into you, listen to yourself. If this means anything, you should sit down and talk to her. It’s time to set the story straight.

[Read: 10 reasons why your girlfriend has started flirting with other guys]

Take a look at the signs your girlfriend isn’t attracted to you anymore. If you feel she’s not, then talk to her about it.

The post Unlucky 13: Signs Your Girlfriend Isn’t Attracted to You Anymore is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

30 best Happy Birthday Special Friend Quotes With Images

Happy Birthday Special Friend Happy birthday to a very special person in my life. We’ve been friends for two entire decades now, and we maintained our friendships even though we…

The post 30 best Happy Birthday Special Friend Quotes With Images appeared first on Events Greetings.

Saturday, 30 May 2020

19 Best Pick Up Lines for Girls to Use on Guys that Actually Work

When you think of pick up lines you probably think of a creepy guy trying to hit on you in a bar, but there are pick up lines for girls to use on guys too.

Although pick up lines seem like one simple sentence to get someone to go home with you, that is not true. Pick up lines are conversation openers. They are a clever way to start a chat with someone. There are also pick up lines for girls to use on guys. It’s not just the guy’s game!

Pick up lines can be clever, sexual, flirty, or simple. As long as they grab the person’s attention in a positive way, they’ve done their job. The reason pick up lines are so popular is that they make introducing yourself to someone a bit smoother and less nerve-racking.

Nowadays, pick up lines aren’t just used at bars and coffee shops but mostly when online dating. When talking is your only method of creating a connection with someone, the opening line can be pretty important.

[Read: How to talk to a guy you like with 14 tips to stop being a wallflower]

Pick up lines are for everyone

At one time, pick up lines were mostly used by men to introduce themselves to women. But, two decades into the new century and now, women can do everything men can do, maybe more.

Pick up lines are not just one-liners to put you and the guy you’re hitting on at ease. But they act as ways to show off your personality. They can be the kickoff point for a connection. And when a woman takes that step to start the conversation, not only does it show confidence to the guy, but it helps actually build confidence too.

[Read: How to feel good about yourself and kick ass in life]

Another benefit for women using pick up lines is that women are a lot less likely to seem creepy or aggressive when hitting on a guy. When a woman approaches with a clever joke or even a cheesy line, it is enduring and bold.

Even on a dating app, if a woman messages first with a good pick up line, it not only helps the guy relax because he no longer has to come up with one himself, but it shows that you are putting effort into the conversation and not expecting him to carry it.

So, although pick up lines may get a bad reputation, they are actually immensely helpful in starting a conversation that could lead to romance. [Read: 21 Tinder conversation starters that’ll intrigue anyone instantly]

Pick up lines for girls to use on guys

Now, pick up lines are not really gender exclusive. Anyone can use just about any pick up line they like. Nevertheless, there are some that women may feel more comfortable with and that men might react to better.

The best pick up lines for girls to use on guys will ease you into making the first move if you’re new to it and help those comfortable with it be even more confident.

#1 I never do this, but I didn’t want to regret not introducing myself to you. This is simple and classic but very effective and flattering. [Read: How to introduce yourself to a guy: Your guide to impress any guy]

#2 Are you an Avenger? Because I think we’re endgame. This is more of a pop culture pick up line. They may not get it if they aren’t into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but it is worth a try if you are.

#3 Nice shirt. You know what it’s made of? Looks like boyfriend material. A lot of times when I see a pick up line that includes the term boyfriend or girlfriend material, it is someone referring to themselves in that way. I prefer to switch it. Making the other person the subject of the pick up line will catch their attention more.

#4 You know what’s on the menu? Me “n” u. This one is ideal for meeting someone at a bar or restaurant. You can also use it if you are already planning a date and want to throw in a fun little line. [Read: 15 easy conversation starters you can use with a guy you like]

#5 Your bio isn’t giving me much to work with. If you’re online dating and matched with someone who’s bio leaves a lot to the imagination, go ahead and call them out on that. When I was online dating, this was my go-to move because so many guys I came across had minimal information or none at all for me to go off of for an introduction.

#6 Hey, is your dad a boxer? Because you’re a knockout. This sort of pick up line is not my personal favorite. But, it is clever. These are best used on dating apps where people expect something clever.

If you walked up to someone on the street and said this, it would be a bit weird. 

#7 I think there’s something wrong with my phone. Your number’s not in it. This is a smooth way to ask for someone’s number in person or via a dating app. It is funny and a bit cheesy, but not too over the top. [Read: 17 amazing conversation starters to get something going]

#8 Do you like raisins? How do you feel about a date? This one is too sweet not to include. I wish I had heard this when I was still single. I’d have loved to use this on a dating app. It is cheesy and punny. If you like it and it works on someone, it’ll let you know you have a similar sense of humor.

#9 Are you a loan? Because you’ve got my interest. This pick up line is a bit more specific. However, it is ideal if you happen to see someone you’re attracted to at the bank.

#10 Do I know you? Because you look a lot like my next boyfriend. This is another one that isn’t all that original. A classic is always great if you’re not sure which direction to go in. [Read: How to look cool in front of a guy without breaking a sweat]

#11 Not even Snape could Severus apart. As a Harry Potter fan, I had to include this one. If you notice someone rocking any Harry Potter fan merchandise, this is a winning line.

#12 I was feeling a little off today, but now that I’ve seen you I’m turned on. This is definitely a bit more flirty and sexy that some of the others. If you are feeling really good about your chances, this is a bold move.

#13 Ah, my teeth are aching. You’re just too sweet. This is another cheesy and semi-unoriginal pick up line. I rarely hear it come from girls. But, guys like being called sweet too. [Read: 27 conversation tips to stand out on dating apps]

#14 I’m sure you’re taken, but I had to introduce myself. This is great for someone who is a bit nervous about rejection. It gives them an easy out. Bonus, one where you won’t feel so down if it doesn’t work out.

#15 Do you like girls who make the first move? This is more of a question than a line. But, it is a great way to show that you go after what you want and aren’t ashamed to do it.

#16 Roses are red, violets are blue, I’m free tomorrow, how about you? Go back to the past with this classic rhyme. Go right in for a date!

#17 Titanic. Sorry, that was a terrible ice breaker. Okay, this could be viewed as insensitive, but for those with that sense of humor, this could be comedy gold.

#18 Use their name. Sorry, that isn’t the pick up line. When online dating, if you want to give your pick up line a little more personalization, google their name and “pick up line.” You will find puns and other jokes that work with their name to grab their attention. [Read: Online dating tips for women to boost your dating game]

#19 Use emojis. When it comes to online dating, make fun of your use of pick up lines. Everyone loves someone that can laugh at themselves. Type out a line of pick-up truck emojis. Then write, “Do you like my pick up line?” *That one made me giggle*.

[Read: 12 flirty emojis to make you a pro-flirter over text]

The best pick up lines for girls to use on guys are the ones that make you laugh and you feel comfortable saying because your confidence is key.

The post 19 Best Pick Up Lines for Girls to Use on Guys that Actually Work is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

Poor Man's Game – Can Guys Without Money Get Women?

dating without money
Fact: women will sleep with poor guys faster than wealthy dudes. In this article, I explain why that is and the vital differences between poor guys and deadbeats.

The Cheap vs. Poor article I wrote a few weeks ago generated some ideas for me as well as for some members of the Girls Chase forum. In that article, I explained the differences between "cheap" behavior and just being poor. I think it’s also valuable to talk about poor game and getting laid without money.

I want to give credit to some of the posters on the forum. They’ve inspired me, providing much of the meat for this post, and the article to follow on gaming with money.

Let me first point out that, in this article, we're only considering sex with non-prostitutes (a rich guy can obviously buy pussy whenever his junk twitches). No, we're talking about getting laid through the art of pickup and seduction, not money-for-sex situations.

If you were to take a sample of a few game-oriented guys, seducers, and naturals, it’s the poor guys who get laid the most and in the shortest time frames.

That may seem counterintuitive to you if you're new around here, but it is so much easier to get laid without money than with money; some say it’s not even comparable. Good news for you poor guys if you're only finding this out now!

As forum member "YS" has pointed out:

“When you're just a free-spirit lover retard running around, everything is so congruent. When you're wearing a three-piece suit, running companies, blowing off fires all day, it’s really hard to just be free and flirty with random college girls (or any woman for that matter).”

I think this is true, which is why we wonder about the types of guys some women end up with. We see hot girls with dudes who look like losers on the surface, but these same guys give her the good feelings (and good sex) she craves.

In general, none of the world’s wealthiest guys are getting laid remotely as well as the carefree, cool pothead on your street, the party-going surfer dude, the starving artist/musician, or your free-spirited traveler nomading in some far corner of the world.

Some guys can’t believe this. They think that broke guys cannot have girlfriends, that you need money after a certain age, that women of a certain caliber don’t date poor men. While that may be true for much of the population, it’s not true for the ladies’ man, for the guys who know how to get laid consistently. There are a few notable examples within the PUA community (for instance, Mystery did not have much money, yet was often with “10” quality strippers, and had relationships with them).

What Do Guys Think after You Sleep with Them for the First Time?

Jumping into bed with someone you’re seriously into is nerve-wracking enough, but what do guys think after you sleep with them for the first time?

When you sleep with your crush for the first time, after a few dates or maybe just one, you’re wracked with questions and confusion for hours and possibly even days afterwards. But, what do guys think after you sleep with them for the first time?

Sex certainly can confuse everything. You might be friends with someone, and everything is fine. Then, one night you get a little drunk, a little flirty, and end up sleeping together. From that point on, everything is weird and a little confusing. Your friendship seems a little awkward. Of course, sex with a friend doesn’t have to be to be confusing.

This is something I decided to put to my male friends. I was so intrigued by the entire subject that I thought it would be best to get a male take on it. You might be surprised by a few of their responses.

[Read: How to make sex the first time a little less awkward]

What do guys think after you sleep with them: A male perspective with a female twist!

So, I asked my guy friends this question and received a few mixed answers, but the most common are outlined below. What do you think about them? These might not be the things you’d expect to come up on a list of what do guys think after you sleep with them!

#1 They can’t believe how lucky they are. Firstly, most guys are pretty happy about the fact that they got you into bed. That’s always going to be the first thing they think. So, what do guys think after you sleep with them for the first time?

“I can’t believe how lucky I am!” That’s basically it. You might be panicking that they’re judging you or not, but that’s quite unlikely to be in their mind at this point, or if ever. So, from that response, we should all chill out a little and enjoy the moment more! [Read: How to make sex more enjoyable *Hint* It’s not a textbook answer]

#2 They panic if you want commitment. Rather unsurprisingly, the second most common response was that guys panic that having slept with you once, you’re going to want a full-on commitment and relationship. Of course, that’s probably not the case. Maybe you just wanted a good time for yourself, or maybe you’re happy to see how things go.

They don’t see that side of it, and there is a fear that you’re going to want more than they’re ready for at this time. That doesn’t mean that they’re never going to be ready, but you know, give them a few more weeks! My take on that? Sure, think about what you want, but go with the flow a little and relax. [Read: Should you have meaningless sex? Is it right for you?]

#3 They wonder if you enjoyed yourself. What do guys think after you sleep with them? Did she enjoy it? Did she come? Was she impressed? The guy is likely to be completely preoccupied with wondering whether you enjoyed yourself because that reflects directly on his skills between the sheets!

The fact that he’s wondering whether you liked it or not is a good thing, because at least it shows that he’s keen to give you pleasure too. Some guys aren’t so bothered about this! [Read: Why some guys distance themselves after having sex – Here’s why]

#4 They wonder if you’ll tell your friends and whether you’ll be complimentary or not. Is she going to tell her friends? What will she say? Again, he’s paranoid about whether you liked it and what you’re going to tell your friends.

A male friend of mine said this was the most important thing to him, because he knows that girls talk to their friends about basically everything.

I reassured him that’s not actually the case all the time. Then I considered it for a minute and realize that he’s probably right! So, if you’re wondering what do guys think after you sleep with them, it’s probably more about his pride and performance than anything else. [Read: 15 sexual questions to ask a guy that’ll reveal what he’s like in bed]

#5 They probably don’t make as big a deal of it as you do. Reality check here. Yes, sex is a big deal to guys but probably not in the same way as you. You might dream about the beginning of something special and spend the rest of the following days thinking back over what happened. Your guy probably isn’t quite so obsessed with it. [Read: How to be a perfect tease and keep him interested after having sex]

Yes, they’re obsessed with what you thought and how they did, but they’re probably not making the same deal out of it as you. Don’t take it personally. I’m assured it’s just a guy thing! [Read: How to stop overthinking and create strategies for more peace] 

#6 They’re not at all bothered about your reputation. If you slept with him quickly, e.g. after the first or second date, you might be worried that he thinks you’re easy. Of course, we all know that women are allowed to do whatever they want with their sexuality. It doesn’t mean a thing, but that doesn’t stop us worrying what the guy thinks.

If you want some good news, what guys think about after you sleep with them has zero to do with your reputation. He doesn’t care. He’s just over the moon that he scored!

#7 They really aren’t thinking about your so-called stretch marks or lumpy bits. I asked my guy friends if they thought much about a girl’s body. More good news is coming your way! They didn’t care at all.

Again, they’re just happy that you chose them and got to enjoy themselves with a wonderful woman. Their words, not mine! So, your body hangups really are in your own head. [Read: 15 things girls do in bed that turn most guys off completely]

#8 They’re wondering when they can do it again. Truthfully? They’re probably wondering when they can do it again. Sex to a guy is fun and enjoyable. It’s not quite as heavy as we make it out to be. Sure, be careful and responsible. But when you tick those boxes, isn’t sex just fun-filled and a generally happy time?

I say we all take that mind-set from this point on. See sex through the same eyes as a guy who can’t believe he actually managed to get someone like you into bed!

We panic so much about what people think. When you get into bed with someone, you panic even more about everything. Do they think I’m easy? What does he think about my thighs? Is he looking at my stomach? None of these things are in his head at all, he’s just completely over the moon that he’s actually having sex in the first place. [Read: How to tell a guy you want to have sex with him without feeling slutty]

Perhaps that means we should all lighten up a little and actually enjoy the moment. Let’s be honest, so many hang ups and worries can spoil what should be a carefree and enjoyable time. We become so stressed that we don’t enjoy it at all.

Sex is supposed to be fun and enjoyable *when done responsibly, of course*. But we’re all too busy overthinking it. From what my guy friends told me, they’re not actually thinking about anything other than how great it is, so maybe you should do the same!

[Read: How to get rid of sexual insecurity and improve your sex life]

What do guys think after you sleep with them? Are they judging you? Give the guy some credit… chill out a little. The truth is that he can’t believe someone like you actually gave him a chance!

The post What Do Guys Think after You Sleep with Them for the First Time? is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

What Does It Mean to Be Asexual & How to Understand It Better

We live in a world with a wide range of different sexualities and types of romantic attraction. It’s about time you know what does it mean to be asexual.

You’re searching to understand, what does it mean to be asexual? Maybe you feel that you could be asexual, or you’re just interested in learning more about the different sexualities out there. Regardless, it’s a great first step at learning something new about sexuality.

Years ago, society either labeled you straight or gay, with nothing in between. As we evolve, we’re learning how vast the spectrum of sexuality actually is. And that’s pretty cool.

Asexuality is nothing to be ashamed of. Many people are asexual but didn’t know the term for how they were feeling. So, it’s about time you learned everything there is about asexuality.

[Read: Romantic orientation: Just how many different types are there?]

What does it mean to be asexual

So, you really want to know what it is and if you identify as someone who’s asexual. And if you feel that after reading this article you’re not asexual, then that’s also fine. You’re on a journey and discovering more about who you are as a person. It’s pretty exciting if you ask me. So, let’s get started

Here’s everything you need to know to understand what does it mean to be asexual.

#1 So, what is asexuality? It’s best to start with the basics. What does asexuality mean?

Asexuality is defined as someone who is not sexually attracted to anyone. An asexual person is someone who lacks sexual attraction towards others. It doesn’t matter if the other people are men or women. The point is, they’re not into anyone. [Read: The signs you’re asexual and don’t like getting laid as much as others]

#2 It falls under the ‘Ace’ community. Asexuality falls under the ‘Ace’ community. It is an umbrella term to describe identities where the person doesn’t experience sexual attraction to others, or when they do, it’s very rare and limited. This umbrella terms include identities, including asexuality, demisexual, and aromantic. [Read: Aceflux, aeroflux and how sexual attraction can vary every day]

#3 Some asexual people do experience sexual attraction. But this doesn’t happen very often for them. Sexual attraction comes in rare instances and specific circumstances. Many people fall on different levels of asexuality.

Some people lack a complete attraction to anyone. While other people do have a moment of being attracted to someone, but it’s rare. [Read: Identifying with grey asexuality in a world of sex]

#4 Asexuality is not abstinence. A lot of people think that asexuality is the same as being abstinent, but it’s not. The difference between the two is huge. Abstinence is when you refrain from sex, whether you’re attracted to someone else or not. Whereas, asexuality is when the person lacks the attraction to others.

#5 Is asexuality a phase in life? When it comes to someone’s sexual and romantic attractions, they can change with time. You may hear people say, “oh, they’re just having a phase.” And that’s not necessarily true. Many people will identify as being asexual for their entire life, while others will be more fluid and fall on different sides of the spectrum.

#6 No, it’s not a medical condition. Of course, there are people who refrain from sex because of medical conditions or struggle with being intimate. This isn’t the case for asexual individuals. What they’re feeling isn’t a medical condition, it’s not something that needs to be fixed. They simply are this way. [Read: List of sexualities – What you need to know about each orientation]

#7 Asexual people can have romantic relationships. Of course, they can! Sexual attraction isn’t the same as romantic attraction. Someone who’s asexual can or cannot feel sexually attracted to someone, but will be romantically attracted to someone. They can form deep emotional relationships with people, with or without sexual attraction. [Read: Panromantic asexual – When you can love someone but can’t be sexually attracted to them]

#8 Asexual people can have sex. Being asexual doesn’t mean you’re not capable of having sex. Asexual people can have sex. It truly depends on the person. Their sexual desire may not align with their sexual attraction to someone. In other words, they can still enjoy having sex, even though they don’t feel the need for it.

#9 Asexuality can shift with time. There may be a period of time where an asexual person isn’t sexually or romantically attracted to anyone. But that may also shift. An asexual person could find themselves experiencing sexual attraction to a specific person. Sexuality, in general, can shift with time.

#10 Asexual people can be attracted to the same sex. Asexuality isn’t just for heterosexual people, for example. You can be asexual and gay, lesbian, transgender, etc. It isn’t bound to one sexual orientation. So, regardless of your sexual orientation, it doesn’t matter. Sexuality is as fluid as the ocean.

#11 No, it has nothing to do with not being able to find a partner. Many people will joke when struggling to meet a partner and say, “that’s it, I’m going to be asexual.” But it doesn’t quite work like that. Being asexual doesn’t mean you gave up on dating and decided not to be attracted to anyone. Plus, many asexual people are in healthy relationships. [Read: Sexless relationship – Is love enough for a happily ever after?]

#12 Do asexual people masturbate? It depends on the person. As you know by now, everyone is different. There are asexual people who masturbate and enjoy the intimacy. Then there are asexuals who don’t masturbate. Bottom line: everyone is different with different needs and desires.

[Read: What it’s like for asexual people in the dating world]

Now you have a better idea of the answer to what does it mean to be asexual. Maybe you’re asexual or know someone who may be asexual, we hope you have a clearer picture of what it means now.

The post What Does It Mean to Be Asexual & How to Understand It Better is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

30 Best I Love You Sister Quotes To Share Siblings Love

I Love You Sister We’re sisters, but we’re also best friends! Today, I just wanted to let you know that I’m thinking of you and feeling grateful to have you…

The post 30 Best I Love You Sister Quotes To Share Siblings Love appeared first on Events Greetings.

Friday, 29 May 2020

What Causes Sexual Tension: What Exactly Does It Feel Like?

You might not know why, but you know it when you feel it! But, exactly what causes sexual tension, and is it really obvious to everyone around you?

You know that feeling when you’re around someone and it’s almost like there’s static crackling in the air? You feel a little breathless. All of a sudden, your thoughts go somewhere else completely, and your face is a little bit flushed. Yep, that’s sexual tension. Have you ever wondered what causes sexual tension?

You might not know it yourself, but everyone around you can feel it almost instinctively. There’s a general tension, everyone is waiting with anticipation to see what happens next, but you might be totally oblivious to exactly what is going on.

The problem with sexual tension is that you might not be aware of why it’s happening and it can cause you to question everything you’re thinking and feeling. It can be confusing to suddenly be reacting in this way towards someone who you’re pretty sure you don’t actually like in “that way.”

The thing is, your brain might have already decided that you DO like them in “that way,” you’ve just not caught up with it yet!

[Read: 13 signs of sexual attraction you just can’t miss]

What causes sexual tension exactly?

So, what causes sexual tension to occur in the first place? Sexual tension is normally quite subconscious and not something you can usually control. Perhaps that’s what makes it so confusing and overwhelming!

Sexual tension normally happens between two people who have quite a close bond, yet there is a slightly flirtatious undertone. Both parties completely deny that there is anything going on between them or that they feel sexually attracted to one another, but everyone around them can tell differently. [Read: Infatuation signs you can’t miss – 15 signs you’re sick in love]

What causes sexual tension? Your brain! Basically, your brain decides that you’re sexually attracted to someone and that informs your responses, e.g. blushing, sweating, tripping up over your words, faster breathing, etc.

You don’t admit your feelings because you haven’t got that far yet, or you can’t believe that you’re attracted to them in that way – maybe you’ve been friends for a long time. This type of attraction is usually reciprocated and that’s what causes the tension to linger in the air.

[Read: What does sexual tension feel like? This is how it feels]

There are many other answers to the question of what causes sexual tension too; sometimes when you find someone quite frustrating, that can show itself sexually. It’s not unusual to actually dislike someone but find them overwhelmingly sexy at the same time. I know, it’s confusing, but who said the human brain was anything but?

Sexual tension can also come from something else entirely, e.g. you’re feeling a certain way in your life about your job, where you are generally, and it feels frustrating. Then, when you see someone on a regular basis, your general frustration turns into sexual tension. You can go through with it and see if the tension dissipates, but you’re probably not that aware of it.

Most of the time, people just allow it to continue, not understanding why they feel this way whenever the other person is around. Confused again? I know! Me too! [Read: How to handle your horniness when you feel sexual tension]

What does sexual tension feel like?

Obviously, sexual tension feels a little differently for everyone, because we’re all unique beings. You can’t give a blanket explanation. However, there are some common signs that most people feel.

– Butterflies in your stomach when they walk into the room or when you think about them

– Increased heart rate

– Flushing of the face and maybe even slight sweating

– Smiling for no reason

– Holding eye contact without realizing it

– Biting your lip

– You can’t get your words out properly

– Everything you say has a slightly sexual undertone [Read: How to get a girl horny and wet just by sitting next to her]

– Your mind goes into the gutter – you turn everything they say into some kind of innuendo in your own mind

– Heightened awareness of touch – it can feel like a bolt of lightning when they even brush against you by accident

– Leaning in towards them without realizing

– You gravitate towards each other almost naturally

– Your voice comes out a little deeper and a little breathier [Read: How to make a guy horny and hard while sitting next to him]

You might even notice that when you’re going about your daily business, they suddenly pop into your mind and some of the above signs show themselves. Some people even feel sexually aroused at the mere thought of someone they’re attracted to, whether they realize they are or not!

When you think about what causes sexual tension, it’s not surprising that it can all manifest in your subconscious mind, i.e. when you’re dreaming. These dreams are likely to be quite sexual, and you may wake up feeling flushed and wondering why on earth you were dreaming in that way about a person you don’t feel “that way” about! Of course, it turns out that you do, but as before, you haven’t quite got the email yet.

If it’s not about attraction and it’s about a general frustration, you might eventually question your feelings about this person. They might be clueless however, so you should tread carefully! [Read: How to flirt with your crush and make them fall hard]

So, does everyone else already know?

Sorry to say it, but yes, probably. If the two of you figure it out and you end up together, don’t be surprised if people roll their eyes and say “finally.” It’s obvious to everyone around you that there is sexual tension in the air. If you don’t get together, people might comment about how they always thought you would get together in the end.

What causes sexual tension to be so obvious to everyone else but you? It’s a vibe in many ways, but it’s also body language. Unless you’re extremely tuned into and aware of your body language, you’re probably speaking without knowing it.

[Read: 20 subconscious signs of attraction that show up between two people]

For instance, we all know that you can basically give yourself away as a liar if your body language is screaming “I’m lying!” You hold your arms over your body defensively. You refuse to make eye contact, and you stumble over your words. These are all common signs of someone who is lying, and we do it without knowing about it.

As a result, your body language is screaming “I really want to get down and dirty with you,” and you have zero control over it. Everyone around you can see it and notice it clearly, but you don’t have a clue. [Read: How to know for sure if the sexual tension you feel is mutual]

Sometimes sexual tension strikes with the person we least expect. This person might not be your type at all, but perhaps that’s worth exploring. How do you know that the type you’ve always gone for is going to be the one that makes you happy?

Sure, sexual tension isn’t about love, but what’s to say that it won’t turn into love in the end? If you’re both open to it, perhaps it’s something worth exploring a little? [Read: How to know if someone is thinking of you sexually and desires you]

Of course, sexual tension can be fun too. That feeling of butterflies, the sense of not knowing what’s going to happen next, it’s ultra-exciting! You might be confused as to why it’s happening, but go with it. Enjoy the feeling! It can often turn out to be a welcome distraction from the monotony of life, and we could all do with a little excitement in our lives, that’s for sure!

[Read: 14 steamy signs of sexual tension to know lust when you see it]

What causes sexual tension varies from person to person. Most often, it’s your brain jumping ahead of itself. It has chosen its next admirer and reacts in this sexually charged way until you admit it to yourself! 

The post What Causes Sexual Tension: What Exactly Does It Feel Like? is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

Should You Start Dating a Woman with Kids?

dating a woman with kids
Have you considered dating a woman with kids? As the child of a single mother, my advice is to find someone else and avoid the many pitfalls intrinsic to stepfatherhood.

In my opinion, you should not date a woman with kids.

You can shag her, sure. Beyond that, I would not continue to date her.

The only exception is that you also have a kid you’re bringing into the new union, and you're both down to help raise children who aren't yours. In that way, the power imbalance is addressed, and you’re both helping the offspring of other parents.

If that recommendation upsets you, I’m guessing one of two things:

  1. You’ve been programmed to think stepfatherhood virtuous.

  2. Or, you lust for a woman who has a kid. Maybe you’re already dating her.

The only people who will say you should be a stepdad are those with an agenda. And I say this as a guy who was raised by many different surrogate fathers during his childhood.

My birth father was mostly nonexistent from the age of 2 to 12. I only would see him during summers after that. We have a good relationship now, but it’s taken nearly 15 years to get to that point, with drama in between that I would wish on no one.

I say this because it makes me immune to the most hateful responses someone might have about my stance on this topic, which I happen to know better than almost anyone. The only criticism that might strike me as genuine is, “You’re ungrateful for the love those men had for you!”

The answer to that is: no, I’m not.

I’m very grateful for the parenting attempts made by my many quasi-stepfathers (none ended up marrying my mother, except one briefly for a few months). They all had different influences on me. Some good, some bad, some mediocre, but I appreciate the effort they made if they did make one.

There are a few who had a significant impact on me, and I will thank them until the day I die.

One of them was an Italian chef. He was the first person my mother dated who truly acted like a father. My mother told me he is the one responsible for teaching her how to let my cry as a baby and not rush to soothe me. “Let him cry, and he will stop,” he told her. He even sat on her to keep her from rushing to me. He is still my mother’s close friend even to this day.

Another important man was a boyfriend who would later come out as gay. He had some degree of heterosexuality given he had a relationship with my mother, so it would be accurate to classify him as bisexual. My mother had suspected he was more gay than not, though, and after they broke up, he decided to follow that life. He was very, very good to her and me, and he loved us both very much. Even now, he is still a close friend of my mother and visited me on my birthday in Europe a few years back.

The most beautiful follow up to this story is that, after all these years, he still has a picture of my mother and me on his desk. When he’s asked about this picture, he says that if he had desired the life of a straight man more than his current life, then we would have been his life. My mother would have been his wife, and I would be his son. I think this is extraordinarily beautiful.

The third important surrogate father was as close to a stable father figure as I would ever have. Although he had a son and daughter of his own, we were more closely linked in personality than his own kids. You might say I was the son he always wanted. Karma brought us together for a reason because our similarity was insanely strong. However, he had serious personal faults that prevented him from truly being a man worthy of my mother’s respect. He lacked the skills to allow the relationship to flourish. I will say without regret that he was an amazing influence in my life and taught me much about what it means to be good, to care, to love, and to be a man. I love him deeply and wish him all the best in this life and the next. He is a good man with a good heart.

However, I will say this unequivocally: I would never recommend any of them to take on the role they did and attempt to become a stepfather. Even more so, I say this about the rest of the men my mother dated. Of them, none of any importance come to mind.

All those men, no matter how good their intentions, were going after pussy (except the gay one, of course; he might be an exception and probably loved me the most, as his heart wasn’t tainted by lust). For the rest of those men, I was a secondary concern. Even if they grew to love me later, I was not a priority.

Don’t get me wrong.

I don’t doubt some genuinely cared about me or loved me or wanted the best for me. Some clearly did, as I pointed out. It doesn’t change the fact that they still wanted to screw my mom. I know this because I know men. I teach them for a living, and I know their hearts and minds better than they do.

But I get ahead of myself.

Let’s look at why society lauds the stepfather and deconstruct its motivations so you can discover if you want to be praised for this act (and how this praise subtly motivates you to be a stepfather, even if you’re not aware of it).

How to Get a Guy Interested in You By Being Your Wonderful Self

Wondering how to get a guy interested in you? It’s not as hard as you think. An important first step is to stop overthinking it all. Just be wonderful you!

When you like someone, it can be hard to focus on anything else. And what you’re most concerned with is if they like you back. And if you know they don’t, all you want to do is to know how to get a guy interested in you.

Sure, you can just go on being you and waiting for him to notice you, but why not take it up a notch? The good news is that getting a guy interested in you isn’t all that hard. Guys may not be as simple as TV and movies make them out to be, but getting their attention isn’t too hard.

There are some pretty simple things you can do to get on his radar.

[Read: How to get a guy to ask you for your number – Advice from a guy]

Get a guy interested in you with confidence

Yes, I’m doing a whole section on confidence. There are many things that can be done to grab his attention and pique his interest, but the number one thing is to exude confidence.

Confidence is not just how you come off to others, but how you view yourself. When you appreciate who you are and know your worth, you will pull eyes from everyone, especially him.

When you have confidence, not only will that draw attention from him, but it will draw attention from others too which will make him even more interested. When you are confident, you don’t measure your worth by how others see you.

That vibe attracts others. People want to be around people that give off that confident energy. If you can do that, you are already halfway there in learning how to get a guy interested in you.

[Read: How to gain confidence and turn your life around for the better]

How to get a guy interested in you

There are plenty of ways to get a guy interested in you. Some are more subtle than others, but they are all effective. Odds are he’s already interested in you but doesn’t have the guts to do anything about it. Let him know you’re interested too or at least give him the nudge to make a move.

#1 Look your best to feel your best. You do not need to get dressed up and put on loads of makeup to get his interest unless that is something you love to do. You look your best when you feel your best. So wear what makes you feel good. [Read: How to glo up and transform yourself from the inside out]

#2 Smell good. I don’t mean to just use deodorant. If you know you’re going to see him, spray a little spritz of a sexy or musky perfume. A vanilla scent also goes a long way with a guy.

#3 Open up. When you share things about yourself with him, he will not just get to know you, but will see a different side to you. When he knows you have confidence in a topic like your favorite hobby, he will be attracted to it. [Read: How to charm a man and win him over with your sassy personality]

#4 Encourage his passions. When he is talking to you, encourage him to talk about what he loves whether that be his job or baseball or anything else. When he is talking about what he loves, he will light up and when he does that around you he will associate those good feelings with you.

#5 Do not be so agreeable. Share your opinions. If he asks your opinion on anything from a movie to politics, be honest. Be bold and confident in your statements. Any guy you want to be interested in you will like someone that stands strong in their beliefs.

#6 Touch him. Touch him in an appropriate way. Graze his arm when you walk by. Touch his hand when he makes you laugh. These little platonic touches mean a lot more than you might think. [Read: How to flirt by touch without making it obvious at all]

#7 Make eye contact. A lack of eye contact shows a lack of connection and a lack of confidence. When you look into his eyes, he will feel a deeper connection with you naturally.

#8 Post a thirst trap. You know those days where you take a selfie, and the first one is fire and you are feeling hot? Well, post it. You’ll be surprised how fast he reaches out. [Read: How to master the sexy thirst trap without looking too thirsty]

#9 Don’t be too eager. It is exciting when he texts or calls, but don’t jump on it. I’m not advising you to play hard to get, but stay busy. Don’t be on your phone waiting for him to reach out. Let him sweat, just a little bit.

#10 Don’t try too hard. If you’re wondering how to get a guy interested in you, don’t pretend you like something just because he does. And don’t act like you know his favorite obscure band or are into sports if you’re not. He will know if you’re lying and it will just be embarrassing.

#11 Be interested. If you don’t know what he’s talking about, ask. Be interested. You don’t have to know everything about his favorite golfer, but asking shows you’re interested in everything about him.

#12 Keep it casual. Even if your end goal is to lock him down, let it be. Enjoy the time you do spend together without worrying so much about the future. If you’re anxious about the future, it will affect your time together. [Read: How to tease a guy and make sure he realizes how much he likes you]

#13 Ask for his help. Ask him to help you with something. It can be as simple as carrying something heavy or advice on a work issue. Being able to help you and know you are accepting his help will remind him of what a good team you are. [Read: Why men find a damsel in distress so irresistible]

#14 Say his name. Saying his name out loud will psychologically let him know that he is important to you. Little things like this remind him of you and pique his interest, even if he doesn’t know why.

#15 Keep living your life. Don’t make him the focus of your life when you’re trying to figure out how to get a guy interested in you. That’s not your goal in life. Keep hanging out with friends and enjoying hobbies. Knowing you have a full and active life will remind him how coveted you are.

#16 Flirt. I know this seems obvious, but when preoccupied with getting a guy interested in you, it can make you forget the easiest things. Flirting will give him the signal that you like him and let you show off your sense of humor. [Read: 30 subtle, flirty and really sexy flirting tips that’ll drive a guy crazy]

#17 Mirror his movements. Another psychological tip is to mirror his movements. If he crosses his legs, cross yours. If he mirrors your movements first, he is already interested.

#18 Be patient. He may be more nervous than you think. Guys are scared too. He may be really interested in you but is taking his time to work up the nerve to do something about it.

#19 Don’t talk about your exes. Once you start dating someone, it is good to share your past, but if you’re just getting him interested in you, sharing the juicy details on your dating history can be quite a turn off.

#20 Actually get to know each other. There are lots of tricks and little details that can help you get a guy interested in you, but the best? Take your time and really learn about each other. [Read: How to get to know someone and open up and make true friends]

#21 Make sure you like him. Before going through all this effort to get a guy interested in you, make sure you’re actually interested in him. You don’t want to waste your time on someone just because they are cute.

[Read: Why do I like him? 12 reasons why you like the guy you like]

Learning how to get a guy interested in you is mostly about confidence. All the rest is about your connection.

The post How to Get a Guy Interested in You By Being Your Wonderful Self is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

How to Make It through Corona Cuffing Season Unscathed

The coronavirus has made us all hermits, but it’s also changed the natural flow of the cuffing season. Say hello to the new corona cuffing.

Don’t you just love cuffing season? Now, of course, not everyone is into cuffing season, but it wouldn’t have its own name if no one was doing it. But with the coronavirus hitting the world, it shook the balance we created and relied on. Now, things are different. Now, there is corona cuffing.

With this virus, our skin hunger is showing its face, mixed with the fear of getting sick. You can see the dilemma. Anyways, corona cuffing season seems to be here… and who knows for how long. So, here’s how to survive the new corona cuffing season.

How to make it through corona cuffing season

Ah yes, we all know what happens when October normally rolls around. We enjoyed the freedom of spring and summer, meeting new people, living life without any commitments to anyone. But eventually, summer comes to an end. Slowly, we prepare ourselves for winter.

In October, our internal clocks go from one-night stands to coupling. It’s a quick transition, but we all know winter is coming. And with winter comes layers and a lack of sexual contact. So, we plan ahead to make sure we find ourselves someone to settle down with for those cold and hard winter months.

[Read: How to stay connected while social distancing and avoid loneliness]

Most of us have done this at least once in our lives. And, of course, when spring rolls around, we second guess ourselves, wondering if this is the relationship we need. And then the circle happens all over again. But how do we make it during the corona cuffing season?

#1 First, let’s get the definition. We should be on the same page here when it comes to defining what “cuffing” actually is. Thanks to Urban Dictionary, cuffing means “when it is winter, and you are single and ready to mingle.” In other words, you want to settle down.

Now, corona cuffing is the same. It’s just directed to the time during the pandemic. It doesn’t mean it has to be a commitment you’re looking for; it can be a romantic connection. [Read: What is cuffing season? How to not be left out]

#2 Why do we feel the urge for a romantic connection during the pandemic? We need human contact with each other; this is a part of our species. During the coronavirus, much of our daily human contact has been completely stripped from us. So many of us are experiencing ‘skin hunger,’ where we’re deeply craving the touch of another person.

#3 Skin hunger is telling you to find someone. During this pandemic, you may be feeling skin hunger more than you usually would during the spring and summer months. If you experience the need to be physically touched by someone, that’s your body’s ways of telling you it’s cuffing time.

Touch gives you a release of oxytocin, making you feel bonded to the other person, and give you feelings of trust and comfort. [Read: Skin hunger and why the need for human touch matters]

#4 So, how can you make it through corona cuffing? Maybe you’re interested in meeting someone, and maybe you don’t want to. Either way, you still feel this skin hunger and craving for touch. I don’t blame you, and many people, especially single people, are experiencing this feeling right now. But there are ways you can get through this.

#5 Assess what your body is telling you. Skin hunger is the way your body communicates to you that it needs to be touched. But that doesn’t mean it has to necessarily be sexual. Focus on your body when you feel this sensation. Are you craving touch or intimate touch? It’s a big difference between the two.

#6 Think of the other ways your needs can be met. Whether your craving is sexual or non-sexual, think of the other ways you can get your needs met. You may not be able to physically meet people, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be touched. If you have a pet, cuddle them. Give yourself body massages. This can help reduce those cravings. [Read: How to fight loneliness while self-isolating during a pandemic]

#7 Get interactive sex toys. Maybe you have a partner *that you secured during actual cuffing season*, but you are separated because of the pandemic. Well, this doesn’t mean you cannot satisfy your sexual cravings. Get interactive sex toys that can be connected through Bluetooth. You control each other’s toys, so it gives it a more realistic experience. [Read: 10 hi-tech sex toys that change the way we do sex]

#8 Connect with friends. If possible, spend time with your friends or even FaceTime them. You should maintain a healthy socialization routine which will make you feel less lonely. Also, if you’re able to hug each other, that’s even better. Use the people you’re able to see physically, like friends and family, to get physical contact.

#9 Get yourself a weighted blanket. You may not be able to meet someone right now, and you’re not alone. Tons of people are completely stranded without any chance to meet someone physically. So, if you can, buy yourself a weighted blanket. It gives you the sensation of calmness and the feeling you’re being hugged by someone. [Read: How to surive and thrive alone in this coronavirus pandemic]

#10 Meet someone online. Why not? Everyone’s at home, probably experiencing the same feelings as you. Although, you may not be able to physically meet them, you’ll get to know someone on a deeper level.

Have FaceTime conversations with them, date nights, and make a genuine connection. You can share this experience with them and use each other for support. [Read: Here’s your guide for how to date while social distancing]

#11 Focus on the relationships you already have. This entire experience may leave you feeling like you need to meet someone. And if you really want to meet someone, no one is stopping you from doing so. But you can also use this experience to strengthen the existing relationships you already have. [Read: How to be a better person and keep growing into a kind human]

#12 Practice self-love. Yes, I know you miss the touch of another person, but you can also pleasure yourself. You have two hands, maybe even some toys, so you have the tools to practice some self-love. Not only will you learn more about your body, but it’ll be de-stressing as well.

[Read: Going solo with these 15 oh-so-sexy benefits of masturbation]

Corona cuffing season is a challenge, and certainly, one that makes you reevaluate yourself, your relationships, and possible love interests. But you’ll be able to make it through regardless of your relationship status.

The post How to Make It through Corona Cuffing Season Unscathed is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

Thursday, 28 May 2020

Happy 10th Birthday – Cute Wishes For Boy And Girl

Happy 10th Birthday I was honored to be able to bring you to the world. You’ve fulfilled me and made my life happier. Happy 10th birthday, sweetheart! May the path…

The post Happy 10th Birthday – Cute Wishes For Boy And Girl appeared first on Events Greetings.

How Do Narcissists Control You So Subtly? And Why You Allow Them

A narcissist’s work is often so subtle you hardly realize until the damage is done. So, how do narcissists control you in an under the radar way?

A narcissist is someone who completely lacks empathy, is completely self absorbed, and, it has to be said, a master manipulator. And if you’re wondering how do narcissists control you, oh boy, you’re in for a surprise because they know the most subtlest and dangerous of ways!

This is someone who it is impossible to have a healthy and long-lasting relationship with. They don’t treat people with care and kindness, they treat them in a way which manipulates them to get what they want out of them, completely ruining their self esteem and causing a lasting emotional impact for many years to come.

Put simply, if you suspect that you’re in a relationship with a narcissist, you need to start pulling yourself away and making plans to leave. That might sound like a cold and systemic answer to the issue, and you probably have strong feelings for them, but there is no healthy future to a relationship like this and you’re going to suffer for as long as you’re in it.

[Read: How to tell if someone is a narcissist and recognize them instantly]

You might be wondering ‘how do narcissists control you?’ It’s subtle, it’s powerful, and it’s extremely underhanded, but knowing what to look for is half of the battle.

How do narcissists control you in such a powerful way?

For a person who is in a relationship with a narcissist, the range of manipulative tactics they will be subjected to is quite wide-ranging. Every single narcissist out there is different and they’ll have their own go-to routes that they prefer in order to get their victim right where they want them. Because, unfortunately, that’s what you are – a victim. [Read: How to quickly spot narcissistic traits in a relationship]

I know it sound harsh, but believe me, a narcissist cannot love you because they’re incapable of loving anyone but themselves. They don’t possess empathy, so they’re not going to know that what they say or do hurts you.

They’re also experts at the art of getting what they want in ways which you’re not going to be aware of without prior understanding. That’s why it’s so important explore the question of how do narcissists control you. [Read: 16 subtle signs a narcissist is abusing you in the worst possible ways]

#1 They isolate you from your nearest and dearest. The first thing a narcissist will do is turn on the charm, to the point where you’re convinced that you’ve met the ideal partner for you. Then, they’ll slowly start to identify the people who are closest to you.

The narcissists sees these people as a threat, because they’re the people you trust and listen to. As a result, if they tell you that your new partner is a little strange or controlling, you might listen to them. The narcissist doesn’t want that, so they’ll slowly start to isolate you from these people.

They might tell you that your friends don’t like you, that they’ve heard someone talking behind your back, that your sister thinks you’re stupid, or that your parents are trying to hold you back. You want to please the narcissist by this point, because you know that if you don’t do that, they’re going to start giving you the cold shoulder, and that’s something you don’t like. So, you’ll slowly start to see these people less and less. You won’t do it consciously, but it’s something which often happens. This is step one in how do narcissists control you 101. [Read: 14 most common traits of all controlling people and how to deal with them]

#2 They point out your weaknesses and any shortcomings you may have. Nobody is perfect, so there is always going to be something that you perhaps don’t do well, something you’re not particularly talented at, or a weak point which you can’t help but react to. You’re human, and everyone has these. However, a narcissist doesn’t see these as simply part of being human, they see them as ammunition to control you.

As a result, the narcissist will identify your weak points and any shortcomings you have and they’ll use them against you. Making you focus on them more than you ever did before. This slowly erodes away at your confidence and means that you’re starting to be right where the narcissist wants you. [Read: What is gaslighting? How narcissists use this to fuel their fire]

#3 They’ll use a mixture of flattery and insults to confuse you. This particular tactic is one of the main routes if you’re wondering how do narcissists control you. And it’s extremely powerful! First, they’ll flatter the life out of you and make you feel special. This gets you firmly on their side and causes you to start relying upon them for the positive remarks.

Then, they’ll slowly start to drip in a few insults. They’ll go back to pointing out your shortcomings, as I mentioned earlier, and then, when they think that you’re perhaps getting a little fed up of it, they’ll go back to flattery.

It’s confusing and it’s a very subtle yet powerful method of control because you start to become dependent upon the rush of elation when the narcissist gives you a compliment, to the point where you ride out the negative elements. As you’re probably starting to see very clearly, the question of how do narcissists control you really comes down to manipulation and mind games. [Read: Blowing hot and cold – The 3 stages to explain why someone does this]

#4 They use gaslighting. Everyone has heard of the word ‘gaslighting’, but do you really know what it is? This is a method of making the victim question their own sanity.

For example, the narcissist might agree to meet you after work for dinner at your favorite restaurant, because they know this is something you’re going to look forward to. You go to the restaurant after work and wait, but they never turn up. When you call them, they act shocked and say they never agreed to meet you and that you must have made it up. You know that you didn’t, but their attitude and their mocking remarks make you think that perhaps you are imagining it after all.

The more this happens, the more powerful the cumulative effects. Some victims of narcissistic abuse have a lot of trouble trusting their own judgement for a long time after the relationship has ended as a result of this control tactic. [Read: 14 signs a narcissist is gaslighting and playing mind games with you]

#5 They use passive aggressive behavior. By this point, you want to keep your narcissist happy because when you please them, they act in a kind way. Of course, we know that this ‘kind way’ isn’t genuine because they don’t know how to be kind from the heart.

This means you’ll do whatever you can to keep them happy, and they know this. They’ll then use passive aggressive behavior, either giving you the cold shoulder, being verbally abusive, or blowing hot and cold, to make you do more to keep them happy.

These are just five ways which answer the question of ‘how do narcissists control you’. These are the main methods, but everyone is different so it could be that you encounter a narcissist who does things slightly differently. For instance, some narcissists act as though they’re totally lacking in confidence, in order to gain sympathy. [Read: What is vulnerable narcissism and what makes this one so dangerous?]

It’s vital that if you suspect you’re in a relationship with a narcissist that you start to question the way you feel. If you have a nagging feeling that you’re right, when the narcissist tells you you’re stupid and you’re wrong, hold on to that thought. The more you question the manipulation in your own mind, the stronger you’ll become and the more able you’ll be to walk away when the right time comes.

You’ll end up doubting your own sanity and wondering whether you’re making things up, when the truth is that you’re simply being controlled and tricked by mind games. In order to end the emotional abuse that you’re being subjected to, you need to understand the motivation behind it all. A narcissist is a bully, a self absorbed person, a master of disguise, and someone who you are unable to have a healthy relationship with.

[Read: Narcissistic supply – How to stop giving a narcissist the attention they crave]

How do narcissists control you? Through a range of manipulation techniques which are designed to weaken and confuse you. But once you understand their scheming mind, they’ll be so predictable you’ll be surprised you fell for their games in the first place!

The post How Do Narcissists Control You So Subtly? And Why You Allow Them is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

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