Saturday, 30 May 2020

Poor Man's Game – Can Guys Without Money Get Women?

dating without money
Fact: women will sleep with poor guys faster than wealthy dudes. In this article, I explain why that is and the vital differences between poor guys and deadbeats.

The Cheap vs. Poor article I wrote a few weeks ago generated some ideas for me as well as for some members of the Girls Chase forum. In that article, I explained the differences between "cheap" behavior and just being poor. I think it’s also valuable to talk about poor game and getting laid without money.

I want to give credit to some of the posters on the forum. They’ve inspired me, providing much of the meat for this post, and the article to follow on gaming with money.

Let me first point out that, in this article, we're only considering sex with non-prostitutes (a rich guy can obviously buy pussy whenever his junk twitches). No, we're talking about getting laid through the art of pickup and seduction, not money-for-sex situations.

If you were to take a sample of a few game-oriented guys, seducers, and naturals, it’s the poor guys who get laid the most and in the shortest time frames.

That may seem counterintuitive to you if you're new around here, but it is so much easier to get laid without money than with money; some say it’s not even comparable. Good news for you poor guys if you're only finding this out now!

As forum member "YS" has pointed out:

“When you're just a free-spirit lover retard running around, everything is so congruent. When you're wearing a three-piece suit, running companies, blowing off fires all day, it’s really hard to just be free and flirty with random college girls (or any woman for that matter).”

I think this is true, which is why we wonder about the types of guys some women end up with. We see hot girls with dudes who look like losers on the surface, but these same guys give her the good feelings (and good sex) she craves.

In general, none of the world’s wealthiest guys are getting laid remotely as well as the carefree, cool pothead on your street, the party-going surfer dude, the starving artist/musician, or your free-spirited traveler nomading in some far corner of the world.

Some guys can’t believe this. They think that broke guys cannot have girlfriends, that you need money after a certain age, that women of a certain caliber don’t date poor men. While that may be true for much of the population, it’s not true for the ladies’ man, for the guys who know how to get laid consistently. There are a few notable examples within the PUA community (for instance, Mystery did not have much money, yet was often with “10” quality strippers, and had relationships with them).


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