You’re in a club. A girl walks by and grabs your ass. Then she bolts and won’t talk to you. WTF? She’s an attention seeking freak, and here’s how to get her in bed.
Hey guys, and welcome back.
Today I’ll respond to a question guys have asked on the forum. I assumed other men would enjoy having this question answered, too.
The question is: How do we deal with freaks in clubs?
Freakiness tends to be amped up to 11 in night club scenarios. Some of you may not be familiar with the term “freak.” It was coined by a deceased seducer called PlayerSupreme (RIP). According to him, there are three types of women:
Good girls (nice, kind, affectionate girls); however, HE NEVER claimed that those girls were asexual Madonnas
Hoes (the gold digger and status seeker)
Freaks (weird girls who use their sexuality to gain power and get male attention; they tend to have higher sex drives than other women, but not always)
So, today’s discussion will be about how to deal with the third type of woman. For a better idea of what we are discussing, here’s an example.
Say you are at a club having fun. Out of the blue comes this girl who tells you something sexually explicit, acts in a sexually explicit way, or touches you in a sexually explicit way.
She may tell you how much she likes sucking dick, or perhaps she simply comes up to you, grinds her ass on you, or even touches your dick.
And you, happy as a clam, believe she is doing this because she is:
Super horny (easy prey)
Very sexually open, one of those “sexual women” (I have discussed this topic many times; this is usually a bias; those who seem most sexually open are not necessarily those who are)
Really into you
Pleased and excited, you reciprocate her move. You start showing sexual interest in return. You may touch her or make an overt move.
Only to realize that the moment you do, she walks away.
When you try to re-engage, she turns cold or starts ignoring you. It is frustrating. What the heck just happened? (I'll answer this in a bit.)
Even worse, you realize she’s now flirting with another guy, probably doing the same thing she did to you.
“But she was such easy prey; she showed so much interest in me.” You are a bit dumbfounded and creeped out.
The truth is, you have been played. And I will tell you how and why.
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