Saturday, 20 June 2020

Pickup Artist Tips for Surviving the COVID-19 Lockdown

covid-19 dating
All lockdown and no poon makes us all dull boys. These tips will help you preserve your sanity and health while you wait for your COVID-19 lockdown to end.

Hey guys. I hope you are doing well with the lockdowns in your area and that you and your loved ones are safe and healthy.

Since most of us are unable to head out to the field, I felt it would be inappropriate to write another post on practical field techniques at the moment. It is a good idea to keep reading posts to prepare yourself for when the field reopens. I understand that you may not have the motivation to work on your game at the moment. The truth is, you are not the only one.

I have done this for ten years, and I still love reading and developing techniques. But lately, since I cannot head out, I have little incentive to read about pickup and seduction. This is normal. Why would anyone be motivated to read about techniques they cannot immediately use?

That said, be aware that I am following the situation closely. Once everything starts reopening, I will put out guides on how to get back in the field, dealing with bad momentum (which YOU WILL HAVE, and so will I), as well as strategic ways to get back at it gradually.

I had one of the hardest lockdowns. Where I lived, I could not meet any women! I did not see or talk to a new girl for two months! It’s not because I am not capable of it, but was limited by the COVID-19 crisis laws. My lockdown was so strict that just to buy food, I had to fill out and sign a form. I could only be outside for an hour, a maximum of one kilometer away from my home. Any transgression would result in severe punishment. As you might imagine, it was almost impossible for me to meet girls.

Europe is opening, and most of Asia; good news. But most of our readers are Americans, who are in the middle of the pandemic. My experience from Europe is that you should count two to three months from the start of the outbreak before life begins to resume with some sense of normalcy in your country.

Girls Chase cannot fix the issue. It is not our role, nor do we have the capacity. But hopefully, we can provide entertaining posts and different ways to develop yourself as the pandemic marches forward so you can come out stronger than most other men, which could give you an edge when places reopen.

I can say that Girls Chase will be by your side to speed up and ease the transition back to normal. This is where our real work will begin. I know that Chase is working on some great new products and new lockdown coaching services.

We also have three(!) new writers joining the team:

  • Frankie Bismarck — a normal but cool south European guy who has a solid lay count. He does down-to-earth analysis and has a high focus on day game and social circles.
  • Xander Papatonis — you may know him as Hue. He's an up-and-coming star who will share some great insights.
  • Gunwitch — yes, THE original seduction guru (my first teacher!) will be sharing posts for beginners as well as advanced guys alike (we have not forgotten advanced guys!).

Cool things are coming! I hope this cheers you up.

With that said, I will take some time in this “random” post to share some of my ways of handling the lockdown.


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