Sunday, 12 July 2020

Mirror Neurons in Seduction – The Foundation of Everything I Teach

mirror neurons in seduction
Hi, I’m Gunwitch. I’ve been doing pickup and seduction for decades, and the first thing I hammer into my students’ minds is the importance of mirror neurons.

Some of you may not have heard of me, as this is my first article on Girls Chase.

Some of you might be deep, long-time followers of mine.

Some of you might recognize my name from being referenced or credited by other Girls Chase writers.

Some of you may recognize my alias, Gunwitch, from the seduction community – all the way back to the days of MASF.

Gunwitch as in “Gunwitch Method.” That Gunwitch.

You might remember my method mentioned by Neil Strauss in The Game, his book about pickup artists. He sums up my method as “His crude motto: make the ho say no.”

There’s far more to what I teach, of course. That motto came from a joke I made about not ejecting too fast out of approaches (as most guys do before they start learning, but more on that another time).

In this article, I want to delve into the foundation of everything I teach, the mortar that binds it all together, as a primer for what you'll need to understand before my more advanced techniques can work their full magic.

I’ll break the foundation down into my easy-to-remember acronym, S.E.C.T.


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