Thursday, 2 July 2020

More Glamorous Behaviors to Mesmerize the Girls You Meet

how to attract women
In my experience with showbiz, I’ve learned many glamorous behaviors that separate stars from everyone else. These 3 are especially useful for pickup and seduction.

When building anything that lasts, you always start with the foundation.

That’s why we emphasize the importance of fundamentals here on Girls Chase. If you’re a new student of the game, learning how to be attractive helps you embody the man you want to become.

Experienced players also know that when it comes to getting girls, your foundation will multiply the power of everything else. So it never hurts to see a few more nuances to sharpen your fundamentals.

In a previous article, I shared several attractive traits you can use to attract and intrigue the women you meet. It was also an inside scoop on that special je nais sai quois we call glamour.

Now, if you’ve been reading Girls Chase for a while, or watched an epic movie seduction, you already know that many behaviors and gestures used by actors, fashion models, and actresses can reap great results in your dates and pickups. That’s why today we are going to scoop out some extra glamorous behaviors that you can learn to hone your fundamentals. I recommend taking a look at the primer, too, if you haven’t already. These two articles together give a clearer picture of what I discovered after careful reflection as I learned the ropes in the show business.

Read on to see more insights that observation, participation, and extracurricular seductions brought into my perspective to answer the question of what makes a man profoundly attractive?


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