Thursday 27 August 2020

Here's Why You Have a Crush on That Girl – And How to Move Forward

have a crush
Crushing is the result of inaction. You have a crush on that girl because you never made a move. Want to escape that perpetual “what if” state with her? Here’s how.

Whether you’re in high school, college, or the world of work, one phenomenon repeats in most guys’ lives — the crush. You are enchanted by a classmate or co-worker, and you develop feelings for her. But why this girl, and not somebody else? And why do you get those feelings in the first place?

Let’s explore some solutions to the crush problem (and yes, it is a problem). It’s exacerbated in this day and age by social media and dating apps that place sex “everywhere.” Sadly, for many guys, it’s just out of reach.


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