I've been seeing a bit more lately of guys scratching their heads and asking, "How do I do XYZ thing?" and not really getting it.
So I wanted to start an ongoing series (like Tactics Tuesdays and Secrets to Getting Girls) that gives basic advice on how to develop uncommon-but-useful skills and abilities.
Today the focus is on moving things along (escalating) despite women's objections.
If a woman objects to things you say you want her to come do with you, will you still find a way to do them, or will you give up?
Backing off, redirecting, or biding your time can be an okay strategy sometimes. But other times, it's a seduction death knell.
A good seducer knows when to push as well as when to back off and let the woman come to him.
And right now, we'll take a close look at the former.
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