There's this myth in male corners of the Internet that to not end up whipped, walked on, and cuckolded by women you've just got to be 'strong'.
If you can be strong enough, women will respect your strength and not cuck you.
And while strength of frame is one of the most important elements in a man's character (and thus, his ability to retain his women), this alone is not nearly enough.
The unpleasant fact is this: every day, in every part of the world, women are cuckolding strong men.
Many a man, overconfident in his strength, walks into relationships where wily women gain the upper hand over him, whip him (also called 'betaizing' him), or cuckold him.
Hubris, the downfall of many a hero in the old Greek tragedies, causes the fall of these men too.
Yet the fate of these men is avoidable for you.
All it takes is a little humility... a little more self-awareness... and a healthy dose of self-control.
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