Sunday 25 October 2020

The Problem with Direct Game, Pt 2: Killing All the Intrigue

direct game problemsShe might've liked you. But go too direct, and you sap all the intrigue (and hence, the FUN for her) out of the seduction… right along with your chances.

Hey guys. Welcome back.

Last week I discussed some widespread problems with direct game. We saw that by giving women too much attention, direct game over-validates them.

Whereas men seek validation through getting laid, women seek it through obtaining sexual attention – knowing they have managed to win a guy’s compliance.

When a guy is using direct game, he gives a woman exactly what she wants. And for this reason, the dating market can seem flawed and unfair – because women get what they want (mostly for free) from men, while men don’t.

Men can achieve balance when they are more careful in giving away the attention women crave so much.

Some of you may think giving women what they want will seduce them and make them compliant to you. Well, not so.

Consider the following:

  • Would you be more compliant to someone who had something you wanted and gave it away for free right away in abundance?

  • Or would you be more compliant to someone who had something you wanted and didn’t give it to you straight away, making you work for it?

The second scenario makes you most compliant. Since you have to work to get it, you are compliant to that person. That person will control the frame.

This is how seduction works, and this frame is acquired only through indirect and not direct game. Direct game is the former, and indirect game is the latter. And the primary resource women seek is attention.


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