Monday, 30 November 2020

15 Cheating Husband Quotes And Sayings

Cheating Husband Quotes Karma will come for you for what you did. You may have left me for another woman, but know that no one else would devote to you…

The post 15 Cheating Husband Quotes And Sayings appeared first on Events Greetings.

The First Text to a Girl: 19 Flirty Examples to Leave Her Smiling

You want to text her, but don’t know where to start? Here are all the perfect examples you can use in your first text to a girl and get her to flirt back with you!

Finally! You’ve managed to get the number of that cute girl you like. You play it cool and wait a few days to get in touch. But, when the time is just right, you simply can’t think of the right words. The first text to a girl seems like a daunting task. Where do you begin? What if you say something corny? What if you go wrong somewhere? What if you come across as a bore?! Gasp!

We have all been there – when you want to devise the perfect text for a girl to grab her attention, make her sit up and take notice, give her butterflies, and make her heart melt.

[Read: How to text a girl for the first time and leave a great impression]

There are so many different strategies you can use in your first text to a girl, and only you will know which one will suit her. Only you can decide how you want to be perceived!

Do you want to seduce her? Do you want to make her laugh? Do you want to romance her? Do you want to play it cool?

Your first text to a girl will set the standard for what she will come to expect from you. Everything from your greeting, to using emojis, to how many kisses you put at the end *or whether to put kisses at all* will have a direct effect on whether or not you get the response you want. [Read: 15 rules to impress a girl in your very first text]

The first text to a girl – The perfect examples to guide you

So, with this in mind, we have come up with an extensive list of great texts that you can use in your first text to a girl. If you need some inspiration, just take a look at the list below and pick one that you like – it’s as easy as that!

#1 Hey girl, want to know a secret? This first text is great, it’s fun, a little bit mysterious, and will have her intrigued from the beginning. When she responds *which she almost certainly will,* you can say something cute and funny like, “I met this great girl the other day, and I think I have a crush on her.” [Read: 20 sexy text messages to start a sexy conversation]

#2 Hey, sorry I just found this number on my phone – not sure who it is? This is a clever little text to send when you are trying to figure out ways to frame the first text to a girl. And if you are not confident she will reply, then this is the one for you. Playing it cool can be a great way to entice your lady in.

If it seems like you’ve forgotten about her, she’ll be determined to make you remember. When she tells you who it is, make sure you sound pleased – you don’t want to play it so cool that you put her off altogether.

#3 Oh my gosh, will you stop texting me already… this is getting ridiculous! Obviously, this text is a little tongue-in-cheek, and should only be sent if you haven’t heard from her. She’ll know you’re kidding and that you have a good sense of humor, which is a huge bonus. [Read: Sexy, naughty texting games to have fun all night long]

#4 Let’s switch roles. You’re me, I’m you. What would you do to make me say yes to a date? Again, this is a cute and funny way to show that you are interested. It’s teasing her, and complimenting her, and being pretty straightforward too! You like her, you want to ask her out, and you want to know how to make that happen!

#5 What’s your favorite drink? When you are trying to figure out the first text to a girl, keep it simple but to the point with this one. When she tells you what it is, then respond by saying you know a great bar that specializes in *insert her favorite drink here* and then ask her out on a date.

#6 Oh my goodness, the most amazing thing happened to me today! I can’t actually believe it, I was walking down the street and… Cut your text off halfway through, and make it sound like you have something super exciting to tell her.

And when she replies asking what it is, tell her you’ll only give her the rest if she agrees to go out with you! [Read: 50 flirty text messages that are sure to make her smile]

#7 I like you, when can we hang out? This is a simple, honest, and direct approach with your first text to a girl. If your girl prefers to be straightforward and hates games, then this text will go down as a treat.

#8 I think you are really pretty, I’d love to take you out sometime, when are you free? Giving her a sweet compliment without being too forceful or sexual is a great way to start.

She’ll feel flattered and trust that you are a nice guy. She’ll know that you’re not just after sex, so she will be more likely to say yes to you and see how it goes.

#9 As much as I love having a text conversation, perhaps it’s time we meet face-to-face? If you don’t know what to text her, but want to sound super cool and direct in your first text to a girl, use this. Just bite the bullet and ask her out, plain and simple. [Read: What to text a girl – All the dos, don’ts and secrets to know]

#10 I have been thinking about you all day and I can’t stop thinking about you. Letting a girl know that she is on your mind is both flattering and romantic. So if you have been daydreaming about her, then be sure to let her know. Don’t forget about this simple, yet effective, strategy that’s daring and bold for a very first text to a girl.

#11 Tell me your perfect date. Go straight ahead and ask her out. Get her to describe her perfect date, and then take her on it. You’ll know she’ll love the gesture – trying to get everything absolutely perfect for her will go down as another treat. This is one of the best strategies for a first text to a girl if you’re totally interested in dating her.

#12 Want to come on a secret tour of *insert city/ place you live?* This text will be intriguing and show that you know how to have fun. Exploring the city in which you live with someone who can show you new places *or secret venues you never knew existed* can be really fun. [Read: How to text flirt with a friend]

#13 Me and my friends are hanging out at *insert venue* later tonight. Just wondering if you wanted to join us? This is a great first text to use if you want to keep it casual. Let her know that you are bringing friends along, and the group situation will put less pressure on her.

So if she just wants to see how it goes without the expectations that go with a 1:1 date, then she’ll be way more likely to agree. This is a low-risk strategy for a first text to a girl who’s given you her number.

#14 You make me nervous. If you want to be cute, tell her she makes you nervous – it will make her melt. This approach to a first text gives her a little bit of control and power but tells her what a serious effect she is having on you *which is sure to make her smile.*

#15 I saw this and thought of you. Take a picture of something funny or romantic, or pick an interesting and funny meme and send it to her. It’s a casual and fun start without the pressure of using words in the first text! [Read: How to talk to your crush and make them fall for you]

#17 Do you believe in love at first sight? Or should we meet again? OK, so cheesy lines aren’t everyone’s cup of tea. But if you do them in a cheeky way so she knows that you are joking with her *rather than being sleazy or serious,* then she’ll find it funny and pretty attractive too!

#18 What are you doing RIGHT NOW? If you want to be super spontaneous, then why not text a girl and see if she is free straight away? Make sure you have something fun and silly planned if she is free. It could be a picnic in the park, a game of hide and seek, tickets to a gig or sports game – anything you can think of!

#19 Look who is dying to meet you *picture of a puppy.* When she asks if it is yours, you can just say “no, but I knew it would get you talking!” It’s a fun way to tease her, and she will appreciate the joke. [Read: 30 Hot sexting examples to start a naughty text marathon]

When figuring out what to write in the first text to a girl, it is all about keeping it light and casual. The less time you spend texting, the more time you can spend getting to know her in real life. And surely that is what is most important!

The post The First Text to a Girl: 19 Flirty Examples to Leave Her Smiling is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

25 Emotional Goodbye Message For Boyfriend

Goodbye Message For Boyfriend I’ll cherish every moment that we spent together. You were loved, and you’ll always be loved. My love for you will never change even when we…

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Are You a Giver Who’s Feeling Unappreciated in a Relationship?

Sometimes your desire to please your partner can lead to an imbalance in your relationship. Learn how to stop feeling unappreciated in a relationship.

Relationships should be a two-way street, but it is not always the case. Most of us like to do things for our partner. Sometimes that kindness leads to expectation. And once that starts, it becomes a pattern near impossible to break. The good thing is that you can learn to take a stand and understand how to stop feeling unappreciated in a relationship.

As I always say, each and every relationship is different. So, depending on the deeper issues at hand, feeling unappreciated in a relationship will come down to you or your partner’s behavior.

Why are you feeling unappreciated in a relationship?

Before getting into why you feel appreciated, figure out if it is actually the case. Sometimes it feels like your partner doesn’t see all that you do for them, but they may show their appreciation in a different way than you. [Read: 18 critical signs of a clearly unhealthy relationship]

Maybe they do not come right out and say thank you or do something romantic, but they show their love in other ways. Maybe they fix things around the house or make dinner regularly.

You may show love by being there for your partner emotionally or picking up their slack when they are busy. Instead of returning the favor so to speak, they show their love and appreciation in a different way.

I am not saying this is okay or that feeling unappreciated in a relationship isn’t worth a talk. Your feelings are 100% valid and deserving of a conversation. [Read: 15 strong ways to stop being taken for granted by the ones you love]

Fix the feeling of being unappreciated just by letting your partner know that you feel like they don’t see what you do or don’t appreciate it. From there, they can start to change their behavior.

If you need them to say thank you or show their appreciation in a specific way, let them know what you need. There is a good chance they do not even know you are feeling this way. Sometimes all that is needed in this situation is to share your feelings with your partner.

Remember, we are not mind readers, so if you want your partner to pick up on something or change their behavior, speak up. [Read: How to become a better communicator in your relationship]

What you need to do when you’re feeling unappreciated in a relationship

Other than speaking up and talking to your partner about how you’re feeling, there are a few other ways to deal with feeling unappreciated in a relationship. You do not need to be sneaky or subtle or follow a bunch of steps.

All you need to do is know your worth and demand the respect and appreciation you deserve. It sounds difficult, but you can do it, trust me, I did.

One of my longest relationships was full of me feeling unappreciated and being taken for granted. I was overlooked, not considered, everything I did went without a thank you, but with an expectation. I felt like crap, to be honest, but the reason it went on for so long was because I let it. [Read: 16 reasons why people find it easy to take you for granted]

Instead of speaking up for myself and knowing my worth, I wanted to please my partner no matter what it put me through or how it made me feel. I thought this was just how it was. Maybe one day, he would step up and see all I did for him. But, that day never came.

Instead, I took a stand and recognized my worth. I started to respect myself. And I knew I deserved a partner who didn’t take me for granted but instead appreciated everything I did and did things for me. And I stopped doing those things for my partner.

It was a hard pattern to break, but ultimately I did, and it was so worth it. Now I can help you do the same. [Read: How to stop being a doormat and feel in control again]

#1 Gain self-respect. I know, it is not that simple. It sounds easier than it is. And it does not happen in an epiphany or overnight. For some, it requires therapy. Others gain self-respect from their friends and family showing them their worth and others need to do it alone.

Find our path and take it. Try not to hesitate. No matter how your partner or relationship makes you feel, you are worth more. You deserve to be happy and know that all the effort you put in is being seen.

This is not the best you can do. Feeling unappreciated in a relationship sucks and is not better than being single. Being single and respecting yourself for making the healthy choice may be a shock at first, but in the long run, it is what is best for you and your self-esteem. [Read: How to stop loving someone else and love yourself more!]

#2 Be confident. Do not just act confident. Sure, sometimes faking it until you make it is the way to go, but actually build up your confidence. Often we let ourselves fall into the pattern of feeling unappreciated in a relationship because we lack the confidence to speak up.

We don’t believe that we are capable of standing our ground and demanding respect from anyone, especially our partner. Show yourself that you’re worthy. And show your partner that you will not stand for this while still letting them know you love them. [Read: How your self respect affects all the relationships in your life]

Let them know you feel like they don’t see all you do. You need them to pick up their slack. Let them know that this relationship feels one-sided. It feels like you are carrying it and that won’t slide anymore.

It seems harsh, but you can do it. [Read: How to build your confidence and realize you are worth it]

#3 Just say no. Again, it sounds so simple. But, this is how the pattern breaks. A conversation can improve things for a while. Your self-respect and confidence are what get you here and move you forward. Saying no is what changes everything.

Sure you can say a lot, but until you show your partner that you will not be put up with being unappreciated, there is a good chance their behavior won’t change or won’t change for long.

So, as hard as it can be and as rash as it can seem, stop doing all you do. Stop waiting to eat dinner because you are waiting for your partner to get home. Don’t bail them out. Stop going out of your way. Say no when they ask you to do something they never say thank you for.

Just stop it all. Wait until it hits them that they need to step up to deserve all you do. And if they are not willing to meet you halfway, move on without them. 

[Read: How to get out of a toxic relationship with your dignity intact]

When it comes to knowing how to stop feeling unappreciated in a relationship, it all comes down to how you see yourself and what you are willing to put up with.

The post Are You a Giver Who’s Feeling Unappreciated in a Relationship? is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

Holding Hands Quotes & Sayings To Strong The Bond

Sometimes there is no act better than that of holding hands with the one you love and reading some holding hands quotes. The first time you hold someone’s hand is…

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25 Short And Funny Friendship Quotes For Friends

Funny friendship quotes are all about this wonderful relation everyone is ambitious for. If there’s one relationship that you can count on forever, it’s a good old friend. Less complicated…

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Showing Intent Without Showing Your Intentions

showing intentIt is possible for you to display intent to a woman without giving away your intentions, so that she may still have room to chase you. You just need the right approach.

Hey guys, and welcome back.

I have been focusing on indirect game lately. I know many of you have enjoyed the series from the feedback I’ve received via PM on the forums. This always makes me grateful.

Others pointed out that the series has not included enough practical examples showing the execution of the techniques. I can’t write an A–Z guide detailing every step of how I run indirect game; that would require me to write a long book sharing all my game. However, I can share a report that exemplifies how I run this.

As usual, this series is becoming slightly longer than anticipated, but I’m the kind of guy who needs to cover every aspect before feeling comfortable moving on. I do the same with my students. I do not move onto their next sticking point to tackle until concepts are hammered down.

And this is what I intend to do with this series. I will try to keep things as fresh and exciting as possible.

Today’s subject relates to indirect game but more precisely, to the questions surrounding communicating and conveying your intentions to women.

Many proponents of direct game claim that communicating your intentions to a woman is key as it sets a “man meeting woman” frame, helping her know what the interaction is about and cutting the crap. It helps set a seduction frame. I see nothing wrong with this. It is obviously a good frame!

But if you have been paying attention to my series on indirect game, you may have heard me say:

  • “Be indirect”

  • “Don’t display your intentions”

  • “Don’t communicate intent directly”

And these hold true, although there is a caveat.

This caveat is what I want to discuss today: showing your intentions is not necessarily bad. You can run indirect game and still display your intentions, and potentially reap all the benefits that follow:

It is a question of what intentions you convey and how. These nuances are what we will cover today in this post.

What type of intentions should you communicate? How should you communicate them? And ultimately, how does this fit into the broader view of indirect game (and what would differentiate it from a “direct game” variant)?

This post will serve as both a theoretical and practical guide. Let’s jump into it.

Sunday, 29 November 2020

30 Good Morning Tuesday Wishes And Blessing With Images

Good Morning Tuesday is a wish that can make your loved one’s day special. Every day comes with a new opportunity, and chances for you to achieve your goals. When…

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How to Get Rid of False Guilt & Drop the Burden Others Put On You

We’re under a lot of pressure which can create false guilt inside of us. It’s time to learn how to get rid of false guilt with these 12 useful strategies.

There are two types of guilt: false and true guilt. And there’s a big difference between the two. Understanding how to leverage true guilt and how to get rid of false guilt will help us live happier lives.

True guilt is a feeling we have when we harm other people. Whereas, false guilt are negative feelings triggered by not living up to standards that are out of our control or unrealistic. For example, the feeling of guilt because we cannot afford a fancy apartment or that we’re not good enough for our parents. That is false guilt. You’re not able to control the situation around you, and that triggers false guilt.

False guilt is a form of mental suffering as you’re experiencing feelings that aren’t appropriate. Why are you feeling guilt over a situation you can’t control? It’s a question you need to ask yourself and reflect on.

[Read: How to make life easier and go from exhausted to effortless]

The 12 best strategies to know how to get rid of false guilt

As you reflect, use these strategies to help you move past false guilt. Life is hard enough, and the last thing you need is more pressure on yourself for no reason. So, let’s talk about the ways to get rid of false guilt.

It’s time to learn how to get rid false guilt.

#1 Own your feelings. If there’s one thing you shouldn’t do, it’s suppress your feelings of guilt. Yes, you’re feeling guilty, but don’t push it down. Instead, own your feelings. See where they’re coming from and go through them. They’re only feelings; trying to process them can’t hurt you. [Read: How to recognize the physical and emotional signs of a guilty conscience]

#2 Stop with the “I should have.” I should have, you should have, we all should have. But you know what? We didn’t. You can be self-critical to a point, but if you’re thinking, “I should have…” you’re opening yourself up for self-judgment, which limits your growth. You can’t change the past. [Read: The art of not giving a shit – 15 ways to stop caring so much]

#3 Acknowledge the truth. You need to acknowledge the truth of your guilt. Look at the situation at face value, and acknowledge what really happened. Put your self-critic to the side, and try to look at the situation without bias. This may help you see the situation for what it is, rather than what you think it is.

#4 Are you being manipulated and blamed? Where is your guilt coming from? What are the pressures you’re feeling, and where is the source? Is someone you know blaming or manipulating you? If so, is what they’re saying to you reasonable?

#5 Practice positive affirmations. You need some self-love. It’s time to change your mentality and look at the positives in life. Every morning when you wake up, say positive affirmations. Tell yourself about the good things you have in life and what you’re grateful for. [Read: How to be chill and learn to lead a happier life as a result]

#6 Start a journal. If you have false guilt inside of you, it’s time to release it. How? By journaling. Grab a journal and write down how you’ve been feeling. This can help you not only see your progress, but also see on paper what you’re thinking about. 

#7 Learn from the situation. Though you can’t change the past, you can learn from it. That’s really the mentality you should go into the future with. Now, you have some knowledge and experience. So, for the future, learn from your past and avoid making similar mistakes. [Read: 10 ways your negative thinking is ruining your life]

#8 It’s quality, not quantity. You need to change the mindset from “should” to focusing on what you’re doing in your life right now and appreciate your time doing it. If you feel guilty about not seeing your family, make time to see them. This is your chance to be more mindful.

#9 Accept the situation for what it is. It is what it is. You can dwell on the situation and let false guilt consume you, or you can see the situation for what it is and focus on finding a solution. Since you’re reading this, you know it’s time for a change.

#10 Shift the attention. The feeling of guilt isn’t something new; we all feel guilty. But you have the power to control how you choose to respond to the feeling of guilt. You can use guilt to bring attention to something you need to act differently on. But if not, shift your attention to something else.

#11 Forgive yourself. If you want to release false guilt within yourself, then forgive yourself. This part is about self-care and deciding to move forward with your life. You don’t need your guilt to control your life anymore. [Read: How to stop self-destructive behavior for good]

#12 Learn your boundaries. We all have our own personal boundaries. For example, if your partner teases you, and it’s creating guilt inside you, you need to set the limits. This will protect yourself and also help the people around you understand your limits.

[Read: How to set personal boundaries and guide other people to respect them]

Everyone experiences guilt; we’re all human. But if you follow these tips, you’ll be able to learn how to get rid of false guilt you carry around inside.

The post How to Get Rid of False Guilt & Drop the Burden Others Put On You is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

12 Biggest Signs Your Friend Is a User & Doesn’t Care About You

Nobody wants to admit their friend is only around when it suits them. But understanding the signs your friend is a user can save you from heartache.

Friendships are sacred. When you have a friend you can truly trust, they’re your ride or die, the one who’s always there for you, and the one who you would do anything for. However, not all friendships are quite so positive, so recognizing these signs your friend is a user helps you weed out the good from the bad.

Think about your friendship pool. How many true friends do you have? By true, I mean how many friends can you count upon no matter what? It’s likely that it’s in the single numbers, or maybe you can count them on one hand. For me, I can count them on two fingers, but you know what? It’s quality over quantity in my eyes.

[Read: Do you have fair weather friends who don’t truly care about you?]

Signs your friend is a user and you need to cut them out of your circle

Learning how to spot a user is key. There is no space for such behavior in a friendship but unfortunately it can and does happen.

It’s sad, but learning the signs your friend is a user can spare you the heartache over the long term. And it allows you to focus your time and attention on the real friends you can truly count upon.

#1 They’re only ever interested in what they can get. A true friend isn’t interested in what they’re getting out of you, they’re simply interested in being around you and spending time together. If you have a friend that only has one aim in mind, you can guarantee they’re a user and should change your focus towards those who really care. [Read: 15 signs a friend is using you and draining the happiness out of you]

#2 If you have a problem, they’re never really there for you. A true friend can be counted upon in a crisis. While you shouldn’t expect them to bend over backwards and drop everything, they will be there for you as much as they can be.

However, if a particular friend simply doesn’t seem to show an interest in your troubles, you can guarantee they’re only interested in the positive things they can get out of you. It’s one of the big signs your friend is a user, unfortunately.

#3 You only ever hear from them when they need something. It’s likely that the only time they call you is when they want something. It’s frustrating, isn’t it? Friends should spend time around each other during good and bad times and everything in between.

But if your so-called friend is absent whenever everything is going well for them, you can pretty much guarantee they’re fair weather at best. [Read: One-sided friendships – 15 clear signs it’s time to cut them loose]

#4 Everything is on their terms only. They will only meet you at a certain time, in a certain place, on a certain day. Does that sound familiar? If so, it’s one of the signs your friend is a user, and they’re only focused on themselves.

Friendships are about give and take. You should have an equal say in when and where you meet, what you do, and what you talk about. If there’s no equality to it, they’re using you, and it’s a toxic friendship.

#5 They do just enough to keep you there. Users aren’t stupid. They’re pretty clever when they need to be. That means they will do the bare minimum they need to keep you around. They know that if they let it slip too much, you’re going to lose interest in them and move on. But if they do just enough, you’ll always entertain them when they come calling. Be on the lookout for it, as it’s one of the biggest signs your friend is a user. [Read: Narcissistic relationship pattern – The 7 stages you have to constantly play]

#6 If they had to answer questions about you, they wouldn’t know what to say. They don’t really know you because they’ve never been interested enough to find out about you. Of course, they know enough to trick you into thinking they’re a true friend. If they were really pushed on knowing about you, they’d struggle to come up with the answers.

#7 They talk about you behind your back. Untrue friends never have your back and will always chat about you with others. A true friend will never do this and will stick up for you whether you’re there or not. It’s one of the signs your friend is a user. They’re simply not true. [Read: 16 reasons why people find it so easy to take you for granted]

#8 They only hang out with you when it makes them look good. Perhaps you’re going to a certain place, and they have a crush on one of the staff. In that case, they want to go with you but if you choose to go somewhere else, they’re not interested. As mentioned, it’s everything on their terms. If it doesn’t suit their agenda, they’re not going to make an effort. [Read: Selfish friends – They take so much and give nothing in return]

#9 They don’t respond well to not getting what they want. A great way to test a user is to just refuse to do what they want and see how they respond. If they’re not using you or they’re simply trying to be a little cheeky, they’ll shrug and carry on. It won’t affect how they treat you. However, if they’re using you and you refuse to conform, they’re likely to become annoyed, aggressive, or even pushy with you.

The aim here is to make you back down and change your mind. Don’t do it! It’s one of the biggest signs your friend is a user and you should take note.

#10 They’re always in charge. Do you usually get a say in anything when you meet up? Probably not. In that case, you’re dealing with a friend who has a total agenda, and it’s nothing to do with being true to you. Again, they’re all out for what they can get and using you to get it. [Read: How to recognize a fake best friend before you get betrayed or hurt]

#11 They know exactly what to do to manipulate you. Users are pretty smart sometimes, despite their intentions being shady. They know enough about you to know how to get you to do what they want. Sad, but true.

They’re excellent manipulators and often use passive aggressive behavior or the silent treatment when you don’t do what they want. Of course, they hope that you’re going to change your mind, but it’s time to wise up! [Read: How to spot manipulative people and stop being the victim!]

#12 They have no idea about boundaries. A user is likely to call you 50 times if you don’t pick up. They want to know why you’re not dropping everything for them, because in their mind, their call is more important than anything else. They’re also likely to call you when you’re with your other friends or even out on a date. They want to push themselves to the front of your mind and keep your focus on them.

How many of these signs your friend is a user can you spot in your friendships? Perhaps you already have a friend in mind, and you’re using this list as confirmation. Maybe you’re not sure and just learning. Either way, having a user in your friendship circle is damaging and something you must act upon. How? Kick them out!

[Read: Do you have selfish friends in your life? Why they take so much while giving nothing in return]

Understanding the signs your friend is a user means that you can turn your attention to the important things in your life. Let them take their using ways elsewhere!

The post 12 Biggest Signs Your Friend Is a User & Doesn’t Care About You is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

40 Quotes About Being Strong-Stay Strong Quotes

If you are at a difficult phase of your life and need some motivation to move forward, here are some quotes about being strong. Sometimes life gets hard, and you…

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25 Refreshing Good Evening Quotes And Wishes

Good evening quotes are all about making a day’s end very special and summing it up on good notes. Do you remember the time we used to send time greeting…

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Don't Ask Girls for Permission; Seduce Them Instead

don't ask girls for permissionThe guys who get what they want with women aren't asking for permission. And women don't want them to ask for it, either.

Hey guys, welcome back!

In this article we’re going to explore the question of whether or not guys should ask girls for permission regarding what they’re allowed to do.

We’ll start by touching on how girls view and treat sexy guys (i.e., you after lots of self-improvement).

Then we’ll do an exercise in future projection (if you’re not there already) where I will invite you to imagine how a man with a strong frame would deal with the most sexually attractive women... were he in the process of seducing them into his boudoir.

We’ll touch on the importance of setting sexual frames as soon as possible.

And finally we’ll talk about how you can pretty much do anything you want with a girl, sexually speaking, without needing to directly ask her for permission -- provided you read her correctly and present yourself congruently.

(that last bit is important. You must be able to read women appropriately

Saturday, 28 November 2020

Why You’re Feeling Lonely in a Relationship & What to Do About It

Loneliness is difficult because it makes you feel so isolated. But, honestly, is there anything worse than feeling lonely in a relationship?

Feeling lonely makes every other feeling worse. It makes sadness sadder and happiness not as happy. But feeling lonely in a relationship is an added burden.

When you feel alone, you are closed off. You don’t have the connection you once had or crave. Companionship is a human desire. And when you’re in a relationship, that closeness is part of the territory.

So, when you’re feeling lonely in a relationship, that lonely feels even worse than loneliness when you’re single. In fact, you can feel more lonely in a relationship than when you are single. This is because you crave that connection even more knowing that person is there but just not within your grasp.

[Read: Why the relationship rut is so common and how to fix it]

Are you feeling lonely in a relationship?

Being alone and feeling lonely are not the same. Being alone does not always come with loneliness. You can be alone and feel fulfilled with self-love, awareness, and comfort.

Loneliness can be felt whether you are physically and emotionally alone or surrounded by people and connections. So, which are you feeling? Are you truly lonely? It isn’t that you aren’t in the company of others, but that company is not providing you with an adequate connection.

If you feel like you are carrying your stress only on your shoulders, if you feel that you take on the weight of the world without help, you may very well be feeling lonely. And if you are in a relationship, there is something missing.

[Read: Here is what to do when you need to reconnect with your partner]

But that thing can come from any and all directions. Loneliness is not simply a product of a rut, your partner being busy or you isolating yourself. Feeling lonely in a relationship can be caused by many things, and until those things are faced, combating loneliness will feel impossible.

Why are you feeling lonely in a relationship?

This part is hard. It is like therapy. It can take a long time to come to terms with what has led to your current emotional state. We tend to bury these things deep inside, and even if we uncover the beginning, it can take a while to dig deep and do the work to feel better.

But, with that, trying to figure out why you’re feeling lonely in a relationship is a great first step to fix things. Before you blame your partner’s long workdays or your recent lack of intimacy, take a deeper look.

#1 Are you letting yourself be vulnerable? Are you open to connecting or are your fears of getting hurt closing you off? Whether you’ve been hurt in the past or by your partner, fear can prevent you from leaning into the relationship. That can leave you feeling lonely because you aren’t willing to take that risk. [Read: What does it mean to be more vulnerable in a relationship and how to open up]

#2 Does your partner shut down when they’re upset? If your partner’s response to stress is to recede but yours is to talk it out, it can feel very isolating.

#3 Are you keeping a secret or avoiding certain conversations? Avoiding something small like running into an ex or overspending on something can create a much bigger web of lies and leave you feeling separate from your partner.

#4 Do you communicate your feelings with your partner? Both the good and the bad?

#5 Are you trying to fix your partner? Do you try to control them? If so, that lack of control can leave you feeling invalid because your connection isn’t authentic. [Read: How to make your partner better – is it something you should be doing?]

#6 Do you avoid arguments and disagreements? Trying to keep things peachy and nice is not what makes you feel connected. If you swallow down your feelings and opinions, it only distances your relationship even further.

#7 Do you connect when the opportunities arise? If something comes up where you can truly be there for each other, do you? Whether you have something to celebrate or mourn, do you take that time together?

#8 Are you both intentional with your interactions? You should be able to feel at ease around your partner, but putting in the effort to care about how the other feels, it gives intention to your behavior. Without it, you essentially become roommates.

#9 Are you having fun more often than you’re opening up? Keeping things fun and exciting is great for a relationship, but if you focus more on traveling and new activities than you do on your connection, that fun won’t prevent loneliness.

#10 Are you feeling happy? Could you be struggling with depression, anxiety, or another mental illness? These things require the intervention of a professional but can help you get back on track. [Read: How to know if you’re emotionally numb and how to find your way out of it]

#11 Do you connect physically but in no other ways? Or vice versa? Only focusing on one aspect of your relationship can leave you feeling alone or rejected by others.

#12 Do you and your partner judge each other’s feelings and reactions? Judging your partner because they don’t react to things the same as you, can close them off to sharing and vice versa. When you stop sharing your feelings, you lose the connection.

#13 Do you rely on your partner for validation? If your partner is there to fill a void of loneliness, that feeling will never go away. If you are together so you aren’t alone, feeling lonely in a relationship will linger.

#14 Are either you or your partner ill, overwhelmed, or overworked? These things can put great pressure on a relationship and take over the connection you share. They are often temporary and can be worked through.

Any and all of these can be what is causing you to feel lonely in a relationship. If any of these hit home for you, try to focus on that. What has lead to that behavior? Have you talked about it? Can you bring it up with your partner?

What to do if you’re feeling lonely in a relationship

If you are feeling lonely in a relationship due to any of the previously mentioned reasonsyou are not alone. A good portion of people in long-term relationships feel lonely now and again. It is a perfectly normal feeling, as long as it is worked through.

Without intervention, feeling lonely in a relationship can take over. If you want to know what to do about feeling lonely in a relationship, you can take these steps together with your partner to reconnect.

#1 Be vulnerable. Willing to let your guard down and share your true feelings is the first step in fighting the feeling of loneliness in a relationship. If you can’t have an open and honest discussion, it will be very difficult to feel like you’re together.

#2 Stop judging. Talking with your partner should be a safe space. You should both listen to each other and take turns sharing. See things from the other’s perspective instead of shutting them down. [Read: Here’s how to become a better listener in your relationship]

#3 Feel all your feelings. If you can’t face your feelings, how will you face them together? Feel afraid of being hurt. Feel lonely and feel weak. All these things need to be felt in order to be worked through.

#4 Learn from one another. You should always be open to learning from each other. Don’t just hear what the other has to say, but listen. Understand what they mean.

#5 Compromise. Meeting halfway shows you’re in this together. When you stop compromising in a relationship, it becomes selfish. When you are willing to meet each other in the middle, it is clear you both want that connection.

#6 Make time. Make time to talk, laugh, and have fun. If communicating is becoming difficult for you, take baby steps to reinstate your connection. Go on dates. Try new things that break you out of your comfort zone. Work together on a project. [Read: 14 signs you’re getting too comfortable with each other]

#7 Talk about why you’re scared of getting hurt. Tell your partner how you feel. Don’t blame them or accuse them. Let them know that you are not accusing them, just sharing how you feel and that you want to work on it together.

#8 Don’t compare your relationship. Don’t compare this relationship to a past relationship, to the couples you see online, or anything else. What this does is drives a wedge in your connection for no reason. You could have a wonderful relationship but see an online couple doing more and then think yours isn’t enough when it is.

#9 Identify a pattern. Is feeling lonely in a relationship a pattern for you? Do you tend to pull away from your partner at a certain point? When the excitement and newness wear off, do you find it hard to keep the spark alive? If so, you may have some work to do on your own or with a therapist about your emotional patterns.

#10 Break from loneliness when you’re alone. When you’re alone at home or in the car, try to fill that time. Instead of focusing on your state, enjoy that time. The cure for loneliness isn’t constant company. Spending all your free time with your partner won’t fix things. [Read: I feel lonely: Here are 30 ways to overcome those feelings]

#12 See a couples’ counselor. If you are trying to work together to overcome feeling lonely in a relationship but can’t seem to break through the walls or open up how you wish, visit a couples’ counselor.

This unbiased third party can offer techniques for you and your partner to admit the truth to each other and try to come through this time.

[Read: Considering relationship therapy? How to know if it is right for you]

Feeling lonely in a relationship is isolating, but it doesn’t have to last. Start with small steps, and follow these steps to change your mindset and your life.

The post Why You’re Feeling Lonely in a Relationship & What to Do About It is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

30 Happy Ramadan Wishes-Ramadan Greetings

Happy Ramadan wishes are commonly exercised among Muslims. Ramadan is that time of the year where Muslims all over the world fast from sunrise till dawn for 30 days before…

The post 30 Happy Ramadan Wishes-Ramadan Greetings appeared first on Events Greetings.

Friday, 27 November 2020

Should I Block My Ex or Not? How to Decide What’s Best for You

“Should I block my ex” is a question many of us have asked ourselves at some point, but is it necessary? Well, it depends…

When a relationship ends, there is a lot to consider. Changes are inevitable when your partner becomes your ex. Your entire routine is shaken up, and it might leave you questioning, should I block my ex or not?

You may not see them anymore, but opening up Instagram or Facebook and seeing them out and about can trigger a lot of emotions. Not just that, but having an ex text or reach out to you can limit your chances of meaningfully moving on.

Blocking an ex can seem excessive. Whether you were hoping to keep things cordial or even wanted to be friends eventually, blocking someone can seem cruel. But, things aren’t always as they seem.

If you’re wondering, should I block my ex, you may have a good reason for doing so.

[Read: Should I talk to my ex? The revealing questions you should consider]

Why are you thinking about blocking your ex?

The fact that you clicked on this article and made it this far tells me you’re thinking about blocking your ex. And you’re not thinking that out of the blue. If you’re considering blocking your ex, you probably have a reason. So, why are you thinking about it?

Do you simply want to distance yourself from them? Is it hard to see them on social media? Do you want to cut all ties? Maybe they continue to reach out to you or post cryptic things about your breakup. Or maybe you’re afraid you’ll reach out to them if you have access.

[Read: The 10 stages of a breakup and how to get through every single one of them]

All of these reasons are valid. But, do you want to block your ex because you can’t face them? Did you hurt them and can’t give them closure? Do you still need to stay in touch because you share finances, children, or a group of friends?

All of these things are involved in communicating with your ex. So, before hitting that button, think about your reasoning behind wanting to cut them off. Do you want to cut them off to live a healthier lifestyle? Will blocking your ex be good for you or is it something you are doing out of spite or anger?

[Read: Like ghosting and blocking? Prepare yourself for these 10 consequences]

Should I block my ex?

Personally, I’ve never blocked an ex. Why? It wasn’t because I didn’t think about it. It also wasn’t because it wouldn’t be good for me. It was because blocking isn’t permanent.

If I needed to block my ex to stop myself from looking at their profile or stop myself from responding to their texts, I knew that wouldn’t stop me. Just because you block someone, it doesn’t mean you can’t undo that.

It is the same as deleting an ex’s number. Sure it may make it harder to reach out. but chances are, you memorized that number or have another way of getting in touch. If you block your ex but have a moment of weakness when you want to look at the profile, you can unblock them and do so.

What I find more helpful is unfriending them or hiding their posts. It is not immature or juvenile to unfriend an ex on social media.

In fact, it is the smart thing to do. It will help you move on without them being at the forefront of your mind. If you want to stay friends online but need time to avoid seeing them while you get over the breakup, hiding their posts is a great way to do that without being active about it.

[Read: How to set boundaries in your life and take control]

This helps prevent random posts from showing up but doesn’t feel as intense as blocking. Plus, it won’t send them the wrong message. If you block your ex, they may go looking for your profile and when they don’t see it, they’ll know you blocked them.

If that is a concern of yours, hiding their posts is a great way to avoid them without making a statement.

But there is another reason to block your ex; if they keep reaching out to you. When you’ve gone through a breakup for any reason, you deserve to move forward.

Whether your ex wants to be friends, get back together, or just keep tabs on you, you have every right to block them. [Read: 15 reasons why your ex still texts you and tries to stay in touch]

Breakups that you want to last only last when you are apart. When exes try to help each other through a breakup before actually facing time apart, they end up getting back together and having the same issues they always have.

If your ex is reaching out to see how you’re doing, to be comforted because they’re struggling, they want to get back together, or anything else and you don’t feel that it is good for your mental health, go ahead and block them.

You don’t need my permission, theirs, or anyone else’s to block someone that isn’t good for you from your life. [Read: Does my ex miss me? 15 signs they’re clearly not over you yet]

Again, don’t just do this out of the blue because you don’t want to face a breakup, but if it comes to the point where things have been made clear and they aren’t respecting your wishes, blocking your ex is a good decision.

Don’t let anyone tell you that blocking your ex is immature. A mature breakup doesn’t mean you have to stay friends or even keep in touch. A mature breakup is one that lets you heal on your terms.

[Read: How to behave during a breakup and leave with your head held high]

Think of blocking your ex as deleting your public photos together. If looking at those photos makes you feel bad, delete them or archive them. Whether you feel sad or angry, miss them, or disgusted, you don’t have to see them.

It is all up to you. I’ve had breakups where things ended, and I felt fine about it. I kept photos live because they didn’t trigger any feelings in me. I looked at them as a moment in my life that happened and led me to today. But I also didn’t block or unfriend them at first.

Even months after a breakup, when an ex starting posting things that bothered me for any reason I decided to unfriend them. There is enough negativity online and in the world without adding to it by hearing from our ex directly or indirectly.

If talking to your ex, hearing from them, or just seeing their status update is upsetting to you for any reason, go ahead and block them. And remember, blocking someone isn’t as big of a deal as you might think. Even if you want to try to be friends down the line or at least be on decent terms, you can unblock them if you feel ready to.

[Read: Is the psychology of blocking someone about your ego?]

So, next time you ask, should I block my ex, I say, why not? It’s not permanent. Just do what’s good for you, to heal and to move on to a better place.

The post Should I Block My Ex or Not? How to Decide What’s Best for You is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

How to Make Him Realize Your Worth & See That You Deserve Better

Are you tired of being made to feel less than you are? It’s time to learn how to make him realize your worth once and for all!

A high-quality partner will never need to be reminded of just how much you rock. However, occasionally we all become distracted and lose sight of what’s important. If you’re finding that your partner is thinking about other things a little too much, perhaps stressed out at work, or simply losing sight of the wonderful person they have in front of them, it’s time to learn how to make him realize your worth!

[Read: How to stick up for yourself in a relationship and know your worth!]

How to make him realize your worth and and take notice of how awesome you are

Of course, if your partner always needs reminding of just how wonderful you are, that’s an entirely different issue altogether. In that case, why are you with this guy? He should be grateful that he has such a wonderful person in his life. You shouldn’t have to convince him to see it.

The two situations are different, but if you simply want to learn how to make him realize your worth, there are plenty of high-quality ways you can do just that.

#1 Know that you’re amazing. First things first, you can’t go around proving your worth to someone if you’re not aware of it yourself. Love yourself, let negative things go, focus on the positives, and learn to love yourself.

Trust me, everything will change when you do that. You’ll notice that you walk a little taller, everything feels better, and you have a far rosier outlook as a result. [Read: How to love yourself – your journey to self-love and happiness]

#2 Take a step back. A great way to learn how to make him realize your worth is to simply take a step back. Cool things down a bit. Be aloof and don’t make him your number one focus. He’ll start to wonder what happened and will help him change his focus.

Of course, it’s not ideal that you need to do this, but perhaps he’s just become distracted with what is going on in his life and needs a quick reminder of what he has in front of him. Taking a step back will certainly do that. [Read: How to pull back in a relationship when you’re giving too much]

#3 Try a little radio silence. If you’re always the one who texts first or calls first, it’s time to stop. You can certainly reply if he messages or calls you, but leave it a little while before you answer. Also, don’t jump as soon as the phone rings.

Sometimes you need to go slightly silent for a while to make someone realize your absence and question what’s going on. It’s certainly one of the ways to learn how to make him realize your worth. [Read: How to fix a one-sided relationship before it ends in failure]

#4 Keep yourself occupied. If your partner doesn’t show you the attention you deserve, then turn the focus away from him and back onto you. Keep yourself busy and occupied, and you’ll find it far easier to do.

You’ll also find that you pick up new hobbies and perhaps make new friends, which will further enhance your social life and your enjoyment overall. Ironically, all of this will make you irresistible in his eyes.

#5 Stop trying to tell him and start showing him. Sometimes words don’t work, and you have to show someone how upset you are via what you do. Actions certainly speak louder than words!

Not answering his texts or calls straightway is one option, but make sure that everything you do shows that you’re not impressed with being made to feel less than important. [Read: How to make a guy worry about losing you – 15 hints that really work]

#6 Learn to say ‘no.’ You probably say ‘yes’ a lot more than you say ‘no,’ and that has a habit of making him think that he doesn’t have to try very hard. It’s time to make him try harder!

Understanding how to make him realize your worth relies upon him working a bit for your attention, and you can do that by saying ‘no’ a little more. If in the past, you just agreed to go out when you didn’t want to, start refusing. If in the past you went along with something for an easy life, stop doing it. Start pleasing yourself! [Read: How to say no, stop people pleasing and feel awesome instead]

#7 Assert your independence. In relationships, we sometimes bend over backwards to make our partners happy, without realizing that it’s backfiring. When you do everything for someone, they start to take it for granted.

Use your fiery independence and stop being a doormat. Do what you want for a change, don’t explain, and stop being a pushover! He’ll probably find this newly asserted sassy side very attractive. It’s definitely how to make him realize your worth while pleasing yourself at the same time. [Read: How to give space in a relationship and not drift apart]

#8 Focus on you and what you enjoy. It’s time to be selfish. If he can’t willingly see your worth, then simply find it yourself and take the time to enjoy it. Or if you love to sit at home and read, go for it. If you enjoy the gym, go a little more. Maybe you’re a big coffee shop fan, head there more often.

Stop putting your own interests aside for someone who isn’t showing you how wonderful you are every day. By doing that, you’re learning how to make him realize your worth. You also might find that you enjoy yourself so much you’re not interested in bending over backwards for him anymore! [Read: 15 signs of a taker in a relationship – Are you a giver or a taker?]

#9 Reconnect with friends. It’s unfortunately pretty common for friendships to be placed on the back burner when a new relationship starts. The longer time goes on, the more damage is done. It’s time to reconnect with those friends and make sure that this time, you don’t make the same mistake twice.

Talk things through with your friends, make plans, go out, have fun, and remember just how wonderful it is to have close friends in your life. Of course, it doesn’t hurt if you show this on social media at the same time, because he’ll see just how much fun you’re having!

[Read: How to be less codependent and enjoy your life as it could be]

It’s not ideal to be talking about how to make him realize your worth, because a guy worth the effort shouldn’t have to be reminded. However, it could just be a fleeting one time thing which needs to be righted. If that’s the case, you don’t have anything to worry about.

The issue comes when you have a guy in your life who doesn’t seem to notice how lucky he is. In that case, why should you bother trying to convince him? Surely, it’s a better option to look for someone who doesn’t need to be reminded and who pays you the attention you deserve every day? Feelings get in the way, I know. Remember, you’re never going to be truly happy with someone who doesn’t realize how lucky he is. [Read: How to make a guy realize he’s losing you and help him change]

Of course, it could be that by trying a few of these steps in figuring out how to make him realize your worth, there’s a chance he changes completely. I hope so, for your sake. In that case, you’ve overcome the issue. However, if he doesn’t, it’s time to wave him goodbye and find someone who is truly deserving of your time and attention.

[Read: The clear signs it’s time for you to leave your relationship]

Learning how to make him realize your worth is about focusing on yourself again and learning to take back the effort and time you’ve wasted in the past. You deserve better.

The post How to Make Him Realize Your Worth & See That You Deserve Better is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

Thursday, 26 November 2020

How to Spot Codependent Behavior Early & Regain Your Self-Identity

Knowing what codependent behavior is and being able to identify it is the best way to reassess and redefine yourself for a better, fuller life.

Codependent behavior is a dysfunctional reliance on someone outside yourself for approval and acceptance. Although codependent behavior may initially seem like simply relying on someone, it is often much more complicated than that.

Codependent behavior is not simply depending on someone for something, but it allows you to be overwhelmed and basically defined by someone else.

The further issue here is that codependence isn’t a healthy person relying on a healthy person for this assurance. The codependent person enables the other person’s bad habits, addictions, or immaturity. Being codependent is not the opposite of being independent. It is the idea that your independence relies on your relationship with this person.

But, relationships are complicated, even the healthy ones, so how do you spot this behavior? How do you know if you show signs of codependent behavior?

[Read: How to stop the codependency for a healthy relationship]

What is codependent behavior?

In reality, codependent behavior is a very complicated psychological term. In fact, there have been numerous books written about it. Some people lean towards codependent behavior in all their relationships from romantic to platonic and even familial. Others only have these tendencies in romantic relationships.

The reasons that cause this behavior are not simple. They are varied and greatly differ from person to person. It could be caused by your parents, a past relationship, childhood bullying, and a never-ending list of other things.

And what makes codependent behavior so common is the lack of transparency. What may seem like caring and devoted behavior is often codependency hidden behind a wall of love.

[Read: Why your codependent friendship is more unhealthy than you think]

Nearly every TV romance is built on the idea of codependent behavior. To many of us, it seems awfully romantic rather than brutally problematic. This is why being able to spot the signs of codependent behavior is so important. There is a good chance you could be in a codependent relationship right now and not even realize it.

Once you are able to identify codependent behavior, you’ll be surprised by how often you notice these traits in TV, movies, and your everyday life.

[Read: What does a healthy relationship look like? The guide to build one]

My experience with codependent behavior

For many people, spotting codependent behavior doesn’t occur until you’re in therapy. A therapist will identify this right away. If you go into a session and talk more about someone else than you do yourself, you often show signs of codependent behavior.

[Read: 20 signs you’re a people pleaser and don’t even realize it]

That is how it worked for me anyway. When I first went to therapy years ago, my therapist almost immediately explained codependency to me.

I spent the bulk of my appointments talking about someone in my life who happened to be an addict. I complained about them and about their problems, attitude, and presence in my life. Letting them and my relationship with them essentially define my happiness.

I couldn’t let go of that person’s problems and focus on my own. If they weren’t functioning at full capacity, I couldn’t be either.

It took a long time, but eventually, I was able to worry about them without letting it get in the way of me living my life. I salvaged the relationship into something that was healthier for me. It took a lot of practice, but, when something came up with them, I took a deep breath and let it pass through me.

Just as most of us wouldn’t let something that happened on a TV show personally affect our lives, I couldn’t let this person’s life affect mine.

[Read: The martyr complex – How to recognize it and stop inflicting it upon yourself]

Signs of codependent behavior

For me, codependent behavior happened to be pulled from both my childhood and a dear friend’s addiction that mimicked a situation earlier in my life. For you, it may very well be different, but the signs of codependent behavior will be glaringly similar.

#1 You let their mood change your mood. When you are around this person and they had a bad day, you feed off of their energy. If they are in a bad mood, you let it define your day. Your day is now revolved around their mood.

Do you walk on eggshells around them so you don’t further annoy them? Do you do everything you can to improve their mood?

#2 You take responsibility for their feelings and even actions. This is very common. If your partner does something wrong, you take responsibility. You claim that if you hadn’t done A, they wouldn’t have done B. If they have a bad day, it’s your responsibility to improve it. And if they did something wrong, it is because you didn’t do something right. [Read: The hidden signs of a one sided relationship we all choose to ignore]

#3 You place their struggles on yourself. A common codependent relationship is one between an addict and a sober person. The sober person takes on the addiction as a project, yet end up enabling their partner.

Whether the partner gets drunk or high, the codependent person will take care of them and give them what they want to make it better, but it only leads to more bad behavior. By doing this, the addict’s sobriety begins to define the sober one’s sense of self.

#4 You crave their approval. You want this person to approve of you. Certainly, you want them to like what you cooked and approve of your outfits. If they aren’t proud of something you did and you are, you lose passion and excitement over it. You won’t cut your hair if they don’t want you to. Your self worth depends solely on their vision of you. [Read: How to be less codependent and enjoy your life as it could be]

#5 You cover up for them. This is a hard part of codependency as it can put you in a tough position. It can be in both big and small things. Say your partner drives drunk and runs over your neighbor’s mailbox. You will take the blame or come up with a lie to ensure your partner is safe.

You will call them out sick from work when they are hungover. Unfortunately, you will even lie to the law to protect them. You will essentially put their needs and safety above your own every time.

#6 You feel unworthy of something more. Deep down you know you are unhappy. You may even feel stuck in this relationship or friendship. It is even harder when it’s family, but you feel like this is just the way it is and there is no way out. Why do you feel that way?

Someplace deep inside, you’ve lost your sense of self so much that you don’t believe you deserve something more than this. You don’t believe you deserve to focus on yourself and your happiness. [Read: The 15 signs of a taker in the relationship – Are you a giver or taker?]

#7 You “need” them. You feel like you won’t make it without them. You need them in your life. Even if they make you miserable, you cannot be apart from them. Just the idea of breaking up gives you anxiety.

#8 You try to change or fix them. You put all your effort into making them better. It could be their addiction, immaturity, lack of focus, or growth that you’ve assigned to yourself. This is your goal.

You desperately believe that if you just do one more thing, they will see all you do for them and appreciate you and change. But, all the while, if they do change you will lose your sense of self because that has become defined by their issue. [Read: Should you try and change your partner for the better?]

#9 You don’t know who you are without them. You can’t think of anything without them in mind. If you want to join a workout class, you can’t do it without their approval. You want to try a new recipe, but you can’t because it isn’t their thing. If someone asks you what you want, you immediately respond with what they would want. Who you are has become this relationship.

[Read: How to not be codependent and learn to stand on your own feet]

If you are experiencing these signs of codependent behavior, it is not a life sentence. You can break away from this pattern of destructive behavior and regain your self-identity.

The post How to Spot Codependent Behavior Early & Regain Your Self-Identity is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

15 Best Do What Makes You Happy Quotes And Sayings

Do What Makes You Happy Quotes Why worry about what others have to say? Do whatever fills your soul and makes your heart sing. Do what makes you happy, my…

The post 15 Best Do What Makes You Happy Quotes And Sayings appeared first on Events Greetings.

15 Best Happy 16th Wedding Anniversary Quotes

16th Anniversary In a flash, we’ve spent 16 years together. Happy 16th anniversary, my dearest. May our happiness together last forever, through the years and challenges that life throws at…

The post 15 Best Happy 16th Wedding Anniversary Quotes appeared first on Events Greetings.

7 Tips to Fewer Objections from Girls You Want to Date

woman objecting to manIf she's objecting to something, check yourself. If you have tight fundamentals, persist.

Today we’re going to look at how to handle objections from women.

We’ll do this by breaking down a post from the Skilled Seducer forums.

By the end of this post, you'll know whether to persist or desist with an objecting woman, and how to persist properly where you can.

Tactics Tuesdays: Gold Choices vs. Bronze Choices

gold choices vs. bronze choicesIf you want someone to make the right choice, don't give only one option. Juxtapose your preferred Gold Choice against an okay-yet-inferior Bronze Choice.

I talked yesterday with our sales specialist, Rob.

We spoke about the new coaching page we're setting up, with a video by me that talks about coaching and an option for audience members to book a free call with Rob to discuss coaching packages.

I said how we'd tossed out the initial version of the page, which our writer made about getting viewers to choose a coach.

Instead we made the page totally focused on getting a reader to sign up for the free call.

(by the way, if you want to know more about coaching with Girls Chase, just shoot Rob an email at -- he'll hop on a call with you to fill you in on options)

And Rob noted that yes, something he'd noticed in years of working with clients: when he talks to a guy, listens to his situation, and tells him, "This is the coach for you. You're going to want to book coaching with this instructor," he closes a lot of sales.

However, if he tells the prospective client, "Here are our different coaches. There's this coach, who is best at this. And there's that coach, who is best at that. There's also this other coach, who's really good at XYZ. Which coach would you like?" he always gets the same response:

"Oh, ah, I'll have to think about it. Let me get back to you."

And then the client never calls him back.

And I told him yes, that's right, Rob! You've discovered an important sales principle: you don't give the prospect too many choices.

Ideally, you only give him one.

One you suspect will be right for him.

And if you must give choices (if, for instance, he isn't sold on the first one you give him), the other choices you give typically must help sell the first choice you offered... not sell themselves as real alternatives.

I call this Gold Choices vs. Bronze Choices.

And it applies every bit as much to your interactions with women as it does to sales.

Wednesday, 25 November 2020

Exclusively Dating or Casual Fling: 14 Signs to Know Your Status

You’re digging your partner, but the thing is, you don’t even know if they’re your partner. So are you exclusively dating or is it just a casual fling.

I used to be the queen of casual relationships that turn into “halfsies”—somewhere in between. You feel like you’re a couple, you can hang out and not have sex, but you haven’t met their friends or family. In other words, you don’t know what the hell you’re doing. The big question lingering is if you’re exclusively dating or just having fun in a casual fling thing!

I spent a solid three years jumping from one halfsie relationship to another. After each encounter, I would text my girls and describe each moment, trying to figure out where I stood with my date. But the thing is, I knew where I stood, and it wasn’t next to them.

Are you exclusively dating? 14 clear signs that split it from a casual fling

Today, it seems like the world is now full of these half-relationships where you’re basically in one but without the label. But, sometimes labels are a nice thing to have. It’s nice to know where you stand with someone. That way, you don’t stay up all night wondering if they’re sleeping with other people or not.

[Read: Casual dating vs serious dating – How to measure your current dating speed]

Of course, everyone is now struggling to figure out the difference between exclusively dating, casual flings, and serious relationships. No kidding! I wish someone would have told me. But I’ve done the dirty work for you and am here to spread my knowledge.

Let’s get the differences between exclusively dating and casual dating straightened out. And get you started on the right track.

#1 Is there a mutual commitment? This is the main differences between flings and exclusive dating. Are both of you committed to one another?

If yes, then it’s a serious relationship. If you’re seeing other people and vice versa, well, this isn’t giving off the “I only want to be with you” vibe of a serious relationship. [Read: The grey area of dating exclusively but not in a relationship]

#2 You’ve talked about it. Listen, if your partner has told you they’re not ready for a relationship, you’re not together. It’s casual. But if your partner has expressed their feelings for you and have told you they’re not interested in seeing other people, then it looks like it’s on the road to a serious relationship. Honestly, the best way to clear this up is by talking about it. [Read: How to talk to the person you’re dating about your relationship]

#3 Your texts matter. If the only texts you get from them is “hey, you up?” or “wanna come over?” then this isn’t someone you’re going to tie the knot with. If anything, you will bang for a couple more months, and it’ll fizzle out. But, if you are sharing funny and engaging text messages, it’s clear there’s more to the relationship than just sex.

#4 PDA anyone? Now, I’ve been in flings where we would show PDA, but more often than not, this is usually saved for serious relationships. If you’re casually dating, the door is still open for other people, meaning no one wants to look taken when they’re not.

#5 Do they know your people? Have you introduced them to your friends and vice versa? Now, many casual relationships will introduce each other to some friends. If you have roommates, it’s unavoidable. But, usually, they keep their casual flings separate from their entourage. If you both are introducing each other to your people, then an exclusively dating scenario may be brewing. [Read: How to read the signs your casual relationship is slowly getting serious]

#6 You two have deep talks. Let’s get real, casual flings are shallow. Maybe you two will discuss your day at work, but you’re not going to talk about a traumatic incident that occurred in your childhood. If the relationship is on a deeper, more serious level, then these topics will pop up because you will want to know more about each other.

#7 It’s not just about sex. Casual flings are mostly about sex. Sure, you may hang out in public every now and then, but at the end of the day, you two bang. This isn’t to say exclusive relationships are sexless — they’re not. But you can go a day, two days without having to touch a penis or boobs. There’s more to the relationship than just the physical.

#8 You’re still on dating apps. Now, when I met my boyfriend, I deleted my Tinder account the minute I left the date. I knew he was the one. But usually, I would be going on it right after a first date, still checking out my options. If you both deleted your dating apps, it’s looking like you two may be exclusively dating and moving towards something more serious. But as long as you’re still swiping, it’s casual. [Read: How to date casually without getting attached]

#9 Your ugly side. Yes, your ugly side. Don’t pretend you don’t have one, we all have one. When you’re with a casual fling, you’re not going to show that side. But when it’s serious, it’s unavoidable. They’re going to see your ugly side whether you like it or not.

#10 You do nothing together. If you can spend hours, even days doing nothing together, that’s not something casual. You don’t mind sitting on the couch watching Netflix with them, enjoying their company without feeling bored. If this happens, it’s nothing casual. [Read: How long should you casually date someone before things get serious]

#11 Public hangouts. No one is going to take their casual fling public if it’s going to jeopardize the potential ass they could have. That’s why you’re in a casual relationship. You’re still waiting for something better. Ouch, I know, that stung a little bit, but you know it’s true.

#12 They’re your go-to. When you want to go for a coffee, watch a movie, or go shopping, instead of calling your friends, you call them. Does that sound casual to you? Exactly, because it’s not. If you are each other’s go-to person, that’s nothing casual and deep into exclusively dating territory. It shows you have a deeper connection and enjoy spending time together. [Read: 15 committed relationship rules to make your relationship last a lifetime]

#13 You rely on them. Most casual relationships are based on sex, so you’re not going to call them if you need help. Rather, you’d call your best friend or your dad–legit. But if the first person you call is them, then it shows a level of trust and security you have with them. That ain’t casual. You know that. [Read: What does exclusive really mean? 15 signs you’ve clearly hit this stage]

#14 You’ve fit them into your life. If it was casual, they would be someone you’d squeeze into your schedule from time to time. Makes sense, you’re looking for someone to scratch your itch and nothing more. But if they have become an integral part of your life, a person you can’t see living without, then this is serious. I hope it’s mutual.

[Read: 13 relationship mistakes new couples make all the time]

Well, now you know the obvious differences between dating exclusively and a casual fling thing. But more importantly, where does your relationship fall? Most relationships start out casual and warms up over time. So if you don’t see all the signs of an exclusive relationship just yet, don’t give up.

The post Exclusively Dating or Casual Fling: 14 Signs to Know Your Status is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

Just Stop Trying! The Signs Your Ex Doesn’t Really Want You Back

The end of a relationship is always hard. When you start to see the signs your ex doesn’t really want you back, it can feel like a hammer blow to the chest.

Whether you did the ending or not, when a relationship comes to a close, there are bound to be all manner of confusing feelings floating around. At times, you may even want them back a little—even if you can remember the bad points of the relationship. While all of this is totally normal, when you start to see the signs your ex doesn’t really want you back, it can be like grieving the end all over again.

The most obvious signs your ex doesn’t really want you back anymore

The key? Appreciate the signs as closure. Take the hint to move on to something better for you. Of course, know what to look for and be aware of these signs.

#1 There is someone else in the picture. If a standard amount of time has passed, and your ex has someone new in their life who doesn’t seem like a rebound, that’s one of the definite signs your ex doesn’t really want you back anymore. It’s time for you to think about letting things go. It’s not your job to work out whether they look happy or not or to stalk them on social media. It’s your job to accept it and focus on yourself for a change.

It may also be that this new someone overlapped with the end of your relationship. Again, it’s terribly hard to deal with. It’s not your place to scream about it, simply hold your head up high and better your life. [Read: How to know if your ex wants nothing to do with you anymore]

#2 They ask for their belongings back. Most people leave things at their partner’s house, such as clothes, toiletries, or other items. If your ex has asked for their things back in a civilized way, then the chances are it’s over for good. They’re moving on. It can be difficult when this conversation rears its head, because it’s a true sign they want closure. All you can do is comply with their wishes and let it go. [Read: 20 questions to ask your ex after the breakup to heal and find closure]

#3 Your things are returned to you. As well as asking for their own things back, if you find that your things are given back to you, then that’s a sign they want all remnants of your past relationship out of their house and their life. Hard as it is, this gives you the kick you need to move on once more.

The way this is done is important. However, if it’s done literally the day after the relationship ends, in an angry way, don’t take it as a certainty. But if it’s done a while after, in a civil way, that’s one of the pretty big signs your ex doesn’t really want you back, and it’s really time you pay attention to this. [Read: The signs your ex is subtly trying to win you back]

#4 Any attempt at jealousy doesn’t work. I’m not suggesting that you should attempt to make them jealous to test this theory out. If you do go down that route with no response coming your way, the reason is because it no longer bothers them. Genuinely. This is one of the biggest signs your ex doesn’t really want you back. When this happens, drop any other attempts at poking jealousy out of them. Let it go completely. [Read: How to make your ex jealous and see if they still like you]

#5 They actually seem genuinely happy. You might still see them around if you share mutual friends. If this is the case and you notice that they look and seem genuinely happy, then wish them well and let it go. If you have any lasting feelings, be happy that they’re happy. It’s all you can do. Of course it’s hard. I’m not suggesting you should shrug this off with no emotion, but it’s a true sign that things have taken a concrete, definite turn.

#6 They don’t contact you anymore. One of the hardest things about the end of a relationship is going from speaking to someone all the time, to not speaking to them at all. It’s likely that throughout your relationship you spoke daily, sometimes several times a day. Going from daily chats to radio silence is difficult.

The thing is, if you truly want closure and move on, no contact is always the best way. If your ex is no longer contacting you, they’re moving on. You should do the same. [Read: 12 reasons why the no contact rule always works]

#7 They’re not flaunting their happiness or their new life in your face. One of the biggest signs your ex doesn’t really want you back is that they’re simply not attempting to flaunt anything in your face. This isn’t out of respect per se, although it might be to a certain degree. They simply don’t feel the need. The relationship is over. They don’t want to try and make you jealous because there’s no point, and they’re simply going about their business and moving on with their life.

#8 They don’t show you familiarity anymore. Despite your history, if your ex starts to treat you the same as everyone else, e.g. no specific or special amount of familiarity, that’s because they see you as the same as everyone else. Again, a hard pill to swallow but needed to gain the clarity you need. Flirting is over. There are no lingering looks, and you don’t feel special to them in the present day. [Read: How to deal with the hurt when your ex has moved on quickly]

#9 They don’t talk about the past. Another way to show little familiarity, and therefore treat you the same as everyone else, is to stop talking about the past. No more bringing up stories that evoke tenderness. They’re not trying to get you to remember a story that makes you smile. It’s over and the door has closed. Again, one of the biggest signs your ex is totally over you, is when past stories aren’t part of the equation anymore.

#10 They’re not in a rush to respond. If you attempt to reach out and there’s no rush to respond, or respond at all, that’s a big sign. In the past, they returned your call or message straightaway. Now you notice that hours or even days go by. It might even be that your call isn’t returned at all, or your message remains ‘read’ and not responded to. These are pretty hard signs to swallow. But ones you need to be aware of. [Read: The 7 stages of heartbreak when you become an ex]

#11 They’ve told you it’s time you moved on. It can be extremely hard to hear ‘you need to move on’ from someone you used to be in a relationship with. Even if you no longer have the same strong feelings, hearing those words can be a hammer blow.

This is the final nail in the coffin. It’s their way of saying, ‘let it go, let’s forget this now.’ You might not want to do that. If you hear these words, it’s really best to listen and do as they ask. If they’ve moved on, serve yourself as best you can and do the same.

[Read: How to know if your ex is over you for sure]

These signs your ex doesn’t really want you back are difficult to face. Stop and look at the positives of the situation. Save your own heart! Do the same as them—move on.

The post Just Stop Trying! The Signs Your Ex Doesn’t Really Want You Back is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

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