Saturday 14 November 2020

12 Signs of Dishonesty in a Relationship that Push Couples Apart

You feel that your partner isn’t being 100% honest with you. Well, it’s time to find out what the signs of dishonesty in a relationship are.

Most of us want to find someone we can spend the rest of our lives with. But that being said, we don’t want to be with someone who’s lying to us. Trust is the foundation of any healthy relationship. If you’re seeing signs of dishonesty in a relationship, it isn’t going to last long *and if it does last, well, it won’t be a happy one*.

You don’t want to have this feeling that your partner isn’t telling you everything. Of course, your partner doesn’t have to tell you every small thing they do in their day, but there are some topics that should be discussed.

If you’re reading this, odds are you’re not completely sure about your partner. You thought you trusted them, but something is telling you that you need to keep your eye on them. Now, why would that be? Of course, if you’re someone who has jealousy issues, be mindful of them. Make sure this isn’t something fabricated in your mind. If what you’re feeling is genuine, then this is your instinct telling you that something isn’t right.

[Read: Should you trust your gut? How to follow it or ignore it]

The 12 biggest signs of dishonesty in a relationship

Let’s see what the signs of dishonesty in a relationship are. Is your partner telling you the truth?

#1 They avoid eye contact. When we talk to people, we make eye contact with them. It’s normal. However, there are only a few cases why we would avoid eye contact. But in any case, we’re trying to avoid looking at them. If your partner is avoiding eye contact when speaking with you, it’s a sign something is going on. [Read: Different types of liars: How to confront them without losing your cool]

#2 They don’t tell you where they are. You don’t really know what they do during the day. Of course, you don’t need to tell your partner every little thing you do, but when you ask them what they did today or where they are at that very moment, they seem to avoid the question. Why? What’s the big deal?

#3 Their behavior has changed. They used to be open with you, but you’ve noticed their behavior has changed. And this is a big one. Of course, they could be stressed with work or school, but if you’re noticing other signs from this list, then it’s something else. [Read: How to spot a compulsive liar and know if it’s time to walk away]

#4 They exaggerate. When your partner tells you a story, they tend to exaggerate it. They add dramatic scenes that didn’t happen in real life and add in unspoken dialogue. Now, we all exaggerate now and then, but if your partner does this with everything they talk about, you need to wonder why they’re doing it. Why can’t they just tell you what actually happened?

#5 They seem a little paranoid. When you’re around them, and their phone receives a notification, they respond with paranoia. They won’t look at their phone, or they’ll turn it away so you can’t see the screen. Obviously, they don’t want you to see something. If they’re paranoid around you, there’s a reason why. 

#6 They always have an excuse. It seems for whatever they do, they have a perfectly good explanation for why they did what they did. They make sure to shift the blame onto someone else. If they were late for dinner, they blame it on their battery dying or the car not starting. Of course, this happens alongside other signs on this list. [Read: Why you should always tell the truth… even when it hurts]

#7 Their social media doesn’t match what they’re telling you. When you go on their social media, you’re not really on it. If anything, their social media doesn’t reflect their reality. Maybe they told you they’re going somewhere, but on social media, it shows differently.

#8 Someone has told you that your partner is lying. Now, of course, it can be a little hard to believe someone when they tell you something negative about your partner. And you should also look at who the person is. However, if someone is telling you that they’re lying to you, don’t let it pass. This is something you should look into. [Read: 15 ways a pathological liar confuses and hurts you with their lies]

#9 They accuse you of lying. At some point, you can’t handle it anymore, and you confront your partner about their dishonesty. Naturally, you have some evidence to back up your claim, but they spin the entire conversation around and accuse you of lying instead. This is classic manipulation, and if anything, confirms your initial beliefs.

#10 They hide things from you. You notice unfamiliar bills popping up in the mail and items that you never brought on your credit card bills. This doesn’t mean your partner is cheating on you, but they’re hiding things from you. Why would your partner hide purchases from you? Why couldn’t they tell you?

#11 They don’t keep their promises. When trying to find out if your partner is being dishonest, it’s important to look at their actions rather than the words they’re saying. Talk is cheap; but do they walk the talk? If your partner promises things to you and then doesn’t deliver, that’s a little odd. It shows that their promises are meaningless, even with the smallest of things. [Read: What’s next when you realize your relationship is a lie]

#12 You feel it in your gut. Whatever you do, you just can’t seem to shake off the feeling that something is wrong. You’ve tried tons of things, and everything seems to point back at your partner being dishonest. If you’re feeling this, it’s time you explored those feelings because they’re there for a reason.

[Read: Here’s what to do when there’s lying in a relationship]

A relationship is nothing unless it’s built on trust. Hopefully, these signs of dishonesty in a relationship will help you understand your feelings and get you to talk to your partner.

The post 12 Signs of Dishonesty in a Relationship that Push Couples Apart is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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