Sunday 8 November 2020

Indirect Game, Pt 2: Making Her COMPLY with You

indirect gameIndirect game's strength comes from its reliance on ambiguity… which ignites a woman's curiosity about you, the mysterious man she can't seem to faze.

Hey there, and welcome back.

Last week, after sharing why I do not believe in direct game, I started my indirect game series, discussing what it is and how it is run.

For our purposes, indirect game is a form of seduction where:

  1. The seducer keeps his level of interest ambiguous until the girl starts showing interest (usually starting the interaction showing her little to no interest)

  2. The level of interest (and disinterest) you show her is proportional to the girl and the circumstances

  3. The way you show interest remains ambiguous, providing you with flexibility

The idea is to calibrate your actions to the girl.

When mastered, indirect game leads to better meet-to-lay ratios (higher chances of you getting THAT girl as opposed to any girl after many approaches). This is because you calibrate things to the girl.

You maintain more control over the frame of the interaction, so she is more likely to chase you (if done right), giving you a higher chance of generating compliance, making it much easier for you to escalate the interaction toward sex.

Today I would like to discuss compliance a bit further.

Compliance is how willing she is to follow your lead. We can break it down into three categories:

  1. Her overall interest in you and her desire to act

  2. Her willingness to follow your lead

  3. The absence of resistance to the above

I’ll cover resistance in more detail next week when I talk about escalating the interaction to sex using indirect game. I’ll discuss how indirect game helps you avoid resistance and how to deal with it.

Today let’s focus on generating (and maintaining) compliance.


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