Tuesday 3 November 2020

It's Okay to Sometimes Put a Woman in Her Place

put her in her placeYou should never put a woman in her place. That would be controlling or misogynistic. Right? Well actually, sometimes it's exactly what she wants.

Ever put a woman in her place, and have her love you for it?

A lot of guys are afraid to do this today. They don't want to be disrespectful. They don't want to come off as sexist. They certainly do not want to seem controlling.

Every woman tests.

This is a thing we simply deal with as men.

Sometimes though, a woman will go into testing overdrive.

She's got a bee in her bonnet (or a bug up her behind) for whatever reason. And now she's just going to nag and needle and critique you.

You'll see this most in relationships. But you'll encounter it occasionally in-field too.

And believe it or not, if you allow yourself to set aside your normally calm demeanor, and firmly put her in her place, much of the time, perhaps to your surprise, women will love you for it.


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