Sunday 13 December 2020

5 Ways to Kill Your Inner Nice Guy

kill your inner nice guyEvery guy wants to succeed more with the girl(s) he likes. Before you can do that, though, you must first do something else: erase your inner nice guy.

Back when I was hopeless with women, I wanted to claim this smoking hot barista as a trophy wife.

At only 25 years old, she had the confidence of a Somalian princess. She was well-traveled and far more experienced with men than I was with women.

Every day I’d make sure to buy my coffee from her. Over a few months of small talk, we became a bit familiar. She wasn’t a friend but she always smiled when she saw me.

I racked my brain for ways to impress her enough to make her horny for me. Finally, I had the biggest most brilliant idea:

I would show her how amazingly creative and witty I was.


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