Monday 21 December 2020

How to Make Out: The Subtle Moves that’ll Make You Oh-So-Good!

Want to know how to make out for the first time with someone new, and really arouse them? There are a few moves to do that, and we’re got it all here.

If you were to ask a friend how to make out for the first time, the first thing they’d tell you is that it comes naturally. And they’re definitely not wrong. Arousal and sexual intimacy does come naturally, because it’s in our instincts.

But instincts don’t work in your favor all the time, especially when you panic or get stressed out.

A first kiss is always a bit of a worry, and it doesn’t matter how many people you’ve kissed before. Each kiss with someone new is a whole new experience and you just don’t know how your new sweetie would move or use their lips and their tongue.

The fear of making out with someone new

If you’re worried you’d end up making out badly or make a fool of yourself, seriously, don’t worry about it! There are a few moves that are universal and work like magic, that you really can’t ever, ever go wrong if you follow them!

As long as you know these steps here, you’d be able to work your magic every single time!

[Read: 15 secrets to make your first kiss really memorable!]

The step-by-step guide: How to make out like a know-it-all!

It doesn’t matter if you’re making out for the first time or the hundredth time, just keeping a few simple steps in mind will always make making out feel really good.

Firstly, you need to remember that a kiss is just a small part of making out. There’s so much more to do! Think about it, you have a whole body that’s tingling with sexual arousal, so why limit your make out moves to just the lips?

Many guys and girls assume making out is all about starting at the lips, and moving downwards one step after the other – following the sexual bases. But really, making out is so much more than that, and it’s so much more sexier than that too! [Read: The 11 different sexual bases and what each of them mean]

How to make out and make it feel oh-so-sexy!

Now, we’ll work our way through stages here. In the first stage, we’ll walk you through the exact sequence of make-out moves that work like a charm, for guys and girls!

And then, we’ll follow it up with more tips to smooth those creases out and turn you from a make-out-nobody to a make-out-superstar! Stick around and you’ll be really glad you did!

The steps you need to follow while making out with someone for the first time

If you’ve just started dating someone and are on the verge of making out with them, follow these steps on how to make out and use them. Your sweetheart would definitely be amazed by how good you are, and assume you’re a sex god or a sex goddess who’s a know-it-all when it comes to making out!

#1 The perfect setting. If you want to have a good time making out, both of you need to feel comfortable in your surroundings. Find a place that’s quiet and isolated where you won’t be interrupted by anyone. Privacy is important if you want to avoid distractions and build the connection.

Even if you get every single thing right, but go wrong with the location, it’s a no-go from the very beginning. So pay attention to the location. And focus on privacy. If I were you, I would even mute my phone discreetly to avoid any silly notifications from ruining the mood! [Read: Sex bedroom essentials – 16 ways to get your bedroom to scream sex]

#2 Don’t expect the mood to be perfect right away. The way both of you feel at that very moment plays a big part in making out. If you’ve sexted each other the earlier night, or if both of you had decided to finally make out on the next date, don’t assume the mood would be just right when both of you meet up.

Just be yourself, and don’t worry too much about how you’re going to make out. When the moment comes, you’ll instinctively be ready. Play attention to your date’s behavior. Are they being funny? Happy? Bored? Excited about something else?

Wait for the conversations to change into something a little less animated, and a bit more quiet and intimate. [Read: 13 signs of lusty sexual tension to keep an eye on]

#3 Don’t be hasty. If you want the first time you make out to be steamy and passionate, don’t rush it. Rushing into it too fast will almost always ruin it. Just relax and sit down with each other. Both of you could watch a movie together, just talk or hang out.

#4 Build the sexual tension. Both of you may like each other a lot and find each other attractive. But what you do at that particular moment while hanging out together can make everything feel so much sexier, and build the right setting for a perfect make out. [Read: How to build sexual tension to the point where it’s out of control]

Find excuses to sit down next to each other without making it obvious that you’re coming closer just to make out. Talk softly in a low voice and avoid getting jumpy or overexcited while saying something, or you’ll kill the sensual mood you’re trying to set.

Clasp their fingers gently and talk about something romantic or sweet, like the date or the first time both of you started falling for each other.

[Read: How to make a girl horny and wet just by sitting next to her!]

[Read: How to make a guy really horny while sitting next to him casually]

#5 Get close, really close. Warming your partner up before you actually start making out with each other is a perfect way to connect with each other and build the passion even before kissing each other.

Touch your partner or move your index finger gently across the length of their arm or their cheek, and compliment them about their appearance as you’re doing that. Just doing this will get your partner’s heart racing with sexual arousal!

Look into each other’s eyes, and occasionally run your fingers through their hair. Sit down really close and just sink into that moment of sexual bliss, because at this very moment, both of you would be feeling really horny and aroused. [Read: 6 clever ways to kiss a friend and get away with it!]

#6 Don’t kiss immediately. If you feel like the moment is right, you can kiss your partner as soon as you feel it. But if you’re still nervous about kissing, hold that thought. Forcing a kiss on your new sweetheart too soon may make things awkward for both of you, especially if you’re not ready for it. And it may just kill the moment too!

Instead, move your face really close to your partner’s face as you sit next to them. You can rub your nose against their cheek or even kiss their cheek really close to their lips. Or if you want to take it slower, place your palm along the back of their neck, move in close and softly kiss the neck right under the chin or the ear, and just breathe into the kiss. Take your time, and don’t try to rush in at any point. Just enjoy the moment. [Read: 10 sexy tips to kiss really passionately and romantically]

#7 Enjoy the sensation. Close your eyes and enjoy the sensation as you run your hands all over your partner. Breathe into their skin, enjoy the way your hands feel over their arms or shoulders, feel the texture of their hair through your fingers. Wrap your arms around them and run it along the length of their back. Relish the sexual intoxication you feel as both of you run your hands against each other.

#8 Arouse the erogenous zones. You can kiss your partner at any point of time, when you feel like it. But every few minutes, take a break from the kissing and enjoy the rest of your lover’s body. Without breaking the sensual moment, move your lips away from their lips. Slowly and passionately, continue kissing them around their lips, their neck or their ear lobes. [Read: The perfect first kiss – 22 secrets to make your first kiss on-so-amazing!]

Bring your face away from their face, and without breaking the flow, kiss their shoulders, move on and nibble their arm gently and eventually bring their fingers to your lips. Kiss their fingers and run your tongue over their fingers, while moving your hands all over their body.

Every little body part that sticks out like the nose, ears, fingers, toes, ankles, elbows is a potential erogenous zone that is just screaming for your touch when you make out with someone for the first time.

Run your hands and lips all over their body, and you’ll definitely arouse your partner and make them want to explode in sexual ecstasy! [Read: How to initiate a kiss that’ll make them remember your kiss forever]

#9 Perfecting the kiss while making out. One thing you need to remember about the kiss is that it’s just like clasping hands and interlacing fingers with someone else. It’s really simple, isn’t it?

But just to hold each other’s hands, both of you have to move your fingers perfectly while coordinating with each other to make sure your fingers interlace perfectly, right?

A kiss works the same way. Tilt your head slightly to one side, preferably to the right *it’ll help you breathe more easily*, part your lips just a little and place your lips gently against your partner’s lips and kiss them. Don’t move your lips a lot at least for the first few seconds so you can enjoy the sensation without any worry of what you need to do next. [Read: 18 tips to kiss for the first time and turn your partner on instantly!]

You don’t even need to use your tongue the first time. But if you do want to french kiss your make out buddy, then go ahead and try it. When both of you get the rhythm right *just like interlacing your fingers*, you can push the tip of your tongue softly into your partner’s lips for a few seconds and see how it feels. If you like it, you can go ahead and let your tongue wander just a bit more as time passes. [Read: How to French kiss – The dos and don’ts you should remember]

As long as you don’t stress yourself out and just enjoy the sensation, your instincts will kick in and work its magic.

[Read: How to make out with a guy like a sex goddess]

[Read: How to make out with a girl and make her love it!]

#10 Don’t get carried away. Making out is fun and the pleasure is an intoxicating rush. But that doesn’t mean you should get carried away and try something that both of you aren’t ready for. If you do use these moves to the tee, your partner will turn into soft putty in your hands, and they’ll have a hard time resisting anything you do! So you must remember to avoid taking advantage of the situation.

Don’t push your luck when you’re making out, at least for the first time. If your hands wander somewhere that your partner isn’t comfortable with, and they hold your hand back or stiffen up, don’t push ahead in the heat of the moment. Respect your partner, so both of you can have an enjoyable experience.

Remember, both of you will always have plenty of time to take things further and try something new with each other. And making out always feels best when every new sexual experience is experienced one step at a time!

[Read: Dry humping and the virgin’s guide to orgasms!]

Just remember these steps on how to make out, and both of you will have an exceptionally good time making out. But keep this in mind, the stronger and slower you build the passion and tension, the better the making out will feel!

How to be really good at making out – The subtle moves and tips that’ll make you a make-out superstar!

You want your partner to whisper in your ear, “You’re the best kisser I ever had.” Well, follow these tips and learn how to be amazing at making out!

If you think about it, most people go wrong with making out only because of fear. You’re worried you’d do something silly, you assume you’d look foolish for trying something new, or you feel anxious because you’re not sure if your partner likes you. But you need to realize that there are always cues to know if your partner is enjoying it or not.

These tips here will help you step up your kissing and make out game to the max. So, if you want to be good at making out, keep these things in mind.

#1 Have the right breath. Bad breath is a huge turn off for everyone. Your partner could be raring to make out with you, but if you have smelly breath at that moment, it’s only going to do downhill no matter what you do.

So use some mouthwash, or pop in a mint, it’s a little effort but can change someone’s experience for the better. [Read: 15 super techniques for that heartbeat-skipping kiss]

#2 Moisturizer those lips. If you want to be known as a good kisser, then make sure your lips are nice and smooth. There’s nothing worse than kissing someone with chapped lips.

Go to the store, buy some chapstick, and lather it on. It’ll be the best thing you ever bought. And this tip isn’t only for women. Men, you should moisturizer their lips too.

#3 Pay attention to your hygiene. You should know this already, but here’s a reminder just in case. If you plan on making out with someone, make sure you’ve taken a shower beforehand. Your sweat may be a turn on to your partner, but not if you’re smelling like you just stepped out of the gym.

#4 Follow your partner’s movements. If you’re not used to making out with someone, and you’re unsure of what to do with your hands, follow your partner. This works very well. If they squeeze your arm, squeeze their arm back. This can help you develop more confidence and give you ideas of what you can do. [Read: 12 foolproof kissing tips for a perfectly sexy smooch]

#4 Start without tongue. Tongue is great, but only if you know what you’re doing. No one likes a tongue being shoved into their mouth right away.

If you want to be a great kisser, start your make-out session without tongue. Share a couple of no-tongue kisses to get a handle of your partner’s lip and the rhythm you two fall into. Then, slowly get into it and lightly touch your partner’s tongue with your own. [Read: 15 sexy ways to tongue kiss and arouse your date in seconds]

#5 Don’t rush. There’s no need to rush; this isn’t a race. Take your time and enjoy the moment. You can make out for as long as you’d like and go with the natural rhythm. Not every makeout session needs to end with sex. You decide when the makeout session comes to an end or if it should progress.

#6 Don’t panic. Yes, sometimes, things can go off. You may get a series of text notifications on your phone. Someone may ring the doorbell. You may bump heads. It really just doesn’t matter. Laugh it off if you must, and pick up from where you left off.

Of course, it would be great if there were no distractions or disturbances. But if it does happen, just have a good laugh and dive right in again!

#7 Use your hands. Don’t forget the fact that you have two good hands that can move and access all the strategic locations. Don’t be so lost in the kiss that you flop both your arms on either side while sucking on their face like a guppy fish. [Read: 17 subtle ways to touch a guy and make him lose his mind]

#8 Find the natural rhythm. When you’re making out with someone, it may feel like they’re going a bit too fast or too slow. It’s not a big deal; you are learning about each other and what you like when kissing. Find the natural rhythm that works for both of you.

If they’re kissing too fast, slow them down with a couple of passionate and tender kisses, this will help them slow down a bit and go into a rhythm that works for both of you. [Read: How to kiss passionately and romantically]

#9 Switch up your moves. You don’t need to always be holding your partner’s head or having your hand on their thigh. It’s a good idea that when you are making out, you switch up your movements.

Run your hand through their hand, squeeze their arm, hug them. Mix it all up. [Read: How to turn a girl on with your touch and make her melt into you]

#10 Take a break from the mouth. Making out isn’t just about kissing your partner on the lips. You can take a breath from kissing their mouth and venture to other areas of their body like their neck, earlobes, chest, cheeks, and chin. This way, you add a little spice to things, and you explore their erogenous zones.

#11 Increase intensity. You don’t need to keep it at the same pace the entire time. If you’re getting aroused, you can let your partner know by intensifying the kissing, whether the intensity comes through pressure or speed. Your partner will pick up on signs and will get the hint you want more.

#12 You can talk during the makeout session. If there’s something you liked, you can tell your partner that during the makeout session. Pull back for a moment or whisper in their ear what you liked. If they’re listening, they’ll incorporate it more into the makeout season. [Read: How to dirty talk and turn your lover on like no one else]

#13 If you are going to bite, be gentle. If it’s too hard, it kills the moment. So, start off with a gentle bite. Your partner may like it a little more rough, but they’ll let you know they want you to bite them harder. [Read: How to be a good kisser even if you’re a newbie with no experience]

#14 Get closer. Maybe you still have some space between you, but if you’re in a passionate makeout session, there shouldn’t be any space. Once you’re deep into kissing, eliminate the space between you two. Not only will it bring you closer; it’ll make the kissing even hotter.

#15 Graze the thigh. Now this is a powerful move that can really stir their loins. So be careful with this one. As you’re kissing and running your hands all over each other’s bodies, pay a little attention to their thighs.

Place your hand on their thigh or stroke it as you kiss your partner. It’s a subtle, but potent hint that you’re interested in taking things further, and are waiting for their consent. [Read: How to tell a guy you want to have sex without feeling slutty]

#16 Give feedback. There may be some things your partner does that you’re not a fan of. But that doesn’t mean you need to say they’re a bad kisser or anything. You can give them constructive feedback that doesn’t destroy their self-esteem.

If you want to know how to be good at making out, learn to make your partner feel good about the experience without hurting their morale. But if you must change something, say things like, “Next time, we should try more/less of…” or “Is it okay if we do…” [Read: How to lose your imperfect pucker and become an amazing kisser]

#17 And always make sure you ask for consent. These tips are given with the idea that consent has already been asked. Remember that you should always ask your partner for consent before making any move. You can ask if you can kiss them in a sexy way that still keeps the spark alive. Once you have that ‘yes,’ then it’s all good.

[Read: These signs of a lack of a respect in a relationship shouldn’t be ignored]

Just remember the steps, and these tips, on how to make out with someone for the first time, and you just can’t go wrong with it. So what are you waiting for, go on and text that hottie. You’re ready to make out!!

The post How to Make Out: The Subtle Moves that’ll Make You Oh-So-Good! is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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