Tuesday 22 December 2020

Indirect Seduction: 3 Common Misconceptions

indirect game closing argumentsIs indirect seduction harder than direct? Not necessarily -- not when used right.

Hey guys. Welcome back.

Today I'm sharing my final thoughts on indirect game. After a long series followed by reports demonstrating how indirect game works in practice, I've covered most aspects of this method. It is up to you to choose which techniques to use within the indirect game framework, molding them into a style that suits you.

Even though it's time to move on from this series and start discussing other subjects, I'm dedicating one last post to clear up any remaining indirect seduction misconceptions. I like to finish what I start, and I am sure many of our beloved readers feel the same way.

I'll discuss and debunk three misconceptions about indirect game:

#1 It's harder than direct game

#2 It requires more work than direct game

#3 It's less time-efficient than direct game

Once we clear up these misconceptions, my path will be clear to discuss other awesome subjects.


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