Friday 25 December 2020

Intrigue Her on the Opener (with "Meta Pacing")

meta-pacingOpen a new conversation with a girl already curious about you… by going straight to the meta level from the outset of the conversation.

Have you ever struggled to get a new interaction going smoothly? Don’t worry; this is a common challenge faced by students of the game as well as experienced seducers.

If you discover how to talk to women in ways that will get them immersed in the ensuing conversation, this foundation will enable you to lead more babes through each phase of seduction.

So, prepare yourself to learn another smooth way to start fascinating conversations with new girls.

In today’s article, we will also examine multiple tools to help you meet smooth in a wide variety of scenarios and venues. By the time you’ve finished reading, you will feel more equipped to make strong first impressions during the day, out at night, or even if you decide to approach a group.


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