Friday 22 January 2021

20 Unique, Best Proposal Ideas that’ll Leave Your Lover Speechless

A proposal is a big deal. You want to get it right. But if you’re struggling to come up with the best proposal ideas, here are some that may help you out.

Proposing marriage to someone is one of the biggest moments of your life. It cements your future with this person. Not to put more pressure on it, but it is kind of a big deal. With that being said, it doesn’t have to be a monumental moment. Some of the best proposal ideas are about what will be special for you as a couple.

Sure, some people like a big to-do with all the trimmings, but others prefer something intimate and simple.

I can give you a long list of the best proposal ideas, and I will, but the one you choose is about your relationship and your partner. What suits you two?

[Read: 20 things to keep in mind to pull off the most memorable proposal ever]

The classic proposal ideas

The best proposal ideas come in all shapes and sizes. Some are big and some are small. But, some are classic or traditional. These are the ones you see on TV and in movies, and to be honest, they can be quite romantic.

#1 The romantic dinner. Although I wouldn’t personally recommend hiding an engagement ring in a dessert, this is still something that happens more than you’d think. The classic romantic dinner, commonly at the restaurant where you had your first date, will always be a winner.

It may not win points for creativity, but it is sincere and special for you. [Read: How to not be boring and keep your dates exciting

#2 The big screen. I know many people find it cheesy, but proposing on the big screen at a game still happens all the time. For those who like the company of others and don’t mind the focus being on them during such an event, it is fun and unforgettable. 

#3 Anniversary/Birthday/Holiday. Making a holiday even more special by proposing is probably the most common thing. Whether it is an anniversary, Valentine’s Day, New Year’s, or Christmas, making a proposal a gift is great. 

Personally, I think this takes away from the specialness of the proposal itself unless it is your anniversary, but to each their own. [Read: 12 questions to ask before marriage to know if they’re the one]

proposal ideas in restaurant

The best proposal ideas

Now, not all proposals are created equal, but it is the thought that counts. So, no matter how much guidance you take from this article, be sure to think about your relationship.

Should you propose in public, in front of your families, or in private? What suits you and your partner?

If you have no idea where to start, here are some of the best proposal ideas to help you ask your true love to marry you.

[Read: Realistic romance movies that can teach you a lot about love]

#1 Go to your favorite place. Do you have a place you normally take walks or go to have lunch in the park? Do you have a favorite beach or favorite bench in the city? Taking them there and adding to the memories you’ve already made is simple, budget-friendly, and understatedly sweet. 

#2 At the movies. The best proposal ideas come from knowing your partner and what they love. If your partner is a huge fan of a certain saga or series, when you go see the next installment contact the theater and see if you can propose on screen before or after the show. You can likely make a little movie or ad that they will play for you. 

#3 Throwback. If you and your love still listen to old school radio, call in and make a dedication and song request for their favorite song and your proposal. Tune to the station and let the DJ do the rest. 

#4 Make a video. If you have even the mildest editing skills, you can edit together some music and photos and propose via video. While lounging on the sofa, send them a link to this video and say, OMG you have to watch this. When they look up at you, have the ring ready.

#5 Photoshoot. Plan out a photoshoot for the two of you. Then while posing for some photos, step back and propose. This way it will all be caught on camera, and you’ll have lasting memories of the day and their reaction. [Read: Healthy relationship expectations that define a good love life]

unique proposal ideas

#6 Scavenger hunt. This may sound silly, but for those who love riddles, games, and adventure, it is the perfect way to build up excitement. Have them go to different places that mean something to your relationship, or even just around the house. And end it with a romantic setting, the ring, and yourself down on one knee.

#7 Hike. If you and your partner love to hike or camp, make a day of it with one of these best proposal ideas. Go on a hike and propose at the top of the mountain. Or head to a campsite where you have a tent with twinkly lights, champagne, and music set up.

#8 Keep it simple. Unless you have your refrigerator magnets from childhood, you’ll need to buy some for this. Ask your partner to grab you something from the fridge where they will find “Will you marry me?” spelled out in alphabet letters.

#9 Early birds. Keeping it intimate is my favorite idea. Slip the ring on their finger while they’re sleeping and ask them as soon as they wake up. Having a hot cup of coffee in your hand won’t hurt. 

#10 Music. Have a band at your favorite bar play your song and propose on the dance floor. Or if you are musically inclined, write a song and propose during it. [Read: The most romantic songs to share with the one you love]

#11 Share it. If you want it to be intimate, and yet share the moment with your loved ones, set up a webcam and livestream the proposal with friends and family that can’t be with you. This way you get to enjoy the moment just you two, but everyone else gets to celebrate as well. 

#12 Pamper. Send them off on a pamper day. Get them a gift certificate for a massage, manicure, and the works. At the end of the day, prep a romantic dinner at home where you’ll pop the question. 

proposal ideas

#13 Chocolate. If your partner has a sweet tooth, give them a tray of chocolates with the ring wrapped around a KitKat or chocolate finger. You can also write, “will you marry me?” with chocolate sauce on the plate you put dessert on. 

#14 Fun and sexy. This won’t be for everyone, but it is pretty clever and unexpected. Have a T-shirt made that says, “Will you marry me?” Put the T-shirt on under a button-down shirt. Next time you’re getting into it as they unbutton your shirt, they will see the question. [Read: 15 things to know before you even consider getting engaged]

#15 Surprise. If your significant other loves their work, make it count with the best proposal ideas that work in an office! Sneak into their office before they get there and surprise them with flowers and a note. It could be written on a whiteboard or even on a post-it then pop-up once they see it.

#16 Lighting. Sure, some people have skywriters or fireworks, but something a little more down to earth and festive would be writing out your proposal in Christmas lights on the front lawn or the roof of the house for them to see as they come home from work. [Read: 25 sweetest romantic gestures for everyday life]

#17 Just do it. I know this isn’t the most romantic idea, but personally, I’m not one for finding the perfect moment or having a big plan. Whether you’re doing laundry, cleaning the dishes, or just hanging around, ask. 

These are the moments that mean so much but are so underrated. Asking someone such an important question in such a simple moment will be more shocking than anything else.

[Read: The most romantic *and budget friendly* romantic proposal ideas]

The best proposal ideas are the ones that feel right to you and your boo. Don’t overthink it too much. If you feel it, just express your love in the way that you feel best, keeping your partner’s expectations in mind.

The post 20 Unique, Best Proposal Ideas that’ll Leave Your Lover Speechless is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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