Saturday 9 January 2021

How to Steal a Guy with a Girlfriend and Make Him Yours Instead

Why though? But if this is what you want to do, here’s a full guide on how to get a guy with a girlfriend, steal him and make him yours effortlessly!

Are you in love with a guy that’s taken? Want the sneaky guide on how to steal a guy from his girlfriend, effortlessly and without making it obvious. Let’s be honest here, just for a minute. When you’re falling in love with a guy, you obviously don’t care whether he’s taken or not. All you know is that you want him and want him bad.

So you want the guy who’s taken already!

So you met a great guy and found that everything’s perfect, until you found out later that he already has a girlfriend? It sucks when this happens, but every time you do meet the perfect guy, there’s a good chance’s he’s already in love “with the wrong woman”.

You may know he’s the man you want, and you may be convinced that you can be a much better girlfriend than his annoying girlfriend-present.


Do you really need to steal a guy away from his girl?

You can learn how to steal a guy with this guide, but use it only if you truly love him and think he’d be happier with you than he is with his own girlfriend.

Honestly, it’s never right to break a relationship up for selfish reasons. AND more importantly, if a guy’s already in a perfectly happy relationship, he’s not going to leave his girlfriend anyways.

But these steps do pack a powerful punch, and they’re almost certain to work in your favor. So steal a guy only if you love him and find that he’s in an unhappy relationship. There’s really no excuse for breaking a relationship up to cure your own boredom.

A small note you need to remember before you pursue this guy, at your own risk, of course! If you steal a guy away from someone else, what are the odds that this guy would actually be loyal to you, and not to the next girl who goes using these same moves on him?

We’re not saying karma is a bitch. But, some guys are!

So, at your own risk, that’s the risk of being successful, try these moves and work your magic. With a bit of finesse and charm, you’d be well on your way to stealing a guy from right under his girlfriend’s nose.

How to steal a guy from his girlfriend

Guys are easy to manipulate because they usually fall hard for appearances and good lookers. After all, more often than not, a guy falls for a girl for her physical appearance than emotional security.

BUT as easy as it is to make a guy like you at first sight, it isn’t easy to steal a guy away or make him fall in love with you because men pay a lot of attention to emotional needs too. The attraction at first sight may work for a while, but you definitely need way more than that to win a man over. [Read: How men fall in love and the 7 stages you need to go through]

Find a way to get his attention and show him how great you really are, physically and intellectually, and he’ll have a hard time not falling in love with you.

Here are all the steps that can help you understand how to steal a guy away from his girlfriend. Use these pointers and you’ll see the difference in no time.

#1 Look your best around him. Men are suckers for a girl who can catch his eye, but that really doesn’t mean you need a perfectly symmetrical face or a perfect ten body. Of course, they would help a lot. But it’s not all that matters. [Read: How to look fabulous and appealing while trying to catch a guy’s eye]

Dress well and appear confident, and as long as you believe you look sexy, you WILL look sexy. We don’t need to say this all the time, but some of the sexiest women on earth aren’t really the prettiest. They just ooze sex appeal because they’re so confident and happy in their own body.

Feel good about yourself and look good, especially when you’re around him and he’d definitely notice how good you are as a dating potential. [Read: 25 things guys find sexy and attractive about a girl]

#2 Play the staring game. Now that you’ve got his attention, it’s time to let him know that something’s brewing in the air. Stare at him now and then, and just as he catches you looking, look away in a cute and coy manner. Do this even if both of you already know each other. [Read: How to get a guy to notice you and fall for you]

Subtly make him curious and make him wonder if you like him. Guys love attention, especially from a great looking girl. He may already have a girlfriend, but that won’t stop him from giving you a thought. If you do want to know how to steal a guy from his girlfriend, you need to make him wonder and think about you.

Once he’s caught you staring a few times, start to play cold for a few days. Let him miss your stare, and soon enough, he’ll try to stare at you and get your attention.

Look back at him now and then, but look away quickly. It’ll drive him mad because he’s just not able to get your attention. Yeah, he’ll do all this even if he does have a girlfriend already. [Read: Subtle but powerful eye contact flirting moves that work like a charm]

#3 Win the attention of his friends. Men are competitive and every single guy wants to be the alpha male in the group. It’s not possible, but all guys try to be the top dog. Have pleasant, flirty conversations with his friends without really bordering into overzealous, and win their attention.

If you’ve managed to make a great impression on his guy friends, chances are, the next time you wave and walk past them, they’re all going to talk about you and how cute and awesome you are.

When the guy you want to steal hears his friends talk about you, it would push him further to impress you and win your attention. See how easy it can get to make him fall for you? [Read: How to be a seductress who’s desired by all men]

#4 Bring out his protective side. Guys are protective by instinct. If you want to know how to steal a guy from his girl, you need to use this in your favor and make him fall for you just a bit more harder. The next time you’re having a conversation with him or walking down a street, take his help.

If you’re talking to him, rest your palm on his forearm to adjust your heel straps. If you’re walking down a street, pretend like your groceries, or books or anything else, in your hand are heavy and wait for him to offer to carry them for you.

If you’re trying to cross a street, clasp his hand for assistance. And always thank him for being so sweet with a cute-as-a-button smile even if he didn’t realize he was being helpful. It’ll make him feel good to be around you, especially when you appreciate his company so much. [Read: Why men love the damsel in distress and find them irresistible]

#5 His girlfriend vs. you. This is a big deal. To understand how to steal a guy, you need to understand his girlfriend’s strengths and weaknesses. Speak to a few friends discreetly or snoop around her social media accounts and try to find out more about his girlfriend. What kind of a person is she and what kind of differences do they have?

Even the best of couples have a few differences. Your covert operation is to find out what those differences are and which of them you can use to your advantage. [Read: How to seduce a man who’s not yet yours and leave him smitten]

Once you get to know the little lovers’ tiffs the guy you like and his girlfriend have, try to win his affection by discreetly bringing up similar issues and let him see how similar both your tastes and opinions are. Compatibility is of paramount importance in a relationship, even if most people don’t realize it. Use it to your advantage and you’ll make him wonder if you’re a better girlfriend potential for him than his own girlfriend!

If she’s shy and timid, show off your fun and confident Instagram page or Youtube videos *or Tiktok if you’re into that!*. If she’s too dominating, allow him to take more decisions when he’s with you. If you want to know how to steal a guy, make him feel like a man, and he’ll fall for you and respect you at the same time.

#6 Have great conversations with him. In the first five steps on how to get a guy with a girlfriend, you would have seen how important it is to make a great impression and make him fall for you. Now we go into the serious stuff. The guy you like may think you’re attractive and smoking hot, but as visual as men are, it’s not enough to win him over.

A guy may get attracted to a lot of girls, but he doesn’t fall in love with all of them. Emotional compatibility is of great importance for a guy. [Read: How to make a guy fall for you with the smallest amount of effort]

When you’re spending time with him, have a light-hearted conversation almost all the time. But every once in a while, talk to him about something serious and even intellectual. Create interesting conversations and let him see how smart and aware you are.

Ask him about his job or what he plans to do in the next few years. Talk to him about his goals and dreams, and about yours too. And always offer some great tips and suggestions that can help him, and ask him for a few pointers on your goals too. [Read: 20 deep questions to ask a guy and turn him into an open book]

You don’t always have to talk about games, bikes or cars to win a guy’s attention, unless you like them too. By talking about things you don’t know or by trying too hard to please him, you may just end up coming across as too eager to please.

#7 Flirt, but don’t tell. Now you’ve wowed him with your looks and your emotional intelligence, and he’s probably wishing he could be in a relationship with you. But the truth is, he’s not in a relationship with you just yet. So don’t break the suspense bubble by telling him that you like him.

Both of you share a flirty and uncertain relationship with each other. By asking him out or telling him you have a crush on him, you’d end the confusing uncertainty and become the girl who has a crush on a guy with a girlfriend. And once he knows he’s won you over, he’ll lose the interest to impress you. [Read: Why do men like a chase and how to use it in your favor]

Always play coy, but stay mysterious. Never let him know that you like him. Always make it look like he’s the one giving you the attention.

One thing you have to avoid though is texting him too often or even texting anything overly flirty. His girlfriend may end up reading it and force him to avoid you. [Read: How to make a man chase you and get him to fall hard]

#8 Build the chemistry with your touch. To understand how to get a guy with a girlfriend, you need to work your magic without ever making your intentions clear. Obviously, he’d know something is in the air or he wouldn’t be having happy flirty conversations with you. He’d be confused about his own feelings at this point, and this is when you need to build the romantic chemistry.

The next time you’re having a conversation with him, try to build the chemistry with some flirty touches. You need to be discreet and careful not to overdo this move. [Read: How to flirt by touching without making it obvious at all]

#9 Spend more time together. The best way to get a guy with a girlfriend is to spend more time together with each other without making it obvious that you’re hitting on the guy. When he has a great time with you, he’ll obviously start to compare the time he spends with his own girlfriend to the time he spends with you.

Don’t ask him out to a movie or a date, just be subtle. At least until he makes it clear that he’s falling for you but is confused because he’s already got a girlfriend. If he does say that, it’s obviously going well in your favor. [Read: How to make him want you and not even think of any other girl]

The next time you’re having a conversation with him, invite him along with your own group of friends and try getting some alone time with him. A few of your girl friends may already know you like him, and they can definitely help by adding a few ‘awkward’ comments like “you guys look good together!” Brush it off in fake jest and just smile. It’s awkward and funny, and it’s going to be perfect!

#10 Hint that you like him. Now you’ve worked your magic and helped him see for himself what a great girl you are. Spend more time with each other and every now and then, try to get some alone time with him. Soon enough, with a bit of late night calls, texts and a lot of flirting, he’ll start to fall in love with you without even realizing it.

If you’ve given him a bit of time to make the move or end his relationship with his own girlfriend and nothing’s really changing, you may have to take the plunge and let him know that you have more than just friends on your mind. Don’t tell him straight out that you like him because that would just put him in a spot. Instead be discreet and casual about it. [Read: How to ask a guy out without asking him out for more pointers on this]

Getting a guy with a girlfriend

Now you may know all the secrets to know how to get a guy with a girlfriend, you’ve working with a huge advantage here. But even the best of moves can at times, fail.

If you’ve been playing all the moves mentioned here to the tee, it’s almost certain that he’d end his relationship with his girlfriend and start going out with you. But if it doesn’t work in your favor, drop the thought. Some guys may like the secret flirting and the attention from another girl, but they may not want to leave a happy relationship and throw it all away.

If you’re in love with a guy who’s perfectly happy in his own relationship, perhaps you could enjoy the little flirty games and find someone else to fall in love with.

But if he isn’t happy in the relationship and has a better time with you, these steps will definitely help you know how to get a guy with a girlfriend and steal him from under his girlfriend’s nose.

[Read: How to make a guy fall in love with you – 25 ways that work like a charm]

Use these steps on how to get a guy with a girlfriend to steal a guy you like, and it’ll definitely work in your favor, just as long as you play by these rules. But in every step of the way, just remember to ask yourself if this is something you really want to do.

The post How to Steal a Guy with a Girlfriend and Make Him Yours Instead is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.


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