Sunday 10 January 2021

Learning to Seduce, Pt 2: Benefits of a Better Girl-Getting Skillset

benefits of girl skillsYeah, you want more girls, but is learning seduction worth the work? In actual fact, the benefits extend far beyond simple pleasure, to reach across your entire life.

Hey guys. Last week I discussed the importance of seeking long-term solutions instead of short-term answers to your girl problems.

We mentioned that short-term answers have a higher chance of being “flawed.” They risk a lower chance of being implemented correctly since the seducer lacks the skills and experience to pull things off (given all the subtleties and timings).

With more experience, you acquire better and more accurate diagnostic tools that help you understand and find the best solution to your problem. The chances that you implement the right solution correctly also increase.

To acquire this capability, you have to shoot for the long-term solution and learn those skills. This gives you the best chance of getting that one special girl since you not only have better diagnostic tools to understand the girl and the situation, but you’ve improved your overall skills, which will increase your chances of getting her.

Today I’d like to provide more reasons why you should opt for the long-term solution and why you should take the time to learn how to get good with girls.

There may be reasons you may not have thought of, which may shed light on what you may have previously disregarded. I am sure that NO MATTER what your goals are, you will see that taking the time to learn how to get good with girls will benefit you. It will help you reach your goals, opening up other ancillary benefits you may not have thought about which you can add to, and improve your technique.

I hope the following breakdown will increase your motivation to pursue this journey because even though it can be filled with frustrations here and there, at the end of the day, it is a fun and exciting journey.


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